Crossroads of Light and Dark ~

Chapter 1 ~ Prince of the Moon light ~

~ Jack's POV ~ Darkness... that's the first thing I remember. It was dark and it was cold; and I was scared. But then, then I saw the moon. It was so big and so bright. It seemed to, chase the darkness away. And when it did. I wasn't scared anymore. Why I was there and what I was meant to do, that I've never known. Still, a part of me wonders if I were well. The moon light. It was soothing. It was gentle. It brought a hint of relief to me. It saved me. It gave me a second chance. ~ I looked behind me. It was dark in the woods which surrounded my risen death bed. Though, I could just make out a boy, hiding in the bushes and thickets. He must have watched me come out and up from the pond.

Suddenly, I nearly trip over a stick which was laying on the ice. The stick glows an icy blue as I pick it up. In surprise, I nearly drop it. Yet, as the bottom comes in presence with the ground, frost. Frost splatters onto the already frozen pond. I was confused,'Did I do that?' I thought as I hold my newly found item in my hands. I walk over to a tree and I touch the trunk with my staff. More frost spreads up across the bark. I was excited. Never had this happened. At least, this was the first.

I run around on the lake under the light of the moon. An expression of Joy and fun upon my face. Frost spreads everywhere I place my staff. And as I try to see my work from the ground, the wind picks me up and holds me by the arms. I smile. I could see much better from up in the sky. The wind suddenly stops and drops me in a tree. From my branch, I look in the distance. I see the light of a burning fire and the lights of windows of village houses. 'There wind,' I thought,'take me to the light of that village.' The next thing I knew, the wind carries me again the source of the lights which I saw from afar.

The wind drops me to the ground and I stand up, brushing extra snow off of me. I laugh as I go through the village. Everyone was either, walking around, talking or minding their own business. But everyone was warming themselves by the fire. "Hello," I greeted to the people,"Hello." Yet, no one seemed to notice me. I walked up to a woman,"Good evening ma'am," she didn't notice me either,"ma'am?" A boy was running in my direction,"Oh! Excuse me, can you tell me where-" I stopped in the middle of my question as the boy runs through me. And I gasp in disbelief. "Hello!" I shouted,"Hello?!" Yet, no one heard me.

Soon, I decided to leave the village. I couldn't find answers there. I hesitated though. I didn't want to go back into the woods. It scared me, and my fear caused snow to fall. I looked up at the moon and felt a hint of security as I I walked slowly, ever so slowly, back into the darkness of the forest. Though, before I do, I hear the moon tell me very little about myself. ~ My name, is Jack Frost, and I'm the Prince of the Winter and Light. How do I know that? Because the moon told me so. That's was all he ever told me. Yet, that was a long. Long. Time ago. ~