Hey all. This is my first fanfic so I apologise in advance if this story sucks. I suddenly got the inspiration and could actually start writing this story so I ended up with the first chapter before I gave up. I only planned on it being a short one but who knows how it will turn out. Hope anyone that reads it likes it. If not, that's cool too.

Of course I don't own Blue Exorcist; it (sadly) belongs to Kazue Kato.

It was a normal day at the cram school, albeit a bit noisy.

"Who in the hell are you calling a monkey, yah chicken head?!" Rin yelled in one of his usual fight with Bon.

The yelling match continued as everyone else ignored them. Shiemi was talking to Shima and Konekomaru. Izumo was reading a book over the other side of the room. They were all waiting for Shura to show up for the class to start.

Everyone turned their eyes to the door of the small classroom as it opened. Rather than their loud, boisterous teacher there stood a small girl. She was adorable, long black hair with hues of blue streaking through up in two pigtails, freckles scattered across her little face and wearing a pink dress with matching shoes. She looked about 6. (1)

"Hello little girl, are you lost?" asked Shiemi, beginning to walk up to the little girl.

Light blue eyes scanned the room. Her curious face erupted in a smile. "Daddy!" the little girl cried as she ran across the room to Rin, who looked down in shock at the little girl clutching onto his leg. "Let's play."

Shocked silence filled the room.

The girl merely tilted her head. "Are you alright daddy? You look like snow."


"Okumura!" shouted Bon, who had turned red.

"R-R-R-Rin..." sputtered Shiemi.

Konekomaru and Izumo had matching blushes but otherwise were silent.

"Good going Rin," Shima gave him a thumbs up, obvious pervy thoughts in his head.

Rin held up his hands defensively. "W-Wait, what? Who are you kid? I'm not your dad. You're confused."

"I'm Emi and you're my Daddy, silly."

Shura had decided to walk in at that moment, eyebrows rising high. "Knock up someone, aye? Ye' idiot."

"It's not what it looks like, I swear. I have no idea who this kid is," Rin said.

Sniffle. Sniffle. Everyone looked at the now crying girl. "D-Daddy," hiccup, "you m-Meany. Why are y-you saying such," hiccup, "things? I just wanted to p-play," Emi cried.

Rin knelt down in front of the crying girl, trying desperately to find a way to get her to stop crying. Shiemi had joined in to help but was just as useless as him.

Shura laughed at the class, noticing that the child was merely acting. "Yew gotta admit, she does look like ya'."

"Fine, we can play, just stop crying, please," Rin pleaded. Emi stopped and smiled. She began cheering loudly.

"Oi! What about class, slacker?" Yelled Shura.

The door opened again, revealing Yukio and another stranger. This one was older, about 17. She had long purple hair, the colour of lavender and deep brown, almost black eyes with tints of red. she was wearing combat boots, black skinny jeans, a purple, long sleeved shirt that revealed her midriff and a strange, purple velvet belt (tail ^,^).

"Nee-Chan, daddy agreed to play with me..." Emi trailed off, noticing the irritated glare her sister was giving her.

"Daddy?" Yukio asked.

The stranger walked in and grabbed the little girl, who was trying to run away, by the scruff of her dress with one hand, bringing her to eye level. "Emiko Okumura, do you understand exactly how much trouble you are in? Not only am I furious but just how mad do you think mum and dad will be when they find out about what you have done."

Emi began to tear up again. "I just wanted t-to play with d-daddy but he wa-was so busy so-" She cut off as the stranger shook her.

"Don't patronise me, that doesn't work on me. Just take us home and I might not tell mum. Or, I could just pull your tail until you give in." She threatened, calm but deadly. The class took notice of the black, blue tuff of hair that was hanging from under the dress.

"Hikari~. He already said he would play. And you're gonna get in trouble if I get in trouble, you were meant to be watching me." The little girl was far too cunning and irresponsible for her age. Hikari rubbed the bridge of her nose.

"For a six year old you're a real hassle. Why'd you have to bring me along anyway?" She dropped the child, who landed perfectly with grace, and dropped into a nearby seat, burying her head in her hands, groaning.

A smile lit up the child's face. "Because daddy said that if I use my power I should take someone responsible like you, Nee-Chan."

"Mum's gonna kill us."

The class had remained silent during this odd exchange between the duo.

"Where'd yew find this one Scaredy Cat?" Shura asked him.

"Outside," he sighed, feeling a headache coming on.


Hikari found herself lost after searching for her younger sister for the past 10 minutes. The large academy was one giant maze which Emi seemed to have an invisible map for. She had up and vanished the minute they arrived. She now found herself in a long hallway that she couldn't see the end of. There had to be hundreds of doors.

After opening about 40 doors she was almost screaming in frustration. Then she saw a very familiar face."Yukio Okumura," she called out as she ran up to him.

