Just a lil thingy, enjoy xo


"Thor! Brother! Help!" the dark-haired child yelled, as three larger children advanced upon him.

"Thor isn't here, liesmith!" one of them jeered, "And we're going to teach you a lesson!"

"You're pathetic! You're a mockery of the name 'Odinson'!"

"Practicing magic!? Magic is a woman's art! Even young Sif doesn't do magic! You're a sorry excuse for a Prince of Asgard, silvertongue!"

"Thor!" the boy cried out, "THOR HELP ME!"

Loki was only the equivalent of eleven Midgardian years old. These others were older, teens. Loki kept backing up as they advanced on him, cornering him.

Please Thor, he silently begged, please help me!

"Hogun! Fandral! Volstagg!" a woman's voice shouted, angry, "Step away from my son!"

"Mother!" Loki cried out in relief.

The three boys ran away, fearful of what the Queen would do to them. Frigga surged forward, sweeping her young son into her arms, as tears slid down his porcelain face.

"Shhh, my boy, it is okay, hush child, I am here, they will not hurt you," she whispered soothingly, cursing Thor's friends. She would see to it that they were severely punished.

"Mother," Loki sobbed, "Mother I no longer wish to study magic!"

Frigga was shocked.

"Why ever not, pet?"

"The- the others they...they said it is a girl's art, and that I am a disgrace and-"

"No Loki, no sweetheart," Frigga murmured, "You study what you're good at, not what others say you should. You will be a powerful sorcerer, my dear. Your destiny does not lie in physical combat, you have intelligence, so much more so than Volstagg, or Fandral, or Hogun, or even Thor."

She wiped away the tears dripping down her son's face. He sniffled, blinking away the new tears threatening to spill over. He took a deep breath, and nodded.

"Yes mother," he sighed, "I mustn't let their poisonous words affect me so."

Frigga smiled at her youngest's wise words. She stood, and took his hand.

"Come along. Why don't we find some cakes and have tea in the library, you'd like that wouldn't you?"

Loki grinned up at her, his bright smile lighting up his whole being.

"Yes mother, that sounds wonderful!"

Thanks for reading xo