Silent Night

I don't own any characters in this story except for the really minor ones.

It was Friday morning and Gon, as usual, woke up early to the chirping of the birds. Like any other days, he filled the house with his loud replies and laughter. However, it was clear that something was bothering him. Of course, Mito was able to notice it. It was simply too obvious. To tell the truth, Gon was acting like this a few days ago. That was the first time he had ever woken up so late. But, Mito chose to ignore it, not because she doesn't care about Gon. It was because she cared about him that she wants him to tell her what is bothering him. She will never want to use force on him.

Even so, Gon was acting really weird. He was just too obedient. He didn't do more than necessary. Knowing Gon, he would usually beg for work and ignore Mito-san's demands. For example, when Mito told him to sit down quietly, he would always get up. Then, wander around trying to help her with something.

However, today Gon didn't do any of those. During breakfast, Mito told him to sit down and he did, without a word. The same goes for the laundries. He didn't do more than necessary to assist Mito. Not to mention that Gon always seems to be in deep thoughts. These days, it was hard for Mito to figure out what her boy was thinking. It sure was a tough day for Mito. She wasn't able to do her work properly. After a few seconds, she would find her eyes locked on Gon once again. She just felt uncomfortable.

Finally, during dinner Gon asked a question.

"Could people disappear into the darkness?"

It was an unexpected question. She wondered who or even what put that idea in the mind of her boy. But, she still has to give a proper answer to Gon.

"Hmm…I have never heard about people disappearing into the darkness…but when I was small there was a magic show. During the show, the magician would have someone hold up a black cape and within a poof, the magician would disappear."

"How do they disappear like that?" Gon continued.

Not knowing what to say, she glanced towards her mother who was sitting beside her. Grandma let out a sigh.

"Well Gon, those magicians use magic that's why they are called magicians," Grandma explained as simply as she could.

Gon frowned, "What is magic?"

"Magic is basically a supernatural force," Mito replied.

After a few nods, Gon smiled as though everything was solved. He quickly gobbled up the food on his plate and asked for more. When all of the food was done, Gon offered Mito a hand. Seeing Gon so cheerful, Mito couldn't be more relieved.

That night, Gon was able to sleep well. His suspicion for Killua disappeared as he knew he was a magician. It was a peaceful night.

The following day, morning was bright and fresh. Gon happily hopped off his bed. It was Wednesday. Kurapika will be coming today. Gon felt an excitement growing in his chest. As usual, Gon ate breakfast, assisted Mito, and looked over his homework to see if he completed all. Having everything done, Gon glanced up at the clock. There was only one hour until Kurapika's arrival. Gon smiled quietly and laid his head on top of his desk. His fingers then reached out naturally to the petals of the flower loop. Slowly, a soft, calming tone filled the room. Gon was again humming the lullaby that his mother often hummed to him. Just like that, the one hour slowly passed by.

The door knob turned.

"Good afternoon," Kurapika casually greeted upon entering the room.

"Kurapika!" Gon walks towards his instructor.

Kurapika smiled after seeing Gon so cheerful. Last time, he felt that something was bothering him. But after seeing Gon so cheerful, he understood that the problem was taken care of.

"Gon, how are you doing?"

"Good!" Gon replied immediately.

"That's good to hear. Have you finished your homework?" Kurapika asked as he hung his bag on the coat hanger.

"Yup," Gon replied while taking out his books.

He hands the thin booklet to Kurapika. Kurapika took the booklet and starts to flip through the pages. When he found the page that he was looking for, he sets the book down on the table, and pulled in the chair that was besides him. However, while looking over the work, Gon who was sitting next to him asked a strange question.

"Say, Kurapika do you believe in magic?"

Kurapika stared at Gon trying to process a question that has nothing to do with the work.

"Magic? I think it is a mysterious thing," Kurapika replied honestly.

Gon frowned, "But that didn't answer my question."

Kurapika chuckled, "I guess I do."

Gon smiled and pulled his chair closer to Kurapika.

"Hey, do you know? There was a magician called Killua who paid me a visit last week!"

"Is that so?" Kurapika replied. However, why would a magician even come this far to a secluded house in the first place? It just doesn't make much sense. Rather, it seems strange.

Gon continued with excitement, "Yup! It was amazing! He could actually vanish into thin air!"

"Wow, that sounds amazing," Kurapika commented with a bit of interest in his voice.

"Right?!" Gon grinned happily.

Kurapika glanced down at Gon who was smiling happily, "But, why was there a magician visiting this place last week?" Kurapika finally asked.

Gon looked puzzled for a second. His eyebrows were knitted together in thought, "I'm not really sure why…But, I think it is really cool!"

Kurapika smiled hopelessly at Gon. However, Kurapika quickly pulled Gon back into work or else this conversation will never end.

Soon, it was time for Kurapika to go. As usual, Gon walked Kurapika to the door, and then he quickly dashed back up to his room. Upon entering his room, he landed straight onto his bed with a big flop.

After talking to Kurapika about Killua, Gon decided that he should meet Killua again. But, how?

Gon rolled over while frowning. To think about it, how did they meet last time? Gon closed his eyes and tried to replay the events. Then, his eyes snapped open as he remembered them.

Oh right! He met Killua during night time. Gon's lips naturally curved into a smile. Now that he knew that he met Killua at night, all he had to do is stay up and wait for Killua!

During dinner, Gon finished all the food in an incredible speed and rushed while helping Mito. His aunt laughed at Gon who was covered in bubbles. Wondering why he was in a rush, she gave him a towel and questioned him. Gon replied, telling her that he had homework to do, but that was only an excuse.

When everything was finished, Gon rushed to his room and closed the lights. His hands searched through the darkness for the blanket, and finally he pulled the sheets over his head. With that, Gon leaned against the wall behind him and adjusted himself into a comfortable position. Feeling happy and excited at the same time, Gon smiled as he waited for Killua to come.

