Yo' what up my fellow readers! This is the new and improved, Mr. Raleigh D kicking up a new story for all of ya, and boy is it going to be good! I hope you all enjoy this treat, because this is going to be a doosy! Wait, why did i say doosy? Do they even say doosy anymore? Man I'm old! LOL!

Please leave your reviews, they are wonderously appreciated, so sit back and enjoy the fic!

Toph: Oh just start the friggin fic already! Jesus!

Mr. Raleigh D. Alright, dang! No more candy for you!

Lost in Uncharted Lands: Volume I


Mr. Raleigh D.

I: A New World

"Ben? Ben? Are you awake? Ben?" an unknown man asked in a thick British accent.

A boy had begun to open up his eyes and moan. His vision, a blur. Everything was alien until his sight clarified again. He was in a meadow, a quiet one at that. He looked around, curious of where he is - until he heard that voice again.


He turned around to see a man smiling who wore a lab attire, and a pair of goggles. It was the man Ben recognised as...

"Professor Paradox?" Ben said in disbelief.

"In the flesh well aren't I?" the Professor shared a laugh, "Gumball?"

"No thanks," Ben shared a small chuckle, "W-where am I?"

"In another universe," the Professor said casually.

Ben tried to pretend that he didn't hear that. "I'm in a where now?" he asked.

"In another universe. Earth Mach 2, should I spell it out for you?" he asked in a joking manner.

"What!" Ben exclaimed, "I'm in another universe?"

"I'm afraid so," said Paradox, "For a matter a fact, a special world I migh add."

"A special world?" Ben was confused.

"Ben this world is vastly differennt between you and I. Of course the skies and the grass are the same, but beyond that, this is a total different planet. Just imagine looking at your self in the mirror. When you look at it, what do you see?" he asked.

"Me?" I asked.

Paradox sighed and then chuckled as he smiled at the clueless Ben, "No, it's the opposite you. The alternate you. The you that redefines the shape of cosmology and the universe all the same. Because when you look at yourself in the mirror, you don't see you, you see the world that is vastly different from your own, it's like seeing California backwards. That explains why whenever you look at yourself in the mirror, you see the number 10 on your jacket on the opposite end. This is why when they say when you look at your self through the glass, you only see a reflection, not an exact copy."

"Again, WHAT!"

Paradox continued. "You see in this world, this world suffers 100 years of warfare. Families were seperated, nations had been divided, leaders had been corrupted by one source."

"And that source is?"

"That is not my place to tell you, Ben," said the Professor, "My only purpose is to show you."

"Show me what?" Ben asked, getting up, "What is it that I need to know?"

"Your answers will soon be answered, in time," said the Professor.

Suddenly he heard what sounded like fighting in the distance. Instinctively he turned to see where it was coming from. Then remembering he had more important things to deal with he instantly turned back to Paradox only to find the time travelling immortal was gone.

"Man, I hate it when he does that," he bellowed up to the heavens.

With no reply whatsoever from the immortal scientist Ben hung his head in silent defeat. Ship turned towards the sounds of the fighting and then back to his owner.

"Ship?" he asked.

Ben sighed heavily. "Yeah yeah, I know we're going," he then looked at his arm that bore the Ultimatrix, "I just hope that we pick the right side..

Quickly Ship jumped off Ben's shoulder and transformed into a heavily armed, overly powerful looking motorcycle.

"Ship!" he said eagerly.

Ben smiled and nodded as he got on his newly formed friend. Ship created a helmet for his new owner. Gripping the handle bars he revved the engine. If there was one thing the duo had learned in their past adventures, it was that where there was fighting there was usually people who needed help.

"Well Ship, new world, old rules, the same story," he said.

"Ship," Ship said agreeing.

"Well then, It's hero time!" he said, and with that the duo drove off.


Driving aimlessly through the meadows, Ben could sense that he was getting lost. The world was so big and so strange. It was like nothing alive but the trees around him was here. There was nothing for miles; it had been several hours and nothing came up - until he saw a small village up ahead. And what comes with the village? - People!

Ben swerved and pulled on the brakes to see the sight.

The village was small, but it was not that fancy. The village also held flags, flags that belonged to a bessare nation. The flags were coated in a black tint with a seal of a fire emblem on the center encircled by a black ring.

"Where am I?" Ben asked.

"Ship?" Ship answered with a hint of confusion.

"You're funny," Ben giggled, "I don't how how these people will be welcoming to a stranger like me."

"Ship," Ship said.

"Yeah, you're right, it won't hurt to try now would it?" Ben asked, "But we can't go into town like this. We don't want to create any negative attention."


