(AN) Well, here we are! The last ever chapter of Total Drama All-Stars Remake! As of now, this story had over 105,000 views. Thank you so much for taking the time to read a fanfiction evolving into something more. Hopefully, the final chapter would be worth the wait. If not, I'd appreciate your honesty in your review. It would help me improve my writing abilities.

(Warning) Blood will be spilled in this chapter.

(Disclaimers) I do not own Total Drama or any of their characters. I do, however, own the mutants' personalities, and Noirwor and Makuta.

(COVID-19) A lot had happened within six months, specifically this year. The coronavirus had spread to every corner of the world and disrupted everyone's lives including yours. Whatever you're feeling in this crisis, I've experienced it.

While I'm grateful to still have my job, I can't say the same for my hobbies. I can't work out at the gym, and if people keep flouting the rules, the government would ban outdoor exercise, meaning I wouldn't be able to do my running as well. It sucks because they benefit my physical and mental healths. I'll have to find a way to get around this.

Since we're going through the biggest crisis since WW2, it's going to have an impact on our mental health. One of my higher priorities now is to keep myself stable. After all, health is everything.

We'll get through this. Why? Because we each have an indomitable spirit. We've overcome worse events in the past.

Whatever rules you have to follow in your country, there are several things you must do to survive.

1. Wash your hands thoroughly for twenty seconds.

2. Don't touch your eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands.

3. Stay six feet(two metres) away from other people.

4. Do NOT go outside unless you're working, going to a grocery shop, picking up medications or exercising once per day. (BTW, going to the park to go sunbathing does NOT count as an exercise!)

Please be considerate. There are people out there risking their lives to treat people who caught the coronavirus. Some of them had died already, so please don't make it harder for them than it already is.

Now that I've said my piece, enjoy the final chapter of TDAS:R!


Where was she? She couldn't see nor hear anything. Did she die? Was this the never-ending darkness she would face for all eternity? No Heaven? No Hell? Did Noirwor send her here? She wanted to scream in panic, but her lips shut as if someone stitched them tight. She couldn't move, but she could feel forces pressing on her chest.

"...Sierra!" She heard a disembodied voice echoing in the void. What was that? She began to feel sore.

"C'mon, wake up!" The voice became clearer. It was a guy. Cody? Cameron? Noirwor disguising as a guy?

"Sha-please!" A white light appeared in the distance like someone jotted a full stop. Was she falling?

"Sierra!" Lightning's voice bellowed into her ears as the light enveloped her.

Sierra snapped her eyes opened and coughed violently. Her visions remained blurring, but she felt someone rolling her to her side, allowing her body to spill blood onto the wooden dock. She blinked rapidly as she let out rattling gasps. She took deep breathes before she glanced up at Lightning, who gave her a concerned stare.

"Good to see you're alive and kicking," he said, grabbing her arms and pulled her to her feet. "Lightning thought you were a goner!" He kept his grips on her, seeing her legs still buckling under her weights.

Sierra groaned, rubbing her head. She looked at Lightning. "What happened?"

"That Noirwor dude destroyed the cliff and knocked the poles and you into the lake!" Lightning said, pointing to the location where the three colours poles used to be, now vanished into the bloody water. "Lightning had to swim over to where I last saw ya and pulled you out."

Ignoring the bloodstains on herself, Sierra looked around, noticing someone was missing. "Where's Noirwor?"

"It took off into the woods. Lightning would've stopped the dude, but it scared the crap out of me!" Fear appeared in his eyes, still reeling from seeing the monster he saw in Boney Island's cave again.

Feeling her legs regained its strength, Sierra pulled away from Lightning's grips and placed her hand on his shoulders. "You've done enough by saving me." She gave her a grateful smile. "Thank you."

Lightning returned a smile before shoving a blood-stained flag and her meatball bazooka to her chest. He glared at her as a coach gave to a group of children before the big game. "What are you still standing around for? You and Scott got an ugly alien's butt needs kicking!"

He then put the chicken hat onto her head. The chicken trembled, now developed a thousand-yards stare from its traumatic experience. He turned her around and pushed her towards the forest. "Move, move, move!" He shouted.

"Okay, okay, I'm moving!" Sierra shouted in annoyance, struggling to not trip over and drop her items. "See ya!" She gave him a wave before disappearing into the forest.

Lightning smirked at his flexed his biceps. "Another life's saved! Lightning is on the roll!" He kissed his biceps and then ran into the forest in a different direction, hoping Noirwor was nowhere to be found to spook the shit out of him.


Lightning: Lightning admits he went a bit too far in getting revenge on Bubble Boy. The night on Boney Island messed him up. (He glared at the camera) It was all Noirwor's fault for turning me into a total asshole. He won't let it make a fool outta me ever again! (He heard growling from the mutated wall and silent it with his fist) Sha-BAM! (He stopped smirking when tentacles emerged from the walls and entangle him. He screamed)

Sierra: Until today, whenever I'd think of Lightning, I kept thinking about how much of the monster he was when he tried to hurt Cameron. It totally doesn't excuse his actions even if Noirwor had made him OOC. That's being said, it's good to see he's trying to set things right. (She showed a small smile)

Moats of Doom

Beth paused midway up the ladder and stared down. She could see Makuta hadn't moved since she started climbing the Moats of Doom.

The tall creature stood like a statue, fixating on the forest. When the golden dome had arrived, it enveloped the entire area. It didn't understand what was it, but during that moment, it felt powerless. Weak. It already began to acknowledge its emotions brewing within itself.

