Well hey there. Sorry this took quite a while, but at least I haven't been idle! And I kinda had to A. Find a story idea for Chikage (which my god did an idea take its time coming to me) and B. Fall in love with Chikage, which lucky for you has been the star of the show recently.

If you've played the game, you know why I have problems with Chikage. His route is so forced and…GAaaah. But in the new movie they really play up his character, which sparked my interest. And then my friend and I found this magical thing that exists called Hakuouki musicals and that was it. I had to write it. So here it is.

A couple things (besides it's a lemon please be warned) that my story references:

-Chikage's route in the game is he basically takes you to Ezo, says he likes you, kisses you suddenly and says you should come to him. Or you should come to him. BUT he doesn't tell you where to come to him. And leaves. -.-

-I have read that Chikage's route in another Hakuouki game (Zuisouroku) has him coming back 5 months later, where Chizuru complains that he didn't tell her how to contact him, and he kisses her suddenly again. That very moment is where this story begins…

Happy Ending

Chikage: Five Months

Chizuru wasn't quite sure what happened. One minute she was scolding Chikage for neglecting to leave her his contact information the last time they met, and the next she found herself firmly encased in his iron embrace, his lips confidently moving over hers. She knew that she should probably be upset about this development, but once the initial shock wore off Chizuru found herself relaxing against him and melting into his strong hold. Her arms found their way to his shoulders, returning his embrace as her lips tentatively parted, allowing him to prod her tongue with his, leading her in the kiss. He quickly overwhelmed her with his commanding presence, sweeping her away with every movement of his lips as his grip tightened about her waist. He nipped her bottom lip playfully before he pulled away, crimson eyes glinting with amusement.

"Not that I'm complaining, but do your kisses always have to be so sudden?" Chizuru joked, stepping away from his arms.

Chikage looked less than repentant as he chose to ignore her comment. "I'm surprised I didn't encounter any resistance," he observed, although his expression said that he really wasn't surprised at all.

Chizuru's cheeks darkened as she looked away for a moment; Chikage's smirk widened. "Well," she started to explain, "Being left alone for five months gives one a long time to think about things," she turned a little glare on him, unable to resist reminding him once again that he'd left no way for her to contact him, "And I thought a lot about you, Kazama-san, and about our journey here to Ezo. I saw a side of you that I'd never seen before, and…I'd like to get more acquainted with that part," she admitted with a small smile. Truthfully, on the way to Ezo Chikage had almost been a different person, Chizuru reflected. He'd watched over her, held her when she cried, and even cared enough to teach her (nicely) about her own heritage. First she'd thought she'd at least give him a chance, but the more she thought about it, the more easily she thought she could fall for him.

Chikage nodded resolutely, as if that decided matters. "Go gather any necessities that you need for a few days," he said, nodding to her small house.

Chizuru blinked in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"Soon you will become my wife," Chikage pointed out as if she should be aware of this already, "I see no reason to wait for you to share my home." This caused Chizuru's blush to return in full force; still she did not move. Chikage raised an eyebrow. "We'll come get the rest of your things another time. Go," he said, gesturing to her house again. Chizuru decided to swallow her embarrassment and listen to him; she wanted to spend time with him, didn't she? She nodded and went to gather her things.

-((A Few Hours Later))-

Chizuru's arms held tightly around Chikage's waist as the two rode on horseback, heading to who-knew-where. They had been riding for a long time, and Chizuru was starting to get kind of tired from the seemingly endless journey. Tentatively, she leaned her head against Chikage's back, closing her eyes.

"We're almost there," Chikage said, and she smiled at the slight warmth tingeing his voice. He traced a finger gently over her hand, and she sighed, snuggling closer against him.

Yes, she wanted to know more about this side of him. Very much so.

-((A Little While Later))-

Chizuru was jolted from a half-doze when the horse came to a stop just as the sun was starting to fall behind the horizon. Chikage swung off the horse before he reached up for her, steadily helping her down. He gestured to the modest house in front of them. "This is my home. Our home," he corrected, taking her bag from her.

