She had been home in District 12 now for...actually, she didn't know how long she had been home. Each day since Haymitch brought her home, she had become more and more withdrawn. Greasy Sae would come to her house in the Victor's Village to take care of her. Cook her meals, clean her house, make sure she took a shower and changed her clothes. Haymitch even came over every day to check up on her. But the more time passed, the more withdrawn she came. Bit by bit, Katniss was losing herself. Losing any reason to go on living. It started out as small things. Not taking a shower for a day or two. Or staying in bed till lunch time. Or even not talking when Sae came by and made her dinner. But as each day passed, it became worse. Katniss stopped speaking all together. She stopped eating. She stopped showering. She would stay in bed all day, and if she did decide to get up, she would sit in the rocking chair, staring at the wall. Sae couldn't get through to her, and as hard as he tried, Haymitch couldn't get through to her.

He wanted to call Dr. Aurelius, but he knew what would happen. They would take her away, put her in a hospital. Maybe in another district, or worse, take her to The Capitol. He couldn't do that to her. Haymitch knew the only one who could ever get through to her, would be Peeta. But he knew what was happening to Peeta. He wasn't getting much better himself. He wasn't the same. Snow had made sure of that. He tried talking to Katniss, telling her that he would be back. But Katniss was gone. She was lost somewhere inside her own mind, and she wasn't coming out.

Katniss wanted out. She wanted out of her life. Out of this world. She would stare out into her house all day, only to go to sleep to dream of fire, mutts, blood, and her family and friends screaming for her to help. She just wanted this to end. She missed Peeta. She couldn't ever let herself think about him, because her heart would ache for him. Her boy with the bread. Her dandelion of hope. He was gone. He was never coming back. She didn't mean to fall in love with him, but she did. She tried to remember that exact moment she fell in love. Ever since her father had died, and she swore to herself that she would never fall in love, get married and start a family. She had in bedded that so far into her brain, that she didn't know she was in love until it was to late, and Peeta was gone. Was it in the second arena, when she realized that she needed him? Or on the Victory tour, when the only peaceful night sleeps she got, was when he would hold her in his arms? Or was it when she first kissed him in the caves? No. It was when he threw her the bread. But she was to young to notice. Then by the time the Hunger Games happened, she was so stubborn, she never saw it. Love. She loved him. And she ruined it. She pushed him away. She left him to get captured, and tortured, and in the end, she lost him. She didn't deserve to live. She deserved to die.

"It's good to see you boy." Haymitch said, as Peeta got off the train, and hugged him. He loved Peeta. Like a son. And a best friend. He couldn't be more happier to have him home. "Welcome home." he said. Peeta pulled back and looked at him.

"It's good to be back Haymitch." Peeta said. He looked around a little, as Haymitch started walking with him. Patting him on the back. He knew what Peeta was looking. Or who he was looking for. "She didn't come." Peeta said.

"I'm afraid not. But don't take it personal. She's not doing to well. She's been on her own for five months now. You know she doesn't know how to take care of herself." Haymitch said. Peeta looked at him, like he was trying to figure out exactly what he has just said.

"But she knows how to hunt. She can feed herself. She was taking care of her sister and mom after her dad died. Right?" Peeta asked. Haymitch didn't know how to answer that. Peeta had his memories so warped, that he questioned everything.

"She did. But Katniss isn't the same since she came back. I want you to be prepared. She hasn't talked in almost three months, she stopped eating a month ago. I've gotten her to drink, but that's not easy anymore. She lays in bed all day." Haymitch said. He didn't want to sugar coat anything, or hide anything from him. He deserved better. He deserved to always be told the truth. He deserved to be treated like a man. He didn't deserve this.

"Well I can help. We can do this." Peeta said. Haymitch nodded, and they started walking towards the Victor's Village. Haymitch purposely took the longer way, not wanting Peeta to see where his families Bakery used to be. He knew he wasn't ready for that. They got to Katniss' house, and Haymitch stopped on the steps.

"You go on in there boy. Let her see you. I hope you can help her. I can't keep talking to Aurelius for her. He's wants to talk to her, and if she doesn't answer, he's gonna come and see her. He'll take her away if she doesn't snap out of this. If he takes her..." Haymitch trailed off.

