Why hello there everyone! I am back! Finally! My curious case of writer's block has finally ended and I am here to give you the latest chapter.

A few things, just so you all know...

1) Reminder, this chapter is not actually an extension of the main plot, it is more of a drabble that occured at some point in the story. I really don't have the energy to write a series of tournament chapters. (I will soon though.)

2) I wrote this to be more of a fun chapter. It is a little silly and I apologise if anyone thinks it departs from the main theme of the story. It was fun to write though!

3) I am writing this on my ipad so there may be some formatting issues.

*Also, I included Weiss in this chapter. I've always had trouble writing about her (I don't really like her) so hopefully I didn't make her to mean.

Thanks! (Review and all that)

I do not own RWBY or any of its characters...Monty and Roosterteeth do.

Taking place during an indiscernible period between chapters 4 and 5.


Blake growled in annoyance.

"Ohhhh, super spooky."

Blake put down her book at crossed her arms. She glared at the blanket that covered the boy across from her, hoping that he would be able to feel her gaze even if he couldn't see her.

He didn't.

"Wow, that's spooky."

Blake sipped her tea and then slammed her hand down one the table. "Jaune!" The blanket shifted to the side and the boy in question poked his head out. A small flashlight in his hand cast shadows across his face.

"What's up Blake?" He asked.

Blake closed her eyes and drummed her fingers on her arm. Her mouth was in a frown. "What are you doing?"

The blonde boy glanced at the blanket that covered most of his body and then at the flashlight and smiled. He took the blanket all the way off and revealed a small book that was clutched in his other hand. "Reading a horror story. The blanket makes everything dark and really sets the mood."

Blake drummed her fingers again and huffed. "Well, can you please limit the amount of noise you're making, this is a library." The frown was nearly gone and much of her attention had already returned to her book.

"Sure, sure," Jaune said and returned to his blanket.

Blake watched him for a moment and when he didn't make any noise, she went back to her book.

For a few minutes it seemed like the boy really would keep quiet, but Blake began to pick up slight mumbling from under the blanket. Mumbling that quickly turned into full-blown gasps of terror.

Blake sighed and set her book back down. "You're doing it again Jaune," she said.

The boy sighed and lifted up the edge of the blanket. He switched his light off and stared at the girl pointedly. "I'm merely reacting to a frightening novel."

"It's disruptive."

The boy sat still and Blake could see signs of his internal gears turning. Most likely he was attempting to come up with an insult. His strained thinking went on for a few moments before he snapped his fingers and grinned. "Your spirit animal would be a stick in the mud."

"Your proud of that one? That insult right there?"

The boy nodded and crossed his arms.

"Well you're wrong, my spirit animal would be a cat, or a tiger, or something." Blake silently cursed herself for falling for the obvious ploy, but she couldn't resist.

Jaune pursed his lips and shook his head. "False. It would be a big ole' log in the mud."

Blake flicked him on the forehead and smiled arrogantly when the boy grabbed his assaulted region. "And when I think of Jaune Arc, something tells me your spirit animal is a duck," she laughed.

The boy scoffed dramatically and attempted to return the flick but Blake swatted his hand away. "False again Blake," he said, "mine is something cool, like a dragon or an elephant."

"Dragons aren't real Jaune."

"She says, being a total stick in the mud."

Blake sighed and sipped her tea. "Don't be childish."

"At least I'm not obsessed with romance novels."

Blake raised one of her brows and smirked. "Let's be fair Jaune. I know you have a certain love for the genre."

The blonde boy scoffed again and waved his hand dismissively. "Balderdash," he said, " whatever gave you that impression?"

Blake drank the remainder of her tea and smiled at the boy slyly. "I've read your blog Jaune."

The boy's face drained of blood and he sat back as if he had been slapped. Blake giggled at his reaction. "What...blog?" His eyes were moving about quickly and his hands were gripping the table.

"The World According to Jaune," she said. Blake put her cup to her mouth once more and frowned when she remembered that it was empty. "I must say, your writing is quite good."

Jaune slumped forward and slammed his head down on the table. Blake watched him for a moment before placing her empty cup on his head. As she drew her hand away she patted his shoulder lightly.

The boy sat up slowly and Blake retrieved her cup lest it fall and shatter. Jaune seemed to have calmed down but his eyes were still wide and empty. "Who told you?"

Blake shrugged.

Jaune thought for a moment before he clenched his fist and shook it angrily. "It was Ren wasn't it? I always knew he was a rat."

Blake shrugged again.

The boy groaned and tried to continue reading, sans blanket, but he stopped after a few minutes and poked Blake on the cheek.

The girl eyed him, her smile hidden behind her book.

"What can I do to make you forget," he asked. His voice was low and level.

Blake glanced at her empty cup and hummed lightly. "Some tea would help." Before she could finish speaking, Jaune had run off in search of the drink.

Blake watched him go, still smiling.

The book in her hand seemed to call to her and she dived back in. It was a quality book and strangely enough it was Jaune who had recommended it. In recent weeks the boy had taken a more active role in their relationship and typed up a rather large document featuring the titles he thought Blake would enjoy. Blake had initially waved it off as an upstart's attempt at securing his place among the legions of bibliophiles that graced Beacon, but after perusing a few of the titles she had discovered that he had very good taste.