Chizuru shook her head as he started to walk inside. His confidence never ceased to amaze her. And yet…

"Kazama-san?" she called out, and Chikage turned back to look at her, frowning slightly when he noticed that she wasn't following. "You've never been shy about…me," she started, and Chikage's brow furrowed, confused by her stating of the obvious.

"What about it?" he asked, for once refraining from making a witty remark and allowing her to make her point.

"Well, if you wanted me so badly…" she faltered for a moment before forcing the words out before she could think about it too hard, "Why did you leave me alone for so long?"

Wordlessly, Chikage walked back to her, dropping her bag to the side as his arms came around her waist. "I didn't want to," he admitted quietly, his words a soft rumble, "I wanted to take you with me that first day I kissed you. But…" he paused, shifting to gently run his fingers through her hair with a hand, "I…didn't want to force you."

Chizuru couldn't contain a derisive snort. "I'm sorry, you didn't want to force me to become your wife?" The idea sounded more and more preposterous the more she thought about it.

Chikage frowned, returning his hand to her waist. "I'm serious," he said, grip tightening infinitesimally.

Chizuru was unable to resist a little wit herself. "That's funny, what I wanted wouldn't have mattered to you a few years ago," she pointed out cheekily (and truthfully).

Chikage's frown deepened. "That's different," he said, "Back then, I just saw you as a suitable vessel to bear my children," he tried to explain, "but now…after spending so much time with you, and watching you suffer so much at the loss of the Shinsengumi…I realized that I don't want to see you suffer anymore." Chizuru's teasing demeanor melted away at his words as he continued, "And if I were to daily cause you that kind of suffering by making you my wife, then I would not be interested in marrying you anymore."

Despite her heart warming at his seemingly-sincere words, Chizuru was still not wholly convinced. "Then how do you explain kissing me again without any warning or notice?"

Chikage's serious expression cracked, his lips quirking into a demonic sideways grin. "Just because I said I wasn't going to force you into becoming my wife doesn't mean I was planning on asking nicely." At this, he suddenly bent his head lower, taking her breath away as he stole another passionate kiss. He pulled away, resting his forehead against hers. "If you didn't want to marry me, you would've protested. And you didn't," he pointed out simply.

"But you said you were surprised I didn't!" Chizuru said, squealing as Chikage suddenly swept her into his arms, leaving her bag lying forgotten on the ground.

"Woman, did I really look surprised to you?" he asked with an arrogant twist of his lips.

Any further protests died before Chizuru could voice them. He really hadn't, the brat. "…I bet you were still nervous," she pouted, tucking herself comfortably against his shoulder as he approached the house.

Chikage chuckled but didn't reply as he shifted, sliding the door open with one hand as he let them inside. Shutting the door behind them, he set her down before walking into the center of the main room to prepare the fire pit for the evening.

Chizuru took in the modest home as she idly watched him work. Abruptly, she realized in that moment that she could get used to this all too easily; now that he wasn't trying to kidnap her there was just something inherently comforting about being in Chikage's presence. She felt like this could become a comfortable routine…maybe she would be preparing the evening tea as he readied the fire, and the two would spend the nights warmed in each other's embrace—

Chizuru suddenly felt eyes upon her, and her gaze refocused on the demon in front of her. An amused smile ghosted over his lips as he straightened in front of the now-roaring fire. "Find something interesting?"

With a start, Chizuru was hit by a sudden pang of desire for the blonde slowly approaching her. The light from the fire played off his hair and face, causing his hair to gleam like molten gold. His crimson eyes sparkled as if they were made of fire themselves. Chizuru couldn't resist stealing a quick once-over of his hard body, despite it being masked by his kimono. All at once he was upon her, much too close for her senses to handle.

"Chizuru?" he questioned in a low voice, trying to prod her into voicing her thoughts.

Chizuru gave herself a mental shake. "It's nothing," she said with a forced smile. "Would you like me to prepare some dinner?" she continued, stepping away from him.

