The Doctor and Donna

Chapter 1: 'til death do us part

The Doctor at this point realizes that he loves her, a proper love, a love that he will never admit because in his hearts he knows it can't be. He can't feel that he can hold it in any longer, not after almost losing her several times before, "I need to tell her, she needs to know how I feel" The Doctor thought and finally gathered up enough courage to at least talk to her.

"Donna?" his voice cracked at the sound of her name.


" I n-need to talk to you about something, come with me." he stammered trying so hard to hold back the I LOVE YOU that just wanted to come out…

The Doctor grabbed Donna's hand and took her down the hallway into the kitchen. The TARDIS knew what he was trying to do, seeing that she is telepathically connected to him, so the TARDIS, trying to help The Doctor, materializes a big purple box with a note inside from the TARDIS, it read…

"Doctor my dear Doctor, do not rush things, you must first see if she loves you, you can't just tell her straight on I LOVE YOU, you must first show her you do by giving her gifts or taking her out on a "date". Doctor she does love you though, I hear her thoughts sometimes, she does the exact same thing you do…"Should I tell him?" or "Does he love me back?". Doctor you were made for each other and nothing can stop your love, nothing at give her these."

Inside the box was a beautiful TARDIS blue gown, heels to match, and at the bottom there was a gorgeous diamond necklace (the diamonds tinted blue to match everything) but, he thought "why would she need these?". Then he saw at the very bottom of the box, he saw what looked like…"an invitation, to where?" as he picked it up he notices it is unusually quiet….he looks around and thinks…

"Donna?" only to realize that she had told him that she needed a shower and then they would talk about whatever he wanted to after she was done.

So he continues to read the invitation…

You have been genuinely invited to


tomorrow, 9-12 midnight

to: Ms. Donna Noble and The Doctor

The Doctor was completely confused to why he needed an invitation…

He could just use his psychic paper but, he realized that Donna said earlier "it would be nice to be invited somewhere for once." and he then at that moment realized what the TARDIS exactly meant when she said "date" …she literally meant a date with Donna tonight.

Just then the TARDIS sensed something was wrong and immediately The Doctor said "Donna? are you okay, where are you?" with no answer The Doctor quickly ran up to the bathroom pounding on the door, "DONNA? ANSWER ME, DONNA!" then he heard a loud thump on the bathroom floor. He dread to think that something terrible had happened . So he took the door handle and started shaking and shaking until the door opened and…

"Donna?" he looked around and saw her lying on the floor, he quickly turned her over to find that she had a huge gash in her head, that she had passed out and bashed it off the sink.

The Doctor was frightened, he quickly carried her to the infirmary, which the TARDIS had conveniently placed right across from them. The Doctor notices that her pulse is dropping due to the lack of blood that is now coming out of her head.

"Her vitals are dropping, WHAT DO I DO!?" The Doctor to flustered and afraid of losing her that he can't think straight…

the TARDIS, trying to calm him down asks… "Do you love her?"..."DOCTOR, DO YOU LOVE HER?!"

"YES!" The Doctor shouts in agony as he watches her pulse drop

"if you do love her and I know you do, you will do EVERYTHING you possibly can to save her!"

"No!" he says " I will do more!"

" I need a towel, a warm washcloth, and a blood pill! and hurry."

quickly the TARDIS materializes it all, just as The Doctor said...

The Doctor then started applying pressure over and over trying to stop her from bleeding, and 45 minutes later, he finally got it to stop. The Doctor then wiped her head clean and gave her a blood pill. The Doctor never left her side not for 1 min, he never would. He stayed with her until the very end, he knew this was it. Her vitals dropped, her pulse lowered, and she stopped.

_/\_/\_/\_/\_(beep, beep, beep…..The Doctor knew and he dread those horrid beeps)

The Doctor so tired and mad and sad all at the same time…

He starts to cry, tears fall as he stands over Donna's body, he just can't bare to look Doctor, still crying and whimpering, crawled into his bed and all he could think was…