
Skipper contently sighed as he sat up above the HQ with a cup of Private's 'Love Smoothie'. Minus the love of course. Couldn't be going soft. It was a perfect day. Nothing could ruin it or make it any-

"Skipper!" Kowalski popped his head out of the hatch. "There's a wrestling competition on now!"

'Well,' Skipper thought. 'I spoke too soon' "Be down in a minute, Kowalski."

The analyst nodded before his head disappeared back down the hatch.

The leader penguin finished up the last of his smoothie before turning to go down in the HQ to watch whatever tournament his team was watching with them. No matter how much he enjoyed quiet mornings, he enjoyed spending time with his boys more. So he pushed the fishbowl aside and jumped in the hole, unaware of the kingly crown poking out of the bushes or it's owner's blatant disappointment.

In the bushes and shrubbery to the side of the penguin habitat, the royal King Julien stood up from the leaves with an irritated look on his face. "Ugh! How am I supposed to be watching de bossy penguin when de other silly penguins are always upon his grill! How shall I enact my brilliant kingly plan if I cannot secretly spend time with de Skipper!"

The king's plan had already been thought out in advance, for a long time. Julien had been preparing for the longest time! For about a week, that is, after he decided he was bored with loneliness. Normally when he was bored he would just kick stupid Mort or something, but something happened about a week ago that changed his outlook on his being bored.

That mean Clemson guy had come back to the zoo and tried to be killing upon him. The Skipper penguin had come just in time before he was thrown into the rhino habitat, Roy the rhino having been sent into a stampeding rage after something the evil brown lemur had done to it.

The leader penguin saved his life before the other penguins had gotten there along with Maurice. The four late to the party said something about them checking the garbage disposal for his kingly remains before even thinking to check the rhino habitat. Let's just say it was lucky the leader had trusted his tummy and went straight for the rhino's place.

That wasn't even why he was spying on the flat headed bossy penguin, it was what happened next that is why he was now spying on the bossy penguin. As Clemson was being dragged away by the smart penguin and the crazy penguin, the evil lemur had yelled something that really got the king thinking over his whole role as king...



"You think you've seen the last of me? Hm? Really, do you think that? Honestly? ...Because it's not the last! It'll be only the third, maybe, I don't know yet! But I'll get you, you dancing idiot and your queen too!" The evil lemur's crazed shouting and laughter haunted Julien's ears even now.

This didn't bother him so much because he wasn't really listening to the Hoboken lemur in the first place, but it was the last part that got his attention.

"Eh," King Julien had started, confused. "I don't have a queen. I kinda do dis gig solo if ya know what I mean." The lemur smirked. Nope, he didn't need no woman tying him down! He was a free king baby and it was the best!

"You don't?" Clemson stopped his kicking and struggling in the penguin's grip to shrug. "Well I thought you were with that beautiful otter, but I guess I was mistaken. But she is beautiful, don't you think she's beautiful? Can't just be me, am I right? But, hey! You know why YOU don't have a queen?"

Julien had blinked back at the brown lemur. "Because I am not wanting one?"

"No! Because everyone HATES you! And, to be honest, ha, you couldn't handle a queen if it fell out of a tree! Yeah, you didn't see THAT zinger coming up? I bet you didn't! ...I'm going to continue crazily laughing now. HA HA HA HA HA HA...!"



The maniacal laughing still echoes inside of his head to this day, one week later! But eh, that didn't bother him that much either. How DARE that Clemson guy say he could not handle a queen! He was a king and a king could handle anything, he'd show everyone that! He'd also prove that his subjects didn't hate him because he was so loved throughout his entire kingdom.

So he'd scouted out the zoo for someone worthy of becoming his queen and come up empty handed, that is, until he read one of the silly otter's girly magazines. Reading wasn't the right word for it, more like he tried to do a puzzle and failed but saw that he'd made what looked to be an arrow pointing from a royal looking man to a brutish police looking man. That was a good a sign as any to tell the king that opposites attracted. From there it was a straight forward shot to find his oppotisy-site and there he began with his spying on the penguins.