"Do as you like," he said, and Chizuru froze as visions of what she really felt like doing flashed before her. She would like to see Chikage at his most passionate, lost in desire; she would like to run her hands over the smooth expanse of his bare chest; she would like him to steal a kiss again, to kiss her and never let her go—

"Chizuru," Chikage said again, startling her out of her thoughts. "You're acting strange," he stated, and she blushed as he searched her eyes for an explanation. "Why?"

"I-It's nothing," she insisted, stepping back to walk past him. He caught her arm as she tried to pass, holding her in place with his iron grip.

"Why?" he repeated, pulling her back to stand in front of him. "Tell me, Chizuru," he said, and she could hardly stand the concern she could see in his eyes, so close—

Suddenly, her brain ceased thinking and she leaned forward, standing on her tiptoes to press her lips to his. It was not the passionate kiss that Chizuru had imagined moments prior; even on her tiptoes she could only just barely give him a proper kiss. Nevertheless, when she pulled away Chikage stared at her, his eyes following her every move. "Chizuru?"

Chizuru refused to be embarrassed by her actions. She reached up to gently run her fingers over his cheek. "You said I could do as I like," she reminded him, watching his surprise melt away into amusement. She didn't need to say anymore as Chikage leaned down, wrapping his arms around her as he gave her a more fulfilling kiss, lips moving against her with gradually increasing insistence. Chizuru met his enthusiasm step for step with her own, wrapping her arms around his shoulders as his tongue traced gently along her lips. Soon she found herself pressed against the wall, and she allowed herself to be distracted by his lips and his hands that had grown curious, stroking up and down her sides almost lazily. Chizuru slipped a hand into his soft hair, tightening her grip before pulling away, panting.

"Kazama-san," she whispered. Chikage leaned forward, covering her neck in open-mouthed kisses.

"'Chikage' is fine," he said shortly, lips barely leaving her skin long enough to speak. He nosed her yukata loose and out of his way as he nipped playfully at her collarbone.

She gasped. "Chikage," she breathed, and Chikage pulled back to give her a wicked grin.

"Much better," he said before kissing her again. Chizuru's hands slid down his shoulders, trailing down his sides and back up to rest against his chest. She felt something hard brush against her stomach as Chikage's kisses became shorter and more irritated, and he pulled away, resting his forehead against hers.

"Chizuru," he said without preamble, "Do you want to—"

"Yes," Chizuru said, and Chikage let out a chuckle before sweeping her back up into his arms, heading for the bedroom.

"You really are a unique woman," he said, kicking open the futon with his foot.

"I suppose that's a compliment?" she asked with a raised eyebrow as Chikage knelt down, settling her on the covers. He simply gave her a lazy grin in response and leaned over her, returning his lips to hers. As his kisses increased in intensity, he loosened the belt of his kimono with one hand, enabling him to shift positions and kneel over her. His arousal pressed against her lower abdomen as he kissed along her jawline. Chizuru shifted underneath him, trying to adjust to his unfamiliar (yet not uncomfortable) weight against her. Chikage nipped at her neck.

"Stop that," he commanded in a voice even lower than usual.

Chizuru stopped moving. "Why?"

Chikage pulled back to meet her gaze, his eyes glinting like rubies. "It's an added distraction," he added shortly before starting to kiss her again. He pulled back when Chizuru deliberately shifted her hips underneath him.

Her eyes shined with amusement. "A good distraction or a bad one?" Chikage teased the shell of her ear with his nose.

"A good one," he murmured before nibbling on her earlobe with his teeth.

Chizuru gasped, but was determined to continue. "Then why…should I stop?" she asked, growing further distracted as Chikage started to pick at the tie of her kimono.

"Because I said so," he replied with no small amount of petulance before kissing her soundly to end the discussion. Chizuru was not to be put off, however, and ground her hips upwards into his. Hard. Chikage tore his lips from hers, staring.

"Did you really think that would be an acceptable reason?" she asked teasingly. "Perhaps you might want to consider who you're marrying more carefully."

