"Stiles I said pull the car over!" Officer Parrish yelled. "You clearly have no idea where we going so stop and let me take over."

"Fine." Stiles pulled the jeep over and got out but just as he was about to head to the passengers side he heard something, like a twig breaking, coming from the woods. "Hey did you hear that?"

"Very funny Stilinski now get in the car." Parrish says started to get into the drivers side.

"No seriously." Stiles says grabbing his arm. "I just heard something like a stick breaking or something. What if it's Danny in there, we have to go check it out." He made to run but Parrish grabbed his arm.

"Stay in the car." Parrish says. "If anything happens to you your dad will kill me. I'll go look around and see of I can find anything."

Before Stiles could say anything else Parrish ran off into the woods so he reluctantly got back into his jeep. Minutes went by and he saw no sign of Parrish so he reached into the back seat, grabbed his bat and went into the woods himself. He looked high and low but saw no sign of Officer Parrish anywhere. Turning on his heels he started to head back to his car but he then heard struggling noises. Thinking it was Parrish he ran into the direction of the noise. Parrish was on the ground being choked from behind by a much larger male. Without thinking he ran up and hit the man in the back of the head with the bat. Once he was down he turned Parrish onto his back. "Are you okay?"

Parrish coughed a few times before getting to his feet and snatching the bat from Stiles. "I told you to stay in the car Stiles, I had everything under control here."

"Really, I couldn't tell by the huge guy choking you out before I saved your life." Stiles snapped. "You should be thanking me instead of yelling at-" His next words were cut off by the sound of a gunshot echoing throughout the woods. Stiles immediately froze and looked around. "That sounded pretty close by." When he looked back to Parrish he found him on his cellphone. "What the hell are you doing?"

"I'm calling you dad." Parrish says. "We can't go running after that and besides if we leave he'll get away."

Stiles looked down at the unconscious body then back at Parrish. "What if that shot has something to do with Danny."

"And what if it doesn't?" Parrish yelled back.

"Well I'm not waiting around to find out." Stiles took off running into the direction of the fired shot, ignoring Parrish who yelled for him to stop.

"Damn it." Parrish grabbed the man and handcuffed his hands around a tree. He retrieved his gun and went after the teen.

Stiles saw lights getting closer and closer and before he knew it he saw a dirt road but before he could get to it he was grabbed from behind. Just as he was about to speak Parrish's hand came out and covered his mouth.

"Shhh or they might hear you." Parrish whispered letting go and moving away from Stiles. He hid behind a tree near the dirt road and saw two men standing outside a rundown house. One was looking around while the other one talked on a phone. Seconds later they both got into a truck and drove off. Once they wrote out of sight Parrish immediately called for backup. When he was done he looked back to Stiles. "Okay Stiles, there's no telling what might be in there so I need you too-"

"I'm going in there with you." Stiles says cutting him off.

Parrish sighed. "Alright, just stay behind me." He made his way across the dirt road alone with Stiles and stopped at the front door. Gun drawn he slowly opened the door and stepped inside. The house was dark, quiet and littered with trash. They checked every room up front before heading to the last room in the back. When he opened the door he saw a body in the corner of the room. Stiles then rushed past him and over to the motionless body.

"Danny?" Stiles knelt next to Danny and turned him onto his back. "Oh god he's been shot, call for help!" He yelled back at Parrish.

"I already did." Parrish removed his jacket and pressed it against the wound on Danny's stomach. "Here." He grabbed Stiles hand and put them on the jacket. "Keep pressure on it and I'm going to keep watch outside."

Stiles watched him go then turned back to Danny. "Come on Danny just hang in there. Help will be here soon and you're going to be okay."

It wasn't long before Parrish heard sirens and saw flashing lights drawing near the house and he waved them to a stop. Sheriff Stiles was the first to reach him, asking him to take him to Danny.

Sheriff Stilinski followed Parrish and the paramedics to the back room where Danny was. As they rushed to Danny's body he saw his son standing in the corner of the room. "Parrish, outside now!" He yelled.

Stiles looked up just in time to see Parrish being pulled out of the room by his dad. "Awe man." He quickly went after them and when he got outside Parrish was being ripped into by his dad. "Dad stop!"

"I'll deal with you later." The sheriff yelled.

