... Miss me? No? Okay.
Here's a really short chapter that I just completely threw together (but will play a big part later on, so read it!)
At least I posted, okay?
I'm so sorry ;-;
'Kay. Bye.
Lavi sat in the library, sitting in a large green chair with a book about the battle that determined this country's ruler. He'd always liked history. Well, more so than that, he just liked facts. He wanted to know things. Apparently, a mememorable trait in a future king.
Almost halfway into the book, Lavi heard the door squeak open. He turned to see Allen, dressed in nothing but his night gown. He rubbed his eyes before stepping into the room that was only lit with a few candles and the moon shining through a window.
"Can I help you?" Lavi asked him. It was unusual for anyone to ever come to the library, even during the day. He'd never seen someone show up in the middle of the night.
Allen did not take notice of him as he began to scan the shelves, clearly on the search for something. Lavi watched him for a while, stumbling around in the dark and groaning in frustration as his search grew longer.
Finally, the prince stood and walked over to him. Allen did not turn, though it was obvious he could feel the precense behind him. Lavi chuckled, leaning in close to whisper in Allen's ear.
"What are you looking for?" he asked.
Allen spun around quickly, his eyes full of awareness and guard. Lavi blinked, concerned for a moment. Did he scare him that bad? But then again, they were alone in a dark room, and Allen was hardly dressed.
"Please stand away," Allen asked.
Lavi did as he asked and took a step back. He was actually startled himself. Allen had seemed the most free and blistfull out of the girls. Was he actually deeper than that? While pondering, Lavi decided he should be careful around Allen for now.
"Lenalee," he spoke up, "I can help. What are you trying to find?"
Allen paused for a moment. "Tyki's Dream."
Lavi was once again stunned for a moment. What would Allen want with a Noah bedtime story? But deciding not to pry, he went along the shelf to pick up a book containing Noah folklore. It hadn't been read in years, so a thick layer of dust covered it.
"Thank you," Allen whispered as he took it. But as Lavi handed it over, he realized Allen did not have on his gloves. This, of course, showed his Noah markings that his mother carved into him at a young age.
Allen didn't notice that Lavi had seen, and went on his way. Lavi, however, was left in a disturbing oblivion. So what if Allen was Noah? It wasn't something to hide. So why was he?