"Woman," Chikage said threateningly, but Chizuru could tell it wasn't genuine and leaned up to capture his lips. This time, when Chizuru moved her hips Chikage returned the favor with equal fervor, letting out a small groan as he ground himself into her stomach. After another minute he pulled away, sitting up to catch his breath.

"Okay, stop. Seriously," he said as he stared down at her.

Chizuru giggled before opening her arms to him, and Chikage smirked and leaned down once again. "I think you're a little overdressed for my liking," he commented idly as he pulled her belt open the rest of the way, parting the folds of her kimono to bare her breasts to his gaze. Her skin tingled under his heated stare, and before Chizuru could cover herself in embarrassment his hand found her breast, squeezing with surprising gentleness. Chizuru inhaled sharply.

"How do you feel?" Chikage asked huskily, his other hand delicately tracing circles around her other breast.

"More," Chizuru murmured, and Chikage chuckled before palming her other breast as well, caressing her with growing pressure. Chizuru let out a tiny moan as she squirmed under his touch, dragging her nails up his cloth-covered back. Suddenly irritated by the fabric at her fingertips, she reached to his shoulders, pushing at the collar of his kimono.

Chikage made a 'tsk'-ing sound as he pulled his hands from her. "Did I say you could remove my clothes?"

Chizuru fixed her impassioned glare on him, completely oblivious to the teasing quality of his voice. "Did I say that I cared about your opinion?" Chikage let out a bark of laughter and decided to simply humor her, reaching into his kimono so he could free his upper body, and the fabric fell to the belt at his waist.

"Happy?" he teased, and Chizuru didn't respond with words as her hands caressed his pale skin, memorizing each dip and plane of his chest with her fingertips. When her hand inadvertently brushed against his nipple Chikage took in a sharp breath, nudging her legs further apart with a knee so he could settle himself more fully against her. Chizuru's caresses faltered at the new sensation of his insistent arousal pressing against her center, and they stopped altogether after Chikage returned his attentions to her chest, this time with his mouth. Chizuru let out a strangled gasp as his tongue swirled over her nipple, her hands in constant motion over his shoulders and through his hair.

"Chikage…" she said breathlessly, and Chikage bit down lightly in response. Chizuru jumped as a burst of pleasure jolted through her body. Chikage couldn't hold back a grin and did it again. "Chikage…" Chizuru said again, fingers tightening in his hair. Chikage took this opportunity to further open her kimono, his hands skimming over the smooth flesh of her stomach. He left a trail of kisses between her breasts, discovering what sensitive spots on her belly made her jump and writhe against him.

"Chikage!" he heard, and this time it sounded more like a command than anything. He looked up into her passion-filled brown eyes. "Stop teasing me," she complained, and Chikage grinned in a way that could only be described as demonic.

"You think this is teasing?" he asked as he crawled back up her body to place a lingering kiss on her lips. He pulled back, staring into Chizuru's eyes that reflected both confusion and anticipation. "That's not teasing," he commented, tracing the curve of her waist before resting his hand on her hip. "This is teasing," he explained before sliding his hand lower, cupping her center gently with his fingers. Chizuru let out a squeak, automatically pressing herself into his hand. Chikage took his hand away, and before she could protest he deftly slipped one finger inside her. Chizuru initially tensed at the new sensation, but soon his gentle caresses felt less and less uncomfortable and more and more frustrating.

"Chikage…" Chizuru complained again, and Chikage smiled possessively before adding a second finger. Within a few moments Chizuru's expression morphed from relieved to frustrated again. His grin widened and he twisted his hand so he could slowly rub his thumb over the bundle of nerves above her entrance. His movements were carefully measured. Clearly this was not enough for Chizuru who moved against him in irritation, trying to get him to move his hand faster.

"Chikage…" she ground out, and Chikage could not resist riling her further.