"But dad it wasn't his fault." Stiles yelled again. "After you left I went into your office and got Danny's location off of your computer and-"

"I know, he called me." Sheriff Stilinski says. "And I told him to make sure you don't do anything stupid like this and you go and do exactly that Stiles and you're right there with him Parrish!"

"I just wanted to help sir." Parrish yelled. "All my life I wanted to be a cop and help people but the only thing I did there was man the desk. I just wanted to help but you're right and I never should have went behind your back, I'm sorry."

Sheriff Stilinski sighed and looked towards the front door where Danny was being wheeled out. "Everybody's alright and that's all that matters now." He looked to his son. "Stiles go home and Parrish you can stick with me, after all we still have some bad guys to catch."

Parrish smiled. "Yes sir."

"But what about that guys we ran into before?" Stiles asks.

Parrish frowned. "Damn it I forgot about him." He ran off in search for his crook and Stiles and the others were right behind him. When they finally reached the man he was just coming too.

As the others dealt with him Sheriff Stilinski went over to his son. "One of my officers is going to follow you home and I want you to stay there this time."

"Dad I can't just sit home while all of this is going on." Stiles says.

"Fine you can go to the hospital and sit with Danny." The sheriff says. "But I mean it Stiles, do not leave that hospital."

"Yes sir." He watched his father run off and followed an officer back to his jeep. Moments later an officer was following him as he drove to Beacon Hills hospital to be with Danny. Stiles felt a little better that Danny was found but he still had no idea where Scott was and that had him worried.


Ethan was driving down the road with Scott when he felt a sharp pain at his side. Losing control of his bike he swerved off of the road and barely missed a tree trunk. He tumbled down a small hill and came to rest in a ditch. It wasn't long before he heard Scott's voice calling his name and yelling if he was okay. Groaning his grabbed his side and leans back against a tree but couldn't move his right foot. When he looked down he saw that it was bent awkwardly but obviously broken. "Scott I'm down here, my foot is broken!"

Scott slid down the ditch and over to Ethan. "What the hell just happened, are you okay?" He saw Ethan's foot and winced. "Wow that looks like it hurts."

"It'll heal but I need you to-" Ethan's words were cut off by Scott grabbing his foot and jerking it hard to the right so it could heal properly. "Goddamn it, a little warning next time would be great!"

Scott chuckled. "Sorry." He then noticed Ethan still holding his side. "Are you hurt or something?"

Ethan shook his head. "I just got a sudden stab of pain in my side."

Scott frowned. "You mean whenever one of you would get hurt the other would feel it?" Ethan nodded. "But I thought you lost that ability when you lost your alpha status."

"We did but while we were gone we figured out that we could still feel each others pain." Ethan says. "But only if we were close by to each other."

"So if you're feeling Aidan's pain, we must be close to wherever he is." Scott stood up and looked around. "I don't see or smell anything though." Looking back down he sighed. "Can you walk now?"

Ethan twisted his foot before nodding. "Yeah, help me up." When Scott helped his up he wiped his clothes off and looked around himself. "Let's walk around, if we are close we don't want to draw any attention by with our bikes." The two of them walked around the woods until Aidan's voice bellowed through the trees, screaming in pain. Ethan locked onto where it came from and took off running but he didn't make it far when he was grabbed and pulled to the ground by Scott. "What the hell are you doing?"

"You of all people know that this could be a trap." Scott says. "We need to be smart about this okay. I know you're worried about Aidan and to be honest with you I am too. We won't be able to help him if we're both caught or worse."

Ethan nodded and the two of them got back up. Silently he followed Scott and a short time later they came upon a cabin. A car was parked outside so they decided to walk around back. Deciding to split up he walked around to the back of the house and up to the window. Peeking inside he saw Aidan suspended up in the air, unconscious and a pool of blood underneath him. "Aidan?" He could see Oscar, Jack and someone he didn't know circling his brother and all sorts of torturing devices on the table. "Scott where the fuck are you?" Walking farther around the house he decided to get their attention in his own way.


