Authors Note: I'm sorry. I know I haven't posted for like forever. School is insane and the dreaded finals week is fast approaching. This will be my last post for a few weeks and I really shouldn't be doing this now anyway… But I can't leave you hanging. FINAL CHAPTER I own nothing.
13. Back Toward Home
Leon let Lord James limp body fall and stepped over him toward Merlin as the knife fell to the floor. Leon quickly untied the bloody ropes around the boys' wrists. It was a bit difficult because the ropes were soaked, but he managed it. Once he was done he carefully sat the prone boy up and grimaced at the cuts and scars on the boys' skin. He knew that the burn scar when it was fresh, not long ago from the looks of it should have been fatal. He wouldn't want Arthur to see it. So Leon snatched up Merlin's folded shirt and gently slipped it over Merlin's head and pulled his arms through the sleeves. All this was accomplished quickly, which was lucky as it wasn't two minutes later that Arthur burst into the room.
"Leon! Merlin!" Leon picked Merlin up bridal style so as not to aggravate the injuries Lord James had inflicted on the boy.
"He's alright. Drugged, and a few scratches. But he's alright." Arthur glanced down at the body of the mad lord.
"And him?" Leon glanced at the body and motioned to the bloody knife on the floor near the bed on which still laid the bloodied ropes.
"I had no choice." Arthur nodded and examined Merlin's cut hand. He frowned and nodded.
"Let's go home." Leon nodded and the two of them went back downstairs where they found Bedavier, Galahad, Sir Cadric who was sporting a nasty cut to his right arm, and Sir Evan waiting for them. Arthur stopped and ordered the two knights to go collect the body of the disgraced lord. The two squires were ordered to collect another horse from the stables that stood next to the inn.
Bedavier entered first and found a small boy cowering in the corner. He knelt down in front of the young boy, he couldn't have been older than seven and he was trembling. He had small scars on his wrists and shackles on his ankles. Galahad gasped and the boy jumped and tried to hide in his hands.
"It's ok. Hey it's ok. My name is Bedavier, and this is Galahad. You're safe now. What's your name?" The boy trembled his tan hair almost hiding big green eyes that stared up at Bedavier hollowly.
"Gregory." His voice was tiny and shook like a leaf. Galahad looked around for a key to the boys' shackles and Bedavier continued speaking to him.
"That's a good strong name. Where are your parents Gregory?" The boy shook his head.
"Don't know. Got stolen when I was little. Been here ever since." Bedavier felt his heart shatter at the tears in the boy's eyes. Galahad finally located the key on a small nail set far too high for the boy to ever reach, there were signs that the nail had been moved up every time the boy grew so that it was just out of his reach no matter how hard he tried. Galahad handed the key off to Bedavier and set about readying a horse. Bedavier unlocked the shackles and helped the boy to his feet. He was freezing. Bedavier took off his cloak, not yet the official Camelot red but it was warm and the boy needed it more than he did. He wrapped it around the boy and the two of them followed Galahad and the horse out of the stable.
After quickly explaining to Arthur the boys circumstances the prince agreed to let the boy come with them to Camelot, but under the stipulation that he was under Bedavier's care until they could find somewhere for him to stay. Bedavier agreed without any reservation. The dead body of Lord James was slung across the new horse and Leon took Merlin on his horse. Gregory was lifted onto Bedavier's horse by Galahad and the motley group headed off back towards home.
The trek back home wasn't too long and they arrived back in Camelot quickly enough. Leon bundled the still unconscious Merlin off to Gaius. Galahad and Bedavier were given leave to take the boy to the kitchens and let him eat what he could. The chef was known to be quite kind to the young people of the town and was always a soft case for orphans. She would make sure he was well fed. Before Arthur could go check on Merlin he reported back to his father, telling him everything Leon had told him. Once he was satisfied that the lord who'd attacked Morgana was dead he released Arthur to go wash and change. Before he did he went to Gaius. He had to know.
When he arrived he knocked on the door and was greeted by the old man. He nodded and let Arthur in. Merlin was sitting up on the bed, talking with Leon. His voice was no longer as hoarse as it had been. Arthur smiled and nodded to his knight. He shook his head at Merlin.
"One of these days you're going to listen to me." Merlin grinned at Arthur's word and seemed to think about it for a minute.
"No, I don't think I will." Arthur ruffled Merlin's hair and headed back to his rooms secure in the knowledge that Merlin wouldn't be going anywhere anytime soon.