At first, he was able to focus at door. However, his eyelids got heavier as time passed by. It was soon difficult for Gon to even focus at the door. His vision was just too blurry, and everything was growing darker with each minute passing. But, he mustn't sleep. Gon quickly shook his head in order to stay awake. Yet, his eyes were closing the next minute. Before he knew it, he fell into deep sleep. By the time he woke up, it was already morning. The birds were all up chirping and the sun was as bright as ever. Even so, he was not in good spirits. How come Killua didn't come?

This question was stuck in his head for the whole morning. Gon was even having troubles concentrating on his studies. With a frown and sigh, he placed his pencil down on the table, and leaned back onto the chair. Why isn't Killua coming? Last time, he came during the night. Perhaps, Killua just entered this house by mistake. Gon felt sad when he realizes that Killua may never visit him again. But, he wasn't going to give up. Not yet. Today, he'll do the same. All he could do is to wait.

It was unbelievable fast how the sun soon fell below the mountains. As the light from the sun disappears, the moon appeared in the dark night sky. Of course, the stars came out too. Gon, similar to yesterday, stayed up while all of the other family members were asleep. Perhaps, he'll get to see Killua today. But, who knows? Even so, Gon kept hoping Killua would come. However, he was feeling a bit too tired today. Maybe it was because of his lack of sleep. Letting out a yawn, Gon felt tears welling on the corners of his eyes. He wiped them. But, it was no good. He was just too tired today.

Cling, cling, cling…..

A familiar sound.

A pair of brown eyes shot open. Along with the fast beating of the heart, a series of heavy breathing followed up. Gon quickly pushed himself up. It was just a feeling, but he felt that something is going to happen. Looking around, he took a deep breath and calmed his racing heart. Could it be that…Killua is coming? Gon thought while looking towards to the doorway. Suddenly, an unexpected smile appears on the boy's face. His heart went racing again, but with excitement this time rather than anxiety.

Finally. Gon thought as he heard something coming closer. With one step and another, the footsteps were gradually getting louder. Then, a small sound of the turning doorknob reached to Gon ears, and door creaked open. He was grinning and-

"Welcome, Killua!" A strong, loud voice like a roar, reaches every corner of the room.

After the greeting, came a loud silence. Even with minutes passing by, nothing is happening. Strange….

Gon scratched his head. Perhaps, he has mistaken? But, if that is so then why is the door opening by itself. No, it can't be an illusion, and he is certain that he had heard something. Then, maybe he scared Killua away? With that thought, Gon felt guilty. There was the need to apologize even if Killua, himself has already left.

Gon bowed with his head slightly touching the bed that was underneath him.

"I'm deeply sorry for raising my voice suddenly…" Gon finished the statement while glancing up.

"I hope it is okay," he added.

"HOW is that okay?!"

Gon jumped in surprise.

"You almost made me-!"

Gon closed his eyes while thinking that he'll be yelled at. However, the lecturing just ended without a warning. Upon opening his eyes, he saw a figure in a black robe.

"Ah." Killua said as if he wasn't conscious of what he was saying.

Gon, who was dumbfounded, stares at the mysterious in front of him. He never expected the quiet and cold boy who he met a few days ago to be able to shout in such a voice.

"What was it that you were about to say?" Gon questioned.

"Nothing," a quick response was thrown back at Gon.

Gon nodded slowly. It was unbelievable. There must be something. However, he wouldn't force Killua to tell him. Mito-san said that doing such thing is bad manners. With a smile, the cheerful boy pushed that event to a corner in his head.

"Hey, Killua, what kind of magic do you perform?" Gon asked, thrilled.

"Huh?" Killua looked at Gon with weird eyes.

Yet, Gon continued to look at Killua with admiration.

"Magic?" Killua asked trying to see if he hasn't heard it wrong.

"Yup! Aren't you a magician? Last time you disappeared with a trace," Gon explained.

"Oh," Killua replied as though he had just grasped the situation.

Killua, who was clueless, stared at Gon. For the next few minutes, Killua continued to stare at Gon. It seems a bit strange to Gon, but he didn't care. He concluded Killua's awkwardness with the statement, 'All magicians are awkward.' Since all magicians were born to be awkward, then Killua's actions are not strange at all.

"Yes, I am a magician," Killua suddenly replied out of nowhere.

Gon grinned again.

"Then, what magic could you use? Can you show me?" Gon was extremely excited. If one closes carefully in his eyes, tiny sparkles could be seen.

Killua looks a bit hesitant. He furrowed his eyebrows just like something was bothering him. This became obvious by the time Killua was clutching down on his stomach. Something was really wrong. Gon quickly struggled to get out of bed, hoping to help Killua.

Then, unexpectedly, Killua held up his right hand. Within the palm, a spark appeared which was followed by a few more consecutive sparks. Without any warning, all disappeared within a flash. If you were to ask what it looks like, it is close to fireworks.

After that performance, Gon was stunned. He stared at Killua's palm for at least a few seconds before functioning again. Slowly, his lips curved into a smile.

"Wow! That's so cool! How did you do that?" Gon asked almost naturally.

Suddenly, Gon was under the gaze of a pair of cold eyes. Although it was the second time that Gon has seen those eyes, they sure do give people unpleasant feelings.

"Something like this, you don't need to know," Killua spoke in a serious tone.

Gon lowered his eyes feeling dejected. He felt like he has done something wrong.

"Anyways…" Killua began.

The pair of eyes that was gloomy just now clears up and focuses at the person in front of him.

"I have to go."

Gon immediately grabs into Killua's robe after hearing Killua said that he has leave. What if he disappears again? Maybe this time, he won't come back?

Feeling a bit uneasy, Gon looked into Killua's eyes.

"Killua, will we meet again?" He asks Killua in a troubled tone.

The soft fabric slips from Gon's grasp.

"We will," Killua replied while pulling his robe from Gon's hand.