"If he takes her, she'll never get better." Peeta said. Haymitch nodded. Peeta turned on his feet, and opened the door. He could see Katniss sitting in the rocking chair. He had waited five months to see her again. He knew he loved her. He thought about nothing but her the whole time he was in The Capitol, being pumped full of every drug known to man, trying to heal his mind.

"I'm so sorry Peeta." Katniss cried. Peeta was startled from hearing her voice. She couldn't have known he was here. "Please forgive me." she cried, and slumped a little. He heard her drop something. He walked carefully into the room, and what he saw, would haunt him forever. He closed his eyes. Not another flashback.

"HAYMITCH!" Peeta screamed. What he saw couldn't be real. Haymitch burst in, and Peeta looked at him. Focus on Katniss. He looked back over, and ran over to her, just in time to catch her as she fell out of the chair. "NOOOO!" Peeta screamed. Katniss had slit her wrists with a pair of scissors that he vaguely remembered her mother keeping in a drawer. "No Katniss please look at me." Peeta cried, slapping her face. He was already covered in her blood. He closed his eyes, trying to shake any shiny thoughts away from him. Katniss needed him. She wasn't a mutt. She was just Katniss. Haymitch ran for towels to put them over her wrists to try and stop the bleeding. But they were soon soaked with blood. He knew this wasn't going to help. "Please Katniss wake up. Keep your eyes open." Peeta cried. Katniss was thin, and pale in his arms. She opened her eyes, and looked right up at him. "Why did you do this?" Peeta cried.

"Because I can' without you." she whispered.

"But I'm right here." Peeta cried.

"Don't you dare die on me Katniss. I have fought to hard to keep you alive damn it!" Haymitch yelled, squeezing her wrists tighter.

"I need Prim." Katniss whispered. Peeta cried harder. "She was on fire...she needs me...I need to save her." Katniss whispered.

"No Katniss please. She's gone Katniss. She's not in pain anymore. But I'm here. And I need you. I can't live without you." Peeta said. After all they went through. Shiny memories or not, her knew he loved her, even if he couldn't feel it. But he was crying was he not? He must feel something? Katniss stared at him, like she just now realized he was there.

"Peeta?" she asked. Peeta sobbed louder.

"I'm right here Katniss. Just hold on please. Don't let go." Peeta said. He felt Katniss starting to shake, and her eyes were closing, and then...there was nothing. "Katniss!" Peeta yelled and shook her.. But he knew. He just knew. She was dead. Katniss Everdeen was a survivor. She had survived starvation, two Hunger Games, and a war. But now she was dead, in his arms.

Katniss gasped for air. Where was she? She looked all around. How the hell did she get into the woods?

"Hello Katniss." someone said. Katniss stopped in her tracks. She knew that voice. She turned around, and saw her father. More handsome than ever, in his hunting clothes. She had really done it. She really did end her life. And now she was reunited with her father. Katniss ran to him and threw her arms around his neck and sobbed. Boy did she sob. She let go every tear she never shed for her father dying. For having to be to sole provider for her sister and mother. For starving. For not getting to be a normal teenager. For Prim's name being picked, and her taking Prim's place in the Games. For not being able to save Rue. For killing Glimmer, Marvel, Cato, and the girl from District 4. For watching everyone else like Thresh and Foxface die. For being forced to kiss a boy in front of the whole world. For not being able to love him like she wanted. For not wanting to be in love or have a family. For her nightmares. For the pain she caused her District. For the Victory Tour. For Snow threatening her family. For hurting Peeta. For Peeta losing his leg. For not doing what Snow told her, and causing all the Victor's to be reaped again. For the man in District 11 whistling Rue's song. For losing Mags, Wiress, Seeder and Chaff. The Morphlings. For killing Gloss. For all the other Victor's dying. For the others getting captured and tortured. For hurting Gale. For not forgiving her mother. For losing Cinna. For Peeta watching Portia die. For Madge dying. For District 12 being bombed. For Darius becoming an Avox, and then being killed. For Johanna being afraid of water. For Annie losing Finnick. For Finnick dying. For Annie having to raise their son without Finnick. For Boggs dying. For Prim dying. For not saving her baby sister. For losing Peeta. Losing Peeta to Snow. For Peeta being tortured and losing his memory. For not telling Peeta she loved him. For not realizing it sooner. For dying in Peeta's arms. She finally let it all go, and cried. "It's alright now Katniss." her father soothed. She hadn't felt his arms around her since she was a young girl. A time when she could depend on someone. That she could lean on. A place where she felt safe. "I'm not the only man in your life who's held you like this, and you've felt safe." her father said. She hadn't voiced that out loud. "I know what your thinking. And you felt like this with Peeta. But you got so used to building that wall up around you, that you never let yourself feel safe. Feel loved." he said. Katniss pulled back, and looked at him.