The finalists' helpers watched Makuta nearby with bated breath. The former winners had left to reach their positions at the Moats of Doom.

"Do you guys think that was-" Ezekiel asked the others, but didn't finish his sentence when he saw Duncan raised his finger to his lips, ushering him to be quiet. A single point at Fang, who also stared at the forest albeit still depressed, was all the reasons Ezekiel needed.

"It's gotta be it," Duncan whispered, eyeing Makuta.

"So what do we do now?" Zoey asked.

"We have to make sure Makuta isn't going anywhere," Duncan said, "We can't let that creep mess up our plan."

"Guys, it's moving!" Ezekiel said, watching Makuta started heading towards the forest.

"I'll take care of this," Eva said, stomping over to the creature, ignoring the others crying out for her. She stood in front of Makuta, stopping in its track. Fighting back against the fear forming within her, she glared into its eyes, clenching the brass knuckles Duncan gave her earlier. "Where do you think you're going?" She demanded.

Makuta stared at her.

"All of us have to stay here for the finalists to show up. Is that how you want it? You want to abandon your master when it needs you the most?"

Makuta stared at her.

It happened before she could react. It slammed a blurred fist underneath her chin, sending her flying with an audible crack. It ignored the other humans' gasping as it extended its arms to grab Eva and slammed her to the ground, creating a minor crater. By the time it threw her to the side, Eva's eyes rolled to the back of her head and fell unconscious. She rolled across the ground for several seconds before she lied on her back, blood dripping out of the corner of her mouth.

Makuta's sudden attack had made the other humans froze in horror. It paid no attention to them and continued walking to the forest as if what happened earlier never happen.

Fang let out a resigned sigh. His offspring did have his aggression.

Zoey and Ezekiel sprinted to Eva and kneeled beside her unconscious body.

"Eva!" Zoey shouted, lifting her head. "Can you hear me? Please say something!"

"Is, is she…?" Ezekiel asked, fearing for worse when Cameron flew over to him and pressed his fingers to Eva's neck.

"She has a pulse, but it's weak!" Cameron said, looking worried.

They heard a whistle and turned her heads, seeing Duncan's pointing at Makuta's entering the forest. "We can't let that guy get anywhere near the others!" He shouted.

"Are you crazy, Duncan?" Zoey asked, her eyes widened. She gestured to Eva's poor condition. "It took Eva down like she was a rag doll! How can we possibly stand a better chance against it?!"

"It took her by surprise and she was alone!" Duncan said, flipping his switch-blade opened. "We're not falling for its tricks. C'mon!" He sprinted towards the forest.

"Duncan, wait!" Ezekiel shouted, chasing him. He didn't want anyone else to get hurt.

Zoey and Cameron exchanged a worrisome glance. "We can't leave her like this!" She gazed at Eva.

"We don't have much of a choice," Cameron said, getting to his feet. "We've gotta help them!"

Zoey watched him propelled after the others. She let out a sigh and stared down at Eva once more. She placed a hand to the latter's head. "Hang in there," she said before picking up her wooden staff and chased after the others.

She reached her friends at the edge of the forest. They all laid their backs against the trees. They slowly poked their heads out, seeing Makuta walking deeper into the woods. They pulled back and exchanged glances.

"So what's the plan?" Cameron asked, whispering to the others.

"We use my dodge-ball strategy to take on Makuta at once," Duncan said, "You guys remember it?"

"Yeah, I think that was the same strategy we used for the leech challenge," Zoey said, recalling said challenge and the dodge-ball episode.

Duncan nodded. "Right. On my go, we'd charge at the freak at the same time." He peered into the forest, noticing Makuta had vanished without a trace.

"How can someone so big and green disappeared like that?" Ezekiel asked, giving his friends a bewildered glance.

"It must've used its shape-shifting ability to get away!" Cameron said, looking worried.

"Are we still going after it?" Zoey asked, tightening her grips on the wooden staff. The thought of travelling into the forest where a deadly monster could attack them at any moment made cold sweats forming on her forehead. Duncan seemed to share her view when he shook his head.

"No way," he said, "It's trying to put us in a classic horror movie scenario. It's the part where a group of teens gets picked off one by one."

"Then how do we stop Makuta from reaching the others if we're not doing anything, eh?" Ezekiel asked.

"I could fly over and alert them?" Cameron suggested. "To give them more time to prepare themselves?"

"Then get there fast!" Duncan said.

Cameron started flying above the forest. It wasn't even half a minute later when he heard a series of screams behind him. He returned to where he left and gasped in horror.

Duncan laid on top of Ezekiel, failing to stop himself whimpering in pain from his right arm bending in an opposite direction.

Cameron could hear his own heartbeat when he stared at Makuta, who had its arm wrapped around Zoey's neck and used the other to aim Duncan's switch-blade inches from her eyes.

The smooth texture on Makuta's arm didn't allay Zoey from her ever-growing fear. Her long staff was out of her reach, but she had proven herself to be a capable fighter. But she wasn't being held hostage by a human. It was an unknown creature, who could commit murder right there and then if she'd make the slightest attempt. She watched her genius friend's raising his hands, hoping he had a plan to get her and the others out of this terrifying situation.

"Please don't hurt Zoey!" Cameron said, trembling within his robot suit as he exchanged eye contact with Makuta, who didn't show the slightest resemble of emotion.

The creature just stared at the strange robot and moved the blade closer to the girl's eyes. It could feel her squirming against its body.

