"Remember, I want that worksheet on my desk, by Thursday!" Clara said, wiping the reminants of the day's final lesson off the board. The excitable primary school children filtered out of the classroom, grinning and chatting. Clara just smiled to herself. She loved her new job, teaching kids was something she had always wanted to do. She worked well with her class, the pay was decent, her flat was perfect… oh, and she was best mates with a 1200 year old alien who would pick her up in his blue box every now and then. That was a bonus.

Almost as if The Doctor could sense her thinking about him, a familiar wheezing sound caught her attention. What was he doing, materializing in her classroom? Luckily enough, the kids had left but still, she'd give him a good telling off for just…materializing without warning. There was bound to be some kind of intergalactic law about that.

The blue box fully materialized and stood in the corner of the room, adjacent to where Clara was standing by the board. As expected, The Doctor swaggered out of it, beaming like the cat who got the cream. "Clara Oswald, aren't you a sight for sore eyes!" he grinned, throwing his arms open, ready for an expected hug.

Clara rolled her eyes and folded her arms. "Honestly doctor, I don't see you for what, two months, and then suddenly you think it's perfectly fine to just materialize in my classroom?" she said. His arms dropped by his sides, and he looked a little guilty. Clara wanted to forgive him straight away of course, but this was a rare moment of power over the most powerful man in existence. "You're lucky the children weren't here." She continued, giving him a warning look.

The Doctor gave her sheepish look, proving her right in the theory that he hadn't quite thought his entrance plan through. He did look genuinely sorry, and well, Clara knew she could never stay mad at him for long. "Still, it's nice to see you." She finally finished with a cheeky smile, before pulling him into a hug.

"Blimey, two months, is that how long it's been?" he said, mostly to Clara and a little to himself as he hugged her back tightly.

"Yep. But it's okay, I've kept myself busy," Clara reassured him, releasing him and walking back over to her desk. And it was true, she had been busy. She picked up her bag and slinging it over her shoulder. "Besides, I got your postcard from… ancient Egypt. Was it?" she asked, pulling the said card out of her drawer and turning it around in her hands as she walked back towards the TARDIS.

"Oh so you did get that!" The Doctor said, leaning against the TARDIS doorframe as she walked inside, chucking her bag onto the hook.

"Yeah. didn't make much sense though, just some numbers and letters?" she replied.

"Those were co-ordinates! You've still got that vortex manipulator, remember?" he cried, throwing his arms out as she walked up to the console, him following behind.

"Oh yeah," Clara said, biting the bottom of her lip. She turned around to face The Doctor. "Sorry."

"It's fine, " he sighed "I did manage to get myself out of trouble, on my own. No thanks to you, I might add!" he added, prodding her nose. Clara scrunched her face up, "What were you doing in ancient eygpt anyway?" she asked. It wasn't like The Doctor to go on adventures like that without her.

"Looking," he said, ominously "And I may or may not have insulted Cleopatra, whilst I was there."

"You insulted Cleopatra?" Clara said, rolling her eyes. "Only you would manage to do that."

"Hey! Its not my fault, she liked me so much better in my last body…" he mumbled, leaning back onto one of the control boards.

"Your last body got around a bit, didn't he?" Clara joked, remembering the tall, skinny guy in the suit. "Queen Elizbeth the first, Good Queen Bess, now Cleopatra too?"

"Well… he was going through a rough time." The Doctor shrugged.

Clara raised one eyebrow. It was rare that The Doctor would mention his personal past, even though mini versions of Clara had been there for half of it. He didn't like to open up. He liked to forget.

"What do you mean… a rough time?" she asked.

"Anyways," The Doctor said, springing up and changing the subject quickly. Clara let it drop, for now, but she would sure as hell be asking him about it again soon. "Back to what I came for, Clara Oswald you lucky, lucky girl." He grinned.

"What, where are we going?" Clara smiled. She loved The Doctor when he got like this.

"I told you, I'd been in Egypt, looking. That's all I've been doing these past months, looking, searching," he began to start up the control mechanisms "And now, my search is over…"

"Search for what?"