Oscar picked up the silver knife dipped in wolfsbane and cut Aidan down his chest. He started from the side of his neck and ending just above his belly button. "Seems like were going to have to cut this party short. Seeing as your little friend Danny found a way to get in contact with the cops. Now this place is swarming with them. I was going to enjoy slowly killing you then your brother but it looks like you'll just have to do. I've already dealt with Danny and now-" Dropping the knife he picked up a gun. "We have to do this quickly." He pointed the gun at Aidan's chest but just as he was about to pull the trigger one of his homemede traps went off. "What the hell was that?" He asked looking around.

"It sounds like something set off one of your traps." Chris says. "Finish him off and I'll go check it out." He grabbed his gun and left the cabin. Carefully avoiding all the area's they set traps in. After a few minutes of searching he spotted the tripped trap and saw that something did indeed get caught in it and they were hurt. He followed the blood trail a few feet away but it stopped at a tree. He looked up just in time to see A wolfed out Ethan lunging at him but he moved away just in time.

Ethan landed on his feet and got ready to attack but was instead met with a bullet to his shoulder. He fell to the ground and grabbed his shoulder in pain.

Jack walked up to Ethan who was scooting away from him. He stepped on his leg, holding him in place. "What's the rush Ethan, don't worry this will be all over for you soon." He pointed the gun at Ethan's head. "It's a shame."

"What is?" Ethan growled out.

"That you got to see your brother one last time before I kill you but you didn't get a chance to see your beloved before he left this world." Jack says. "But don't worry, I'm sure you'll both see each other in hell soon enough." The small smile on his face dropped when he saw lights not far heading his way. He backed away and started to run but as soon as he turned around guns were pointed at him.

"Drop your weapon and get down on your knees or we will open fire!" Sheriff Stilinski yelled. The man before him made no attempt to move so he stepped closer. "I said drop your weapon!" He watches as the man looked down at Ethan with his gun still gripped tightly in his hands. "Don't do it, just take it easy!"

"Fuck." Jack swore dropping the gun and lifting his hands in the air, allowing himself to be cuffed.

Scott ran over to Ethan and knelt down next to him. "Are you dying?"

Ethan sighed and laid flat on his back. "I don't think so."

"Well Aidan's barely alive but they got him out before any more damage could be done to him." Scott says. "They had to kill the two guys that were back at the cabin because they wouldn't back off of Aidan. He kept going on and on about how Aidan ruined his life and he wasn't going to rest until he was dead so they had to kill him."

"Thank god." Ethan says. Suddenly he thought of Danny and jumped to his feet. "Wait, he said that Danny was dead!" He tried to pull out of Scott's grip. "We have to find Danny, he could be hurt."

"Danny's okay." Sheriff Stilinski says.

"How do you know that when you're standing here with me?!" Ethan yelled.

"Stiles and Parrish found him not too long ago but he was shot and barely alive when they got there." The sheriff says. "The last time I checked on him he was taken into surgery but I haven't heard anything since then."

"Stiles?" Scott says. "Stiles was out here?"

"Of course Stiles was out here." The sheriff says. "If it wasn't for him and Parrish wouldn't be here right now."

Grabbing his shoulder he got too his feet. "Where's Aidan?"

"Don't worry Parrish is taking him to Deaton's now." Scott says. "We had to fill him in on what exactly was going on, supernatural wise that is. We should take you to see him too."

"I'm fine." Ethan snapped pushing away from Scott. "I need to go to the hospital to be with Danny."

"Dude there's nothing you can do for him." Scott says. "Just let the humans handle him, he'll be alright."


Animal clinic

4:22 in the morning

When Ethan opened his eyes and his vision cleared he saw that he was in the animal clinic. Looking around he saw Aidan lying motionless on the table beside him. "Aidan?" He started to get up but was pushed back down. "Let me up!"

"Relax." Scott says. "Denton says that he's going to be okay, it's going to take him some time to heal but he'll make it."

Lying back down he ran his hand over his face. "What happened, the last thing I remember was walking through the woods with you and a few officers."

"You passed out." Scott says. "We had to carry your heavy ass to the car."

Ethan slowly sat up and swung his legs over the side of the table. "I need to get to the hospital and be with Danny, especially now. I just have to see for myself that he's okay Scott, please."

Scott groaned. "Fine I'll take you too the hospital to see Danny.

Ethan smiled. "Thanks." Getting off the table he walked over to Aidan and took his hand. "You're going to be alright Aidan and I'll be back before you know it, just hang in there."
