Disclaimer: Doctor Who belongs to the BBC. Phineas & Ferb belongs to Dan Povenmire, Jeff 'Swampy' Marsh and Disney.

Hey guys! In honour of the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who, (Seriously, how awesome was it? If you have the need to tell someone how awesome it was, feel free to PM me!), I release this. This was originally a Doctor Who fanfic until I thought it would be better suited and more fun if I combined both the Doctor Who universe and the Phineas and Ferb universe, two of my favourites. If any Whovians are reading and if you're interested, for the Doctor, this takes place after the TV story 'The Name of the Doctor'. For any Phineas and Ferb fans reading this, it takes place within, you know, the endless summer vacation they're in. Sorry for the lame title.

Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated!

"Behold, Perry the Platypus! My Power drain-inator 2.0!" Perry looked at him, unimpressed. "What!? I rebuilt it, but don't let the name fool you. I've totally got over that whole, you know, draining my brother's power thing and now I've moved on to this. This Power drain-inator works differently. You see, I'm sick of all my expensive electric bills so I blast this baby onto one of my satellite-inators, currently orbiting Earth, the beam then locks onto the most powerful source of energy it can find on earth and drains it, collecting it into this canister. Then, I will no longer have to pay my energy bills and get to live on free energy. Good, no? I just have to adjust this then…" Perry broke free of his bonds and leaped at Doof and his –inator. He crashed into both of them and smashed the –inator. "What? One kick and you destroy my –inator? A… and what, you're just gonna thwart and run like last time? I thought this was… Wait. I dunno what I think." Just then, a green beam of energy shot into the air and headed for the satellite.

In space, a blue box was hovering above the earth. Inside was a huge sliver room, with a central control console in the middle. Various walkways sprouted in different directions, all leading to different corridors and rooms. At the centre of the room, a young woman sat on the steps on one of the staircases, reading a book about tourism, from the 42nd century. At the command console a youthful man was whizzing around it, pressing all sorts of buttons and turning all sorts on gadgets and gismos.

"So where to next?" the young man said.

"Are you asking me that or are you gonna ignore me and set it to where ever she wants to go?" said the woman, referring to the console.

"Oi, leave her out of this. Show some respect, she could fling you out of those doors in an instant."

"Really?" she said giving him a look as if to say; 'I'd like to see her try.'

"Well, no but…" He moved his hands to his head and moved them in agitation.

"Well, I'd quite like to see Paris."

"Paris? Paris is boring. It's all café's and music and… big pointy buildings. I mean why go to Paris when you could… visit the laboratories on Salferos, um… the museum on Xero's was good until all that madness happened. Well, I say madness… I mean me." He said with utter excitement. "Oh, and I know this café on Raxacoricofallapatorius, they'll cook you a Baaraddelskelliumfatrexius, medium rare. Mmm, perfection.

"Uh… I got that you said Paris was boring."

"Ugh, humans. You try and show them a new culture and they just want the norm." He flung himself around the other side of the console. "Fine then Paris, France, Earth. Any time or aren't you picky?"

"Sometime when they weren't at war, if you please."

"The French… at war? Oh please, they would all rather run away then fight."

"That's racist."

"Really? I meant it in a good way. You know more than anyone that running away is often better than fighting." He said, becoming all serious for a moment.

"Sorry." She said as he turned back to the console.

"Uh so then, Paris eh?" He returned to his gleeful self. As he was jumping around the console, pressing and pulling various gismos on the console, the TARDIS shook. Not long after, they were plunged in darkness. Both of them were flung to the railings and the room shook more violently.

"Doctor!? What's happening!?" He ran to the console and began to examine it all the way around.

"I dunno the… there's no power! Not at all! How the… No! Come on!"

"Where'd it go then!?" she yelled, obviously irritated.

"Where'd it go? What kind of question is that!?" he said, slightly offended. "I think the better question, Clara, is: 'How are you going to save us?'"

"Save us from what!?" The doctor, cool as a cucumber, walked over to her and leaned on the railings.

"Come on think it through. We were traveling to Earth when the power got drained so we're…"


"There's my girl!" he said, patting her on the back. He turned quickly towards the TARDIS console. "Sorry dear. You're my second girl, Clara." He said pointing to her.