Killua disappeared right after announcing his departure. Fidgeting with an unsettled heart, Gon finally got up to check if Killua really has left. And despite Gon's efforts, there really was nothing. There were no traces of Killua anywhere. On the way back to his room, Gon felt amazed. It was still a mystery that someone could just disappear like that, moreover, performing such breath-taking magic. If he were able to use magic, his life would definitely have a change. Naturally, a yawn escaped his lips. His tired body landed straight to bed. That would definitely be nice, and then, he'll show it to Mito-san. The heavy eyelids slowly closes and he felt himself being drawn away from reality. At that moment, a questioned popped up in his head.

When would we meet again?

"Gon! Wake up! It's already 9 o' clock!"

A troubled groan and a toss of arm came in as a response. However, it was clear that the owner of those irritated groans still has not yet awoken.

Mito let out a sigh.

"Geez ! Wake up!" She shouted and pulled the blanket away from Gon leaving him shivering in the cold air.

Gradually, Gon's eyes began to open. He stared at his aunt not having a single clue of what is going on.


She shed another troubled sigh.

"What happened? It's not like you to be sleeping so late," Mito asked, worried.

Gon rubbed his eye with his left hand while the other one pushed him up. His eyes were still unfocused as though there was a thin sheet of paper covering his view.

Feeling hopeless looking at Gon, Mito tosses the blanket back on his bed. Her hand then reaches for Gon's forehead to feel the temperature. She frowned when Gon's temperature were perfectly fine. If Gon is not sick, then what might the cause be? Looking puzzled, she turned around. She then shook her head.

"Hmm...Maybe, I should call a doctor in for check up," she muttered to herself while walking towards the doorway.

"No!" Gon suddenly shouted from behind, which halted his aunt's actions.


"Uum...I meant you don't have to. I'm feeling perfectly fine. Just a bit tired," Gon spoke those words as best as could, trying to make Mito less worried.

Mito's brows furrowed, "What do you mean you are fine? You were sleeping late."

Gon smiled, "Mito-san, I'm fine. I was working on something yesterday."

She looked at Gon for a moment and sighed in defeat.

"Okay. Just remember to tell me when you are not feeling good, got it?"

"Got it!"

Mito smiled and left the room, heading out to continue her chores. After Mito was gone, Gon hopped off his bed.

Better get going...

Mito placed the last dish on the dining table, and sighed for the hundredth time today. It still bothers her. Why was her boy sleeping so late today? She shook her head. She shouldn't think too much into it. Gon already told her that he was working late. Mito finally brushed away that topic. She took off her apron and left it hanging on a nearby chair. Then, she head towards the stairs, ready to call her mother, when Gon suddenly appeared on the stairs.

"Ah, you finally feel awake?" She asked.

"Yeah," Gon nodded.

Mito smiled slightly, "Well then, hurry up and get the chopsticks, I'll go call Grandma."

"Umm," Gon said which caught his aunt's attention.

"What's wrong?"

"Can I go to the bookstore today?"

"Hm? Why? Don't we have enough books?"

"No, there is a book that I have to buy," Gon looked away.

Mito eyed Gon suspiciously, but there was no harm. Gon usually won't lie about something big, so it wouldn't be much of a deal. However, what motivated her boy to lie?

Mito looked at Gon for a few moments. Her eyes ran from his head to his feet, searching thoroughly for some hints to why he would lie. Finding absolutely nothing, she exhaled in defeat, "Alright, I allow you to go the bookstore, but finish breakfast first. And! You must come home no later than 6 o' clock."

Gon grinned, "Okay! I understand."

"Good," she commented and continued her way to call Grandma for breakfast.

The cheerful boy jump down the stairs, and rushed towards the counter to get the chopsticks. One by one, he placed the chopsticks to their positions.

It wasn't good. Lately, she felt herself being too soft on Gon. Just like today. Why did he lie? Mito thought unconsciously. She then shook her head slightly. No, she must be too worried about Gon. She hasn't talk to Gon in a while. Maybe, she should, now that Gon is acting weird. As she reached her mother's bedroom, she pushed away that topic.

For now…she'll leave alone the way things are.

"Good morning, mother!" Mito said while opening the door.

"Breakfast is ready," she said while reaching out for Grandma's arm, and allowed the old lady to adjust herself into a sitting position.

"What time is it?" Grandma asked with a hoarse, tired voice.

Mito gave Grandma a small smile, "It's almost 10."

"Why? It's much later than usual," Grandma asked, concerned.

"Well, things got out of hand with Gon," Mito replied while grabbing the cane nearby.


"Good morning Gon," Grandma greeted from the stairs.

"Good morning," Gon replied.

"My sweet boy, I heard from your aunt that you were up late."

Gon's body immediately stiffens in response, but slowly moved again.

"U-un, yeah," he stuttered.

When Grandma reached to the bottom of the stairs, Gon hurried to pull out a chair for her. Grandma then sat comfortably on the chair with her daughter's assist.

"Well then, don't stay up late today. Listen to your aunt, because this girl is such a worry-wart."

Mito frowned, "G-Grandma! You don't have to worry about it. Gon already told me the reason."

"Ho-ho, isn't that the truth?"

Mito pouted in response to her mother's teasing.

The rest of the breakfast time was peaceful. The family joked around a bit and laughed.

"Well then, thanks for the food!" Gon said while standing up. He took his empty plates and cups, and then placed them on the countertop. Quickly, he took the remaining empty dishes, and stacked them in a pile near the sink. With that, he turned around and smiled at Mito-san.

"I'll leave the dishes to you."

"Alright," she said while wiping the table.

"Then, I'll be going!" Gon announced.

"Wait," Mito called out, interrupting Gon's actions.

"You forgot your money."

"It's fine, I have money," Gon said referring to his allowances.

She ignored his objection, and grabbed his hand. She stuffed the money roughly onto Gon's hand.

"Yes, but those are for you to buy what you want," Mito explained.

"I understand. But, I want to buy a book."

Mito sighed, seeing where Gon is going.