"Am I really seeing you? Are you really here?" Katniss asked. Her father smiled.

"Yes your really seeing me. And yes I'm really here." he said, smiling at her, holding her cheek. Katniss looked around.

"Where's Prim. I have to see her. And Finnick and Cinna. Rue. Where are they?" Katniss asked. He placed his hands on her shoulders.

"There not here anymore Katniss. But you'll see them again. I promise. Your going to be with them again, I just had to see you one more time." her father said.

"Why aren't they here? I did this so I could see them again. To say how sorry I am." Katniss cried.

"Katniss calm down. You will see them again. I promise. Now just come sit down and talk to me. We don't have much time." he said, and led her to a log to sit on. They were sitting in front of the lake. She instantly wished she could bring Peeta here. "You'll get that chance Katniss, I promise." he told her. He smiled at her, and touched her cheek again. "You are one of the three most beautiful girls in the entire world." he told her. Katniss knew she was one of three. Her mother and Prim. "I am so sorry that I left you. But I am so proud of the woman you became." he said. Katniss let out a strangled cry.

"Proud? How can you be proud of me? I got Prim killed. I lost Peeta. He lost his leg because of me. He doesn't even remember who he is. Cinna and Finnick died because of me. So many people died because I couldn't be in love with Peeta." Katniss cried.

"Katniss, what happened to you, wasn't your fault. I died in an explosion. And your mother was depressed and couldn't care for you. None of that was your fault. You stepped up and took care of her and Prim the only way you knew how. The way I taught you. You kept them alive. That's not something I'm ashamed of. That's something I'm proud of. You brought your mother back from her depression. You kept her going, and you made Prim strong. You should be proud of that." her father told her. Katniss wouldn't believe that.

"I didn't do any of that on my own though. I almost died out in the rain." Katniss said. Her father of course knew what she meant. The day she had given up hope.

"I remember that day well. I watched you. I cried for you. But I guided you to." Her father said. Katniss looked up at him. "I remember the way he would stare at you when you were kids. And I just knew one day you'd be staring back. I guided you to the bakery that day. I needed you to get some of that hope back. You had lost all your hope, but I needed you to keep going. I needed you to be strong. And you went to Peeta's house. And he threw you the bread, and the next day you saw that dandelion. He gave you hope for surviving. He gave you hope, that you could keep going." her father said. Katniss let tears fall down her face. He wiped them away. How could she leave Peeta? How could she never tell him that she loved him? How could she not have realized that day that he threw her the bread, that she was in love with him? Her father chuckled. "You both were eleven. You didn't know what that kind of love was. Peeta only knew at the age of five, because he is a rare kind of human being that can fall in love at five years old." he joked. Katniss wiped her tears away. "You were eleven. That's nothing to be ashamed about. You weren't ready then. You still needed to survive. Peeta gave you that hope do keep going, you just needed the skills, the knowledge of how to do it. You needed a friend in the woods again. And that's what led you to Gale. Your best friend." he said. Katniss put her head down. "He was always just your friend Katniss. You know that now. The second you realized you loved Peeta was when all your feelings became clear." he said. There was still that fear in the back of her mind, and her father knew it. "Even if Prim hadn't died that day. You would have gone back to District 13, and shot the arrow at Coin, instead of Snow, and it still would have been Peeta to save you, and you would still be right here with me. It would have taken a bit longer for it to have happened, because Prim and Gale would still be there to take care of you, but once Peeta came back, and you realized he wasn't the same, you would have still fallen into the same depression that your mother did." he told her. Katniss hadn't realized that by her not living life, she had done the exact same thing her mother did. The guilt of how she treated her made her nausaus. "Your mother was never mad at you. She was mad at herself. And she let you be angry with her, because she felt it was her punishment for checking out on you. She didn't know how to handle it Katniss. Try and forgive her. For yourself. She loves you." he said. Katniss didn't know what to say. Her father went back to what he was originally talking about. "You did need Gale, Katniss. He was going to help you survive. You would have figured out how to do it by yourself, but Gale kept you from hardening your heart completly. He gave you something to smile about, to care about. You needed a friend. You needed a father, but the next best thing was a brother." he said. Katniss covered her mouth.

