Just a quick Idea I got, its extremely short but I'm happy to make more…ENJOY!

She felt the room spin as she slumped down against the bathroom door, her body becoming cold against the tiles, but she didn't move, she just lay there letting her sobs lull her to sleep…

"Rach" Rachel was half asleep when she felt large arms wrap around her, picking her up off of the floor and carrying her to the bedroom. She lay down on the bed looking up to see Finn giving her that sad knowing look, she'd seen too many times before.

"I…I can't do this any-anym" Rachel tried to get her words out but she was crying to much to finish the sentence, instead Finn wrapped his arms around her and lay back on the pillows, hugging Rachel into his chest whilst his own tears fell down his face.

"I know Rach…I know"

Rachel looked down at the cereal in her bowl whilst Finn talked to her. It took a while for her to notice that Finn was saying her name trying to get her attention, Rachel looked up after a few moments confused

"Um sorry what?" Finn reached his hand across the table stroking Rachel's softly

"Rach we don't have to do this today, you know there are other options…we could try-" Rachel lifted her hand up to Finn signaling for him to stop.

"No Finn we're not having this conversation again, I don't want to waist our money on something that we know won't work"

"We don't know that Rach"

"Yes we do… the Dr. said so himself, my body finds it difficult to see it through to the end or even for me to get…to get" Finn could see it was hard for Rachel to talk about. It had been 6 and half months since the last time it has happened and Finn knew it was going to be the last, each time before he had seen it break another piece of his wife's heart. Finn and Rachel had been married for 4 years, after 2 years Rachel had achieved just about everything she wanted too on Broadway she was more than ready to start a family with Finn. They were lucky to get pregnant after only one month of trying but soon found out that Rachel lost the baby early on. A couple months later they tried again only to find Rachel lost that baby as well. It felt like this had been the cycle of their lives day in and out…trying for a baby and loosing it before they even had it. Over the past 2 years Rachel had, had countless negative pregnancy tests and 4 miscarriages, but the last time it happened truly was too much for her to take. Finn had kind of taken the reins and had suggested IVF which Rachel said no too because she had heard stories about how physically sickening it was and she didn't want to put her self through that just to loose another baby. After kind of ruling IVF out Rachel suggested surrogacy, which Finn was not happy with, he said if Rachel couldn't carry his baby then nobody could. Which is what brought them to this...adoption, they were both skeptical about the whole thing but Rachel knew from experience that an adopted child could be as much yours as your own biological child and all she wanted to do was give Finn a baby, and this was her best bet right? Finn was pretty much up for it so that's what got them here. Today was the first time they were going to look at children at the St Andrews orphanage about 30 minutes out of the city. Rachel got up from her chair and came to sit on Finns lap. "I don't want to try anything else, this is what I want- I want to take the love that we have for a baby and give it to one who really needs it" Finn smiled leaving up to Rachel to kiss her on the lips

"You're going to make an amazing mother"

"And you're going to be the best daddy".

Let me know what you guys think? Should I write more? Multi chapters?