"Just buy me some grocery along the way."

"Understood!" Gon grinned, knowing that he had won.

With that, the boy left the house. It usually takes about one and a half hour to reach the town from this house. It was a pretty great distance, but it was a good walk. By the time the town was in sight, the sun was already up high in the sky, indicating that it was noon.

A wind chime played a soft melody in the gentle breezes. Gon looked up to the wind chime and smiled. His hands then reached for the handle in front of him and he pushed.

"Good afternoon! How have you been mister?" Gon greeted the store manager.

"Gon? Oh, welcome," the old manger sat straight and fixed his falling brown cap.

Gon gave a quick glance to the shelves, and it seemed like nothing has really changed even though it had been at least a year since he had personally came here.

He walked up the counter, "Sir, may I ask you where the books related to magic are located?"

The manager looked puzzled for a second. Then, he muttered something, but Gon couldn't catch it due to the manager's low voice. Slowly, the old manager bends down slightly from his chair and took out a book. It was probably a book to help the elderly man to remember.

"Hmm," the old man mumbled while pushing up his round glasses.

While waiting patiently, he noticed that there were a few more wrinkles added onto the manager's face since last time. But that was about it.

"Alright," the manager said, interrupting Gon's thoughts.

"Those books are located at the last shelf," he pointed to his right.

Gon gave the manager a small smile, "Thank you."

The manager leaned back on his chair and tipped his hat, "Haha, young man no problem! But, next time you visit, remember to bring me steamed fish from your famous house!" he joked.

"Yes mister, I'll remember," Gon chuckled and replied with enthusiasm.

With that, Gon heads for the shelf. As he walked to the end, he glimpsed at the shelves besides him. They were all packed with books. It was like if no one has really been buying books. Gon averted his eyes from the tall shelves and focused ahead.

Once he reached the end, he noticed something different. Unlike the earlier shelves, the shelf in the back has a brown reddish color. Perhaps this shelf is new because he is certain that he had never seen this book shelf a year ago.

His eyes searched through the massive shelf. Spell books…Gon thought with his usual relaxed smile. However, he wasn't able to find any so far.

"Hmm…" his gaze dropped low, "could it be here?"

He bends his knees. Now, he is looking at the bottom section.

After a few looks, his lips curled into a smile. Must be these.

His index finger lightly tapped on the tip of the book and he pulled it down.

"Magic Man" the book cover read. Gon opened it and saw some pages of ridiculously drawn pictures. He immediately shoved the book back to its original position. His next selection is "How to Perform Magic". Well, it might turn out to be a good book. As Kurapika said "one should never judge a book by its cover". Upon opening the book, he saw small illustrations of simple magic tricks. But, he wasn't looking for tricks. Guess it was no surprise. He slipped the book back to its place.

"Hmm…" Gon looked through the books carefully trying to get a book with meaningful contents.

While looking, he saw a book called "Dark Magic". It sure sounds cool, but the magic Killua used is definitely not "dark". In fact, it was very bright. Gon skipped over that one and next to the previous book was a book called "S—n Sp—ll." There was a few letters missing. Maybe it was rubbed off? He pulled that one out and on the cover marked the words "Sun Spell". At first glance, he could tell that it was an old book. Unintentionally, he wondered why the manager would sell a used book. As he flipped through the pages, he noticed all sorts of different types of spell. Gon smiled as his eyes scanned through the pages with enjoyment. He closed the book. It was heavy and thick, but it could hold it with one hand.

"Here mister," the book landed onto the counter with a heavy thud.

"Let's see what you got there," the mister looked at the book. However, his face was clouded with confusion the next second.

"It's alright take as much time as you need," Gon suggested after seeing how troubled the manager was.

"No, I understand that this will be 800 Jenny," the manager declared.

"Alright," Gon took out his money.

He handed the money to the manager and the manager stuffed the jenny into the cash register.

"Have a nice day, son."

"You too."

The ringing from the wind chime immediately fills his ears. Gon looked up at the wind chime, and at the same time, he noticed the clouds. There were clouds coming from the west and he could feel the wind blowing stronger than before.

"Looks like it's going to rain…" Gon mumbled to himself.

He looked across the streets and saw a fruit stand. There was a woman buying fruits and she was handing money to the dealer. Then, she left and after a few walks down the street, the woman entered a house. Gon averted his eyes away from the house and looked at the fruit stand.

"Good afternoon, young man," the woman greeted.

"Good afternoon."

His fingertips lightly brushed against the smooth skin of a pear. Then, he gripped onto the pear and tossed it up to feel its weight.

"Young man, our pears are really sweet," the woman commented.

"I'll take this," Gon handed her the coin and glanced to his right.

Better head home.

Gon frowns as he bites onto the pear. It sure was nice to live close. There's not that much to walk and I could always go to the bookstore. Plus, Kurapika wouldn't have to spend so much time just walking to our house. But oh well, I guess there are still some good points in living far from the town.

"I'm home!"

"Welcome home," Mito said as she turned around.

"Good timing. Come here."

Mito handed him a piece of meat from the baked chicken.


Gon grinned, "Yup!"

"Dinner would be ready in an hour," Mito smiled.

"Okay," Gon replied and ran upstairs.

He quickly dumped the spell book into his drawer, underneath all the other books. Then he slammed the drawer shut, and grabbed a new change of clothes left on his bed by his aunt. Next, he raced out of the doorway and down the stairs. With that, he successfully earned Mito-san's "don't run around the house" comment as he rushed to the bathroom. The bathroom door was soon slammed shut behind his back.

Dinner was a mess as Gon recalled. He rushed through everything and he even remembered that food fell from his plate a couple of times. But, he managed to get through it despite his aunt's warning.

Currently, he is on his bed.

His legs were folded and on top of his legs, laid a book. Gon's eyes were clearly fixed on the book. If Mito-san were to barge in, Gon probably wouldn't realize until a minute later. His hands flipped through the pages in a rhythmic manner.