At the market place, Ben was walking nonchalantly touring around the village. No one gave Ben any notice - well minus a few who stared curiously at Ben's attire of clothing. It was enough to make Ben comfortible.

"Well, only a few eyes, but at least it worked," Ben said.

"Ship," Ship replied with a nod.

Finally, after a long day of walking around confused, famished, and parched, he stopped by a tea center in the village's center.

"Well, it's no Mr. Smoothies but it has to do...right?" Ben asked worriedly. Ship only shrugged.

In the Tea Shop, it was empty! It's like the epitome of a small business, according to Ben. Ben looked around, curious. He saw tea bags, after tea bags, ater tea bags. It was endless queue of tea bags.

"Excuse me?" asked a young woman sitting by the counter, "May I help you?"

"Yes," Ben said genuinely, "I was hoping if you can tell me where I am? Some drinks? and some food if you got some?" he asked, ignorantly knowing that he didn't have any money of value in this strange land. So instead, he showed her two pennies, a nickle, two quarters, and lint.

Ship moaned. Ben was aghast, and yet relieved that the woman hadn't freaked out about Ship. That was a rarity.

"Well you are in Yon Rha's Village, Southern Fire Nation; I have some herbal tea fresh from the Earth Kingdom, and I don't have any food to give, sorry," she said.

"That's okay, and - whoa, where am I?" Ben asked.

"Yon Rha's Village..."

"No, the other one."

"Southern Fire Nation?"

"I'm sorry if I'm acting rude but..."

"Go ahead, opinions are welcome," said the young woman, "Well, most anyway."

"Thanks," Ben began, "Who in the hell will name their country Fire Nation? It's like naming a land Air Land, or Earth Kingdom, or..."

"Both exist," she pointed out.

"Earth Kingdom? Air Land?" Ben asked, "What's next, Waterville?"

The woman snickers, "Perhaps," she said.

"Wow, just wow," said Ben, "I blame the Internet. Anyway, how much is this going to be?"

"Oh no, you're free. It's a slow buisness anyway," she said.

"Oh cool!" Ben said, the woman laughed again, putting his loose change away, "Say what's your name?"

"Ursa," she said, "It's nice meeting you."

"Nice meeting you too, Ursa," said Ben, "You have a good day." Ben prepared to leave with the cup of tea in his hands.

"You too, stranger," She said, "but wait, I didn't catch your name."

"You can call me, Ben," Ben said as he left.

Ursa smiled.


Meanwhile off the coast of the small island, a Fire Nation airship was levitating down to the shores.

In the main control room stood a sadistic princess, a hyperative young woman, and a gray-looking young woman each stare at the island with disinterest.

"I can't believe we are forced to go to this island while Zuko get to stay in the Fire Nation Capital to help his father with the military," Mai complained.

"As much as I hate it," Azula began, "it's father we're talking about. All we have to do is to ensure the people are loyal to the Fire Lord and then we are gone, it's just as simple as that - but, if we do see some one rebelling, it won't hurt to burn their hearts from the inside," she said with a sadistic smile.

"You might be right," Ty Lee said, "It'll be very quick, we might even have a good time!" she said.

"Do you ever get tired?" Mai asked the jovial Ty Lee.


Meanwhile, Ben was by a Blacksmith Shop sipping on his tea, he had to admit, the tea quickly quenched his thirst, not only that, but it tasted pretty sweet and dignifying. He had to go back to that tea shop more often! Even with that, iot didn't satisfied his boredom. The village was too quiet. He wasn't used to that - something he hadn't expirienced for a long time since the day he found the Omnitrix on that fateful summer evening.

"Well Ship, we came where we asked for...well sort of," Ben said with his stomach growling, "Well, in away we go, huh buddy?"

"Ship," said Ship as he morphed back into the motorcycle. Just before Ben drove off, he heard a little boy squirming; the boy was being held against his will against a Fire Nation soldier. Despite all the rules he had laid out when it ciomes to intervening in foreign affairs, especially like this, normally, he'll let the local police handle it, or if it's not the case, then he'll intervene, but that was a rarity, and also his grandfather was not here, not only that, he was in a world he was not too familiar with.

So what does a hero have to do to make other's feel safe?

Ben got off of the motorcycle and approached towards thug.

"Hey!" Ben yelled.

The soldier looked at the boy that called him over. The boy wore a green jacket with the number 10 emblemised to the left, a black shirt, blue jeans, and some sneakers. The boy also had emerald-green eyes, brown hair with a strong, physical stature.

