The Phantomhive manor was the home of the Queen's Watchdog and his family.

Vincent Phantomhive was said to be an evil noble man. Killing all the people who dares to cross his path and the ones who did something wrong to upset the Queen. He also had a beautiful wife, Rachel Dalles. The sister of Angelina Dalles. Rachel loved her husband so much that she didn't mind Vincen't job at being the Royal Watchdog. She would also bid him with lots of luck and prayed for his safety.

Vincent had blue-ish black hair and brown eyes. Bearing a beauty mark under his left eye. Even though he was said the be an evil nobleman, in truth, he was kind, caring, chivalrous, and prideful.

Rachel had long strawberry blonde hair and deep blue eyes. She also has asthma. Rachel then later had a sweet baby boy. And she and Vincent agreed to name him Daniel. Her son had a darker shade of hair than Vincent's. Almost black. While he inherited her mother's eyes. Only that it was bright blue instead of a deep shade blue.

When Daniel, now nicknamed as Danny from some of his relatives, was five years old, Vincent adopted a Russian Hound dog. The dog had brown fur and was rather fond of Danny. The dog was larger than the boy and Danny loved to play with him. And so, he named him Sebastian. Which he coincidentally named him after the head butler because he admired him.

Traditions stated that nobles need to marry other nobles. And so, Frances Midford, Vincent's sister, has agreed to let her daughter, Elizabeth Ethel Cordelia Midford, to be engaged with Danny.

The curly blond haired, green eyed girl was a year older than him. The two of the children had fun playing together. Usually playing tag and play with his father's toy, a small version of the Noah's Arch.

Angelina Dalles would also spend time with her nephew and his betrothed. She loved the blue eyed boy as if he was her own.

Everything seemed to be normal. Except for the family butler.

A month after Vincent and Rachel got married, the earl got the news of his parents getting murdered. And so, filled with anger and grief, he summoned a demon and made a contract. As it stated, the demon will help Vincent kill the murderers in exchange of his soul. Thus, making him the Phantomhive's butler and giving him the name Sebastian Michaelis.

After making the contract, a purple pentagram was embed on Vincent's right eye. Making him have to wear an eye patch. His precious son grew fond of Sebastian. Making the earl cautious whenever the demon was near his beloved son. But he didn't knew that demons can indeed, have human feelings. The demon was also fond of Danny. He would always help him whenever the boy needed assistance. To say, both of the young master and his betrothed liked to play London Bridge with him. Not that Sebastian didn't mind it.

But then, a tragic event happened at the Phantomhive manor.

As soon as Danny turned eight, a fire started at the Phantomhive manor. But Sebastian was out in town to go buy some supplies for dinner. All the while remembering the words his master said yesterday.

"Once that my revenge is fulfilled or the contract breaks, as your master, I order you to look after my son, Daniel."

"Yes, my lord."

Danny ran down the burning hall to find his parents. "Mother! Father!" He coughed as the smoke hit his nose. But he blocked it with his arm and kept on running. Once he reached his father's study, a terrible sight was seen by the young boy.

His father and mother's burning corpse was laid down on the carpeted floor. His eyes widened and his mouth agape. Tears streaming down his eyes. Then, strong hands wrapped around his chest and he felt being lifted into soft embrace.

"Young master..." Was all he heard before he blacked out due from lack of oxygen.

"Young master..." Sebastian murmured as he patted the boy's back. They were currently staying at an inn in London. It has been two days ever since the fire and Danny didn't moved a muscle. Sobbing as he hugged his legs and buried his face on his knees.

But now, there wasn't any sobbing. Then, finally, Danny said something to Sebastian. More like whispered.

"I'm tired..."

Sebastian sighed softly and got off the edge of the bed, "Would you like a cup of warm milk?"

Danny shook his head. He instantly flopped back down and covered his entire body with the blanket. With one last worried glance, Sebastian headed towards the door and whispered.

"Goodnight, young master."

Once that he was gone, Danny's eyes were narrowed with anger and determination.

"Stupid, idiotic, unholy, unforgiving, unmerciful, pathetic... I will never forgive them... Never..." And then, he fell asleep right away.

As Sebastian walked down the hall towards the Phantomhive manor to fix it back up, he felt a tingling sensation go throughout his body. Someone was summoning him. And that someone came from his young master's room. His eyes widened.

'He's... summoning me? But... Oh, now I know. For revenge,' he thought with a sigh. At first, he saw the young boy's soul was delectable. His pure, childish innocence making it delicious right after he devoured Vincent's soul. Bus as the years has passed, the boy wriggled his way in his non-existing heart.

With a heavy sigh, he quickly headed towards an empty closet. 'Terribly sorry, young master. But this is your choice. But then, I know a way to prevent me from eating your soul... I am, after all, simply one hell of a butler...'

When Danny's eyes shot open, he was floating in nothing but darkness. Still wearing his hospital gown.

"What is your wish?" a voice asked.

Danny looked around to find the source. And saw a crow perched up on a branch that was covered in black feathers.

The boy narrowed his eyes in determination. "Revenge. I want to track down and kill the people who killed mother and father."

"Are you certain? Think well, young one. For the cost of me for serving you is your soul."

"Are you defying me!? Demon, I want you to serve me and help me fulfill my wish. Nothing more, nothing less. In exchange, I'll give you my soul."

"Very well. Where shall I put the contract mark that will bound us together until your wish is fulfilled?"

Danny thought for a moment, " right eye."

"Then it seems I may have to take form of a proper appearance."

White feathers then began to fall. And then Danny saw a man emerging from them. His eyes widened at the sight.


Said demon smiled sadly, "Yes, young master. I am the demon that you made a deal with."

"But... how? Why!?"

He sighed, "Young master, please forgive me. But, me and your father made a deal. The deal was similar to yours."

"Then... you killed them!" Danny exclaimed as anger welled up in his amethyst eyes.

"Young master, I assure you I did no such thing. I was out busy buying at the local market. Though, I can't help but wonder why your father didn't called me."

There was a few minutes of silence. Then, with a deep breath, Danny looked at Sebastian's auburn eyes with determination.

"I don't care. Just please, make a deal with me. I don't care if I die. They took away the most important people in my life."

With a small, sad smile, Sebastian got down on one knee and put a hand on his chest.

"Yes, my lord."

Prologue is done! Oh, and I've decided that this is Part one of The Phantom's Butler. In other words, this is a full story of Danny's life of being an earl and having a caring demon butler. Then, there's a Sequel of his life at the 21st century in another dimension.

THIS IS NOT DannyxSebastian! More like a fatherly bond ^^

Anyway, my further explanation...

The reason why Vincent didn't called Sebastian was that he knew that Danny would eventually make a contract with him. Plus, with his position of being the Queen's Watchdog, sooner or later he and his wife will get killed. Thus, resulting the fire.

And when Sebastian said that he knew a way to prevent himself from eating Danny's soul at the end is a surprise... Or maybe, you already know! XD Anyway, Danny will keep acting stoic and emotionless. Like Ciel. But if Sebastian shows fatherly comfort he longingly desired or when he has a nightmare, he'll show his affection to Sebastian. Besides, the Prologue did say that the two of them were fond of each other.


Oh, and Sebastian's OOC here ^^'


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