The protagonist was, of course, a knight, but the story was really a treatise on human nature. Something Blake could relate to.

A shadow splayed across the table and Blake didn't even look up, only held out her hand, expecting a cup of tea to meet her fingers. However, none did. Upon glancing up she saw it was, in fact, Weiss who had joined her.

The heiress was looking at her curiously. Blake lowered her hand.

"Weiss," Blake greeted.


"What brings you to the library?"

"Oh," Weiss waved her hand through the air as if searching for a word, "some light studying." Blake noticed she had textbooks with her.

"What about you?" The heiress asked.

Blake tapped the spine of her book hoping her teammate would understand her message. Weiss sighed and tried to peer at the cover but Blake purposefully kept it out of the girl's sight.

Weiss' gaze fell upon Jaune's discarded blanket and she picked at it curiously. "Is this yours Blake?"

Blake shook her head and said, "it's Jaune's."

The white haired girl immediately dropped the cloth and edged away from it carefully. Blake watched her display impassively before she broke out into a series of small chuckles.

"He's not contagious Weiss."

The heiress grimaced and lay her hands out flat on the table. "You never know with people like him."

Blake eyed her and reached for her mug only to realize, once again, that it was empty.

Blake had been watching the relationship between Weiss and Jaune develop over the last few weeks and she counted herself as one of the few that understood its impressive complexity. Soon after arriving at Beacon, it seemed Jaune had developed a certain obsession for the girl. It was nothing more than a childish crush, but Weiss treated it as an act of war. Jaune seemed to have lost his favor for the girl after experiencing the brute force of her biting personality, but Weiss still saw him as a threat.

It also didn't help that Blake had told Jaune of her status as a faunus before Weiss.

"People like him?" Asked Blake.

Weiss nodded and repeated, "people like him."

Blake hummed again and continued reading. Someone else sat down at the table and Blake knew it was the blonde knight this time. He was a naturally clumsy person and his entrance into the library had been filled with small curses and misplaced footfalls.

"Oh hey Weiss," said Jaune as he shifted in his seat. He had two mugs in his hands and he passed one to Blake who nodded at him appreciatively.

Weiss only grunted in reply.

Jaune picked up his book and made a beeline for his blanket. Soon the table was filled with the sounds of the pure terror the novel was inspiring.

Weiss watched him curiously, before rolling her eyes and focusing back on Blake.
"You seem to be spending a lot of time with this guy," Weiss said.

Blake shrugged and sipped her tea.

"Why?" Continued Weiss.

"He's interesting," said Blake.

The noises coming from under the blanket halted and Blake could tell that Jaune was listening.

"In my opinion, he's a buffoon," said Weiss arrogantly. The blanket shifted and Jaune popped his head out. Blake almost laughed when she saw the impressive size of his pout.

"Meanie, I'm right here," he whined. Weiss merely glared at him and the boy descended farther into his blanket.

"He is right there Weiss."

"So," the heiress said.

"Common courtesy?"

"Yeah," said Jaune, "if you're going to insult someone, do it behind their back."

"You didn't seem to have that sensibility when you openly flirted with me," growled Weiss. Jaune grinned and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Yes, once again, sorry about that," he said.

Weiss humphed and turned away from Jaune, her arms crossed. "It was insensitive."

Jaune slumped forward and Blake patted his head reassuringly. The boy smiled at her and sat back up.

The table fell back into silence and Weiss pulled out some of her classwork and reviewed it, reading the material to herself quietly.

For how long this lasted, Blake had no idea. The large windows on the far wall of the library saw no direct sunlight and she found it difficult to discern the flow of time.

After what seemed to be an hour, but it may have only been a few minutes, Weiss stood up and walked off without a word. Jaune exited his blanket-fort to watch her go and after she left the room he breathed in relief.

"She's scary," he mumbled.

"She does seem to have a certain...severity to her."

Jaune nodded and dipped his finger into his tea. He moved it around in lazy circles, watching as the fluid moved in a miniature whirlpool. He then removed it and sucked on its end, removing the bitter drink. His eyes then fixed on Blake.

"You're doing it again Jaune," she said.


"When you don't know what to say, you just stare at people."

Jaune blushed and looked away, mumbling a quick apology. Blake watched him for a few moments but the boy seemed to have decided it was safer under his blanket as he quickly retreated into it like a turtle would its shell.

After a few seconds he poked his head out again and smiled at her. It was slightly creepy, but Blake didn't say anything.

"Oh, hey Blake..." He said.

The bow-wearing girl hummed and took a sip of her tea, still not saying anything.

"...you're interesting too."

The boy went back under his blanket.

Blake smiled.

Well, there you have it!

Hope you all liked it and, once again, sorry for the impressive wait. I just got out of school and have been working full-time so my schedule hasn't been the kindest. Also, I am really, really, lazy.

New chapter soon, expect another drabble-ly, plotless chapter.

Review, I almost broke 40! The fortieth reviewer gets a shrine constructed in their honor.