"Yes?" he asked, removing his hand and stopping his caresses altogether. Chizuru let out a moan of irritation, reaching down to find his hand and take it in hers. Using his hand, Chizuru pressed his fingers to her clit herself, moaning in relief as she increased the speed and pressure of their hands. Chikage found that he had lost his ability to speak as he stared at her, completely lost to her passion. He allowed her to guide his fingers for a while, his own arousal spiking at her desperate search for relief by his hand. After another moment he could stand it no longer and took control once again, desiring for her to reach completion by his actions alone. This time, he wasted no time and slipped three fingers inside her, distracting her from any potential discomfort by rubbing at her clit with his thumb in time with his fingers. Chizuru's eyes squeezed shut as her breathing increased rapidly, and she clutched at his sides just as he felt her inner walls tighten around his fingers.

"Chi…kage," she moaned as her release finally overcame her. Chikage kept up his ministrations until her grip on him slackened, and he pulled his hand away from her, watching her catch her breath. Her eyes fluttered open, and she smiled up at him.

"Wow," she said, and Chikage could not hold back a triumphant smile, his virility well-pleased. However, watching her pleasure up close and personal only caused his own arousal to skyrocket, and once her breathing leveled out he covered her mouth with his, pouring all of his barely-restrained passion and fire into his kiss. He pulled away from her long enough to catch his breath and remove his clothing, and she took the opportunity to slip the rest of the way out of her kimono, desiring for him to see all of her completely. He moved to settle himself back over her once again when he was stopped by a hand on his chest…that slowly trailed downwards, caressing the well-defined muscles of his abdomen before gently covering his arousal. Chikage took in a shaky breath as he froze in place, watching her hand slide slowly over him. When he did nothing but stare, Chizuru's caresses faltered, wondering if she was doing something wrong. Sensing her sudden indecision, Chikage locked eyes with her, and she gasped at the overwhelming lust and desire she saw reflected in his gaze. He let out a tiny groan as her grip tightened, and Chizuru continued to hold his gaze as she sped up the movements of her hand. Chikage finally closed his eyes, allowing himself to surrender to her, if only for a moment. He was so distracted by her caresses that he didn't notice her sit up completely and move closer to him, her curiosity growing with every moment she watched his expression…

Chikage cried out suddenly as he felt something very warm and very wet cover the tip of his arousal, and his eyes shot open to see Chizuru kneeling before him, eyes locked with his as her lips covered him, slowly dipping her head lower—

Chizuru blinked and she found herself once again on her back on the futon, blanketed by Chikage's hard body as he kissed her relentlessly. He pulled back quickly, breathing heavily. Chizuru raised an eyebrow. "Is something wrong?"

Chikage couldn't tell if she was teasing or being serious, and he was past the point of caring. He placed heated kisses along her neckline as he rubbed himself against her entrance. "I can't wait any longer," he muttered against her skin, and Chizuru shivered.

"Okay," she said, and she spread her legs wider so he could align himself properly. He paused for a moment, meeting her eyes with his lustful gaze. Chizuru could see vestiges of concern mixed in with his overwhelming desire.

"Chizuru…" he started, but his hips were already moving forward. Chizuru wrapped her legs around his hips.

"Go ahead," she said, wrapping her arms around his shoulders tightly as she waited for the hard part to begin. He was quick about it, and in one powerful thrust he had buried himself deep inside her. Chizuru felt as if her insides might have been set on fire, and she dug her nails into him, biting her lip to hold back a whimper. Chikage held himself unmoving above her, placing tender kisses to her collarbone.

"It's okay," he murmured in a coarse voice, "The worst part is over." She turned her head to place a kiss on his cheek, and he pulled back enough so he could look into her eyes. He noticed a stray tear in the corner of one eye, and he kissed it away with a tenderness and level of affection that Chizuru didn't realize he was capable of. When he pulled back, she followed his lips and kissed him softly. He smiled down at her, and Chizuru decided in that moment that she wanted to see that smile every day.

"You can move," she said, and Chikage nodded before pulling his hips back and slowly pushing forward. He kept up a slow rhythm, giving her any and all opportunities to tell him to stop. Instead, she simply shifted her hips, matching his pace with her own. Taking this as a good sign, he sped up his movements, allowing himself to lose more and more control with each thrust.