He turned around examining the stranger in a quick glance.

"Yes miss, how can I help you?"He asked, a polite smile forming on his face.

"I'm looking for someone. Do you know where Rin is?"

"Yes, may I ask how you know my brother?"

A humorous smirk ghosted her lips. "My sister was looking for him and I need to find her. I just got lost in such a huge maze."

"Understandable. I was heading past Okumura-Kun's class anyway, I can walk you there," He offered.

"Yes, please." She smiled and continued walking at his side. "Oh my, I haven't introduced myself, I'm Hikari." He didn't comment on the lack of a last name.

They walked in a companionable silence as they passed many doors. They finally stopped in front of one. "Thank you very much," she said appreciatively, staring irritably at the door.

End Flashback.

"Hikari-san, could you explain exactly what is happening here." Yukio politely demanded.

When Hikari didn't respond, Emi spoke up. "Well Oji-Chan, I was bored and mummy and daddy were busy and Nee-Chan wouldn't play with me so I decided to time travel back so I could play with younger daddy." She said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Time travel..." He repeated.


"You mean I have children!" Rin roared, flustered and confused. The exwires sweat dropped.

Click. Hikari was holding up a black flip phone, taking pictures of Rin. Click, Click, Click. She smiled mischievously. "This should help tone down the punishment. Continue Dad, make some more embarrassing faces, mum will love them." Emi clapped, elated at the idea.

"Oi, so you're saying that you're from the future and that you're Okumura's kids. Which means... How in the hell did that blueberry get a girl?" Bon asked. The duo merely shrugged.

Emi began tugging on Rin's arm, talking about games and the fun they would have. He still seemed to have trouble processing this new information. "You wanna play too Oji-Chan?" Yukio shook his head and apologised. She pouted before turning to Shura, who sat on her desk fairly amused. "What about you Oba-Chan?"


Click. Click.

"You calling me old kid," Shura glared. Everyone took a step back out of habit. Emi shook her head, confused at the question.


Hikari burst out laughing while everyone else stood in shock, immediately interpreting the meaning. "Oh imouto, you cause so much trouble I don't know whether to laugh or cry," she said.

"You're laughing," Emi pointed out. Her sister wiggled her now loose tail at her.

"Wait, yew can't mean that me and scaredy four-eyes actually..." Shura trailed off, a look akin to dismay and disbelief, glancing between the exorcist and the time travellers. Hikari continued to take pictures, amusement replacing the agitation she felt earlier. Yukio hid his expression behind that weird glasses thing he does, but his shock was clear.

"Can I play with your hair daddy?" She pulled the poor half demon onto the dirty floor, pulling out a bunch of hair ties from her dress.

"Hikari-San, by telling us all these things aren't you disrupting the space-time continuum or something?" Asked the ever reasonable Konekomaru. Everyone paid acute attention to her answer, ready to move on from the uncomfortable situation.

"Well Koneko-Chan, the universe was smart enough to create a mechanism that protects itself from kids with too much power." She gave a pointed stare at her sister. "For example, once we leave this time frame, you will begin to forget about today and will only remember it once in our own one." Hikari explained.

"It means we get to mess around a lot more," giggled Emi.

"Wow! That's so awesome!" Exclaimed Rin, finally over meeting his daughters. "So you can both travel in time, that's the coolest thing ever!" The duo giggled at his childish nature.

"Actually, only Emi can travel in time, she just brought me along. I actually inherited-" Deep, blue flames licked her shoulders with a fireball sitting in her palm. "-this."

Wows sounded out of the group as they found themselves impressed by these two. Click.

"So, you done yet Emi? We should be getting home," Hikari asked her sister, who pouted in return, having already worked Rin's hair into numerous pigtails.

"I haven't even started playing yet," She whined. "Anyway, you just wanna get home 'cause you have a date tomorrow."

With a panicked glance at Rin, who would remember this said tomorrow, she sent a glare her way. She also combusted all the hair ties in both her hand and Rin's hair, all without burning anything other than what intended. Both yelped and stood up, earning a satisfied smirk from Hikari.

"That wasn't fair Nee-Chan," complained Emi.

"What'd I do?" asked Rin.

"So Bonbon, has dad always been this childish?" asked Hikari.

"Who said you could call me that." He answered.

"You did, ever since I was two." She replied. Emi also gave a 'same here'. Emi had calmed down and was now gently playing with Rin's tail as he was brushing his hands through his hair.

"Can we go play something now," Emi complained.

"Umm..." Rin said, unsure.

"What class do you have next?" Hikari asked.

"PE," said Izumo.

"Well, it looks like we might be staying around a bit longer," Hikari said resigned, as Emi's face lit up.

(1) Looks like a Chibi Fem!Ciel

Imouto= little sister, Neechan=big sister, Ojichan=uncle, Obachan=aunt (or middle aged lady), Nii-san=big brother