"No, wait, wait!" Cameron shouted, lowering himself to the ground and took a step back. "We've got the message! We won't try to stop you!" His helmet retracted, showing his face to Makuta. "Just let my friend go! Please!"

Makuta watched the little guy gripping his hands in a pleading motion. Wait? Pleading? What was pleading? It kept asking itself that question as it morphed its face into Cameron's. The other humans' reactions became one of its favourite memories so far.

It could hear Cameron let out a squeak and took a few more steps backward, while Duncan and Ezekiel lost their footing and fell to the ground again.

"Puh-Pl-Please…?" Makuta uttered its first-ever word. It was nowhere close to Cameron's voice, but its deep voice was enough to make the boy's cheeks swollen before he swallowed it back down.

It reverted to its regular face and pushed Zoey to the ground. It turned around and resumed walking into the forest, still griping the switch-blade in its hand.

The boys ran over to Zoey, who was on her hands and knees. When Cameron kneeled beside her, he didn't get a chance to ask her if she was alright when she pulled him into her arms, letting out a series of gasping. It was clear to the others she was on the brink of reaching a mental breakdown from her traumatic experience.

All Cameron could do was to return the hug and patted her back. "It's gonna be okay, Zoey," he said.

Ezekiel remained silent and wrapped his arms around his friends, trying to comfort his friends.

Still gripping his broken arm, Duncan gave a grave look into the forest where Makuta had taken off. He wasn't a religion type, but he prayed to God in his mind to keep the others by the Unity Circle safe.

Bonfire Ceremony

Half of the clapperboards remained in the cart cowering the corner. The rock n roll clapperboard played a sad tune. The superhero clapperboard hovered above, never deterred from Scott's aiming the leech gun at it.

"You can play the hero shit all you want," Scott said, embracing his villainous side. "You ain't gonna stop me from putting you on the wall-" He stopped talking, feeling someone poking his shoulders. He turned around and screamed, tripping himself over and fell to the ground.

Fang stood over him, flashing him a sadistic grin. He stopped and held his arms over his face when an army of leeches had planted themselves on him.

Scott's scream turned into silence when he heard clicking from his gun. He cursed under his breath, realising his weapon was out of ammo. He gulped when he stared up at Fang, who lowered his arms and narrowed his eyes at him.

The dirt farmer shut his eyes and held his arms over his face, bracing himself for his terrible fate, only to hear laughter. It didn't sound like Fang.

He opened his eyes, watching the mutant shark transformed back into Noirwor, who never stopped laughing. "Ah… this brings back memories," Noirwor said, grinning at him.

"If you're talking about a terrifying one, then yes!" Scott said, delivering annoyance and fear in his glare. He cringed in disgust when he saw Noirwor peeled off leeches from its body and popped them into its mouth.

"Wow!" Noirwor said, pieces of dead leeches escaped its mouth while talking. "You and I agree on something for a change!"

Not wanting to speak to that freak any longer than he needed to, Scott gets back on his feet and grabbed the superhero clapperboard. He underestimated its strength, now finding himself being dragged across the elimination area. "Ah, shit!" He shouted.

After consuming its food, Noirwor watched Scott clinging on the clapperboard, which flew over the stumps and a steel drum. It smirked when the dirt farmer cried out in pain when he made contact with said obstacles, but never faltered his grips on his clapperboard.

It walked over to its own cart and stared down at the clapperboard monsters. Noirwor wiggled its fingers above them and its grin widened when the monster, alien, and prison clapperboards bit its hand.

"Aw!" Noirwor cooed. "Aren't you a little bunch of fucking freaks?" It grew a dozen green tentacles from its back and picked up all the clapperboards.

With twigs in his hair, Scott stomped over to the camera. He clapped the superhero clapperboard and then hooked it on the whiteboard. Slamming it once with a rock was all it took for him to win the battle. His ears perked, hearing a series of clapping and slamming nearby. He turned to his right and gaped.

Noirwor had just placed the last three clapperboards on the whiteboard. It snapped its head at the lone camera again, satisfied to see the light turned green, signalling the creature to move on to the next stage. It looked back at the dirt farmer, sporting a smug smile on its face.

"Feeling your low self-esteem even lower now?" It said, walking away from the area, "You should be. You'll never be able to best me in any contest. See ya, pig fucker!"

Scott watched Noirwor took off, feeling frustrated and depressed, but at the same time, he was also relieved the monster had disappeared from his sight.


Makuta travelled through the dark forest in peace as one would have in a pleasant meadow. It didn't understand how, but it could feel it was heading in the right direction. The moment it spotted the older woman alone in the cage had confirmed its instinct. It noticed her alarmed reaction and aimed a pair of forks at it.

"Stay back!" Blaineley shouted, gripping her weapons until her knuckles became white. "I won't hesitate to stab you in the eyes!"

She watched Makuta walking strolled past her, sparing her a glance before disappearing from her sight. It was still enough for her to shake the bars like a madwoman. Her desire to escape had grown higher than ever. She let out a whine. "God, get me out of this place!" Blaineley cried.

Makuta had stepped onto the cemetery, finally found the source of the mysterious dome. Every stomp the monster made, the Chosen 12 felt fears striking deeper into their minds with their faces becoming pale.

Dakota and Chris whimpered, while Jo switched on her taser. She glanced back at the Chosen 12 with a commander's glare. "You'd do your thing!" She shouted. She then joined Tyler by his side and faced Makuta.