"Chikage," Chizuru said, and Chikage's gaze refocused on her, already assuming the worst and slowing back down. "Stop teasing me already," she offered with a wink, and Chikage grinned wickedly before losing the last of his control, grinding himself into her as fast as his hips would allow. Chizuru moaned, shifting her legs higher up onto his waist so she saw stars with each of his thrusts. She started to close her eyes, losing herself to pleasure.

"Chizuru…" Chikage murmured warningly, and Chizuru struggled to remain focused on his eyes.

"Chikage," she whispered, "I…I can't…" Chikage covered her lips with his and reached down, roughly caressing her nub with his fingers, encouraging her to go over the edge with him. In another moment Chizuru cried out against his lips, digging her heels into the small of his back as her release overcame her. Chikage swallowed her cries as his world shattered; he could focus on her and only her as his climax brought wave after wave of pleasure. He continued to move against her until he was completely spent, and he pulled away from her lips, focusing on staying upright and not crushing her into the futon. Chizuru caught her breath, meeting his gaze with a tender smile.

He gave her a gentle smile in return, and for a moment the two just stared at each other, enjoying their newfound closeness. After a few more minutes however, Chizuru's legs began to protest, and she reluctantly unfolded herself from him. Chikage shifted onto his back and pulled her close to him, working the covers over them before wrapping his arms securely around her. Chizuru felt herself begin to drift off, and she smiled softly.

"Chikage?" she asked quietly, and Chikage cracked open an eye to look down at her.


"I'm glad you came to get me," she said, snuggling closer to him. She already felt like she was used to this.

Chikage smiled and held her tighter. "I am too."

-((Five Months Later))-

Chizuru hummed merrily as she cut vegetables late one afternoon, taking extra care to use only the best ones from the garden. Tonight Chikage was returning from an extended meeting with several demon clans; he had been gone two weeks. She wanted dinner to be special. Moreover, she wanted what happened after dinner to be even more special. She smiled to herself. Have we really only been together five months? she wondered as she added the vegetables to the boiling pot on the fire. It felt like they'd been married years, not months. Her smile grew wistful as she stared into the fire, thinking of her husband. She really did miss him.

Tonight will be the night, she decided, grabbing another vegetable to cut. Tonight he will understand how much I missed him. How much I love him, she amended to herself. Kazama Chikage had made a permanent place for himself in her heart in seemingly record time. How it took this long for her to realize it, she'd never know. But now he'll know, she thought happily, focusing her attention on the stew. She took a whiff; it smelled perfect. She reached for a spoon to have a taste. She was really proud of this stew, and it was Chikage's favorite—

As soon as the broth touched her lips, Chizuru was overwhelmed by a wave of revulsion. Dropping the spoon to the floor, she barely made it outside before she heaved the contents of her lunch up into the bushes. She knelt there in the dirt, panting and confused.

I don't understand, she thought, standing to go back in the house, It smelled fine, so why is the taste so— her thoughts derailed as she entered the house; the smell of the stew was…different…than it was moments ago. She covered her mouth, immediately stepping back out of the house before she grew nauseous again. Standing outside the door, she frowned at her garden, wondering what had happened.

What's going on? she wondered in confusion, I don't feel sick, and that stew smelled fine a second ago…What—? All of a sudden, all of the pieces fell into place as her medical knowledge kicked in. Her time of the month was supposed to be two weeks ago. Could she be—?

Her hands flew to her stomach on reflex, as if that alone would give her an answer. The more she thought about it, the more she realized that there could be no other explanation. She felt the butterflies in her stomach as her excitement grew. She was pregnant. She was pregnant!

Now she really couldn't wait for Chikage to get home. She opened the door of the house, already trying to figure out how to finish the stew without throwing up—

"Kazama Chizuru?" A voice asked, and she turned, surprised. The neighbors' houses were distant at best, and usually no one came to visit unless it was a medical emergency. This gentleman didn't appear to be bleeding anywhere…

"Can I help you?" Chizuru asked the stranger. The man reeled back as if he suddenly smelled something foul.

