Title: You're a God
Pairing: Loki x Heimdall
Disclaimer: Matantei Loki/Ragnarok/Shin Sekai no Kamigami do not belong to me. Please only credit me for the creation of the fanfiction and nothing more.
Rating: K
Songfic: You're a God – Vertical Horizon
Author's Note: Sooooo…I'm back. Being a full-time student with a full-time job and an additional part-time job has made me…busy. I'm happy to have some spare time to write though! Yay! I hope you enjoy this little songfic/drabble!
You're a God
And I am not
Loki reached out for his friend's hand. There was still time to reach him. Loki knew that if he could manage to painfully stretch and bend his arm through space, perhaps their fingers could brush and he could get a firm grip. Then Heimdall could be pulled to safety. Then everyone would be okay.
Loki would explain everything to the watchman. They could become allies again and forget about Ragnarok.
Even after multiple assassination attempts and hundreds of spiteful years apart, Loki didn't want his companion to die. It was far too soon. It would always be too soon.
There were selfish and emotional reasons for offering Heimdall his hand. The trickster knew he had so much to prove to the watchman. He wanted Heimdall to know he could be good and that he deserved the second chance Odin had given him on Earth.
Also, Heimdall was a friend. He was another God living under the same circumstances as him. If he died, Heimdall's godhood would be lost forever. Loki could never live with himself if it was his fault that Heimdall vanished from the Nine Worlds. The thought of him being gone was like never being able to see a blue sky again or losing the ability to laugh.
It was possible to go on living, but there would always be an open void.
"Heimdall!" Loki said. His voice was loud enough to compete with the hissing of blowing wind and crashing boulders. The tiny gods' hands were mere inches apart. "Take hold of my hand!"
Heimdall's voice was a shaky whisper. "Loki…?"
The fact that Heimdall was so confused by his act of kindness only made Loki's already cracked heart crumble.
He found himself close to tears. Even after everything that had happened, Heimdall still didn't trust him.
It hurt, badly.
When Heimdall grimaced and finally smacked his hand away, whatever hope was contained in the trickster's deteriorating heart evaporated in a second and was condensed into bitter tears of regret and self-loathing.
And I just thought
I'd let you go
And I'm off to right and essay. Brb with something else soon. Toodles!