"Heeeh, there are so many different types," Gon naturally commented.

Diligent eyes were concentrated on each paragraph, sentence, and word. As soon as he finished one page, fingers were already under the next page, ready to flip it over. On the next page, Gon's eyes were locked on a specific image. He quickly read the description and grinned.

"Maybe Killua uses this magic, "Gon spoke to himself.

Gon flopped onto the bed with a great, big sigh. His eyes fluttered shut, as he relaxed his stiff shoulders. His eyes slowly opened to a dim-lighted white ceiling.

"Light magic perhaps?"

Gon felt small giggles caught in between his throat.

"Hehe, that sure is great!" He rolled over, and the book that was lying on his laps closed as it slides off. "I wish I could use magic and spells too." Gon mumbled to himself.

With a smile, Gon sat up. He picked up the spell book near his laps and climbed off his bed. Then, he pulled open the drawer and stuffed the book beneath all of his other books. To not cause any commotion, Gon gently pushed the drawer shut.

Feet then bounced him back on bed making a loud THUD. Immediately, eyes were shut tightly as a voice from downstairs was heard.

Although Gon couldn't hear it clearly, he knew that it was probably Mito-san telling him to quiet down.

Gon quickly grabbed the blanket, slipping inside, before Mito-san comes up.

Throughout the short night, gentle rain drops were tapping at the window. It was evident that there was a smile on the boy's face.

Lips pouted, eyes filled with disappointment, Gon was sitting on his comfy chair. That bastard Killua said he'll come! Yet, it has been five days! Just two three days ago he was so excited, explaining every single detail to Kurapika. Gon shed a huge sigh. Could it be that Killua is a big liar? Gon shook his head. He should trust Killua more. Killua, himself even said that they will soon meet. Feeling strength pumping back into his chest, Gon bends over to the drawer beside his desk.

'Oh well, in the meantime, I should look over the spell book more.'

He took out the heavy book and opened to the page that he was up to.

Suddenly an idea popped up into Gon's simple mind.

Yes! I finally got it! It MUST be due to the fact that Killua is busy. Yup! It must be. Magicians are pretty busy after all. I heard from Kurapika (three days ago) that magicians travel from place to place, entertaining people. No wonder, Killua didn't come. He didn't have the time! Gon sat back on his chair with a sigh of relief.

"Being a magician is hard."

This was his conclusion.

"Gon! Kurapika is here!" A loud voice penetrates through his thoughts.

'It's already time?!' Gon thought while clumsily dragging the heavy book across the table. It landed into the drawer loudly, but Gon couldn't care less.

He quickly pulled out his lesson books for today and slide the drawer shut. Just when it was closed, the doorknob turned.

"Good afternoon," Kurapika said while hanging up his bag.

"Good afternoon," Gon greeted back with a big grin.

Kurapika looked over Gon's shoulder.

"Wow, you are fast today," he said while hanging up his bag.

"Yeah," he looked back at the books.

"Alright, let's start with history," Kurapika suggested while walking towards the desk.

He opened up to the page where Gon left off.

"Hmm..." Kurapika's eyes ran across the page and stopped, "look."

Gon pulled himself closer.

"You were right about the part where this ruler didn't have such advanced technology to defeat the other countries. However, a more direct answer will be that this ruler didn't have a large navy army."

Gon nodded.

Kurapika chuckled, "Here, fix it."

He pushed the book closer to Gon.

"Alright," Gon started to write.

With minutes passing by, the only sound that filled the room was the scratching of the pencil along with the ticking of the clock. That was how quiet it was. Kurapika was looking over at Gon, watching closely to see if he had made any mistakes. Suddenly, Gon broke this silence.

"Say, Kurapika…"


"I think Killua is busy."



Gon placed the pencil down on the book and pushed the book back to Kurapika.

"He hasn't been visiting me for a while. My only guess is that he was busy."

"Well it could be," Killua flipped a page, "since from what you had said, he seemed to be very talented."

Gon nodded.

"Anyway…" Kurapika started.

"Okay," he immediately interrupted, knowing what Kurapika is going to say.


"Hehe," Gon laughed.

After his resolution, Gon hasn't been thinking too much into it anymore. Of course, he was still waiting for Killua, and there was a time that he felt very frustrated. But, being frustrated wouldn't help and Gon certainly felt that Killua wouldn't be coming any sooner. Days were just like usual. Except the fact that, Gon hasn't really been mentioning about Killua in front of Kurapika. Even so, Kurapika couldn't care less. It doesn't really bother him. He just assumed that Killua might be "busy" as Gon said.

Everything with Mito-san was fine and Mito-san did have a conversation with Gon. He just used work as an excuse again. Luckily, Mito-san seems to believe him, but if he were to continue with his weird behavior, he doubt he could lie to her again.

And yes. There was an unexpected event, and that happened all during Monday. Monday was the start of the week, and Gon was doing the work that Kurapika left for him. Before he went to bed, he took out the great spell book and studied it. Though, it was just for a while. Then, he slipped under the sheets and dozed off.

The house was silent without a single movement. The only thing that could be heard was the clock, which showed off its proud ticking of the night. The young boy who was resting on the bed was sleeping soundly. Calm breathing came from the boy. It was noticeable that he was having a good dream.


"Oi," a strong voice, almost like a knife, pierced through his soft, sweet dreams.

Gon immediately jolt up in panic. He quickly glanced around trying to find a hint to what is going on. However, he failed to as his vision was unclear, plus the darkness that was surrounding him. Hence, when he rubbed his eyes to get a better vision, a shadow appeared over him. At first, a small gasp escaped his lips, as the feeling of awe overtook him. Then, with his mouth open, he was about to scream when hands suddenly covered his mouth.


Gon nodded twice, signaling that he understood. Then, Killua slowly removed his hands.

Gon sat up properly.

"I never thought you will come again," he said.

Without a response in return, Gon proceed with his questions.