"Headband Lover and I will handle Green Zombie from here," she said before charging towards Makuta.

"Extreme!" Tyler shouted, following Jo after tripping once.

Dawn looked back at the others. "Everyone, close your eyes and concentrate!"

DJ watched the Chosen 12 followed Dawn's order. He returned his sight to Jo and Tyler; both were seconds away from engaging in a battle against a dangerous creature.

Jo's eyes widened and ducked sideways, avoiding the switch-blade thrusting at her. She wasted no time striking her taser at Makuta's arm. Satisfaction appeared on her face when she heard its scream and picked up the switch-blade the latter dropped.

Tyler swung his baseball bat incorrectly as he only hit Makuta's right shoulder. Ignoring its new unpleasant feeling coursing through its body, it grabbed the athlete's weapon and yanked it from his hands. It slammed the handle at Tyler's forehead, knocking him down.

The creature stepped back and swung the bat at Jo, but she curved her body, avoiding its new weapon. Makuta stared at her and Tyler, who quickly jumped back on his feet albeit now sporting a minor bump where it hit him. It couldn't bring them down as easily as the other group earlier. The only reason it was able to usurp them because it caught them by surprise. This time, the battle was on even ground.

Makuta's face remained blank, but behind its yellow eyes, frustration began to form. It didn't like things going its way.

Guarding the Chosen 12, DJ bit his lips, wanting to embrace the urge to look away from the continuous fighting occurring within several hundred feet from his location. However, he couldn't risk it in case they needed his help. On the other hand, doing so would leave the Chosen 12 vulnerable. Noirwor could be hidden somewhere in the area right now, watching-

"DJ!" His train of thoughts was interrupted, hearing someone whispering to him. He looked behind him, seeing Bridgette's back facing him. "DJ, are you there?" Bridgette whispered.

DJ leaned his head back, ensuring his friend can hear him. "Yeah, I'm here," he said, "What is it?"

"Can you see the ground lit up?" She asked, her eyes remained close.

DJ looked at the ground. He hadn't seen a glimpse of light since the Chosen 12 joined hands. He then gave Bridgette a pity stare. "There's nothing," he said, "Sorry."

The surfer girl frowned and have her mind focusing on removing Noirwor's immunity.

Hearing Jo and Tyler's shouting, DJ snapped his head back to the pair and he froze.

Jo and Tyler were lying on the ground, groaning in pain. With Tyler's whimpering and hovering his hands over his groin, and Jo's rubbing her jaws, DJ had a good idea where did Makuta land its baseball bat with. That messed up monster may be slow, but it was a strong fighter.

DJ's blood ran cold, seeing Makuta bent its knees, reaching for the switch-blade and taser Jo had dropped. He opened his mouth to warn the pair when he saw someone else popped out behind the nearby gravestone.

Makuta paused, hearing rapid footsteps and a whistle. He turned, only to see an unknown orange substance blocking its sight.

Anna Maria smirked, watching the monster crying out in pain from receiving tan spray in its eyes.

"Aw, yeah!" She said, kept pressing her finger down on her hairspray can. "Not so tough now, aren't ya?"


Anna Maria: When I saw that freak in the forest, Tyler and I ran straight back to the others to give them the head up. I hid behind one of those creepy gravestones to catch it off guard. (She smiled and brought out her hairspray can) These aren't just for keeping my pouf great, ya know. (She sprayed onto her pouf, only to pause when she heard growling from the walls. They stopped when she aimed her hairspray can at them. She showed a glare) Don't even think about it…

Anna Maria's confidence went down as fast as Makuta's fist connecting to her gut. She fell to the ground, moaning in agony. Her hairspray can roll away from her hand.

As the orange spray surrounding Makuta's face disappearing, DJ snapped back at the Chosen 12, giving them pleading eyes. "Guys, please hurry!"

"We're trying!" Harold shouted, taking a peek at the ground before shutting his eyes again. The light still hadn't reappeared.

A whimper escaped from DJ's lips, eyeing back at Makuta and the contestants lying beside it. Jo and Tyler were still reeling in pain. By the time, they'd recover, Makuta would take them out.

With the Chosen 12 occupied, and everyone else was nowhere in sight, DJ realised it would be up to him to stop the monster. His Mama wouldn't want him to be anywhere near it, and he would agree with her one hundred percent. However, she wasn't here, and his friends needed him.

Pushing all his fears and worries to the back of his mind, DJ gritted his teeth and sprinted towards the monster. He couldn't refrain himself from screaming, not that would've matter anyway since his protective suit was clattering with every step he'd take.

DJ hoisted the creature onto his shoulders in the nick of time; Makuta was a second or two away from picking up any weapon on the ground. Ignoring Makuta's surprise reaction, he breathed through his mouth as he started carrying it away from everyone. Damn, this dude was heavy!

He had a glimpse of Makuta's body. Now get a closer look, he could tell Jo and Tyler didn't go down without a fight by the bruises he saw on its arms.

He cried out in shock, feeling Makuta's hand swiping at his face. This caused him to lose his concentration and let the weights of his suit and Makuta's sent him plummeting to the ground.

Seeing Makuta stand up and started pummelling its fists down at DJ, Jo and Tyler finally scrambled up to their feet.

As Tyler picked up the wooden baseball bat, Jo glanced at Anne Maria, who got to her knees, still gripping her stomach.

"Find a better place to recover!" Jo said to her, picking up a taser and switch-blade before following Tyler.