He looked up, meeting Clara's eyes. He smiled, like nothing could ever bring him down again. She had seen him so low before, like he could never have any hope, but right now… he shone like a sun.

"Home." Was all he said, before they were catapulted through space, spinning and twirling through in the little blue box.

They landed with a thud, and The Doctor was itching with excitement, barely able to sit still as he rushed to the doors. "Clara Oswald, citizen of earth, be honoured. You are the first human in centuries to ever step foot on my home world, Gallifrey."

Now Clara was exited too. The Doctor had told her few stories of Gallifrey, as it would often make him upset, back when he thought he had destroyed it. She remembered something about twin suns, silver trees and a citadel. "It's right out there?" she asked, grinning as she grabbed her jacket and ran to stand with him beside the doors.

"Right out there," he confirmed. "Wanna take a look?"

"More than anything."

"Me too."

He grinned again and threw open the doors. The two excitedly ran out of the TARDIS, only to be greeted by… well. Clara wasn't exactly sure what they were greeted by.

"Are you sure we're in the right place?" she asked, hesitantly. The floor was sand, the air was humid and dry. There was nothing… anywhere in sight.

"Yep. This is it. Well, this is one part of Gallifrey. It's essential we came here first" The Doctor said. Without another word he set off walking through the deserted area, Clara hurrying behind him. She wasn't exactly sure if The Doctor knew where he was going, but kept her mouth shut for now. Gallifrey meant a lot to him, and she didn't want to ruin his moment.

She looked up to the sky as they walked through the desert. Ah she thought that's why it's so hot. Twin suns. It must have been around midday because the two suns were shining brightly in middle of the light orange sky. She wondered why The Doctor wasn't sweating in his layered suit and ridiculous bowtie. Unfortunately, it didn't look like a good enough time to question his attire as he continued marching through the sand.

To be fair, Clara was feeling the strain. She kept fit, as she had too, what with all the running involved in her travels with The Doctor, but still. It was hot, she was sweating and she had just remembered the 30 worksheets she'd probably have to mark as soon as The Doctor dropped her home. Sighing, she took her jacket off, tying it around her waist and pulled her hair up into a pony tail.

"How much further?" she called to The Doctor. They had been walking for at least half an hour, and she was starting to consider the thought of bringing emergency trainers to work with her every day in case he kept showing up randomly. The Doctor didn't answer, so she sped up a little to catch him, feeling that second whim taking over.

"Doctor!" she said, as she caught up to the time lord. He had stopped completely, standing on top of a sandy hill. "Are we there?" she asked, looking up at his unresponsive features.

"We're here." He said quietly, and Clara followed his gaze, down the hill to a beat up looking sand-shack. "We just have to make a quick stop, promise."

Sensing his nerves, Clara took his hand in hers, squeezing it lightly. "Hey," she said "I'm here with you. Remember."

He squeezed her hand back and nodded, before leading her down the hill, to the shack. He opened the door with his sonic screwdriver, and the rickety object swung on its hinges. "Well, that's one way to get it open." Clara mumbled to herself. What was it about time lords and their inability to use door handles?

The shack was empty apart from a few dusty wooden storage boxes, and yet more sand scattered around. Honestly, what is it with all the sand? Clara thought, kicking it around with the toe of her boot. She recognized the cabin of course, this is where she had come with the three doctors, on the most importad day of their colletive life.

Now of course, it was still empty, and only a fair sized back box with Gallifreyan carvings sat in the midde of the room. "Is that…?" she asked, pointing at it. She couldn't quitre bring herself to say the words. The Doctor nodded, following her gaze.

"That is the weapon of mass destruction I almost used to destroy my own people, yes." He confirmed.

"What's it still doing here?" Clara asked.

"I left it here. And then obviously, I forgot about it until we came back here and fixed everything. Now that I've found it, I'm going to destroy it."

"Destroy it?" a voice said "Now, why would you do such a thing?"