"Thanks! I'll keep that in mind!" The Doctor gave her a cheesy grin, not that she would have seen it in the darkness. The Doctor pulled out his Sonic Screwdriver and began to use it at various points around the console.

"…and done!"

"What!? What did you do!?"

"Well, I stabilised the inducers, and locked onto the TARDIS' energy signature through the failed backwater circuits!"

"Um, human." Replied Clara

"Ugh, I locked the TARDIS onto its own energy signature and was going to arrive as close as possible to the source of… this."

"Uh… still not getting it."

"Ugh… the TARDIS has lost all power, right? Something pulled the power out of the TARDIS. Now, I've locked us onto a sort of trail it left behind. We will, hopefully, materialise near to the source of this power… draining… device."

"I don't like the sound of that 'hopefully'." He shot her another cheesy smile before holding onto the railing as the TARDIS plummeted towards the Earth. In their back garden, two stepbrothers had figured out what they were going to do today with their summer vacation.

"Ferb, I know what we're gonna do today!" said the red headed boy.

"Hey guys, what'cha doin?" asked a young girl, coming through the back yard gate.

"We're gonna build a giant nuclear powered steamroller and make the world's largest flapjack ever!"


"Flapjacks? Ooh, they are sooo busted!" said the boy's older sister, watching them from her room.

"Buford loves flapjacks!" said a rough and tough looking boy, peering over their fence.

"I… I do not have a catchphrase." said a smaller Indian boy, popping up next the rough boy.

"You sure this is going to work!?" asked Clara clutching for dear life on the railings.

"Nope! Ha ha! Geronimo!" The TARDIS fell through the Earth's atmosphere and headed down to America, specifically, the Tri-State Area. Back at Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated, Doof was examining his broken –inator when he discovered the canister. It was glowing with a golden aura.

"It worked? It worked! Winning! Free energy for me, baby! Norm, get that squirrel outta there, I'm upgrading you to… to…" He examined the canister closer. "Hey, what kinda energy is this any way!?"

"How long's this gonna take!" yelled Clara.

"I don't know! There isn't exactly a world record for a crash landing. Well, there is, but to beat it you need to die in the crash so, I'm not really keen on breaking it… again. You?"

"Again!? No thank you!"

"Buford, you hold those struts there and… Isabella, keep that frame in position. You're good to go Ferb." Ferb was hoisted up by Baljeet and began putting the rivets into the frame of their giant steamroller. A delivery truck pulled up outside and Phineas ran over to the driver who was standing outside. With all the commotion in the back yard, no one heard the TARDIS materialising behind the backyard. As it fully materialised, the Doctor and Clara fell out of the TARDIS doors. The Doctor was in hysterics while Clara just felt tired. As she got up, she hit him in the shoulder.

"Ow, what was that for!?"

"That… swooshing! I was prepared for crash… and boom not… calm and swooshy!"

"I've tried that before. Crash and boom. I don't like it." he said standing up.

"So… where are we?"

"Hmm…" He licked his finger and threw it up in the air. "Well, I'd say, at a guess, 21st century, Earth obviously, somewhere in…" He took a look at his watch. "America."

"So, familiar territory then." The Doctor turned around and saw a giant metal superstructure behind him.

"Oh, I wouldn't say that." Back in the back yard, the delivery truck had just driven away as Phineas entered the yard with a box that was glowing green.

"What is that?" asked Baljeet.

"Pizzazium Infinionite. I know it's a bit of a cheat but… it's environmentally friendly."

"Where did you get Pizzazium Infinionite from? Is it not meant to be extremely rare?"

"Oh, Ferb knows people." Ferb gave thumbs up in response.

"What is that?" asked Clara.

"I don't know. A construction site maybe…"

"How many construction sites do you know of that are in someone's back yard?" she said, pointing out the metal superstructure was behind someone's garden fence.

"Oh, at least twelve. One way to find out though. Let's go meet the neighbours." He ran over to the fence and popped his head over it. As he saw the five kids in the yard, he was so astounded, he could only muster a:

"Hello." Phineas turned around to face the weird man.

"Um, hi.

"Hi… What is it you're building there?