"That's exactly what he's been. He was always like an older brother. It wasn't until the Games when they were forcing Peeta down my throat. They were taking away my choice. I thought maybe I was supposed to be with Gale, because they thought I was meant to be with Peeta, that they couldn't be right about that." Katniss cried. She had never been so honest in her life. But this was her dad. She could tell him anything.

"Katniss I know all that. It's ok. You were 16 years old. Your still only 17, almost 18. You may have grown up and had to become the adult when I died, but it stll doesn't change the fact that you are a teenager. Your allowed to be confused and angry and allowed to make mistakes."

"My mistakes cost people their lives. And my mistakes cost Peeta everything." Katniss cried. Her father took her into his arms again as she cried.

"And it still comes down to the fact that you were only a teenager, who was forced to grow up, forced to starve, forced to kill children, forced to lead a rebellion, and forced to love. Not even the most stable adult can do that, and come out the other side smelling like a Primrose. You were 16 years old Katniss Everdeen. You were forced. You did the best you could." he said into her ear.

"This is my punishment then. I shouldn't be able to live. I failed at everything I did." Katniss said. Her father pulled back to look at her.

"This isn't a punishment. And you will live. You get a second chance Katniss. A second chance to really change things." her father said. Katniss shook her head.

"No daddy I don't want another chance. Please just let me stay here with you and Prim." Katniss cried, and tried to hug him, but her father pulled her away to look at him.

"You get another chance to fix some of these things. To make things better. You can't stay here with Prim, because she's not here. I'm the only one who's staying. Prim, Finnick, Cinna...none of them are here anymore. There waiting on you." he said.

"No I'm not going. Daddy I died. I died in Peeta's arms. And Haymitch...I'm dead. You don't get a second chance after that." Katniss cried.

"Well you do. So you have to listen. Believe in Haymitch. Trust him. Listen to what he tells you to do, even when you don't understand it, or like it. And don't get angry when he doesn't tell you things. He knows what he's doing. He does everything he can to keep you alive. He's like a father to you. And I couldn't be happier for Haymitch to stand in for me." her dad says.

"Hes's a drunk." Katniss cries. Her father shook his head.

"You know that doesn't matter. He's never drunk enough not to be there for you. And he's smart. He understands you. And you hate it when he's right. So trust him blindly. He will always protect you. And forgive your mother. She loves you so much. Your pain is her pain, and she feels everything. And let Prim grow up. Watching you in the Games changed her. Trust her with your secrets. She can handle them. Let Gale down easy, and stop being angry with him. He loves Prim like he loves Posy. He's been devastated since she died, he blames himself. You blame him. And it wasn't his fault. He helped with the bombing, but never would he have allowed Prim to be there. Coin used that against you. Forgive him." he said. Katniss took a deep breath. Her baby sister. She knew deep down it wasn't Gale's fault, but she had to take it out somehow. "And love Peeta." her father said. Katniss opened her eyes again, her breathing becoming faster. "I know that loving him his hard, because your afraid of the future. Your afraid to get married and have children, and watch them be reaped. But listen to me. Your children will never go into the Arena. The 75th Hunger Games is the last Hunger Games. I promise this Katniss. When you get scared, remember my words. Love Peeta. Don't be afraid to fall in love because you will have a happy ending. Don't be scared of this second chance. Have faith. Have patience. And be strong my beautiful Katniss." her father said. It was starting to get very bright. Katniss shook her head and grabbed onto her father.

"No please daddy. Don't leave me. I love you please don't go. I need you." Katniss cried, holding on tightly.