Hearing DJ's cry of pain from Makuta's attack, and from feeling frustrated for not reactivating the Unity Circle, the Chosen 12 opened their eyes and stared at the action nearby. Chef's face filled with dread.

Despite he found DJ's moment of needing his Mama was pathetic, he did have a soft spot for him, still remembering the time they had an alliance back in season two.

"Fuck this!" He shouted, yanking his hands away from Izzy and Bridgette's, and stepped back. When the others stared at him, he gave them a glare. "This circle thing ain't gonna work again as long as this is distracting us!" He pointed at the battle occurring nearby.

The others watched Chef bolted towards the fight with Izzy following him.

"He's right!" Izzy said, grinning back at the others, "Let's take out Noirwor's kid now while we can!" She unleashed a cheer as she caught up with Chef.

"I'm coming too!" Dakota said before she removed her bracelet, transforming her into Dakotazoid. Her sudden growth had caused Chris and Trent to fell over. Her long legs allowed her to reach Izzy and Chef.

"Wait for me!" Harold shouted, following the others while bringing out his nun-chucks.

"Should we help-?" Bridgette asked, glancing at the remaining Chosen 12.

"Knowing them, I pity Makuta," Gwen said, receiving her crutch from B.

Everyone else agreed with her about how much damage Chef, Izzy, and Dakotazoid can make when dealing with an enemy. They couldn't say the same for Harold as they watched him swinging his nun-chucks, unleashing a warrior cry, trying to catch up with the other runners.

Izzy, Chef, and Dakotazoid let out their own battle cries, rapidly decreasing the distance between them and Makuta, who knocked Jo and Tyler to the side with its large arms and eyed the incoming fighters that tell them to bring it.

The camera cut away before they'd clash with the monster.

Bonfire Ceremony

Scott hooked the 'Animal Buddy' clapperboard, which had feathers, and a pair of talons and beaks, to the whiteboard.

It squawked at him. "Scott's a dick! Scott's a dick!"

"Shut up!" Scott shouted, losing his remaining patience.

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" The animal buddy clapperboard repeated.

The dirt farmer growled and stomped away. He couldn't wait to move on to the next challenge. Each clapperboard had its own way of being a pain in the ass. He rubbed his ears, regaining his hearing a little every minute. That damn "Roll 'n Roll clapperboard blasted him with loud music.

His current poor hearing made it hard for him to hear footsteps coming into the area. He picked up the 'Pirate' clapperboard, which was wearing a captain's hat and an eyepatch, and turned around. His jaws and his last clapperboard dropped to the ground.

Sierra hooked the final clapperboard onto her whiteboard and then stepped back, hands on her hips.

"Twenty-two seconds," she said, showing a proud smile, "A new record!" She then noticed Scott behind her, oblivious to his stunned reaction. "Hey, Scott! I've gotta go. Don't stick too long!"

Scott watched Sierra picked up her bazooka and then headed off to the next part of the challenge. It wasn't until she vanished from his sight that he snapped out of his trance, followed by a moo from his cow hat. His face became red and could've had steams coming out of his ears. Once had a massive lead, now currently in last place.

He let out a scream of rage before grabbing his last clapperboard. He snapped the clapstick in front of the camera. He hooked it on his whiteboard as soon as he saw the camera's light turned green.

With his leech gun out of ammunition, Scott ditched it and left the area, trying to make up for the lost time.


"Come on!" Jo yelled at Tyler. "Put your back into it!"

Tyler responded with a grunt, using his remaining energy to DJ's legs higher while Jo maintained her grips around DJ's chest as they carried the bruised big guy away from the chaos nearby, ignoring Harold, who lied on the ground missing one of his glasses lens.

However, it was difficult to ignore two Dakotazoids fought against each other.

Dakotazoid threw herself towards Makuta, slamming it to the ground. Her adrenaline and fear were too high for her to think about how weird was it for her to strangling her identical self.

Makuta slammed a fist across Dakotazoid's face. Her brief moment to recover was all the time Makuta needed to transformed its legs into Duncan's before reverting to Dakotazoid's to allow it to plant its feet to its opponent's chest. It straightened its legs, launching Dakotazoid backward.

Izzy and Chef jumped to the side, watching their ally sliding across the ground between them. The pair snapped their heads back at Makuta, who returned to its feet.

"You got a plan, crazy girl?" Chef whispered to Izzy, gripping the baseball bat he picked up earlier.

"Go for the kiwis," Izzy whispered, hovering her hand over her mouth. "It always worked!"

Chef couldn't help but nod in agreement.

"D-DON'T!" A cold monstrous voice called out.

The pair turned towards the voice and almost lost their grips on their weapons at the terrifying sight before them. Makuta remained Dakotazoid, but it had its palms facing out.

Only instead of its hands, they were Owen and Chris's faces.

"DON'T!" 'Owen' repeated, his face remained blank.

With Owen and Chris's yellow eyes staring back at them, Chef took a step back, unable to stop his body from trembling.

Izzy stood still, eyes widening. She crackled on her taser. She watched Makuta's face morphed once again. The glasses and curly hairs were all she needed to know it was changing into Sam, whose face also blank and have yellow eyes.

The resident crazy girl breathe through her nose, forcing herself to glare at Makuta. It was obviously trying to torment them with other people's faces to make them drop their guards. Nice move, but she had experiences hitting Owen, so this would be no different!

She'd charge towards the creep if she hadn't heard loud footsteps behind her. She stared at Dakotazoid sprinted past her and Chef.