The Doctor swivelled round, looking for the source of the voice.

"Who is it? Who's there?" he asked. He couldn't see any one apart from him and Clara in the room. Was he hearing things? Was he going mad in his old age?

"Doctor… it's me." The voice taunted. It sounded like it was so close, yet he couldn't see it.

"Doctor!" Clara said. "She's behind you!"

He pivoted himself around in a flash, turning so he was face to face with… well. Someone he was note expecting to ever see again. "Did you miss me?" Rose Tyler said, grinning at him.

"What!" he cried, stepping back a little.

"Doctor who's that?" Clara asked, hesitant. The Doctor obviously recognized the blonde, and Clara was curious. Did he know her? Had he been gallivanting around the universe with some other girl whilst she'd been teaching?

"No, no it's not you. It can't be!" he said, pulling out his sonic screwdriver. "It's a trick, or… or a trap."

"Oh please," Rose said "Put your little toy away. You're right. I'm not Rose Tyler. Well… I am Rose Tyler… but not the one you knew."

"What do you mean?"

'Rose' sighed, rolling her eyes as she stepped closer to the time lord. "Come on, doctor," she said, rolling his name off her tongue "Don't you remember?"

When met with only the response of a very confused timelord 'Rose' scrunched up her face. The Doctor's heart leapt in a way it only ever did when Rose Tyler was around. She always did that when she was confused.

"You don't remember, do you?" she said, circling him. "Of course, you don't. silly me. I'm that little black box over there that you wanted to use to destroy the planet with a few hundred years ago."

"You're- you're the box? The… weapon? But, I don't understand?"

"Honestly, for a time lord you are a little slow. They told you, remember? That the weapon developed a consciousness. That's me, the consciousness." She shot him al wave "But I had to take on a form to get you to trust me. I picked Rose Tyler out especially for you."

The Doctor could feel himself blushing as she stepped closer to him, her hot breath on his face. She smelt like hazelnut and petrichor, her blonde curls sticking out, almost touching his face. "I needed someone you liked, only I picked someone a little late. Still, even before you knew who I was you just couldn't take your eyes off me. Honestly, I'm flattered."

"You're not her. You're not Rose Tyler, not really." He said, trying to convince himself more than anyone. It felt like her, like Rose. The way his hearts sped up as she spoke, how his body ached to arch towards hers.

"I'll have you know, I am Rose Tyler. I can walk and talk, I've got a mind of my own. I can see things, hear them and smell them." She reached out one delicate hand, tracing her fingers up and down his arm, "I can touch…" she leant closer to him, so impossible close but just not close enough that he could feel her. He shivered as she whispered against his neck… "I can taste."

"Well, well, yes-yes you can. But, erm… you're not her. You're just a consciousness." He insisted.

"No, it's more than that. I've been naughty," she said, eyeing him closely "I've kept this form longer than I should have. I've got her everything now. I've got her memories, her thoughts, her feelings. I remember everything she's done, because I was there. Lurking in the shadows behind her eyes. But of course, you were there too. The Doctor and Rose, Mutt and Jeff, shiver and shake… the stuff of ledgends you called us..."

"That is me and Rose Tyler," he said, pulling his head back to look her directly in the eyes "that isn't you."

"Oh but Doctor, yes it is. Not only do I think and look like her, I am her. I'm almost a perfect copy of Rose Tyler. The only time we split into two separate people is on the beach. Bad Wolf Bay. The first Rose Tyler went off to live happily ever after with your human clone. It worked for her. Why can't I work for you?"

"You remember that, all of that, Bad Wolf Bay?"

She nodded "Of course. It was awful, both times. I remember all of the time that we spent in this universe. I have small snippets from the first time she was sealed away, then I remember a little dimension hopping… oh, and then there's you all sideburns, and tight suits. And we're running, running towards each other. And I feel like, all that hardship, all those times I almost gave up are worth it, because there you are, running to me. And doctor I feel like the unluckiest girl in the world when you get hit by that Dalek. Thinking you were going to regenerate, almost broke my heart." She said quietly. Her fingers delicately stroked down his arm, electrifying him from the inside.