Ben scowled at the Fire Nation soldier before him. The solider was pretty big, and slightly taller than Ben. He had facial hair all around, and he looked like he was not armed. This gave Ben some advantage, but his cockiness would be his downfall for what was about to come.

"Step away from that kid!" Ben yelled.

"And who do you think you are? Prince Zuko?" the soldier teased.

"No, and I have no idea who this 'Zuko' is, but all I know is that you're gouing to have your butt wooped!" Ben said in his fighting stance.

The kid looked at the kid as if he had lost his damn mind.

Soon, other villagers (a few) came out to witniss the showdown. The villagers all looked at Ben as if he was a looney. This was a Fire Nation soldier, a trained adversary working for the Fire Lord - not only that, but most of the soldiers of the Fire Nation are very lethal.

"Oh so you're threatening me?" the soldier asked, if offended.

"Does a cat meow?" Ben asked with a smug smile across his face. That earned him a few laughs from the villagers. This irritated the soldier.

"This kid is an Earth-dwelling scum!"

"And by the immortal words of this finger," Ben said giving the soldier the middle finger, "I don't give a damn."

The soldier's face reddened with anger and rage.

"You will regret that you ever said that...or say anything," said the soldier getting into his pose.

"Come on pedo-man, I'm ready to kick your..." Then from out of nowhere, Ben was aghast to see this soldier forming fire from his very fist. The fire was builsing up from his palms.

"You have got to be kidding me," Ben said.

"Scared yet?" the soldier laughed heartily, looking at the shocked look at the young boy's face.

"I'll give it to you, I didn't see that coming," Ben said, "But I've seen better."

The soldier's eyes twitched angrily. Enraged he began to send a frensy of flames at him.

"DIE!" yelled the man. The villagers all scurry back to their homes. Ben dodged most of the man's attacks. The soldier chases after him. Ship reformed itself back into it';s natural state as it follows it's owner.


"I don't know Ship," said Ben, panting, "There was no warning that a man can go Heatblast without - well going Heatblast!"

"Ship?" Ship asked.

"A man - well take a look!" Ben directed Ship's face to the man who was engulfed in fire, and yet seems to be fine!

"And here you are with the tough talk, not talking now huh?" the soldier asked.

"In all actuality, I had to drag you out of the village for my techniques," said Ben.

"You mean the one on how I'm going to roast you?" the man asked.

"No," Ben said, "It means, when I have to fight fire, you fight fire, with fire!" Ben said activating the Ultimatrix, selecting the dial on his playlist and then pressing the faceplate. Just before the soldier blasts Ben to kingdom come, he was blinded by a surge of emerald-green light and when the light died down, standing by his place was a charcoal-magma alien, an alien he bellowed...

"HEATBLAST!" Ben yelled.

Unlike Ben's aghasted state, the soldier was dumbstruck. He was speechless. Beggining not to care, he chuckled.

"So you can combust yourself on fire, so what," the soldier said.

"So what?" Heatblast smiled at the man's ignorance, "Skeptical? Come at me bro!"

Taking advantage of the man's anger, the soldier moved in and gave a barrade of fire balls at Heatblast. After he was done, he chuckled as he looked at the smoke ahead of him.

"Not so tough when you dead!" said the man.

"Then that means you are one sad pig," Heatblast said smiling smugly, this time supercharged. The man shook and shot one more fire ball at the firey being - only for the fire ball to be absorbed.

"Scared yet?" Heatblast said with a smug smile.


"A hero? That's what I do," said Heatblast advancing towards the man and giving him a menacing punch to the face.

The man was slapped to a building; he was knocked unconcious.

After the Ultimatrix timed out, the villagers gathered around Ben and celebrated. The boy that Ben saved went to a fanboyish state.

"Who are you?" asked a merchant.

"Call me Ben 10!" Ben said.

The villagers chanted his name.


Over at the docks, Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee were taken ablase by the sounds of laughter and cheering. Azula glared at this.

"Is that cheering? It's not the national holiday now is it?" Mai asked curiously.

Then suddenly, a sick sadistic smile appeared across Azula's face.

"He's here," she said.

"Who's here?" Ty Lee asked, a little clueless as usual.

"The Avatar," said Azula.

Author's Notes

This took me days and hours for me to complete! Days and hours! Anyway, how'd you guys like it? I hope it's satisfying! Anyway, as for you native readers for the original story by Codecrash, you might have noticed a few changes. Like letting Ben keep the watch!

Stay tuned for the nekst chapter! Until then, I love you like a play cousin, this is Mr. Raleigh D signing out!
