Title: Dawn of the Red Emperor
Genre: Romance, Humor, (a bit) Drama.
Pairings: Akashi Seijuurou x OC
- The Red Emperor finally meets his match.
"You broke my friend's heart. And now, as a revenge, she wants to break yours by sending me in to seduce you." She looked at him right in the eyes. "I'm not trying to be rude, but that will never happen." Instead of being insulted like he had expected, the girl gave him a bright smile and two thumbs up. "That's why my plan will work great!"

1) Hi, Nice to meet you all. I'm LugiaTsuyu. I was from Thailand. So English is not my first language. That's why you will probably find a lot of grammar mistakes and not so smooth writing (such as repeated words and so on). And any comments, criticisms, corrections, and suggestions are greatly appreciated.
2) I am writing this as I go, so yeah. LOL
3) Also, you will probably find a lot of OOCness and mistakes because I don't really know much about basketball rules yet and am not really sure how high school in Japan works (especially an elite school like Rakuzan LOL), so I will apologize about that in advance. Please bear with me and I hope you will like my story. (Even though I am turning a sport shounen manga/anime into a romantic comedy shoujo one.)

Disclaimers: I do not own Kuroko no Basket, just my original character(s), as it belongs to Fujimaki Tadatoshi-sensei.

Credit to: Fujimaki Tadatoshi-sensei.



Dawn of the Red Emperor



It was the first word that popped into her head the instant she'd laid eyes on him for the first time.

Asahi stood among the rows and columns lined by the first-years of Rakuzan High. Only a moment before, as to be expected on the first day of school and of the ever-dragging opening ceremony, many students had been openly expressing their boredom in the only way the teachers could not fault or punish them for it—by actively yawning.

But all that had changed when the name of the first-year's representative, the one who had gotten the highest score on the entrance exam, had been announced.

Akashi Seijuurou.

The former captain of Teiko basketball team and the legendary leader of the Generation of Miracles.

She'd never really believed in how one's presence could affect the air in the room…until a certain boy with flaming red hair stepped onto the auditorium's stage and in front of the podium.

Then the quiet room suddenly erupted into waves of intangible murmurs. Yawns completely disappeared, only to be replaced by the uproar of excitements and fascinations—the latter was also delivered with barely-maintained girly squeals that had her wishing this Akashi guy some luck if he ever wanted to have a peaceful high school life, 'cause it'd never happen.

But she could understand the other girls' feelings a bit. Probably. The guy sure was not bad for the eyes. She was close to the stage enough to be able to notice a couple of things. Other than his conspicuous hair, his bi-colored eyes, one crimson red and another golden hazel, were very intriguing to those who dared to look right into them. His face was strong, but not too hard or edgy—impassive was more like it. His every movement, every gesture, showed confidence, intelligence, if not a bit of arrogance. And his entire being? It screamed power.

"—have a good year." Akashi Seijuurou finished his speech—darn, she hadn't been listening at all—took off without any hesitation, and vanished behind the velvet curtain.

When the ceremony was coming to an end, someone tapped her lightly on her back as a female voice said, "Asahi-chan."

The auditorium's doors opened and the students slowly made their ways toward the exits. Asahi followed the flow. "Yeah, Karen-chan?"

Her—kind of—friend from middle school, Hatsuki Karen, a petite beauty with long, curly almond-colored hair didn't reply until both of them were outside. "I think I, um, I…" Her pretty face turned bright red. "I think I just fell in love with Akashi-kun."

Asahi stared blankly at her friend, the only viable thought in her mind was: I wholeheartedly wish you tons of good luck, Akashi Seijuurou. You are going to need it.

It was a month later that she truly wished she'd saved those luck for herself. She was actually going to need it more than him. A lot more. Because the recently broken-hearted Hatsuki Karen had managed to coerce her—though she was pretty sure she had been threatened—to do the impossible as a revenge.

To break Akashi Seijuurou's empty heart.



Author's Note: Hi guys! This is my first Kuroko no Basket fanfiction. I know the prologue and the summary suck, but I still hope you guys will like my story as it progresses. Also, as I mentioned in the beginning, I'm kinda really bad with grammar and vocabulary, so I'm really sorry about that. If you guys noticed any mistakes, language-wise or plot-wise, don't hesitate to tell me, I'd really appreciate it.

Another thing I have to apologize is the possible (probably inevitable) OOCness. Akashi is pretty self-explanatory because he's got two different sides of him it's kind of hard to grasp which is which, and the three Uncrowned Kings (Mayuzumi included) haven't had much screen time (or page time), their personalities are not very clear to me yet, so...yeah.

And last but not least, I know the prologue is extremely short and Asahi's character is still very one-dimensional, but we'll get to see more and more starting the next chapter (though the summary tells a lot about her personality, LOL).