Julien took a whole two days of watching them to cross them off one by one off his list. The crazy penguin was the first to be crossed off. A king couldn't have a queen that was more outgoing than he was, that was for sure. The second to be crossed off was the smart penguin. The long words gave him a headache in his royal melon, and last there were the two stubby penguins, the nice-y penguin and the bossy penguin.

After some careful and thought out reasoning of eeny meeny miny mo's, he was able to cross out the nice penguin and tada! There was his future queen! He'd been a spy guy watching the bossy penguin from afar for the past three days. He found that if you stared at someone long enough, you started to love and adore every little thing they did.

The lemur found that he loved watching the penguin make the Kung Fu moves and flip the stupid puffin guy over his head. They had had two zoo breaches this week, something not common but not rare either.

The king had also found that he loved how the bossy penguin smelled like the coffee beans, a bean he'd like to collect from the gardens of Madagascar and stop to smell from time to time when he pulled it from its growing place. He also liked how cuddly and cute the penguin was, especially when he was watching their performance for the humans.

If you stared at someone long enough, you were bound to notice the little things they do, and it doesn't take long for one to develop feelings for another. So by the sixth day of his investigating he'd found his new royal spouse. There was a ritual back on his home island for the courting on a new queen. He intended to follow through with it.

He had to get the lucky lady everything they liked, and make them happy, then you were to woo her with a first date of sorts, and after the date was were the actual loving ritual began, the part where the queen was accepted into the royal family with open arms...and legs, he supposed with how you looked at it.

Julien had been trying to find out what things the Skipper penguin liked before he would go through with his planned out ceremony and now the stupid smarty penguin had taken his love away before he could get any information. Now what was he supposed to do? He wasn't a mind reader! How was HE supposed to figure out what the silly penguin of his desire would like to have if he couldn't even get close enough to find out!

"I like spying!" Mort came seemingly out of nowhere next to the king, making him jump in surprise and scowl.

"I am not spying, stupid Mort! Now go play with de dart frog like I told you to and leave your king alone!" Julien scolded before putting the stolen binoculars from Alice office back up to his pupils, hoping the penguins would come out of their house soon so he could watch some more.

"Can I spy with you?" Mort asked, not leaving like the lemur king had requested.


"Uh, Julien?" Maurice tapped the king on the shoulder, walking up to the bush the two younger lemurs were standing behind for some odd reason the adviser didn't think he wanted to know.

"M-Maurice!" Julien chuckled nervously, throwing the binoculars on the ground where they hit Mort in the head. "What is a royal adviser like you out here seeing what a royal king like me is doing at dis time of night?"

Mort shook out of his daze from being hit with the seeing device. "Spying doesn't like me!" The small lemur proclaimed.

Maurice raised a brow. "It's noon, your majesty."

"Oh, so it is. De kingly eyes must be playing tricks on their king." Julien said with a nervous grin.

"Uh huh..." Maurice didn't look at all convinced. "I'd imagine they would if you had binoculars on them all week. What's been up with you, Julien? You haven't been right since that crazy Clemson left eight days ago after coming back AGAIN. How come you're spying on the penguins, man?"

"Spying on de- Who is doing de spying upon anyone? If anyone is doing de spying on de penguins it is MORT! Look at him and what shame he has brought upon this kingdom!" Julien glared down at Mort with a look of disapproval.

"Right." Maurice rolled his eyes. "Well I was about to go down and ask them for some sugar for your afternoon smoothie. We're all out for some reason. I coulda swore I just picked some up last week."

With a cheesy grin, the lemur king shrugged guiltily with a blush on his cheeks, suddenly remembering some six days ago when he threw the sugar cup at the bossy penguin to get him to turn around so he could get a better looked at Skipper's puffed out chest. He ended up hitting the nice penguin instead. It was a freak accident really if you thought about it.

"Eh, well I DO like a lot of de sugar in my royal smoothies. It awakes my booty in ways of hypery-ness."

"Whatever." Maurice shrugged. "You two wanna wait for me back at the habitat or you wanna come with? Doesn't matter to me."

"You know what? I will be going with you, Maurice. Dat way Mort can help you carry dat heavy bag all de way back."

"I like hard labor!" Mort exclaimed.

The adviser sighed and started for the penguin habitat wall. "How thoughtful, Julien."

Julien smiled as he followed. "I am knowing right!"