A/N: Yes, this chapter is extremely short and all over the place. Yes, it's taken me ages to update. I'm so tired it's a miracle I even managed to write this much. I've read all of your reviews/messages/etc. I'm flattered at all the attention, but pestering/begging me to update really won't (can't) do any good. I've been dealing with some pretty shitty life stuff over the past few months and am slaving away 7 days a week trying to keep myself fed/get out of debt. I am literally gluing my work shoes back together right now because they're falling apart and I can't buy new ones. I get home at night way too exhausted and drained to write, and I feel too guilty to write even in my rare "free" time because that time goes into working a side job from home. Basically unless somebody wants to pay me to write this fic, it's just not going to get updated very often at all (I honestly don't know when the next one will be), and I'm really sorry about that but there's just nothing I can do about it at this point in my life. Sorry for rambling at you guys but due to the amount of begging in my inbox I felt like I should post some kind of explanation.

Caroline does her best to limit interaction with Max in the diner to necessary, waitressing-related discussion. If anyone knows the importance of keeping one's personal life out of the professional world, it's Caroline. They are two separate spheres which operate in different contexts and cannot coexist. When those lines blur, work can become complicated or unpleasant, rumors can spread, etc.

Oleg certainly doesn't need any more fuel for his flames, and she does not even want to hear the lesbian jokes Luis would come up with. Her shifts are long and torturous enough as it is. If she and Max are too casual, it's easy to slip up and say something… illuminative. Moreover, Max sometimes has problems keeping her eyes front and center. She isn't exactly shy. Even when Caroline is at her most careful, she still catches glimpses of Max eyeing her from across the diner in an almost predatory way.

This evening she's been determined not to pay Max any mind. She can feel those eyes on her sometimes, especially when she flirts with the guy customers for better tips—common waitressing practice, of course. It doesn't mean anything, and that it makes Max jealous amuses her. She's maybe even a little smug about it, but who wouldn't be?

Dammit, she's thinking about it. This is the exact opposite of what she'd planned to occupy her mind with.

She glances over her shoulder as she finishes taking a pair of hipsters' orders. Max is watching her from behind the counter, biting the side of her lip. Their eyes meet. The edges of Caroline's resolve begin to melt away, and she has to work to steel herself as she passes her to put the order in. She can feel Max's eyes on her back.

"Caroline," Max blurts, pushing through the swinging door after her, "can I talk to you for a minute?"

Heat creeps into Caroline's cheeks. Max is being weird again. This talk will clearly not be work-related. Is it because of the flirting with the customers earlier? Caroline adores Max, of course, but she can't have her making things at work awkward. Perhaps better to play it off for now.

"Can it wait until after our shift? It's pretty busy in here."

"It'll just take a second," Max says, a note of complaint in her voice. "Freezer. Now. Come on." She pauses, says, "That could sound really bad out of context, " chuckles and disappears into the walk-in freezer.

Caroline sighs and tries to hide the slight smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. Max and her shenanigans…

"All right, fine," she says as she steps into the freezer after Max. "What did you want to talk abou—"

Max grabs her and pushes her against the back of the door, hard. "They must not teach the right kind of English at those fancy prep schools you went to," Max says, her lips dangerously close to Caroline's. Heat surges between Caroline's legs and she bites back a groan—not now, not now, not now, not at work! "Don't you know what 'talk' is code for?"

Max's voice is low and sultry. Caroline watches, transfixed, as her roommate leans in to catch her bottom lip between her teeth and pull on it, gently, until she finds herself tilting forward to follow the motion.

"Max—" Caroline starts, but Max cuts her off again with a deep kiss. She draws a sharp breath and tries half-heartedly to break free, but ends up relenting despite herself and melting into the rhythm. "We'll get caught," she whispers on a brief break in the kiss.

"No, we won't." Max shoves her hand between her legs and she gasps. "You know no one actually restocks but you."

"You"—Caroline shoves Max off and has to work to contain her smirk at Max's shocked face—"need to learn how to keep your hands to yourself. You're so pushy."

A strained, confused look flashes on Max's face. She starts to say something but then pauses and backs down. She slumps, looking cowed. Not quite the reaction Caroline expected, and she was just teasing. She can't help but smile.

"I'm just kidding. Jeez, when did you get so sensitive?" She grabs Max's shirt and maneuvers around to push her into the door. "You'd almost think you liked me or something."

"'Or something.'" Max scoffs, grinning. "Yeah. Maybe if I was into girls."

Caroline rolls her eyes and shoves her. "Just you wait 'till we get home." She leans in to peck Max on the lips—briefly, to keep the temptation at bay, as she swears she can still feel Max's hand warm and inviting against her thighs—and elbows her out of the way to open the door.

"Hey, wait," Max says, and Caroline quirks an eyebrow at her. Max slides a hand around behind her neck and kisses her again, softly this time. Her lips are full and gentle—slow. Caroline's chest flutters when Max runs her thumb over her cheek. Amazing. Max really is going soft on her.

Caroline presses her forehead to Max's and smiles. "You know, times like now, I'm glad my dad pulled his Ponzi scheme. I just can't imagine my life without you."

"Ehh," Max says with a shrug, "I'm sure you'd be sipping margaritas on a yacht somewhere. You'd be fine. Now get out of here, get back to work."

"I will, thanks, since apparently I'm the only one around here who will actually do any work."

"Hey, hey, missy, I work hard for you at home. Doesn't that count for something?"

Caroline blushes. She averts her eyes stepping into the kitchen and staunchly, especially avoids looking Oleg in the face when he asks, "What took you guys so long, sheesh. Were you having sexytimes in there and I missed it? I should bring camera next time, yeah?"

One look at her face and anyone would know.