"So it's true…" the man said, which only increased Chizuru's confusion, "The monster has a wife."

Suddenly, something Chikage said before he left her the very first time came rushing back to her:

"Humans are not so good-natured that they will leave us alone, however."

Chizuru's eyes widened in panic, but before she could scream her world went dark.


Chizuru came to her senses very slowly. She first registered a splitting pain in her shoulders; her arms were tied tightly behind her back, and her cheek was pressed into cold stone. Her feet were also bound. She opened her eyes as her senses returned, turning towards the fading light. A cave…she was in a cave with a shallow mouth, deep in the forest. Chizuru stared blankly out at the trees and rock formations. Abruptly, the rest of Chizuru's wits returned in a rush as she realized she recognized the place. It wasn't far from her neighbor's home. If she could make an opportunity, she might be able to escape—!

"She's awake." On reflex, Chizuru turned towards the voice that emanated from the back of the cave. Two men stood there, staring down at her as if she was a rare treasure that was about to make them very rich.

"Good," another voice said from the front of the cave, and Chizuru turned back to see the original man who had approached her in the first place.

"Who are you?" she asked, trying to push herself into a seated position as he came closer. It didn't work.

"No one of importance," the man said with a shrug, coming to stand over her. "Just a human who knows how to get what he wants."

What? "What?" she said, unsure of what he would gain from kidnapping her besides a painful death once Chikage found them. She frowned. If Chikage found them. Chikage—

"Kazama Chikage is the strongest demon in the West, correct?" the man squatted beside Chizuru, taking her chin in his hand. "I'm sure he wouldn't want to see his wife come to any harm. Doesn't he love you?" he mocked.

Chizuru was so taken aback that she couldn't resist answering his question honestly. "I…don't know," she answered, looking away from him.

The man laughed, releasing her from his grip. "It doesn't matter. He'll want you safe anyway, if only for pride's sake. Which means he'll have to do what we say in order to ensure your safety."

"Or he'll just kill you," Chizuru pointed out; it was the far more likely option. Once Chikage realized she wasn't home, he'd realize something was wrong. He might not know where they went, but that didn't make a difference…right?

The man laughed louder this time, tugging Chizuru harshly upwards to stand precariously balanced with bound feet. "He won't," the man said in a sure voice, drawing out a dagger, "He has to find us first. And even if he kills one of us after we've contacted him, one of the others will simply kill you," he stated, dragging the dagger over her collarbone. It was a shallow cut, but it was enough to slice through her kimono and prick her skin. She winced, but the wound healed almost immediately.

The man's eyes widened. "Amazing," he marveled as he cut her again in the same place. The same thing happened. "So you are demon trash as well? How far do you have to go to instill real damage, I wonder?" He gestured to his two men. "Hold her still."

"Wait," Chizuru protested, fighting against the ropes that held her, "Your plan doesn't work unless I'm safe, right?"

"You are," the man pointed out coolly, staring down at her as his companions held her by her arms, pinning her in place. "When we present you to him, you won't have a scratch on you. And besides," the man continued, voice dropping to a murmur as his free hand stroked across her cheek, down her collarbone to cup her breast. "There are other things we can do that won't leave any physical mark."

Chizuru shuddered, fighting against the iron grips that held her still. His dagger sliced through her clothes, baring all of her to his gaze. He leered at her, grinning maliciously.

"Actually," the man amended, sheathing the dagger as a hand absently reached to untie his belt, "I think we should start with that part…What do you think?" he asked cheekily, taking hold of her chin once again.

Chizuru glared at him, spitting full in his face. The man recoiled, and the dagger was back out in a flash. "You're right," he said, cutting a deep gash across her cheek. She bit her lip against the pain, and it healed in moments. "This should be first." He pushed the point of the blade between her breasts, dragging it down to her stomach.

