The SetUp 2

"Randy stop, I have to get up." John said to his boyfriend of almost a year. "Come on."

"Don't go." Randy said clinging to the larger man. John laughed and wrapped his arms around the other man

"Why don't you come with me?"

"Because I don't like going to church."

"Why not?"

"I never have." John reached over and raised Randy's arm and without looking he quoted

"Be sober, be vigilant; because your advisory the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour. Peter 5:8...King James Version."

"What's your point? I have that there as a reminder. I've got demons."

"Alright, whatever," John said slipping out of bed now that the younger man was distracted. "I'm going to church to show my appreciation for the man upstairs."

"Dr. McNamara?" Randy said referring to John's upstairs neighbor. John laughed

"Shut the hell up. You know I'm not talking about him."

"Oh right." Randy said repositioning himself so that he could watch John dressing in the closet. John looked over and pushed the door shut. "Hey!" Once he was finished John opened the door and walked out. "That wasn't very nice."

"Are you staying here or going back to your place?"

"I don't know yet." Randy said stretching then curling up against John's pillow

"I'm having lunch with the Barrett's so I'll be gone for a while."

"I know."

"I'll see you when I get back."

"What if I'm not here?"

"You know that you'll still be here by the time I come back. In fact you'll probably still be in my bed only then you will be cuddling a bowl of cereal." Randy guffawed. "I'll see you later." John said leaning down and kissing the man

"Okay. Say a prayer for me."

"I'll say two. Lock the bottom lock when you leave although we both know you're not."

"Go to church already!" John laughed on his way out

Bellwood Church

"Good morning Johnny." Cody said hugging him

"Good morning. Where's Barrett?"

"At home with the sniffles."

"Are they real sniffles or like that time he faked it to get out of going to church?" Cody laughed

"They're real. He didn't try getting any this morning so I know he's not faking it." He said whispering

"You know it's serious when."

"Ain't that the truth?"

"Does that mean lunch is cancelled then?"

"Oh no, I have homemade soup in the slow cooker right now for him then I can make something for the two of us. Still haven't convinced Randy to join the church?"

"No and I think at this point I'm going to stop trying."

"Where is he?"

"$1000 says that he's still in my bed." John said getting his phone out

"Are you going to text him?"


John: are you still in bed?

Randy: yep. Just rolled over to my tummy so I can see the TV better

John laughed and turned his phone toward Cody who laughed as well

Randy: why?

John: no reason

Randy: I'm probably going to eat the leftover pizza

John: no

Randy: but why though?

John: eat a proper breakfast. I bought your favorite cereal

Randy: ooh. You did?

John: yes. Check the pantry

Randy: I'm going to eat it with a ladle

John: fine but don't pour the milk straight into the box this time

Randy: very funny John

John: thanks

John and Cody sat through that Sunday's service and if John were being honest, he had no idea what it was about. It was something to the effect of loving thy neighbor. He was more interested in what Cody was going to make for lunch after they left

"I have to stop at the store to grab something I need to make lunch. I'll text Wade to let him know you're on your way but I'm sure the door is already open."

"Okay. I'll see you there."

"Alright." John walked to his car, hopped in and drove over to the Barrett's. He saw a car that he didn't recognize parked in his spot in the driveway. He growled

"Since when did you ring the bell?" Wade asked opening the door for John

"I saw that you had company so I didn't want to just waltz in."

"I don't have's Justin."

"Oh dear God." John mumbled


"Nothing. How ya feeling?"

"A little better now that I'm a few minutes closer to having that soup in there." John laughed

"I don't know what Cody had to pick up at the store."

"Oh, he's making fried chicken and he needs a head of lettuce and tomatoes for the salad."

"He's making fried chicken. I don't need no stinkin salad." Wade laughed then went into a coughing fit. "Is that your way of telling me that you're not coming in tomorrow for work?"

"No. I'd actually planned on working tomorrow but I'm sure Cody won't let me."

