Summary: Tris Prior is celebrating Christmas with Four/Tobias and the gang in Dauntless. Both POV's. This is my first fan fiction and please review. I haven't seen a Divergent Christmas fan fiction and I wanted to try it.
Chapter 1: Tris POV
Well, it's that time of year again. And I just know that Christina is going to throw a party. Ugh.
"Hey!" Christina says.
"Guess what? We're throwing a Christmas Party!"
I knew it.
"And, me and you and the girls are going shopping later for a party tonight at Zeke's."
"Okay, but I pick out my own clothes and makeup"
"Okay! Yay! Let's go"
I follow her to the mall and the first store we go to is the clothes store, Rue 21. It could be worse.
"Okay, so we need this and this. Oh, we also could use this" She's pulling out clothes like no tomorrow. Oh my gosh!
"Now, go to the dressing room and try these one please"
I ended up wear a black shirt that shows my ravens and a pair of black skinny jeans with black heels and little makeup. Not to bad. We are playing Dauntless or Candor so, I wore the right clothes.
Christina knocks on the door and Uriah opens it. "Hey, come on in ladies."
"Thanks, Uri!"
I immediately look for Tobias and see him on the couch, so I decide to scare him.
I tip-toe over there and sneak up behind him and he moves!
I end up flipping over on the couch.
"Hey" He says, I look into his blue eyes. I could stare into those all day.
"Hey everyone! We're playing Dauntless or Candor, if you don't want to strip down, leave!" Zeke screams.
All that's left is the gang. We all take our usual seats in a circle on the floor. I sit on Tobias' lap and all the girls do the same with their boyfriends.
"Well, since this is my apartment, I shall start. Four, D or C?"
"Okay, I dare you to go out in the pit and sing to the first person you see. You have to sing, Born This Way by Lady Gaga."
"Yes, Tris, go out there and make sure he does it."
I do and I take out my phone and record the whole thing. The first person is Eric. This will be funny.
After he does his thing, we run back and Eric's face was priceless! We go back and end up on the ground laughing and I show everyone the video.
"Okay, Okay, stop. Uriah, you know the question."
"Dauntless because I ain't now pansycake."
"Okay, I dare you to give up all of your pop tarts and throw them away"
Uriah takes his shirt off.
"There ain't no way in hell I am doing that! Tris, D or C."
Hmmm, I'm not a pansycake. "Dauntless"
Oh no, he gets that evil grin on him.
"I dare you to let Four give you a hickey then call your brother via video chat and let him see it"
I sweep my hair over my neck and let Tobias giver a hickey. I call my brother and he answers.
"Hey Caleb"
"Hi Tris, what's wrong?"
"Can't I just call my brother for once"
"Tris, what is on your neck!? Who gave you a hickey?"
"Bye Caleb, Nice Talking to ya!"
Everyone is on the floor laughing by that point.
"Okay, Christina, D or C?"
"I dare you to let me buy your clothes for a week and you have to wear them"
She takes of her shirt revealing a blue tank top"
"Sorry girl, but no way! Will, my love, you know the question!"
"PANSYCAKE" I hear Uriah yell.
"Is it true that I am the only girl you have loved?"
"Why, yes, you are."
They kiss and we yell, "GET A ROOM!"
We play for a couple more hours then me and Tobias decide to leave.
"Let's go to sleep" I say
"I wouldn't have it any other way"