"How come you didn't come for almost two weeks? Were you busy?"

"…you don't need to know," Killua finally replied.


Gon suddenly smiled brightly causing Killua to jolt back.

"Hey, Killua, can you teach me magic?" Gon asked while leaning closer to Killua.

"No," he replied quickly, almost instantly.

Gon frowned and pulled himself back.

"Eeh? Why? I'm sure I'll make a good student."

"I won't repeat myself."

"Hmm," Gon frowned in disappointment.

He looked down at his hands just like a dog that has been scolded.

"Yes," Killua suddenly said out of nowhere.

"What?" Gon hasn't caught up to it yet.

"I said Y-E-S," Killua marked those words unwillingly.

"Really?!" Gon asked, delighted.

His frown instantly turns into a smile, as though he had never been sad before.

"Hehe, I knew you will accept!"

Killua looked away with frustration.

"So now!" Gon raised his voice. "What are we going to do Master?" Gon blurted out.

Killua shuddered with disgust by that title.

"Don't call me by that title!"

"But, you are my Master!"

"No! I already told you my name is Killua. So that's what you are going to call me."

"But, calling you Master sounds better," Gon argued.

Sharp eyes immediately glare at Gon.

Killua was all ready to shout at him, yet, he stopped with his mouth open.


Killua scratched his head, "ugh….alright…fine, fine."

He eyed Gon infuriatingly and breathes out stressfully.

"First of all, casting a spell requires energy and energy is something you have…a lot."

Gon tilt his head in confusion, "I have a lot of energy?"

Killua didn't say anymore.

Seeing how this is not getting anywhere, Gon went over to his drawer and pulled out the spell book. Then, he light up a match. Steadily, he reached to the core of the oil lamp. The fire gradually gets brighter and Gon shook the flame away. He then placed the chimney back to its place.

"Lately, I have been trying to study magic," Gon glanced over to Killua.

"And I noticed that there are a lot of different types of spells," he looked back at the book.

Gon opened the book and flipped to the page about Light magic.

Looking at Killua, he asked "Is this what you used before?"

Killua stared at the page for a while, making Gon a bit nervous. Hopefully, that didn't offend Killua…Gon kept on giving Killua quick glances, unsure of he should to do.

Suddenly, Killua reversed back to a polite speech.

"No, Gon, I think you have mistaken. The type of magic I used was much closer to this," Killua flipped a few pages.

Gon found it strange for Killua's weird speech. But he didn't care because he was too into the lesson.


Killua nodded.

Gon grinned happily, "Say, how do you cast the spell?" he quickly asked.

"I just did."

Gon smiled again, "Really? Is that so?"

It has come to a point where Gon felt that everything that Killua does is considered "amazing". The meaningless talk between the two boys continued for the rest of the night. Killua kept on replying Gon with "Yes" "No" and "You don't need to know." Even so, Gon kept on praising Killua non-stop. It was as if Killua's replies meant a lot to him. Eventually, there was a small smile on Killua's face. But, of course, such small detail was not noticed by Gon.

Unlike last time, Gon finally got Killua to agree with him and to tell him when he'll come again. Indeed, Killua refused at first. However, he slowly gave in and told Gon that he'll come during Thursday. Gon nodded with a small smile. Then, Killua walked into the shadows and disappeared, but this time, Gon didn't get up to check. Soon, the light that lit up the room slowly dims out, and darkness spreads to every corner. Silence once filled the house.

It was Wednesday, and also the day when Kurapika will pay a visit. Gon was waiting patiently for Kurapika. It was boring. Mito-san told him to go back to his room after he tried to help her with almost with everything. There was still two hours before Kurapika will come and he had finished everything on hand. He laid his head on the desk. Finally, he decides to read the spell book. Although there were a lot of pages in this book, Gon is almost up to the back of the book.

Flipping another page, he glanced up at the clock. It was 12:30. Gon smiled. He closed the book and put it back to its original place.

It is almost time.

Kurapika arrived right at 1 o' clock and Gon greeted him. Today, Gon was talking about Killua again. Eventually, Kurapika had to be interest in this person called Killua. From what Gon has said, it seems like Killua is a very mysterious boy. Why would a magician intrude someone's house solely for the purpose of entertain them? This sounds absurd. More importantly, he had never heard that someone could teleport. If what Gon said is true, then just who is this "Killua"? However, again, Killua sounds like an ordinary boy. He was embarrassed upon being praised and it seems like he just wanted a friend (Does he? Haha.) But, for now, he should simply look at Killua as a magician, just like how Gon said he was.

After Kurapika's visit, Gon was already looking forward to Killua's visit. He kept on thinking about what might happen when Killua visits him, that the morning went pass by like a blurry image.

Finally, it was Thursday and the sun has long gone down the mountains.

Remembering their agreement, Gon finally knew that Killua would definitely come. Hence, he took out the book just in case and sat in front of it. The oil lamp was well lit, lighting up the room in a low shade of light. Even if he knew Killua will come, a large amount of time has already passed by. By the time it was 10 almost 11 at night, Gon has already fall asleep on his desk.

The moment the doorknob turned, Gon picked up his head. He was still in the mist of his dreams, not knowing what was going on. However, the moment he saw his "Master" or Killua, the drowsiness went away in an instant. His eyes were wide open with curiosity lingering in them. A smile also appeared on his face.

"Killua!" Gon said, while standing up.

Out of nowhere, Gon's movements were put to a stop.

His body stiffens in fright. The once curious brown eyes were fixed on Killua, almost taunting. There was neither sound nor movement for the next few minutes. Killua returned a confused gaze to Gon.

Slowly, a finger were lifted and pointed towards the puzzling Killua.

The boy who just entered the room felt immensely uncomfortable. No matter how one looks at this situation, it is indeed rude for somebody to point their finger at another person for no reason.

Gon lips wavered for a couple of times as though he was about to say something. Yet, the words don't come out. Finally, the young boy quit his quivering and opened his mouth.

