I don't even know where this came from. Kuma needs some love, though. I don't own Gokusen.

Re-uploaded from yesterday. (':



Kuma Teruo had never been a very popular person, at least not until high school. Before he graduated junior high, he was constantly being teased—more like tormented, he couldn't help but think—because of his weight. He tried not to let it get him down, simply because he didn't want his mom to be disappointed. No matter how hard he tried, though, he almost always ended up crying himself to sleep—talk about pathetic, huh?

So he decided for a change.

He wasn't just fat, he realized; there was some muscle underneath of there, too. While it wasn't much compared to others his size, it was definitely enough to kick those bullies' asses. And kick their asses, he did. They never bothered him again, and all was done…

—Until he found himself becoming a part of Abe's group during his second year. In a way, it almost felt as if Abe was bullying him, just as much as Kuma was bullying Yuki, as well as several other guys.

He never felt more ashamed, doing the same thing to others that was done to him. Yet, still he stayed. He finally had friends, and he wasn't about to ruin it. He finally had someone to tell his mom about, and he wasn't gonna mess that up for anything.

… Well, that is, until he met Sawada Shin. He managed to show Kuma the light, albeit indirectly.

He never bullied another kid again—well, he bullied teachers, but they weren't really kids, were they?—and decided to cut his ties with Abe. He and Uchi—who had also been a part of Abe's group—became friends with Shin.

He had never been happier in his life.



When that teacher—Yankumi, they called her—arrived, Kuma was a little confused. For once, something other than food made him feel butterflies in his tummy. Maybe it was just because her fingers were thin like asparagus, her skin was pale like vanilla, and her eyes were chocolate brown like… well, like chocolate.

They were all some of his favorite foods, so… so maybe he was just hungry, he thought. As soon as his hunger was satisfied and he looked at her again, he expected to feel nothing but annoyance, like he normally did when he looked at a teacher. But he felt something completely different.

The butterflies were still there, but stronger.

Maybe he was still hungry.



As months passed and the feeling intensified, Kuma realized that the feeling definitely wasn't hunger. Though he didn't pass it off as love, he realized that he did feel some sort of attraction to his teacher; maybe just a crush, he settled.

He had liked girls before, so he knew what it felt like. The only difference was... all of those other girls wouldn't even give him the time of day. Yankumi, though... she considered him a friend—not just an annoying student. He couldn't help but feel as if he had some sort of chance.

But then Shin started to like her, too. Kuma didn't blame his friend... Yankumi was charming... in a strange sort of way. Shin and her would be perfect together, Kuma would say to himself as he saw the way Shin looked at his teacher.

They would be perfect together.

But still, the butterflies remained. He knew that no amount of food would get rid of the feeling.