"You-you really do have all her feelings?" he asked, daring to look into her eyes. Those are Rose Tyler's eyes, beautifully brown with streaks of gold swirling through. Her's were always the most beautiful eyes he's ever seen.

"Like I said, doctor. I've been naughty. I'm slowly turning into her," she admitted "I'm more Rose Tyler than I am life-threatening weapon now. I've still got some power, thanks to the time vortex within her, but I know how to control it. Rose number one doesn't have to worry about it, it doesn't affect her because she doesn't know it's there. But I can use it."

As she spoke her eyes lit up golden for a second, proof to him that she wasn't lying. "You're becoming her…" he said softly, tilting his head slightly. She nodded, almost sadly, looking down at the floor. He noticed her confident façade drop for a second as she looked down. She looked more human than she had since they met.

"It's awful, yet magnificent al at the same time." She said, her voice a whisper as she raised her head slightly and looked up at him. "I keep getting all of these emotions, and feelings running through me. It's like nothing I've ever expirenced before."

"You're turning into a completely new sub-species. You're human, Rose Marion Tyler, no doubt about it," he said, reaching his hand up to hold her face as his other hand scanned her up an down with the sonic screwdriver. "But you've also got the powers of the time vortex, and you're also sort of an all powerful detonator that could burn the entire planet."

"And you're going to destroy me."

The Doctor released her face gently, eyes flitting down to the black box. Could he really do this, say goodbye to Rose Tyler three times? this girl, this amazing girl that he had loved so much. He could never see Rose Tyler again, that was a definite. Yet here she was, almost completely Rose.

"Well… I-I don't have to destroy you. I suppose."

"No," she said, stepping backwards from him "I'm dangerous. You can't leave me here, I'll cause trouble."

The two looked away from each other, Rose glancing down to the floor, and The Doctor looking between the readings on his sonic and the little black box sitting on the ground. Suddenly, Clara decided she needed to step in. "She's right, doctor" she said. The Doctor's head snapped up and he turned around to face Clara. Honestly, he had sort of forgotten that she was there, being caught up in the moment with Rose. "You can't just leave her here, on her own…" Clara continued. She smiled and raised her eyebrows, trying to get her point across. Unfortunately, The Doctor wasn't twigging on, and neither was Rose, apparently. "So," Clara sighed "We may as well just take her with us."

"T-take her with us." The Doctor said. Suddenly his face broke out into a grin "Oh Clara Oswald I could kiss you!" he beamed.

"Yeah, you can save that for Rose." Clara mumbled inaudibly. Clearly there were some… unresolved feelings between the two of them that hopefully would be sorted. But then, Clara knew what The Doctor was like with handling emotions. Okay, maybe she would need to intervene.

"Rose Marion Tyler," The Doctor said, turning back to Rose, beaming. "Come with me." He reached out his hand in her direction. He watched as she hesitated for a second, eye contact never breaking, never faulting as she made her decision. When it felt like centuries had passed, she gently slipped her hand into his, and they both grinned, so content. The way their digits locked together like they always had…perfectly.

"Does this mean we're back, the old team?" she asked, grinning.

"Oh yes!" The Doctor exclaimed "Mutt and Jeff, Shiver and Shake!"

"Which ones shiver?"

"Oh, I'm Shake!"

As he finished, a familiar wheezing noise filled the room as the TARDIS materialised in the shack before them. Noticing his confused look, Rose raised her eyebrows and squeezed The Doctor's hand. "What, did you really think I was going to walk through that sandy wasteland for half an hour. No way." She laughed.

"Oh, where were you when I needed you!" Clara joked, happy to know that she wouldn't have to make the trek back through the desert.

"H-How did you do that?" The Doctor asked, shocked. Not even he could just get the TARDIS to materialise on command.

"She recognises that it's me," Rose explained. She released his hand and ran to the blue box, stroking its outer features. The doors automatically swung open, and Rose glided inside, The Doctor and Clara close behind.