"Everything happens for a reason. You were meant to be the Savior. Because you have goodness in you. I love you." he said. Katniss cried. She couldn't let him go. But she knew she had to. When she opened her eyes, she gasped and sat up. No. She couldn't be back here. She tried to kill herself, and her father sent her back to District 12. Not only to District 12, but to the Seam. Back to her old house that they shared with their father. She could see two lumps in her mothers bed. Katniss shook her head. No this wasn't read. She grabbed her clothes and boots and ran outside. The Seam? It wasn't burnt down?

"Oh God." Katniss spun around and threw up. This wasn't happening. She wasn't back in the Seam. She had to figure out what to do. She stood up and threw her hands in the air, and let out a pathetic laugh, with tears. "I'm going crazy. I've lost my mind. This is one of my nightmares." Katniss cried. She had to find Peeta and Haymitch. The Victor's Villiage was close to her. She ran to the Victor's Villiage and stopped in front of her house. She must have sleep walked into the Seam. That must have been what happened. But her old house was bombed. Nothing was left. She shook her head again. She must have just been sleep walking. She hadn't realized she was still crying. But she felt the heat in the house. Her house was always so hot. And she felt the pain in her wrists. She knew she cute her wrists. And she felts her fathers arms around her. She was really with her father.

"Katniss!" she heard her name being called. She turned around, and saw Peeta running towards her. He was frantic.

"Peeta!" Katniss cried. Peeta crashed into her. Hugging her, crying, and pulling her away and looking at her.

"I woke up in my bed at the Bakery. You were dead in my arms. I just got off the train and found. You killed yourself and died in my arms. I don't get this. What happened?" Peeta cried.

"I don't know. I was just sitting in my house. I missed you so much. And Prim and Finnick. It's my fault Snow captured and hijacked you. Everything's my fault and I just wanted it to end and see Prim again but I didn't see her." Katniss screamed. Peeta held her face trying to calm her.

"Katniss calm down please. I don't understand. Snow bombed my familys bakery. How could I wake up there?" Peeta asked.

"I don't know I woke up in the Seam." Katniss cried. All of a sudden, Haymitch's door slammed open and he came stumbling out. He charged over to them and grabbed Katniss' hands and examined them.

"You were on the ground. You were bleeding, what the hell happened?" Haymitch demanded.

"I don't know." Katniss cried. Haymitch yanked on both of them.

"Get in here." Haymitch said, and pulled them into his house. He waited till Peeta shut the door, to start talking again. "You were bleeding on the ground. I was cleaning up the blood on the ground, and trying to stand this boy up, when I open my eyes, and here I am. In my own house. And his painting isn't here." Haymitch said, pointing to an empty wall. "Peeta painted a picture, and hung it up when I brought you to home after the Games. Where is it? Where the hell is it? And how the hell are you standing there alive?" Haymitch demanded.

"My leg." Peeta whispered. Haymitch and Katniss looked over at him. He bent down, and pulled up his pant leg. Katniss gasped. His leg. His real leg was there. Katniss ran to him and fell to her knees, grabbing Peeta's leg. She cried as she scratched and pulled at his leg.

"It's real. Oh my God. He told me I would get a second chance. He gave you your leg back." Katniss cried. Peeta grabbed her and pulled her to her feet. Peeta put his hands on her face to focus her, and tried to get her to calm down.

"Katniss. I need you to tell me what is going on." Peeta asked.

"I have a second chance. We have a second chance. To make things right. He gave me a second chance." Katniss cried.

"Who did? Katniss who gave you a second chance? None of this is making any sense." Peeta said.

"My dad. I saw him. He was in the woods. I said I wanted to be with Prim. He said he was giving me a second chance, and that everything would be ok. Your leg Peeta. The bakery and the Seam. There all back." Katniss cried. Haymitch was making noise behind them. He was looking for the remote to turn on the T.V.

"Haymitch this isn't the time for watching television." Peeta said.

"I'm not watching it for fun. I'm looking for the date." Haymitch said. He flipped a channel and stared at it. He looked slowly back at them.

"What day is it?" Peeta asked.

"It's reaping day. For the 7th Hunger Games.