At Last! The epilogue is here, and this will be the last chapter for this story! It's not based on St. Patrick's Day, but in keeping with the holiday theme let's just say this takes place on St. Patrick's Day. Thank you all so much for your overwhelming support! What started as simple idea for a few connected one-shots has turned into a full story thanks to all of your reviews, follows, and favorites!

Disclaimer: If I ever did own Teen Titans, a leprechaun must have come and stolen it because I don't own it now.

Idea again from Kaarlinaa…

March 17: Month 7:

"Because she's taken!"

"Well what are you gonna do to stop me?"

"Beast Boy, he's not worth it. Let's go home."

"No! He dares to think he can touch you and I'm going to prove him wrong."

"Beast Boy!"

line break

How did they get in this position, you ask, well, it all started about an hour ago…

"The second one was better 'cause the sound effects are more realistic."

"No way, grass stain, Mega Monkeys 3 was way better than Mega Monkeys 2. The graphics were completely redone and it looks awesome!"
It was yet another pizza lunch with the Titans. Beast Boy was arguing with Cyborg over some video game, as usual, while Robin switched between watching with mild amusement and staring at Starfire, who smiled and tried to think of a way to reconcile the 'argument.'

"Hey, sexy, 'member me?" Everyone stopped when the heard a voice from behind Raven.

"Excuse me?"

"I said, hey, se—"

"Yes, in fact I do remember you. You were the goth boy who attempted to entertain himself by conversing with me at that old warehouse party. Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you with the information that while I still believe that party was pointless I have slightly changed my outlook on life and no longer wish to spend time with you. Please leave me alone and I will ignore the revolting name you just used to address me."

The Titans smiled and chuckled at each other once Raven was done pwning the boy before they all turned back to the center of the table and resumed their previous activities.

About twenty minutes later they got up to leave and heard, "Aw, don't go girl, you know you don't want to leave me."

His half-finished pizza blew up in his face and they all assumed that was the end of that.

"Hey!" Just as the Titans were about to get into the T-car to head back to the tower, Beast Boy yelled and started growling at Raven…

or so they thought it was Raven. "Cool it, lettuce. Let's go, babe, this one's annoying me." But in fact it was the goth boy standing directly behind Raven.

"Have you gone mad? I'm not interested in you!"

"Lettuce? That's the best you could come up with. Look, whatever-your-name-is, back off of my girlfriend and don't you ever even go near her let alone try to touch her again!"

"Wait, he what?"

"Woa, cool it, BB," Cyborg stepped in, "Look, kid, go home. Raven said she was not interested in you and honestly from today's events I have no idea how you could possibly believe that there was anything going on between you two ever. Just leave the situation be and we won't give you any trouble." Cyborg tried to calm everyone, but his holding Beast Boy back just seemed to infuriate him even more.

"Why should I leave it? Listening to you is pointless and—"

"Because she's taken!"

and that, my friends, is how the Titans got to the moment they are in right now.

"Well what are you gonna do to stop me?"

"Beast Boy, he's not worth it. Let's go home."

"No! He dares to think he can touch you and I'm going to prove him wrong."

"Beast Boy!"

"Drop it, dude."

"You may want to run," Robin whispered to the boy, who refused to listen.

"Give it your best shot, lettuce. I don't think you're even man enough to—"

But he never did get to finish that sentence, as he was tackled to the ground by a roaring tiger before struggling up and running away.

"Hey, you."


That night Beast Boy and Raven met on the rocks supporting their home yet again.

"I know," Beast Boy started right away. "Today was stupid. It's just that he was behind you and I saw where his hand was headed and that's not right for him to think that he can just—"

"No, it's not right. Which is why when Robin called the police once we got you home and calmed down and he was arrested and I am now the proud owner of a restraining order against him."


"Seriously," she mocked him.

"Shut up," he chuckled.

"I'm sorry I got so worked up."

"Don't be. For the first time in my life someone stood up for me, and it means a lot that you were willing to do that."

"Well, good. Then I'm glad I did it."

"Hey, Beast Boy?"


"It doesn't take an idiot to know that you're still thinking about what he said about being a man."

"I both hate and love how well you read me."

"We've talked about this."

"I know."

"Who's more of a man? The jerk sitting in jail or the one who got the girl by being respectful?"

"I love you, Raven."

"I love you too."

Well, that's it guys. I know both Goth boy and Raven were a little OOC, but that's just how it turned out. Thank you all again, and tell me what you thought!