"We bonded when I took in her heart." She said "Oh I've missed you, beautiful…" she whispered softly as she ran up to the controls. As she danced her fingers across the surface, the TARDIS began to whir and set on its flight path to the high council of Gallifrey.

"You can fly the TARDIS?" Clara asked, astounded. She turned to look at The Doctor. He seemed as shocked as she was and he almost looked a little… jealous?

"Hey!" he said, running up to meet Rose by the controls "Why aren't we being flung about, or anything?! I like that bit, that's the best part!"

"My dear, you single handedly fly a twelve pilot machine. Of course it's bumpy when you fly her."

The Doctor went into a huff, like the petulant child he was, opening and closing his mouth like a goldfish, pointing is sonic screwdriver about. "Face it doctor, TARDIS like Rose better than you." Clara said, grinning. Rose made brief eye contact with her, and smiled.

"Yes, you're Clara Oswald, The Doctor's current companion?" she asked. Clara nodded, hoping that Rose wouldn't be jealous or bitter towards her. Clara was already feeling somewhat jealous herself, but pushed those feelings down. Obviously Rose was important to The Doctor, but he wouldn't just dump Clara, she knew he wasn't like that.

"Good, it'll be nice to have someone to gang up on him with." Rose laughed, grinning deviously. Clara laughed, nodding her head "Oh, I like her." She said to The Doctor, who still had a shocked look on his face.

"Great, first you turned the TARDIS, now Clara! Honestly, the three most important women to me and you're all ganging up on me. All the way through time and space, I can't wait." He mumbled the last part to himself, but smiled softly all the same, and Clara noticed to look on his face.

"Good." Rose said, silencing him. "Now, before we land in the high council, I would like to get changed." She glanced down at her clothes, and The Doctor noticed her raggedy attire. Ripped tan tights, a long shawl/dress type thing, worn boots. Not very Rose Tyler.

"Do you still remember where the wardrobe room is?" He asked, as Rose sashayed off down the hall.

"Of course I do! My favourite room!" she called back, turning down the corridor, out of sight. As soon as she was gone, Clara quickly rounded the console, headed straight towards The Doctor. She stopped when they were face to face, his 'confused five year old' look plastered on his face.

"So, come on then," she said, raising her eyebrows.

"Come on what?" he asked.

"Come on, tell me! Do you fancy Rose?" straight to the point was easiest with The Doctor, Clara realised. He wasn't very good at inferring things.

The Doctor's skin went from pale and powdery to scarlet in half a second, and his almost non-existent eyebrows rose to his forehead. "W-What do you mean? Do I- ha, no. no! Of course I don't…what would even make you- oh Clara, ha" he stuttered, breathy laughs in-between each unfinished sentence. Clara gave him the I-Know-You're -Lying look that she had perfected months before, and eyed the time lord suspiciously. "Seriously doctor, you are such a bad liar."

"I'm not lying! Rose is just my mate, good mate, that's all! Honest."

"No doctor, I'm your mate. And you sure as hell don't stare at me the way you stare at her. At least I hope not."

"What, no- I don't look at her in any other way than completely platonic friendship. That's all, she's my friend!" he insisted, flinging his arms around.

"Oh come off it doctor," Clara said, hitting him in the arm "The only woman you've ever remotely shown any real interest in was River. And now, Rose just came along and honestly, I felt like turning tail and trekking back to the TARDIS to leave you two alone together in that shack."

The once fading blush returned back to its full scarlet glory when The Doctor had some very… impure thoughts about Rose. Clara could see it on his face, and lightly slapped his right cheek, snapping him out of it quickly. "Please, whatever you want to do with your girlfriend, think about it on your own at night like other blokes."

"I-I wasn't even thinking-"

"Yeah," Clara smirked "Course you weren't. See, I knew this was some kind of snog box you had going here!"

"What's that about a snog box?"

