Marrying Dean meant that you didn't just agree to spend the rest of your life with Dean, you agreed to spend the rest of your life with Dean and Seamus. I already knew that but I hadn't known quite how much the fact would hold true. But surprisingly, there were moments were I liked having Seamus around so much. There were even moments where I preferred him to my husband.

This was one of those moments.

I was lying on a hospital bed, back propped up by a pillow and taking deep breaths to try and breathe through the contractions. Dean was by my side, holding my hand and reminding me to breathe – as if I would forget to breathe. I squeezed his hand tight after a particularly painful contraction. He whimpered slightly and I shot him an irritated look.

"Do you honestly think you're the one in pain?" I bit out through gritted teeth.

He had the sense to shake his head and I couldn't say anything else as another contraction hit. I gasped, squeezing his hand. Where did I need to sign to get this baby out of me in the least painful way? Was there an option where they could just magic the baby out of me?

The door to the room opened and Seamus popped his head around the door. I gritted my teeth, shooting a glare at Dean as Seamus came closer to the bed.

"You invited Seamus?" I hissed.

"He's the godfather," he tried to explain.

"When we get home, you are in so much trouble mister."

Seamus came around to the other side of the bed, putting the bag he'd brought along with him on the floor. I didn't question it and took the hand he offered for me to hold as another contraction hit. It was the worst one yet. I whimpered under my breath, squeezing my eyes shut only to open them when I felt something on my forehead. Opening my eyes, I looked up to find Seamus wiping the sweat off from my forehead.

"You're doing a good job," he said warmly, reaching down into his bag to pull out a cup of ice. "My ma said that chewing on ice chips helps some women."

"Seamus," I panted, feeling out of breath, "You're amazing."

"Tell me something I don't know."

He didn't so much as wince when I squeezed his hand as I went through another contraction. I couldn't hold the scream that left me. Closing my eyes, I turned my head towards Dean and panted to try and catch my breath as he pressed a kiss to my forehead.

"You can do this," Dean said quietly as a mediwitch walked into the room.

She made no comment on Seamus' presence in the room and looked underneath the blanket to check how things were moving along. Looking up at me, she gave me a smile that under normal circumstances I would have returned. But right now, all I wanted was for her to get me out of this situation.

"It looks like it's time," She said as she looked over the three of us, "Of course it's up to the mother how many people she wants in the room."

"Seamus," I said softly, looking at the man who was already busy packing up. At the sound of his name, he looked back at me, "Take Dean out of the room."

"Are you sure?" he asked, ignoring my husband's protests.

"He'll only worry the entire time," I said, breathing through another contraction, "Just keep him busy."

Seamus nodded and forced Dean out of the room as more medical staff entered the room. Shutting the door, the mediwitch turned to me with another smile.

"Right Mrs Thomas, let's have this baby."

The two men were only let back in the room three hours later, once our little baby boy had been born and had been cleaned up. He was sleeping in the crib beside the bed after having been fed. Dean popped his head cautiously around the door, eyes landing on the small bundle. Walking tentatively into the room, he made his way towards me.

"He's beautiful," Dean murmured, picking him up as if he would break. Holding our little boy in his arms Dean perched on the edge of the bed and leaned down to press a kiss to the top of my head. "I love you."

"I love you too," I said with a tired smile, eyes flickering in the direction of the door.

I grinned widely at the sight of Seamus walking into the room, carrying the biggest teddy bear I had ever seen. Clutching the bear within two arms, he approached us and put the bear down besides the crib and made his way towards Dean and our son.

"Well isn't he a handsome lad?" He met my eyes, "Are you alright?"

I nodded and shifted slightly in the bed, "Thanks for looking after him."

"It was a feat," he admitted, "I've never seen him so antsy before."

"It's only natural," Dean said with a pout as he handed our son over to his godfather.

Seamus cradled him carefully in his arms, looking down at his face and rocking side to side slightly. "So what did you decide to name him?"

"Seamus," Dean said softly.

Seamus, the older one, looked up slowly and glanced between the pair of us. "You named him Seamus?"

"It's better than keeping Seamus as his middle name, don't you think?"