
The head of the man in the cloak and ghost mask is twisted to the side, neck broken. He lies dead in the middle of the tree line just outside the lights of a nearby house.

Rhulan reaches down and removes the mask.

"what the hell?" says Rhulan, "it's…a kid?"

Rhulan grimaces and looks to the sky, "Goddess! Show yourself!"

The being known as the goddess appears before her in the woods, her form as before, a mirrored image with dark wavy hair and long dark dress.

"What is the meaning of this?" demands Rhulan, "I sought the very aura you imprinted on the list and it's just this…kid."

*not a child* projects the goddess *this is the first, a second soon to follow, and more after copying the murder spree of this one. With this one dead, after having just tied up a man nearby who will be found unharmed now the murder spree and future copiers of this one shall be no more.*

Rhulan practically growls through her teeth, "I am not a slayer of weak little proto-humans! For future reference…your highest of all…if you want humans dead send someone else. This wasn't worth my time!"

Rhulan vanishes through her portal.

The goddess looks down at the body and over at the house as the girl inside who had moments before been on the phone with this killer heads out the patio doors to untie her boyfriend from a chair.

*hmmm*, queries the goddess to herself, *perhaps this one was a bit beneath you my dear. Maybe…but then haven't most of these been beneath you?*

With a smile the goddess vanishes, not that she was visible before to the eyes of mortals.