"I'm sure he won't." John said jumping as he felt a hand on his back. He turned and saw Justin standing there with a smile on his face. "Oh, hey Justin."

"Hey there John. How are you?"

"I'm well and you?"

"Great. How's um, that guy you were with? What's he doing?" Justin asked with his hand still firmly on John's lower back

"Randy you mean. He's good...we're good." Wade stood there looking back and forth between the two men. Something about Justin invading John's personal space and the false smile on John's face just didn't sit well with him. "How's your friend Evan?"

"Oh Evan? He's in St. Louis visiting his family."

"What a small, small world. Randy's from St. Louis." Justin's smile dropped a fraction along with his hand

"Yes, what a small world indeed." John took his cell from from his pocket

"Excuse me for a quick second." He said going to his favorite contacts

"Hello?" Randy answered mid yawn

"Did I wake you? Are you still in my bed?"

"I'd rather not say." John laughed

"Tell me you at least showered."

"I did take a shower and I'm still naked."

"Oh word?" Randy laughed

"Yes actually I am."

"That visual is really hot." Randy laughed again

"Why did you call me John? Surely it wasn't to find out if I was clothed or not."

"No it wasn't but I'm happy with that bit of information."

"On to the point Cena."

"Oh, um are you staying for dinner tonight or going home?"

"I'm not getting out of this bed so I'll be here for dinner."

"I figured as much. What do you want for dinner then?"

"Are you making it?"

"Why do I always have to cook?"

"Because I don't know how."

"This should be a good opportunity for you then."

"I'll stay naked if you cook."

"I can cook."

"Mmhm, so easy to please you are. What about that Cajun chicken pasta you were talking about the other day?"

"Ooh, that sounds good. I have to stop at the market on my way home."

"Okay. I'll be here making naked bed angels." John started laughing

"I like the sound of that but promise to do them face down when I get there."

"Oh baby." John looked over and saw Wade and Justin standing there. He cleared his throat

"I have an audience. Is there anything you'd like from the market good sir?" Randy laughed

"Not anything from the market, no."

"Okay. I'll see you a bit later then."

"Bye John."


"I don't even want to know what that was about." Wade said

"Yes you do but I'm not telling you." Wade rolled his eyes. "Maybe I'll give you some pointers on keeping it spicy." The taller man laughed

"Look kid, you've been with Randy for what, ten months? When you reach five married years then you call me."

"Yea I don't know about that marrying stuff."

"What?! You don't want to get married? You need to talk that over with Randy then."

"We've only been together for ten months Wade!"

"Did you plan on breaking up with him anytime soon?"


"John," Wade said wiping his nose with a Kleenex. "You don't have to admit it to me but you know when you want to be with someone the rest of your life. I'm not an expert but I know you want that with him." John shook his head

"We're not talking about this."

"Yea let's not talk about this." Justin said chiming in. John ignored him and carried on

"Has he said something to you about getting married?"

"Not since being with you if that's what you're worried about but he and I have talked about it. We've been friends for years John."

"What's going on here?" Cody asked walking in the kitchen

"Nothing Love." Wade said taking the grocery bag from him

"Hey Jus."

"Hi Cody."

"How are you feeling honey?"

"I'm all stuffy." Wade whined

"Aww baby, why don't you go have a seat and I'll get you some of this soup I know you've been lurking around here sniffing."

"I don't lurk."

"Mmhm, sure you don't. Go sit." Cody said patting Wade's butt. "What are you doing here Justin?"

"Oh I just stopped by after seeing my parents. I forgot that you were in church but it's good that Wade was here."

"It is a good thing." Cody responded absently. "Are you staying for lunch?"

"Yea I'll stay for lunch." Justin said leering at John who shrank under the man's intense gaze


John slipped the key to his apartment into the lock and turned the knob. The dwelling looked exactly the same way he's left it hours ago, even the kitchen where he dropped off the groceries he had just picked up. He unloaded the bag and put everything away before going to his bedroom

"Hey there." Randy said still lying in John's bed. John crossed the room saying nothing as he undressed himself. Randy sat back on his elbows and watched the man he had fallen for disrobe. John crawled on the bed and without a thought Randy's legs opened welcoming and allowing room for the other man. As John kissed him Randy pushed the man's tailored button down shirt past his shoulders and John shrugged it off as he still continued to kiss him. Randy unfastened John's pants and pushed them down using his hands and feet. "Now John, now." Randy demanded. The younger man had noticed that since being with John he was no longer dominant nor did he want to be. He was also horny. He walked around in a perpetual state of arousal especially when he was anywhere near John. The older man pushed his cock deep inside his boyfriend and rocked his hips faster and faster until the bed was rocking and he could feel Randy's short nails digging into the muscles of his shoulders. John grunted and reached down and wrapped his right hand around Randy's cock firmly stroking the organ. "Oh God." Randy moaned. He watched as John raised the hand to his mouth and licked it clean. John bit his bottom lip as he scrunched his face and silently climaxed. "Good church service?" John laughed as he lay next to Randy

"Church is always good. You should join us sometime."

"No thank you." Randy said curling next to his man. John laced their fingers together

"Do you want to move in together?"

"Yes. I'd love it if you greeted me like that every day."

"I'm being serious Randy."

"So am I."

"Randy." The tall man slowly raised his head and looked at John

"You're being for real serious right now?"




"Why not?"

"I'm asking you."

"I like having my apartment and my space."

"But you're always here!"

"Are you saying that I'm here too much?!"

"Those words did not come out of my mouth!"

"Yea but the words you did use made it seem like that's what you meant!"

"I'll never say anything to you that you have to decipher. If I didn't want you here or thought that you were here too much, which you're not, I would have said Randy get the fuck out of my apartment because you're here too much." John said getting out of bed

"Where are you going?"

"To take a shower." Randy watched as John crossed in front of the bed and disappeared into the bathroom. He lay there for a minute or two before getting up and following the same path John made to the bathroom. He slid the shower door back and stepped inside with John

"Let's not fight about this John." Randy said quietly

"We're not going to fight about it. You told me no so the answer is no."

"Give me time okay?"


"All or nothing right?"

"Right...all or nothing." Randy wanted to move in with John. Nothing would make him happier than to wake up with John in the morning and go to bed with him at night but he was scared. Things were just too perfect with John and nothing was perfect. Not relationships and certainly not people. John and Randy had each decided that the other needed an award for the acting job they put on during dinner. John acting like he wasn't upset about Randy not wanting to move in with him and Randy acting like he wasn't scared of their relationships progression

"This is really good John."

"Yea, thanks for reminding me that I wanted to make it."

"You're welcome." John chuckled lightly

"I know I said that I was going to stay here tonight but would you mind if just went back to my place."

"No. You're an adult so you can do as you please." The fork Randy was holding dropped onto his plate and he cleared his throat

"I'm going to leave now."

"We're in the middle of dinner."

"I lost my appetite." He said standing and heading to John's bedroom for a shirt and his pillow. John sighed and started to clear the table. He was in the kitchen pouring the rest of the pasta into a Tupperware container when Randy came out. "I'm leaving now."

"Are you sure you don't want to stay the night?"

"I just need some time to myself."

"You spent all day here alone." John took a breath. "Forget it. If you want to leave then go." Randy at least wanted a hug from his boyfriend but he could tell John wasn't in the mood. The man probably would have squeezed him like a boa constrictor if he came close. He turned away from the kitchen and walked out the door. "What the fuck?" John said to the walls

Weeks Later: King + Duke Restaurant

"Alright John, spill it."

"Spill what?" Cody put his knife and fork down

"You know, I should be offended that you don't talk to me as much as you used to. I don't know anything that's going on in your life anymore John and that's not me being nosey, it's be trying to be your friend."

"I'm sorry you feel offended."

"Do not patronize me John Cena. Tell me what's going on with you and Randy."


"Wade told me because his friend Randy actually talks to him. I see his tall lanky behind more than I see you."

"If Wade told you then what are you asking me for?" Cody leaned in

"I don't know what's crawled up your ass John but I'm only trying to talk to you. If you want to be rude and distasteful then I'll get up right now and leave. We don't have to speak again."

"I'm sorry Codes. I've been in a mood for days now."

"I see that...and I'm really sorry about saying we don't have to speak again. I didn't mean it." John laughed

"I know. Anyway, a few weeks ago I asked Randy if he wanted to move in with me,"

"Ooh! What'd he say?" Cody asked excitedly

"No." He frowned

"He said no?"

"He said no."


"I don't know. We haven't really spoken since it happened. He and I tried going on like nothing happened but dinner was pretty tense and then he abruptly asked if I would be okay with him staying at his place that night. I told him to go."

"Everything was okay between the two of you before then right?"

"If there was such a thing as perfect Cody we were it."

"Did he give you a real reason? I mean I don't understand."

"He said something about keeping his own space or some type of bullshit like that. You know he actually accused me of saying that he was at my place too much?"

"If that were true then why would you ask him to move in?"

"I wouldn't have."

"What it sounds like to me is he's scared. Why he's scared I don't know but if I had to guess I think that's it."

"I want him to talk to me though. It's like pulling teeth getting him to open up. If he's scared he should tell me. I'm easy to talk to right?" Cody nodded

"I think so but I talk everyone's ear off so I'm not a good one to judge." John laughed

"I love him Cody." Cody dramatically leaned back in his seat

"Whhhaaat?" John nodded. "Have you told him that?"

"No and now I'm scared to because of how he reacted to the whole moving in thing."

"He may be a little more inclined if he knew your true feelings." John started to scratch his palms. A tale-tell sign of his nervousness. "Quit it." Cody said slapping at his hands

"Sorry." John said

"Just tell him Johnny. You're clearly the stronger and more stable out of your duo. Be strong for him and I guarantee that at some point down the road in your long relationship he'll be the strong one for you."

"Sometimes I forget that you're so incredibly wise."

"Well I don't know how you could. I'm great at this stuff John. I was the one who hooked the two of you up."

"He put me through hell on our first date and the first few months we were around each other so don't remind me that it was you who I have to blame for that." Cody smiled

"But look at you now. So when are you going to tell him?"

"Today I guess. I'll go to his apartment after work."

"Well let me know how it goes."

"I will because if it goes bad I'll be camped out at your house bawling my eyes out and sleeping between you and Wade." Cody laughed

"Don't give Wade any ideas. That man's been trying to talk me into a threesome for years." John spat his drink out

"What?" He asked wiping his mouth

"Oh yea," Cody said nodding. "Don't let that proper little English accent fool you. That man's an English tramp." John started laughing

"Oh my God – I can't hear this. He's my foreman and you're both two of my best friends. I do not want to hear about what goes on behind your closed bedroom door."

"It's not always in the bedroom John."

"Oh Jesus." John said covering his face


Around 5:30 John left his on-site office at the new construction site and headed to his apartment. He changed out of his clothes and stepped into the shower just letting the warm water wash over him. He was in there for about 20 minutes just thinking. When he was sure the hot water would soon run out John shut the water off and dried off before dressing himself. John checked his appearance in the mirror before leaving


"John." Randy said opening the door


"What are you doing here?"

"We need to talk. Can I come in?" Randy stepped to the side and tried not to drool at how good John looked and how great he smelled

"Of course you can. What do you want to talk about?"

"Can we not play games? You and I are barely speaking to each other and we certainly haven't seen each other which is not like us and you know it. What's going on? If you want to break up then just tell me."

"Why would I want to break up with you?"

"I don't know. I must've done something if you're not talking to me."

"That goes both ways John. You're not talking to me either."

"Because when I try you give me one word answers like you don't want to be bothered." Randy turned and went to the kitchen. Not because he didn't want to talk to John but because his libido was raging right now with the older man standing there

"Do you want something to drink?"

"No Randy. What I want is for you to talk to me. I don't really understand why you wouldn't want to move in with me but I'll accept it. This shouldn't come between us; I thought we were better than that."

"We are better than that John, we are." Randy said taking the man by his hand and leading him to the couch. "I just – I don't know. I got scared."

"Scared? Why?"

"You're too good to be true John. I'm scared that if we move in together that it'll ruin what we have. You'll find something that you don't like about me,"

"Randy I love you." The tall man started choking and hitting his chest. "Are you okay?!" Randy cleared his throat

"I'm fine...fine. Did you mean what you said?"

"What? That I love you? Yes I meant that." Before John had a chance to react he was being pounced on. Randy straddled his lap as he kissed John hard

"I love you too." He said between kisses. "And," He kissed him again. "And I'm sorry," Again he kissed him. "But I'm really horny." Randy kissed John again as he tugged at the hem of his shirt trying to pull it off

"So am I." John responded running his hands over Randy's bare chest. They stood up and removed their pants before resuming the same position they were in on the couch. Randy gripped John in his hand. "We're doing it right here?"

"Yea, why wouldn't we?"

"What if we ruin the couch?"

"I don't give a shit. I can buy a new one." Without exerting much effort John stood lifting Randy up as well and carried him to his bedroom

"Holy fucking shit John."


"Let's just say I can see why Nick was trying to get back into your pants." John laughed

"No one's getting into my pants from now on except you."

"Goddamn right." Randy said lacing his fingers with John's. "Does your offer still stand?"

"What offer?"

"You know, about moving in together."

"Only if your answer is yes."

"My answer is yes."

"I'd love that."

"So when can I?"

"When can you what?"

"Move in."

"Whenever you would like."

"I'll start packing tomorrow." John laughed

"Okay but you could just move your things over a few boxes at a time instead of having one huge move." Randy cuddled up to the man

"Yep, you're definitely the smarter of us two."

"Well you're gorgeous so I don't need you to do much thinking." Randy laughed

"That's the most complimentary way anyone has ever called me stupid."

"I'm not calling you stupid. You deal with stats and a bunch of other shit that needs to be calculated...can't be stupid and do that."

"We all have certain things that we're better at."

"Fine, do you want me to call you stupid?" The younger man chuckled

"No John."

"Then shut up already."

A Few Days Later

"Come in!" John yelled as someone knocked on his office door. He frowned when he saw a mop of long dark hair. "Justin – what a surprise."

"Everyone loves surprises right?"

"No. There are some people who absolutely hate them actually. What are you doing here?"

"Cody asked me to drop off lunch for Wade."

"Why didn't he do it?"

"He's got a hair appointment and those things can take forever." The man said taking an unoffered seat

"I wouldn't know since I don't make hair appointments. I walk in and I'm out in about 15 minutes."

"Oh I wish. A lot goes into this." Justin said running his fingers through his hair

"Yea, you've got quite the mane going on there." He laughed

"I know...I keep it silky and soft,"

"Where's Evan? He still in St. Louis?" John asked cutting the man off. Justin looked at his watch

"No. He should be on a plane right now on his way back here. I have to pick him up later." John nodded as he tried to look busy by thumbing through a stack of blank paper for his printer

"Evan's been around for a while now. Are things getting serious between the two of you?"

"I don't know what you mean. We're friends." John looked up

"So you're going to play that game with me? You grabbed my ass once or have you forgotten?" Justin stood up

"I never grabbed you John. I may have brushed against you but it wasn't a grab. I have to go." He said leaving

"Yep," John said to himself. "I knew that would do it."