"Don't you fucking dare change into my boyfriend!" Dakotazoid shouted, baring her teeth at Makuta.

She didn't care that fucking monster gets into its fighting stance with people's faces held up. It wouldn't stop her from pulling her fist back, ready to deliver the biggest punch she would ever make in her life.

If Makuta didn't have any fear now, she'd give it one!


Scott finally caught up with Sierra at the beach. He stopped panting, seeing Noirwor thrust its tentacles into the blood-filled ocean. It pulled it out and walked over to the giant word spreading throughout the beach. It drew its blood-stained tentacles across the sand, completing the letter H.

"What the hell is it doing?" Scott whispered to Sierra, Courtney, and Lindsay.

"It was waiting for you and Sierra," Courtney said, glancing at him. "Apparently, it wanted all three of you to start the next challenge at the same time."

"Why?" Scott asked.

Scott and the girls flinched, hearing a loud slam nearby. They turned to Noirwor, seeing it making its finishing touch to its artwork by creating a dot for examination point. Even from their point of view, they can clearly see the word in thick blood.


Proud of its work, Noirwor looked back at the others and smiled at the disturbed reaction on their faces. "Because it's way more fun to watch people's suffering in person." It said as its tentacles changed back into human arms.

It ran to its green mat before any human could utter a word. "Let's get going, idiots!" Noirwor shouted. "I wanna get to the Moats of Doom!"

The humans exchanged glances and ran to the orange and purple mats respectively without a word.

As they began to construct their two dummies, they were unaware in the forest miles from their location, a battle between the humans and Makuta raged on.

Dakotazoid grabbed Makuta's head – still have Sam's face – and slammed it against her knee.

Sierra picked up the driftwoods and then ran back to her mat to start building her first dummy with Lindsay.

Jo jumped onto Makuta's back as soon as the monster got back onto its feet. She managed to strike a blade into its shoulder before Makuta gripped and threw her off, fighting back the urge to scream. Thick emerald liquid trickling from its body.

Already concluded each driftwood resembled a body part, Courtney quickly connected a wooden leg to the dummy's abdomen.

Years of fighting in 'Nam had given Chef the strength he needed to withstand Makuta's punch to his gut, allowing him to deliver a fist to the latter's chin.

Remembered completing this challenge before, Lindsay connected both wooden arms to the dummy's abdomen with ease.

Makuta was unable to refrain from screaming this time, feeling the 50,000 volts coursing through its body from Izzy's taser striking at its open wound.

Scott wiped away the sweats forming on his forehead, now halfway through of building his second dummy.

Makuta fell to the ground, finally returning to its true form. Its eyes widened, hearing someone hovering above it and felt an arm wrapping its neck.

Dakotazoid looked at Jo and extended her hand. "The knife," she said, snarling. She tightened her grip when she felt Makuta squirming in her arm.

For once, the humans could see fears showing up on Makuta's face. It may be powerful and wouldn't disappoint as Noirwor's child, but it had limitations like everyone else.

Makuta watched the switch-blade coming for its throat.

Back on the beach, Noirwor just placed a wooden pineapple onto its final dummy when it heard an ear-piercing wailing coming from the forest.

Everyone paused and listened, hearing the mysterious sound quickly reduced to garbling like someone's talking underwater.

It then became silent.

"What was that?" Lindsay asked, nervous of the ghastly scream.

Noirwor slowly gets to its feet and looked at the others.

Sierra cringed, recognising the same stare it gave her back by the cliff. She flinched when it showed a blank smile.

"I'll be right back," Noirwor said.

The humans watched Noirwor transformed into a mutant Canadian goose and headed off towards the source of the scream. When it disappeared from their sight, they exhaled a huge sigh of relief.

"God, I'll never get to used to this shit," Scott muttered.

"What's gonna happen now?" Lindsay asked.

"Getting Sierra and Scott to move on to the next challenge!" Courtney said, shoving both finished dummies onto Scott, who almost fell over from the sudden weights added to himself.

Sierra picked her own sacrifices under one arm while gripping her bazooka with her other hand.

"Go, go, GO!" Courtney shouted, pushing both finalists forward in the direction where the fourth challenge would be.

Sierra and Scott were getting frustrated, having been shoved forward by former contestants several times, but remained quiet. If it helps them get moving, they shouldn't complain.


Dakotazoid let out a triumphant roar as she lifted Makuta's decapitated head in the air while making sure its blood didn't drip on her. She didn't want to risk becoming infected or anything.

"Yeah!" Izzy cheered. "We did it! We took down the beast's kid!"

Everyone else joined the celebration, knowing they had one more creature to defeat before victory was theirs.

Tyler kicked Makuta's corpse, grinning. "Human's one! Monster's zero!"

"Yeah," Jo panted, hands on her knees, catching her breath after a tiresome battle. "No thanks… to the guys." She narrowed her eyes. "Where's the fuck are-"

She paused, hearing wings flapping behind her. Everyone turned and fear struck them like a lightning bolt. They watched Noirwor landed near the Unity Circle and changed back into its human self.

It looked at everyone one by one with a neutral stare until Noirwor fixated on its offspring's corpse.

Seeing Noirwor's eyeing its dead child, Tyler, Chef, Izzy, and Jo stepped in front of the corpse, sporting a sheepish grin.

Following their example, Dakotazoid tossed away Makuta's head without thought. She underestimated her own strength as the head disappeared into the dark forest. She and the others could hear LeShawna's startled shout and Justin's shrieking like a little girl.

