Oh Phobias!

Author Note: Special thanks for emma-nyaaan for sending this phobia!



Chapter 10: Achluophobia



Fear of Darkness



"I can't help but not trust you."

Onyx eyes widened. "What?" asked Sasuke.

Mikoto shrugged placing her purse on her shoulder. "Hinata is such a sweet, innocent little girl and if I leave her-"

"You trust Hinata?" Sasuke interrupted.

The older Uchiha nodded. "Of course, I might have to change my will soon." She grabbed her umbrella.

Sasuke was speechless as his mother walked out the house without a goodbye. He scoffed and walked back into the kitchen.

Tonight was Friday, but not just any friday. It was their one year anniversary, but of course something had to happen. "The Massacre" came for Hinata and apparently she was immobilize.

He wouldn't question it. Naruto tried that with Sakura and lost a tooth. He poured the popcorn in a large bowl, grabbed two juices because sodas made it worst and some leftover brownies.

As he was walking up stairs, he took a pause. Who would have thought he would be this invested in a girl. He may actually lo-

The sound of rain got harder and he shook off those frightening thoughts. He pushed open the door with his hip revealing Hinata curled on his bed.


She replied with a whine before sitting up. He sat the food down and started the movie. "Is it s-scary?"

He chuckled. "Horrifying."

She grabbed a pillow and proceeded to hide behind it. He pressed play and sat beside her. "I'm s-scared."

"It hasn't started."

She scooted next to him and started munching on popcorn. He smirked and wrapped his arm around her. Soon their short-attention spans got the better of them.

Hinata chewed her lip. "My f-father wants me t-to stay here until the rain eases."

He huffed. "Think I was going to drive in this weather?"

She giggled then paused. He witnessed her make the strangest face before a long groan came out. "What the hell?"

She pushed the brownies away. "Mmmhmn!" She pressed her face in a pillow.

"Was that a cramp?"

She nodded weakly. "I'm d-dying," said Hinata.

He rubbed her shoulder. "You're not dying. I think you left your painkillers here from that time you-"

"Just g-go..." She feebly pushed him off the bed.

He got up and went into the bathroom suddenly thunder rolled throughout the house. He heard a yelp and quickly walked back to his room. She was about to get up until the lights went out.

"S-Sasuke..." whispered Hinata.

He extended his arms. "Keep walking straight," he coached until he felt her fingers against him. She threw herself in his arms.

"I c-can't... I..." Hinata fumbled over her words as Sasuke led them back to his bed.

"I'm going to switch on the generator."

Her grip on his wrist tightened. "N-No!"

They sat in the dark before it dawn on him. He should have known she was afraid of the dark. "So you want to sit in the dark all night?" The more he spoke the more he really wanted to stay in the dark with her.

"I... T-take me with you."

"Your stomach," said Sasuke.

It was then he realized that Hinata's grip was unnatural. He pushed her being a witch away again. He clasped over her hand. "I'll be right back," he promised.


He kissed her forehead and grabbed his phone. He wondered if that was a good idea as he walked down the steps. "Where is...it- ah," he went to the basement.

The door slammed once he got to the bottom of the stairs. He froze but shook it off. He wasn't afraid of the dark...well, he did have a problem with what lurked in the dark.

He wouldn't tell Hinata that he wasn't fond of darkness. He was a man. Men protect, lead, and leave the women behind so they cou-

He felt a presence behind him and slowly flashed his phone. He should have analyzed the situation but seeing a large ass spider looking back at him...

He covered his mouth and tried to hurry and turn on the generator until he heard a high pitch scream. "Hinata?"

He ran up the stairs only for the door to be locked. He heard her faintly scream his name. "Shit," he ran outside in the pelting rain and came around to the front door.

Finding the spare key, he ran upstairs into his room. She wasn't there. At this point his heart was in his ears. He turned to check the other room.

Turning the corner, he collided with another body. While Hinata let out a scream and Sasuke started coughing hard.

"Sasuke!" She realized he was nearly coughing up his lungs. He raised a hand and took a deep breath.

Uchiha Sasuke didn't scream. He coughs because it's more "manly." He rubbed his chest. "Why... Why did you scream?"

"B-Because...wait, why are you wet?"

"I had to run around the house because you - screamed," muttered Sasuke trying to keep his voice neutral and not pissed.

"Y-You did that for me?" whispered Hinata.

"Of course, I lo-" A large hand clasped his shoulder.



"I didn't scream," mumbled Sasuke.

Hinata giggled. "It's okay to scream, Sasuke."

Itachi wore a small smirk on his face as his brother sent him death glares. "If looks could kill, brother," said Itachi.

"If only..." Sasuke said as Itachi went into his own room. Hinata allowed the younger Uchiha to hold her. "It wasn't a scream."

"It was a...yell," said Hinata.

Sasuke nodded approvingly. "A manly yell."

"Why didn't you t-tell me you were s-scared?"

"I was not scared. I was...concerned."

She just smiled and cuddled against his chest. He sighed and listened to the heavy rain with her. Soon she was asleep and he was left to his thoughts.

He almost said it had Itachi not made him scr- yell. Had Itachi not made him yell. What would her reaction be? How would she respond?

He laid her down gently and placed a blanket over her body. He got up and went to the lit hallway, courtesy of Itachi to call Hiashi.

"Yo, old man. It's raining pretty hard still and I'm not to fond of driving in this weather."

There was a grumble. "Where is she?"


"Fine. I want her here in the morning untouched."

Sasuke sat on the couch. "Of course."

"Yes." He hung up. Sasuke rubbed his temples and grabbed a pillow. Their whole relationship was based off her assumption that he had Philophobia, the fear of love.

And now he was sure he had Atelophobia. "Fear of not being good enough."

Warm arms wrapped around him. He glanced over at her. "But you are," whispered Hinata. "I d-don't want to sleep alone."

He stood and grabbed her hand. "Hinata, I-"

"You don't have to say it."

He closed the door. "I want you to know it."

She smiled and buried herself under his comforter. "I do."

He nodded as she shyly draped her arm over his chest. "Good." He had to admit if one year with her was this peaceful then he wanted dozens more with her.

She leaned up to kiss him but froze and face soured before she curled in a ball. "A-ah..."

He went to get those painkillers and just like before the lights went out again. This time she was waiting on him with opened arms.

And he went to her...

Of course in the morning Mikoto came in saying Sasuke was trying to take advantage of Hinata's gentle ways. Sasuke started to defend himself and Hinata could admit she really loved the Uchiha family.

"I'm glad! You're stuck with us now, missy!" Mikoto dragged the girl out of his room. Sasuke chuckled at her frantic face.

"She's right," said Sasuke following them.




Author Note: One chapter left guys.