Chizuru suddenly reeled away from the knife with more force as a terrifying realization overtook her. "Please," she begged, trying to torque her body to the side to turn away from him, "Please don't, not there; I'm pregnant—"

"What?" the man said, cutting her off in disgust. "I should take care of that for you…but the monster might be more willing to cooperate for the sake of his wife and child—"

An inhuman roar suddenly reverberated throughout the cave, and Chizuru looked to the entrance to see a whirl of color barreling towards them. Chizuru blinked at the men holding her arms were gone, thrown back against the rear wall of the cave, dead. Chizuru lost her precarious balance and fell to her knees in surprise. Chikage stood between her and the man, sword drawn.

"Bastard devil," the man cursed, drawing his own blade. "You can't—"

"Idiot human," Chikage cursed before lunging forward, eyes flashing gold as he stabbed the man through the throat. "Do you think I care about anything you have to say?!" He drew back his blade and the man fell to the ground, spasming and convulsing as he choked to death on his own blood. "Too easy," he spat, repulsed. Within moments, it became eerily quiet in the cave. Chikage turned his golden gaze on Chizuru. Her eyes widened. He looked almost crazed; she hadn't seen him this way since Toba Fushimi—

"A moment," he said in a calm voice that did not match his rigid stance, and in the next instant he leapt back out of the cave. Chizuru winced as she heard a fierce yell and the sounds of trees being destroyed. In another few seconds Chikage came back, his demeanor returned to normal and his eyes a cool red. He knelt beside her, swiftly removing her bonds and guiding her into a more comfortable sitting position. "Are you hurt?" he asked, running his hands over her gently as he inspected her for any potentially lasting damage.

"I'm fine," Chizuru reassured, and she held her kimono closed as Chikage helped her to her feet. "Thank you Chikage; I was worried you wouldn't be able to find me…how did you know where to look?"

"Human trash always leaves a trail," Chikage said in disgust. "I'm afraid we may have to move to a new home for safety's sake," he continued in a calm tone, but his eyes betrayed the worry he felt.

Chizuru took his hand. "I don't mind," she replied, "As long as we're together, it doesn't matter where."

Chikage's eyes softened as he turned towards her. "Chizuru…" he started, and in the next instant Chizuru found herself locked tightly in Chikage's fierce embrace. "I love you."

"What?" Chizuru said in surprise, pulling back to meet his gaze. "You do?"

"I do," Chikage said, red eyes tinged with warmth as he stared down at her. "I'm sorry I didn't say it sooner…I didn't realize how indispensable you've become to me until you weren't at my side. And when I saw that you had been taken…I'm sorry I let this happen. I should've taken you with me. I should've protected you better. I love you Chizuru, and I promise that this will never happen again…for both your sake and the baby's."

All the other things that Chizuru wanted to say to Chikage flew out of her head at that last statement. "You heard?"

"I did."

"And you're…happy about it, right?" she couldn't resist asking nervously.

Chikage raised an eyebrow. "Did you really just ask me that?"

Chizuru couldn't hold back a small chuckle of relief, and she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. "I don't know…maybe you might've changed your mind?" Chikage gave her a wry look before leaning down to kiss her, conveying all of his love, happiness, and affection for her in a way that words could not. He pulled away and lifted her into his arms, carrying her out of the cave.

"Chikage?" Chizuru questioned as he started heading for home. He looked down at her. "I love you, too."

Chikage grinned. "I know."

Chizuru smacked his shoulder. "Chikage!"

"What?" he asked in mock innocence, "From the very beginning I figured it was only a matter of time anyways."

Chizuru nuzzled closer to his chest. "You're horrible."

"Guilty. But you wouldn't have me any other way, right?"

"…No," Chizuru said with a grin, and Chikage chuckled, holding her close as the two headed towards their new future together.

-((The End!))-

So that's Chikage! It was honestly going to have less plot and be just the dirty part, but I'm really happy I thought of something else. It fits….sort of. I tried my best but Chikage is difficult. Delightful, but difficult. XP

So that's it! Thank you very much for reading, and if you enjoy my Hakuouki stories feel free to put me on alert! I already have a Souji one in mind at the very least ;)

Please review! I enjoy reading each and every one of them!
