Oh jeeze I haven't uploaded in like 3,000 years! Well if anyone is still reading this I am back! :D Well I was glad to hear your reviews because I had a friend suggest slash but I wasn't really feeling it and now I have inspiration to write again! I am hopefully going to get a chapter 5 done tonight but I might have limited time it is finals week after allL. But I'm really glad to be writing again and I really hope you enjoy! Also I noticed Slade and Robin have been really OOC and it was actually pretty irritating I'm sorry for that but I'm trying to fix it and I really like the way this chapter came out.

I do not own the Teen Titans


"Good. Then you will no trouble in this next Mission." He said.

"I go it." Robin said pocketing the strange black cube with glowing lines. "What exactly is it?" Robin asked pressing his fingers against the earpiece he was wearing. "It is not of importance for now, just get back here as soon as you can." Slade told him and he dropped into a crouch launching himself upwards to the ceiling. The teen grabbed his laser gun from his utility belt and cut out a circle to escape from. Robin kicked the ceiling out and jumped through the hole onto the roof.

"Not Today Robin." A voice said from behind him. Robin turned to see the titans, Cyborg aiming his sonic cannon, Starfire's hands glowing green, Beast boy transformed into a Bull, and raven had her black aura engulfing her hands. Robin back flipped to avoid cyborgs sonic blaster. "Robin use the combat move I taught you." Slade commanded him.

Beast Boy charged at him and Robin jumped into his front handspring by running forward and grabbing his horns and slamming the changeling into the ground, as he landed on his hands and flipped himself back over. The Teen then launched into a front flip dodging multiple telekinetic blasts from raven. Cyborg fired his sonic cannon at him and it blasted him backwards into Starfire.

She grabbed his arms and twisted them behind his back. "Do not move." She commanded him squeezing his arms with her alien strength for emphasis. Robin grit his teeth and pressed a button on his utility belt. A smoke bomb dropped out and exploded. The girl eeped and let go.

Robin ran forward intent on leaving when he tripped over something. It was a green snake which hissed and wrapped itself around his body. Robin struggled against the boa constrictor and raven began chanting her mantra trying to cuff him. "Azarath metrion Zinthos!" She shouted and robin did and aerial cartwheel to escape the cuffs. He lost his footing and crashed onto the ground, and then a thought came to his head.

"Beast boy you can let go I don't think he's conscious." Raven said moving towards them. Beast boy morphed back into his human form and stepped back. Robin shot up before the empathy could cuff him and he threw down a flash bomb, and whipped out his grappling hook and fired. Raven and beast boy covered their eyes and shouted in shock as their former member made his escape.

Robin landed on top of an air ventilation system. "Excellent thinking Robin but, remember your training!" Slade ordered into his earpiece. Robin winced as part of an air duct slammed into his side that had been thrown by an enraged and yet very saddened alien.

Then the teen jumped down and began a front handspring around Starfire's Star bolts and cyborgs sonic cannon, springing into a front flip and bringing his foot down on the half robots chest. He felt the older teen chest plate give in a little and he jumped backwards throwing his former friend onto his back and falling ungracefully on his elbows. Cyborg groaned and Starfire rushed to his side. "Friend cyborg!" She called urgently and robin noticed the large dent on the front of his chest.

"I could have KILLED him!" Robin realized.

"Cy-" He began but was slammed into his stomach by a ram. Robin flew backwards with an exclamation fully expecting to his the hard pavement of the roof but was surprised when his feet scrambled on air.

Robin cried out in a panic as he fell. "Robin. Your grappling hook." Slade reminded him and the boy agreed incoherently as his eyes watered from the speed blurring his vision. The apprentice fumbled with his grappling hook and fired. With a jolt it hooked on a building pulling him upwards getting surprised screams from the citizens that were just seconds away from witnessing a death.

Robin collapsed the second he landed on top of the building and he heaved and gasped lying against the cool concrete. "ROBIN! Get back here and bring the device." Slade shouted into his ear piece making it screech. "I could have KILLED HIM! I-I could have DIED!" Robin exclaimed in horror. "Robin you need to relax and bring back the device that is an order." Slade demanded him. Robin growled and ripped out the earpiece throwing it to the ground.

"CYBORG!" Robin shouted to the building across from him where he saw Starfire lifting up his body. Suddenly he felt handcuffs clamped around his arms. He was so distressed that he didn't notice raven or beast boy appear behind him.

"Guys wait! You have to listen to me!" Robin pleaded but his pleas felt on deaf ears. "I would never intentionally hurt Cyborg I didn't know! There's There's nano-bots in your blood systems please! It's Slade! You have to believe me!" he tried desperately but beast boy just clamped a hand over his mouth, and raven teleported them.

Why wont the listen?! He thought angrily.

Robin bit down on the changeling's hand. "Ow dude!" Beast boy yelled and raven surrounded his mouth with a black energy and dragged him towards a police van. Citizens had gathered to see him. There had been news reporting's and gossip and terrible quality surveillance camera pictures of him but this was the first time he had been exposed publically. There were gasps and hanging jaws and confused children asking, "But mommy isn't that Robin isn't he a hero?"