"A snake!" Gon blurted out.

Before Killua could even react, Gon has already jumped and pushed him down. He griped tightly on to Killua's shoulders. Killua tried to push the heavy weight off him, but he wasn't able to. Who would have ever known that such a small body could be so strong?

"Don't move! I'm going to get this off you," Gon said firmly.

His hand slowly reaches out and he grasped tightly onto the slippery scales of the long length. Then, with his other hand, he gripped onto the jaws of the snake. Slowly, he untangled the snake from Killua's shoulder.

Killua was lying on the floor with his hands beside him. His eyes were wide open, staring at the figure in front of him. No words came out of him. He just continued to stare in front of him.

"Good thing I caught it," Gon said.

Gon looked at the grey snake in his hand before looking back at Killua. However, instead of a relieved face from Killua, Gon received a cold, shocked expression. Gon frowned. Did he offend Killua again? What did he do? He looked at the snake.

A suddenly 'click' occurred in Gon's mind.

"Oh, don't tell me that this is your pet…" Gon asked with a troubled voice while holding up the snake.

"What are…" Killua replied with an unfinished statement as though he was bewildered.


Gon quickly lets go of the grey snake in response to the angry hissing. The snake that fell from Gon's hands landed on the floor with a thud. Strangely, with almost no hesitation, it slitters back to Killua.

When Killua sees the snake, he quickly snapped out of his dream.

He looked at Gon with a pair of stunned eyes, almost empty.

"A-ah, yes it is my pet," he nodded a few times, agreeing to what he said.

Killua took the snake with hands that were a bit shaky. He lifts his hand to his neck. With a swift movement, the snake curled around Killua's neck.

Even though Gon is someone who usually won't think too deeply into things, he certainly felt that something was off with Killua. But, oh well, Killua has his reasons. Maybe he doesn't like people touching his pet snake?

A huge grin appeared on the black hair boy.

"Say, what's his name? I never knew you had a snake," Gon questioned as though the event just now has never happened.

Killua didn't answer, instead his gripped harder onto the black cloak. Then, slowly his raised his head and stared into Gon's eyes.

To be honest, Gon was feeling awkward and uncomfortable. He began to fidget and finally, looked away.

Killua exhaled, "Wise."

Gon quickly looked back at Killua with confusion written all over his face.

"I said Wise! It's his name!" Killua shouted.

Gon jumps in surprise. These days, Killua likes to yell for no particular reason. Sometimes, it just catches him off guard…

"So it's Wise," Gon said trying to remember it.

"You gave him that name?" Gon asked again. There is really no end to his questions.

By this time, it was evident that Killua was extremely angry. His eyebrows were squeezed together and he was grinding his teeth.

"Stop asking!"

"Yes sir!" Gon replied automatically.

The rest of the night was pretty much – awkward. Killua no longer replied like how he used to. Gon didn't mind at first, but soon he felt like he was talking to himself. He tried to nudge Killua to talk to him, but Killua was as cold as a cat. Eventually, Killua left without a word. Gon was in low spirits the next day.

Although there were bad times, things still worked out pretty well. Those two began to meet up more and more. Without a notice, it has already been six weeks since Gon has first met Killua. One thing different about Killua was that he has been more talkative than before. During the first few weeks, Killua would only reply with "Yes" or "No". However, even with improvements, Gon has to admit that the awkwardness from Killua never changed.

During the afternoon of Saturday, Kurapika brought up a surprising question. After listening to so many stories about Killua, Kurapika finally asks Gon if they could meet. Gon replied quickly with no hesitation. He agreed happily. The two decided to make the day of the meeting Tuesday. After Kurapika left, Gon began to think how Killua would react. However, while thinking, Gon finally realized that Killua only visits him late in the evening. He thought of a few reasons for it, but left it alone when his head starts to hurt. At the end, Gon concluded that Killua might be busy with other customers.

That night, Gon waited for Killua with the intention to ask him if he wanted to go. However, he felt nervous even though he knew that there was nothing to be afraid of. The time finally came.

As usual the aroma of the burning oil fills the room and Killua entered the room quietly. Gon looked that Killua whose face was lit up by the dim light.

"Say, Killua, do you remember who Kurapika is?"

Killua pulled off his hood and looked at the boy in front of him. It was strange for Gon to not shout in his face the moment he entered, but it didn't really matter. For Gon's question, Killua gave a nod as a response.

Gon smiled, "Guess what? He asked if you could meet him."

"No," again…it was a quick reply.



Gon pouted, unsatisfied.


Killua didn't reply.

"Come on! Stop being so mean and meet him for once."

"No," Killua said one last time. His eyes were similar to the pairs that Gon saw when he first met Killua. Cold, without emotions; almost as if it was able to pierce right through one's soul. Gon wasn't able to move for the next minute. It was like as though his body has froze under a spell. A wave of negative feelings crashed into Gon's mind.

It was after he looked away that Gon was able to breathe smoothly and finally able to move. Without another word, Killua walked towards the door. Gon didn't stop him. That was because he felt like he did something wrong. Did he say something that was insensitive? But, he was sure that what he felt back there was fear. It was as if Killua turned into a totally different person. More like, he felt like a prey against Killua who was the predator.

Ever since that incident, Killua has never paid a visit again. It has been five days already. This just left Gon wondering, why Killua wouldn't meet Kurapika. No matter how much he thought about it, nothing ever makes sense. Calling Killua 'shy' is a bit too weird. From what know about him, Killua is definitely not shy. Maybe Killua hates Kurapika. Haha, that wouldn't be. They don't even know each other.

Cling. Cling. Cling.

Within a split second, a pair of eyes flashed opened. He knew who it was. There's only one person….

"Killua?" Gon questioned as he pushed himself up.

The room was fairly dark. The usual light source, the moon, was blocked off by thick layers of clouds. Despite the dark setting, Gon pretty much was able to make out a form of body.