As usual, nobody can predict Noirwor's reaction to the situation, especially when they saw it shrugging at its offspring's death.

"Eh, I can always create more," Noirwor said as if it was talking about the weather. "I'd expected deaths anyway."

"What?" Harold said, looking surprised. "Why did you have Makuta in the first place?"

"I was testing to see how I did with making kids," Noirwor said to Harold as if the answer was obvious. "And I needed a scapegoat to protect myself before I've become unstoppable."

"So you're not mad we've killed your kid?" Tyler asked before he winced, feeling Jo's elbow hitting his side.

"Just wish I could've seen it for myself," Noirwor said, showing a small smile. "I always have known you humans can be so savage."

Everyone flinched at Noirwor's eyes changed into Fang's and its fork tongue moved past its teeth.

"Same with your Unity Circle." Noirwor reverted its face, turning to look at the Unity Circle and stepped closer. It chuckled and looked at everyone. "You honestly think I wouldn't know about this before coming to this island?" It couldn't stop itself from snickering. "You guys are more retarded in person. There are eyes everywhere!" It gestured to the nearby camera.

"Nevertheless, I allowed you fools to carry it out because I know it'll never work," Noirwor's smug smile grew when seeing some of the humans were frowning. "You all are too petrified and selfish to even hope to activate it."

"You're wrong!" Dawn shouted, glaring at Noirwor. "We've summoned the dome once before, and we'll do it again!"

"Ah, Dawn," Noirwor said, walking over to him until it stood in front of her, smirking. "Always a persistent insect crawling around people's minds to deliver an illusion of hope." It leaned forward until Dawn had to take a step backward. "I couldn't have let you stay in Pencil God's subconscious for long." It nodded its head to Mike, who frowned by the nickname and concerned for his friend's safety.

"So you used Fang to get rid of her!" Mike said, widening his eyes in realisation.

Noirwor turned its neck in a blur, transforming its face into Malcolm's and grinned. "Exactly, buddy!" It said with Malcolm's voice.

The sudden appearance of his twin brother had made Mike screaming and falling to the ground. As Dawn kneeled beside her friend, Noirwor laughed, changing its face back.

"I'll never get tired of that!" Noirwor said before it stretched and turned around. "I should be heading back. I've got a challenge to complete and the whole universe to conquer afterwards. You can keep trying to activate the Unity Circle, but you'll never succeed."

The others didn't need to see to feel the anger rising within Noirwor. "Not after last time," It muttered.

It glanced back at them, giving a playful smirk. "So just to be sure." It snapped its fingers.

The humans snapped their heads, seeing a hand bursting out of the grave. And then another popped out, followed by a third hand. They crowded together, watching the cemetery coming to life. They turned to see a figure clawing its way out of the grave from the distance.

It lifted its head, revealing to be a mime.

Seeing his worst fear nearby, Trent let out a horrified gasp and quickly stepped behind the crowd.

"Fear not, Trent," Harold said, narrowing his eyes at the mime's getting to its feet. He gripped his nun-chucks and get into a fighting stance. "They'll have to get past us!"

The nerd's bravery had vanished the second he laid his eyes on the group of skeletons rising from the grave to his right, dressing in Halloween costumes. Each had a different height, but one could easily tell they were previously children.

"Trick or treat!" The children groaned, extending their bags.

"No!" Harold shouted, stepping away from the crowd, swinging his weapon as a warning to the incoming skeletons. "Anything but them!"

Jo glared at the nerd. "Harold, get your ass back here right-" She was interrupted, hearing a scream nearby. She turned, seeing tans dripping off of Anne Maria's body's revealing pale skin underneath.

"My tans!" Anne Maria shouted in horror, catching the dripping liquid and slap them back on her body, only to watch it trickled down her body, staining her clothes.

"My body!" Chris shouted, watching wrinkles appearing on his arms and then on his faces. During his panic, his hair fell off, revealing his bald spot.

An explosion caught everyone's attention. One look at the familiar creature was all it took for them to scream and scrambled away, splitting into separate groups. None could match the sheer fear Tyler was showing.

"GIANT CHICKEN!" Tyler shouted, glancing at the multiple eyes mutant chicken stomping after him, opening its stomach mouth to roar at him.

Carrying Gwen on his shoulders, DJ ran with Mike, Dawn, and Bridgette. They noticed B's running away from a herd of ferocious bees.

"We've gotta get outta here!" DJ shouted, glancing at Chef, who curled up on the ground, rocking back and forth. He could see a group of blood-stained soldiers surroundings him. Their eyes were hidden underneath their helmets.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry," Chef muttered like a broken record, trembling.

The group skidded to a halt, seeing another person standing in front of them. Flashbacks to that horrific boxing match resurfaced in their minds like a shark before devouring their victim a second later. Chills crept down their spines when they heard Malcolm's giggling.

"Where ya going, Mike?" Malcolm asked, flashing them a tooth-gaped grin.

His back bulged, forcing him to land on his hands and knees. Countless hairs grew in every inch of his body. Fingernails and toenails changed into sharp claws, tearing holes in his shoes.

The group stared at Malcolm in horror, watching his face turned into a snout. They all should've run the second the transformation had started. However, the fears created by Noirwor had their feet rooted to the ground. His howling echoed throughout the cemetery like someone's blowing on a Viking horn, signalling them that everlasting nightmares had arrived.

Or in this case, Mike's nightmare as having his twin brother transformed into a wolf had rocked him to his core. He looked like the perfect image of what he thought of him for years.