"Lock him up in high security, he's an escapologist." Raven informed the worried looking police officers. Robin growled and snapped the handcuffs apart. He had studied them and noticed that they had very poor welding's from the chains to the actual cuffs. "Stand back!" The police ordered and people backed away in fear.

Robin ripped the black energy off his mouth. "Raven! Beast Boy you have to listen to me! I don't want to hurt you guys! This is Slade he's got nano-" Raven cut him off by engulfing him in black energy and throwing him roughly into the van. The police officers slammed the doors shut quickly.

Robin rushed forward and slammed his fists into the back of the door leaving dents and bruising his hands badly. "No! Don't do this you have to listen to me!" He screamed angrily slamming his fists against the door.


Slade growled and smashed his fist against his desk. Robin abandoned his earpiece and he had no connection to the boy any more meaning he could be foiling his plans. Slade then realized with a smirk that his apprentices so called "Friends" no longer had any consideration for their former team leader. He was pegged as a villain and they would treat him as such.

"I'm putting an end to this little game we've been playing Robin." Slade said picking up his phone and dialing a number. He paused and then there was a pickup on the other end. "Your cooperation is no longer required." Slade informed them and then he hung up.


"Keep quiet back there!" A man shouted aiming a gun at him from the passenger seat. The van jerked forward and he fell to his knees. A scowl crossed his features when he realized that he would no longer be heeded by anyone because he was a villain.

Robin slid his finger on the side of his steel plated boots and felt a familiar switch. He flipped it and brought his foot up unclipping a small device from the bottom of his shoe. He pressed a trigger on the side and dropped it and then quickly ran to a corner of the van covering his head. "Hey! What are you doing back there?!" The man in the passenger seat yelled at him once again.

Suddenly there was an explosion sending the teen crashing into the wall and causing the air bags to expel and the van to screech to a halt. Robin stood up and coughed waving a hand in the air. Then he violently kicked out the doors to the van.

He walked out of the van and citizens began screaming in fear and running in the other direction making his mood feel worse. He desperately wanted to shout IM THE GOOD GUY! I'm trying to save YOUR heroes! But he knew it wouldn't help his position any more.

Robin walked over to the passenger side door and he pulled it open finding his utility belt, the device and various other weapons of his. He jumped when he saw blood trickling down the man's chin but exhaled in relief when he realized the man had just bit down on his lip, he hadn't murdered someone.

He looked around at the destroyed van, the air bags were expelled and the doors unhinged on the back, the device in his hand, and back to the police officers. But was this any better? He asked himself backing away from the van.

Then he heard the sound of police sirens nearing and he clipped on his utility belt and re-pocketed the device and his other various weapons. Robin took one last look at the van and then he shot his utility belt and disappeared into the night.


Robin walked through the doors of the lairs entrance which slammed shut making him jump. He had wanted to not alert Slade of his arrival knowing fully well that the man would be livid after his outburst. Robin made his way down the hallway and into his room. Robin shut the door with a sigh and pressed his forehead against it.

"Robin." A voice said from the shadows next to his tiny barred window. The voice sent shivers down his spine, the teen jumped and whirled around. He had been positive that his room was empty just a moment ago.

"Slade." He answered proud that his voice didn't waver but he felt like Slade could detect his fear anyway. Slade moved forwards and smacked him hard sending the boy to the side. Then he gripped the front of his shirt and slammed the boy into the wall. Robin winced and turned his head away from the angry glare of the man's one eye.

"I gave you an order!" He said in that terrifying low angry voice. "How dare you disobey my orders?" Slade asked him louder kneeing him roughly in the gut. Robin cried out and Slade dropped him to the floor. "All you care about still is your worthless little friends, I tried to show you compassion, I tried to relate with you, I let you go out on your own at the Academy and still you learn nothing." He told him fuming. Slade slammed his steel plated boot into the boy's side. "Well I am not going to play this little game with you any more I have had enough of your disrespect." Slade shouted yanking him up by his arm and throwing him across the small room into the wall.

Robin stood up and shook his head readying his fists. He ran towards the man with a shout but Slade caught his arm and twisted it. "You get sloppy when you are angry robin." Slade told him as the boy clumsily tried to launch a kick to the man's face. Slade growled and punched the boy roughly in the face. Robin gasped and clutched his cheek then he lunged forward punching the man with all his might in the stomach sending him back into the wall.

Slade shouted in anger and lunged at the boy who slipped in between his legs. Robin smirked and got to his feet but the older man slammed his boot into his back and he crashed face first into the wall. Robin cried out in surprise and Slade lifted his head up roughly by his hair. "I am your master." Slade told the teen who was heaving in pain against the wall. "And you WILL do as I say." Slade said with finality and he released his grip on the boy and exited the room.

Wow so sorry you guys waited so long for this short chapter! My other chapters I usually like 1,00 words longer but I feel like if I continued it would be super oober long and I might not have been able to finish this chappie and publish it! So I give you this! And I actually really like the way it came out!

And I know the titans seemed really uncompassionate and they wouldn't listen to a word robin said but DOI! HELLO? He just could have killed cyborg! And he was giving them a real butt kicking ;) So that's why I made them not listen to Robin as much as they normally might have. It's all in the plan people.

Love it? Hate it? Please tell me what you think reviews are always appreciated even flames. I want all your comments people.

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