"A giant steamroller to make the world's biggest flapjack!" he said as if this was the norm for him.

"Right, of course, what else." He replied, still astounded.

"Do… do you wanna help?"

"Realy? I mean it looks like fun. Doesn't it look fun?" he said turning to Clara who gave him a stern look. "Um… on second thoughts, I can't, stuff to do."

"Oh, okay then." The doctor hopped down from the fence and made his way back to the TARDIS. As he did, he stopped about halfway with a look on his face like he was trying to solve a conundrum in his head. He turned and ran back.

"What did you say your name was?"

"I didn't. I'm Phineas Flynn. My brother, Ferb." The rest of the gang came over.

"Isabella Garcia-Shapiro, nice to meet you."

"Buford Van Stomm. You look like a wus."

"Baljeet Tjinder and… I have to agree with Buford. You do look oddly… wussy." As each one of them revealed their names, the Doctors face lit up more and more. Suddenly, they all looked towards one of the windows in the house when Candace appeared.

"Oooh, who's that guy!? He better not be a clone… or a robot… or a… shape shifter, or you're all gonna be busted! Well, you know, more busted!" This caused the Doctor to burst out laughing. He then hopped down from the fence and Clara ran to him.

"What is it!?"

"Oh, what luck! Hahaha!"

"Who was that guy?" asked Buford.

"I don't know. He seemed very happy though." replied Phineas. "Come on guys, we gotta get this thing up and running soon if we're gonna be done by dinner." The gang returned to building their steamroller.

"Doctor, what is it!? Who are they?" He put his hand around her back and led her to the fence.

"You… are looking at the future leaders of the free world." The both hopped up on the fence and saw them return to their work.

"What… them?"

"Well, admittedly, things don't change much but… by the end of the 25th century; their decedents will lead the human race to worldwide peace. It all starts here."

"Peace? Surely they don't stop all fighting do they?"

"Well, there's always gonna be fighting Clara… but their descendants will unite the world under one vision. Space exploration!"

"Is that what they're building then… a spaceship?"

"What? No, of course not. It's a… steamroller to make a giant flapjack."

"Really? Don't you think that sounds a bit… alien?"

"Alien? Clara, how many aliens do you know that would make a giant steamroller to make a giant flapjack, just to see if they could?" Clara gave him an unimpressed look. "What? No, no that doesn't count it… it was a… it was a pancake; a very fine distinction!" She gave him the same look as before. "Okay fine, one time. That doesn't exactly qualify for…" She kept giving him the same look. "Okay, I do not count! You know that was a malfunction with the TARDIS that you caused by the way!" She did not flinch. "Okay fine, two times! That's it!" She smiled and returned to looking at the kids. As she did she noted something off.

"Doctor? What's that?" The Doctor ran over and hopped up the fence and saw what she was pointing at: a glowing green box, which was being handled by the redheaded lad.

"That… is defiantly not good." He climbed over the fence and ran over to the box. He snatched it out of the boy's hands and whipped out his sonic screwdriver and began to inspect it.

"Hey man, what's your problem!" yelled Buford.

"Sir, I suggest you put that box down. You do not want to fight Buford." said Baljeet.

"Pizzazium Infinionite." The Doctor mumbled. "You lot do realise what you have here?"

"Yeah, Pizzazium Infinionite." Clara hopped over the fence and ran over.

"What is it Doctor?"

"Pizzazium Infinionite. The rarest of elements. Has enough power to run several power stations."

"Is that what took the TARDIS' power away?"

"Hmm… you lot!" Everyone gathered round the Doctor. "What are you using this for?"

"I told you. Our giant stemro…" Phineas said before getting cut off.

"Yes, Giant steamroller. I remember, but why!?"

"Cause it's fun."

"Fun? Fun... Ha! You hear that!? Fun!" said the Doctor, ecstatically.

"C… can we have it back now?"

"Sure." The Doctor handed over the box to Phineas.

"Doctor!?" yelled an alarmed Clara.

"I'm sure they know how to handle it."

"Doctor! You can't just give them that after… 'fun'!"

"And why is that?" said Isabella, walking over to confront Clara, who she felt was threatening Phineas.

"Sorry, no offence, but your just kids!"