The two turned around and noticed Rose re-enter the room. The Doctor had to backtrack a moment to take in her appearance. It wasn't a signature Rose Tyler outfit, that was for sure. Didn't mean he wasn't very appreciative of the beige shorts with the navy buttons on the front that hugged her curves and gave him a good look at her perfect, endless legs… or the loose t-shit with the knot at the bottom that hung just low enough on her neckline to give him a glance at those perfect, perfect collarbones. Over it she wore a long navy cardigan that hung just past her shorts, and on her feet brown, supple ankle boots, she looked amazing, no doubt about it. But that was the problem, The Doctor just couldn't take his eyes off her.

Suddenly, Clara elbowed him in the side, bringing him back to reality. "Eyes front, soldier." She warned quietly, and he quickly straightened, clearing his throat. "Oh, erm, good. you're ready. Which is good, because we have, erm, landed." He stuttered, rushing to the doors.

"High council of Gallifrey. Just got to have a quick chat about their circumstances, see what I've missed in the last 400 years, then a picnic." He said, clapping his hands together and smiling.

"A picnic?" Clara asked.

"There's a hill, I used to go there as a child. You can see the whole of Arcadia from there. It's beautiful."

"I know where you're talking about," Rose said, stepping round the console to move beside him.

"How?" he asked, narrowing his eyebrows.

"You're projecting. I can recognise the memory." She explained with a shrug.

"Right, of course. I should be careful about that now, what with all the timelords. Oh, Clara, come here." He said, beckoning her towards him. She was a little hesitant, but still Clara obeyed walking towards him, and let him put his hands up to her temples.

"What are you doing?"

"Mental shields. Time Lords are a telepathic race, even to races who aren't as telepathic. Can't have them looking into your mind at all my deep dark secrets, can we?."

"Doctor, you've hardly shared with me your deep dark secrets." Clara said, raising her eyebrows. "Is this really necessary?"

"Clara," he sighed "For starters, time lords generally hate me. I've been exiled, forcibly regenerated, exhiled again… then I was elected president… and then banned again, but that's a story for another time. Apparently, I 'interfere' too much. Time lords are supposed to merely observe the universe, never interfere. Interfering is all I ever do, and a lot of that could get me into trouble, considering I don't know what they've been doing the past four hundred years. Also Clara, you and me, we went to Trenzalore. They'd kill me if they found out."

"Wait, you went to Trenzalore?" Rose asked, shocked "As in The Trenzalore? Honestly, Doctor I can't believe you would do something so stupidly dangerous!" she shouted. Clara raised her eyebrows, how did Rose know about Trenzalore?

"I had no choice!" The Doctor said, quickly imputing the shields into Clara's head and releasing her.

"Oh that is so typical of you, 'I had no choice'. Doctor, I understand sometimes you take risks, believe me, I know that. But Trenzalore? That is just asking for trouble! Crossing your own timeline like that!" she shouted.

"Yes! I know, okay?!" he shouted back "I tried to avoid it, God knows I tried! But it was inevitable! I saw the graves, and all the destruction that I will one day cause. And I'm sorry, okay?" he marched over to the doors, swinging them open angrily without another word. Clara sneaked a look between the two of them, but chose to say nothing, following The Doctor outside. She didn't want to get in-between whatever issues the couple might have.

Rose just sighed. She wasn't going to completely drop the subject, but she would let it go for now. There were more important things to take care of.

Idea that was bugging me ever since I watched The Day Of The Doctor. What did you guys think? I for one, LOVED it. The only thing that upset me was the evident lack of 10 x Rose and 11 x Rose interaction. And then my brain stared whirring… and well, you know the rest.

Also, stories that I will be wrapping up soon, when I get a chance to write:

Together Or Not At All

Asylum of The Daleks


Completely Human.

The only stories that I will be continuing in the long run will be this one, Finding Their Way and The Blue Envelope. Also my Supernatural fic! check that out if you dig DESTIEL! Updates for everything aren't going to be as regular as usual because I'm pretty busy with School, ect, but I will try! Please please pleaaaaaseeeee review because reviews just make me want to write more, which is a win/win for everyone!