"I am going to meet Kurapika."


A random topic popped out of nowhere. Even Gon, who was the one who stressed over this topic wasn't able to understand the message.

"He's coming on Friday right? Therefore, I'll be there tomorrow."

"Oh." Gon said as though he just understood what was told to him.

Wait. What? He didn't hear wrong right? Killua is going to meet Kurapika.

"Eh? Eeeeh!"

"Yeah. Now, I shall leave. Please sleep well."

After the figure completely disappears, and that the remaining faint sound faded away to nothing, Gon exhaled a sigh of relief.

'Killua is being weird again.' Gon thought while pulling the covers over his face. He laid his back on his bed with ease. Suddenly, he felt large masses of weight lifting from his shoulders. Next, a feeling of excitement bubbles in his chest as he thought about how Kurapika would react.

Morning came in a flash. Gon stretched his arms up high into the air. He breathes hard into the fresh morning air and exhales a great puff. Feeling good, he knew that today would be a great day! He climbed out of bed and stood on the wooden floor. Just when he turned around thinking about the closet, which was a couple of steps behind his bed, he saw…..Killua. He was standing in front of the closet just like a soldier.

"Killua?" Gon asked with a shocked tone.

"Good morning, Gon," he bowed.

"Why are you here?"

"I am here to participate in the meeting that was missed last week."

"Hmm…" Gon walked passed by Killua.

He opened the closet with a swing and pulled out a white collar shirt. Then, he changed out of his pajamas and faced Killua.

His determined and clear eyes looked over Killua's head and took a glimpse of the clock.

"But, it's only 7:37 right now. Kurapika is not coming till 1 in the afternoon."

"It does not matter. I shall wait."


Gon smiled, "Anyways, do you want to eat breakfast?"

"No. I ate before coming here."

"Sure you are not hungry?"

"I'm fine. Thanks for your concern."

Gon nodded a few times before walking towards the doorway and heading down for breakfast.

After a while, loud footsteps could be heard from the hallway.

The door swung open and with a push, it was closed.

Silence grew between the two.

Gon tried to bring up a conversion for a few times, however Killua ended them all with a one word answer. Knowing that Killua doesn't like to talk, Gon did the talking. He began to tell Killua about his past. Gon told a story about his uncle who always carried with him a strange aura. Plus, he had a really weird look with a big moustache and a top hat. He remembered how his uncle's favorite word was 'insolent'.

"He told me to not run around the halls," Gon began, "But, honestly, I jumped a bit when I heard his 'insolent'. However, I have to admit that I was pretty childish back then. I took away his top hat as revenge. When he left, I remembered that he called Mito-san insolent too. Mito-san became very angry and promised that she'll never invite him again!"

"Heeh…" Killua said clearly not interested.

Gon pouted. He hurried over to his closet. The closet door swung open and Gon dug through the pile of clothes. At the end, he only earned himself a pile of unfolded clothes. When he realized that what he was trying to find wasn't there, he went on to his drawer. Finally he pulled out a top hat. Gon rushed back to Killua and dropped the hat on top of his head.

"Now! You shall be Uncle and I'll be Mito-san."

Just when Gon finished his sentence, the top hat tips over and covers Killua's eyes. It was just a bit too big. However, it was funny how Killua tried to push it away and it falls right back down.

"Hahaha!" Gon hugged his stomach while tears peered from the corners of his eyes.

Killua took off the big hat and threw it against Gon.

"Don't dare you laugh at me!"

"I know, but it looks too great!"

"Thanks for your compliment," Killua said while bowing, again.

Gon furrowed his brows. Killua is acting really weird. It's getting strange with each day passing by.

For the rest of time, the two boys played other games. But, when Gon mentions about magic, Killua quickly refuses and forbids talking about that topic again.

Finally, when it was 1 o'clock, Kurapika arrived.


"Good afternoon," Kurapika said with his usual warm smile.

"I finished all work."


Everything was proceeding with not much problems. But, one strange thing was that, Kurapika never mentioned about Killua. The teaching went on without Kurapika speaking a single word about Killua who was standing behind them. It became unbearable to the point where Gon couldn't resist. Finally, asked Kurapika why he didn't mention about Killua. However-

"Really he came? Where?" Kurapika asked and glanced around the room as though he didn't see any abnormalities.

"Kurapika, where are you looking? He's over there," Gon pointed towards Killua.

Kurapika looked over to the direction of where Killua was standing and smiles slightly, "In the closet?"

Gon shook his head; "He is standing right there," Gon stood from the chair, and indicates Killua's position with his hand.

"Where? I don't see anything."

Gon felt his body froze. Kurapika wasn't joking? He looked over to Killua. Oh right, Killua must be the one playing the joke then.

Gon walked over to Killua in heavy footsteps.

"Killua, stop playing invisible. Why won't you let Kurapika see you?"

Killua wouldn't reply. He just looked away with troubled eyes.

Gon felt a tear in his chest.

"Gon, don't be silly. It's alright if Killua couldn't come. You don't have to act. I understand. It's fine."

Gon wasn't able to say anything. He knew that something was wrong and Killua wouldn't tell him. He quickly acted normal, but there was an awkward feeling clinging onto him. While the lesson carried on, Gon eyed Killua and tried to make eye contacts. However, Killua just looked away. Everything was weird.

At last, Kurapika was done for the day. Gon said his 'good byes' to Kurapika. This time, he didn't walk Kurapika down the stairs. Right when Kurapika was out the door, Gon looked at Killua. A confused look appeared on his face.

"Just what exactly are you?"

Tons of other questions popped up in his head along with this question.

Author's note - Hello fellow readers! The reason I stopped writing is because I have no idea what I was trying to do. The more I think, the more the plot gets jumbled up and I don't know how to progress this story any further. I'm leaving this note here because I hate when authors leave without a word...Anyway, it is very likely that I won't update this story anymore! Thank you for reading the first two chapters! (3 May 2017)