"You obviously have no idea who this is." she said pointing at Phineas.

"Oh, trust me, I know."

"Is that a fact?" Buford stepped in between them.

"Okay, break it up ladies."

"Doctor!" yelled Clara.

"Phineas!" yelled Isabella. Both the Doctor and Phineas looked at their respective friends and then back towards each other. Both of them shrugged and returned back to their friends. Before either could speak, Candace came out into the yard, disturbed by the racket they were causing.

"Who are they!?" she asked Phineas.

"I don't know." he replied.

"Oh, sorry, didn't we introduce ourselves. I'm the Doctor, she's Clara. I'm an alien from the planet Gallifrey, in the constellation of Kasterborous that got utterly… atomised in the time war. My companion, Clara, who… was a Dalek, then a Victorian Maid and then… she was a nanny in the 21st century and… we're time travellers who travel… time… and space in that… oh, that box thing over there which, currently, has no power. Does that sum it up?" All the gang looked at the Doctor with a face that showed they were trying to catch up. Clara turned to the Doctor.

"Uh… what was that?"

"I think you call it the… direct approach. After 1000 or so years, I'd thought I'd try it. Not gone down well has it?"

"I think you should stick to your regular approach."

"Right, yes. So, everyone!" he announced. He bent down towards Phineas but still addressing the group. "I was wondering if you knew what happened to my time box."

In a dark and dirty facility, where it seemed there were more corridors than rooms, the lights above flickered on and off. As they did, a metallic figure passed under them. As it turned around the corridors its form was fully visible. It was golden in colour but it was extremely worn and dirtied. It seemed to have two appendages of different size and shape. Around the base of the creature, were a series of orb like spheres, however some were missing. The creature's head was that of a dome with two lights appearing from opposite ends of the dome. At the front was its eye which was extending from the dome like a stalk. The creature was more mechanical than organic. As it turned one last corner, the wall in front of it began to open. It opened slowly as the door struggled with dirt and rust which had gotten into it. The creature entered the room which had opened up. The room it had entered was not much bigger than the creature itself. It made its way to a section of wall and placed one of its appendages onto a circular like device implanted in the wall. As its appendage began to rotate a screen appeared revealing another creature, almost identical in appearance, except in terms of damage. The creature on the screen appeared less damaged but it still suffered from dirt and rust. The more damaged creature spoke first. As it did, its lights lit up in time with its voice. However, the lights failed at times and lit up when it was not talking, like it was malfunctioning.


"EXCELLENT! RECOMENCE PATROL IN SIX HUNDRED RELS!" replied the other creature in a higher voice than the other.

"I OBEY!" The creature disengaged from the circular device and made its way back into the darkness. The creature on the other side of the screen began to rotate its appendage and the screen in front of it showed the Earth. Each time the creature tuned its appendage, the screen zoomed into Earth, as if the creature was scanning the planet. As the creature tuned its attention to America, before it could zoom in fully, the screen turned red and the lights that were lit dimly in the ceiling shone bright orange and began to flash.

"ENGERY SPIKE DETECTED!" Another creature appeared behind it. This one was bright gold with black highlights to its casing or armour. It seemed that it had not been badly damaged and was working properly. It spoke in a similar voice to the one in front of it but it seemed more commanding.

"DISPLAY!" The creature rotated its appendage numerous times until it could get a fix on the energy spike. As it displayed the source of the energy spike, the commander of the creatures appeared to be unimpressed, despite it having no face for emotion. "HUMANS ARE NONE OF OUR CONCERN! RECOMENCE SCAN!" The scan moved from the backyard and stopped as it reached the blue box. The commander moved back as if it was in shock.

"ALERT! ALERT! TARDIS DETECTED!" Yelled the creature on the circular console.





"WE MUST OBTAIN THE KEY BEFORE HE LOCATES US!" The commander moved to the middle of the room, which consisted of one large space which extended upwards several floors, consisting of many boardwalks and railings. It looked up commanded:

"ALL DALEK UNITS WILL CONSENTRATE ON FINDING THE KEY! THE KEY IS YOUR NUMBER ONE PRIORITY!" Among the darkness, a number of lights began to flash as multiple Daleks replied: