Is it my fault, is it my fault?
We've been missing each other,
We've been missing each other.
My fault, is it my fault?
We've been missing each other,
We've been missing each other.
Walking down to the water's edge,
Asking why I am here instead of home?
Now I stand alone.
I stop to stare at the ocean side.
I'm breathing in just to feel inside with ease,
Like you were here with me.
Oh, it's in the warmest night,
it's in the brightest light,
it's when the world is moving.
Oh, it's in the faintest cry,
it's in my lover's eyes,
Is it when I need you most,
and don't you know?
Chapter Seven – My Fault
It didn't work.
It didn't work.
It didn't fucking work.
His master plan didn't work.
She was stuck.
He was stuck.
Arianna was stuck.
…oh no.
Arianna was stuck too. She was stuck in the normal universe with him.
oh no.
"Jackie is going to kill me."
It didn't work.
How did it not work? It was supposed to work and he was supposed to have Rose back and everything was supposed to work out.
But it didn't happen like that.
Arianna didn't know he was back, did she? No, she would have come running. Was she still here? Did he change something after all?
He quickly and quietly made his way to the TARDIS library and softly pushed open the door. No, she was still there, curled up in a chair, reading. He sighed a breath of relief and left to the console. His feet felt heavy, his mind whirred and his jacket weighted him down. No, no, no, this wasn't supposed to happen! The shoes were kicked off as he walked. The head hit a wall. The jacket was roughly pulled off his lanky body and fell on the floor in a puddle of pinstripe.
…what was that? a letter?
Inside the envelope was a scrap of paper with Arianna's curly handwriting on it. He smiled at the 'dear dad' part of it. He cried at the rest of it. His tears dropped on the paper, and his head fell forward against the control panel, his hands grasping the rusted metal bar desperately. She was right, he should have known she was right. He should have known he alone could not convince her of not fighting against the Cybermen. She had a mind of her own.
Tell her you love her, show her how much you love her, go to the end of the universe for her, hell, look into the TARDIS' heart if you have to…
"Look into the TARDIS' heart…" He repeated to himself slowly, trying to wrap his head around it. He hadn't done that since before he regenerated into his now-form. The Ninth Doctor. The form in which he had originally met his beautiful Rose Tyler.
"Look into the TARDIS' heart."
The Doctor turned and looked at the console.
"TARDIS' heart."
The Doctor took a step towards the center console.
"What? No."
He took a step away.
"But it's for Rose…"
He ran to the console and ripped one of the panels off the consoles, revealing the glowing gold energy swirling around inside. Some escaped before he slammed it back in place, swirling around him, festering inside of him as he willed himself to Rose with tightly shut eyes and two quickly beating hearts.
It was the same place. Bad Wolf Bay. He was there. His bare feet felt the wet sand and his face felt the splots of seawater hit his face. His beautiful Rose was walking away but she was right there, right in front of him! His hologram must've just left. He heard the sniffs coming from her direction. She wanted him. Her arms wrapped around her middle and her head looked at her feet. She kicked the wet sand and it didn't budge.
It was easy to say, it felt easy to say. No, it felt right to say.
Her head turned and she squinted as she received some seawater in her eye. But soon they were wide with surprise. "Doctor?" It came out as a whisper, albeit a loud whisper. She couldn't believe it. Why was he back, he had just left, his hologram had disappeared into thin air, she had seen it!
The smile that made its way across the Doctor's face was the biggest and brightest the universe had ever seen. He received a matching grin from his lovely Rose.
She ran to him, she touched his stubbly face and her hand didn't go through him, it stayed on his cheek, oh his warm cheek.
"You're here, you're really here!" She whispered, happy tears now falling from her eyes.
"I'm here and I'm not leaving. I'm not leaving you two." The Doctor whispered back before pulling her into a tight hug. "I'll never leave you two ever again."
"Hey Dad! I was reading a book and I noticed that there were a few pages missing. I thought it was odd but then I noticed that you had two copies. The other copy hadn't even been written in! It's called The Scientist. What's that about?"
Arianna talked to no one. The Doctor wasn't in the TARDIS. She didn't notice that bit of information until she meandered to the center console and noticed the envelope on the floor. She stopped speaking aloud and tilted her head. One of the panels was ajar, letting a beam of gold sparkling light through the crack. Her letter was unfolded and upside down on the floor. Arianna picked it up and noticed the little splots on the paper.
"A tear!"
Arianna was surprised by the tear drops on it.
"Tell her you love her, show her how much you love her, go to the end of the universe for her, hell, look into the TARDIS' heart if you have to…" She laughed a little and let the gold glowing light touch her hand.
"I guess I'll never know." Arianna Rose Tyler said before disappearing into thin air.
Kay so, sorry for the delay, school started again and that's sucky. But here you go! Thank you all for the favorites and follows. Not so many reviews but I know you guys love it. :)