Mike felt all the colours in his skins had drained way, seeing Malcolm lowered his head and stared at him with blood dripping down his psychotic grin.

"Let's PLAY!" Malcolm's voice distorted, giving off an unhinge tone.

Screaming in fear, Mike whirled around and sprinted, while the others jumped out of the way, allowing Malcolm to chase his brother for 'playtime'.

"Mike!" Dawn cried out, chasing after the pair.

She stopped running when she heard several screams behind them. She and Gwen turned around and their eyes almost popped out of their sockets. A giant snake towering over the group, hissing at them. They can see its tail held DJ and Bridgette in the air. They cried out in pain, feeling the tail's tightening its grip on them.

"Guys!" Gwen shouted, sitting on the floor and reaching out for them. She flew herself to the ground, dodging the tail swinging at her and Dawn.

When they lifted their heads, they hopelessly watched the viper slithered into the forest, carrying the screaming pair with it.

Gwen slammed a fist to the ground. "Damn it!" She shouted.

She blinked once, and all she could see was darkness. Her eyes grew in fear, frantically feeling her surroundings, discovering the smooth albeit solid walls

"No, no, no, no, no!" She muttered like a little girl. Any progress on conquering her deadly fear had vanished in a puff of smoke.

Dawn gritted her teeth, clinging onto the metal coffin to prevent it from entering underground, all while hearing the rapid punching and Gwen's increasingly panicked screaming.

The force was too strong and she fell to the ground, lying on an empty space. She can still hear Gwen's scream underneath them.

"Gwen, no!" Dawn cried out, scratching at the ground.

Noirwor gave the last glance at the chaos in amusement and then transformed itself back into the mutant Canadian goose and flew away.

It didn't pay attention to LeShawna and Justin's hiding in the forest, horrified by what's happening to their friends.


Scott and Sierra arrived at their next location, panting heavily. The objects in their arms became too unbearable to carry.

The dirt farmer groaned and dropped his arms, letting his dummies hit the ground.

"Ugh is right," Sierra said, repeating her opponent's action.

In unison, they fell to their knees and then their upper bodies followed with their faces touching the dirt.

"How the fuck are we suppose to take on the Moats of Doom and stop Noirwor if we can't even bring ourselves to complete the first four challenges?" Scott asked, his eyes drooping, wanting to embrace the urge to pass out.

"It's an All-Stars' finale, Scott," Sierra said, stating the obvious. "The show's pushing us to our absolute limit."

"So the rest of the season was nothing more than a warm-up?"

"Pretty much."

Scott let out a louder groan. "Fuck this show."

Giving herself a quick rest, Sierra used her restored energy to push herself back to her knees. She took a deep breath. "We've got this far. We can take a month-long rest after the finale is over."

She reached to her feet and stared at the pile of junks sitting at the centre of the arena. It appeared Noirwor had hardly changed anything, but it didn't mean that it was safe.

She took one look at the moat surrounding the arena and she knew she was right. It was pitch black, making it impossible to figure out the height.

Scott's eyes widened, feeling someone's hands gripping his vest and trousers. Before he could yell at Sierra, he screamed as he flew in the air and crashed on the other side of the moat. He snapped his head behind him, glaring at Sierra, who threw her sacrifices into the moat.

"That's the second time you threw-!" He was cut off by his sacrifices landing beside him.

"You need to throw them into the moat, Scott," Sierra said, jumping to the other side, carrying her bazooka.

Scott's annoyance glare never faltered as he brought himself to his feet again and picked up his dummies. He dragged them to the edge and then delivered a weak kick to have them plummeting into the moat.

The finalists went to work as they rummaged through the junk piles, hoping to find anything to help them make a strong armour.

Sierra stared at bin's lid and a large bowl in her hands before casting them aside and continued her search. Her eyes brightened, seeing a long rope sitting deep in the pile. She gripped one end of the rope and pulled. She heard a faint click.

Scott whirled around, hearing an explosion nearby. He screamed and crouched, dodging a steel pipe and a boombox flying through the air and impaling on the pile behind him. He heard Sierra's scream and watched her crashed beside him, smokes appearing from her.

"What's the fuck happened?" Scott asked, his eyes became rounded.

Still lying on the ground, Sierra let out a grunt of annoyance and folded her arms. "A booby trap. Totally forgot about it. A rookie's mistake." She looked disgusted with herself.

Scott glanced at the nearby pile and took a step away. "Fuck this, I'm outta here," he said, walking to the moat to leave the area.

Sierra sat up and looked at him. "Scott, we need to build ourselves an armour. I don't want to risk either of us to receive a penalty."

"I think we've got bigger things to worry about than a measly penalty," Scott said, glaring at Sierra before staring down into the moat. He flinched, hearing growling hidden within.

He walked backward to give himself a better chance to jump over the moat when he saw Sierra's approaching him. She dropped several objects to the ground.

"Here," she said, picking up duct tape, "There should be plenty enough to help us out."

"Us?" Scott looked offended with that word and shook his head. "Oh, no, there's no 'us' in this challenge!"

"We're not having this conversation again!" Sierra said, returning a glare.

"That I can agree!" Scott said, facing the moat again, only to feel a hand gripping the back of his vest and yanked him back. "Wha- hey!"

Sierra thrust a duct tape to Scott's chest. "Make your armour! Now!" She shouted.

Scott threw the duct tape, watching it landed on Sierra's face. "I ain't taking orders from you!" He shouted.

Now seeing everything in red, Sierra snarled and launched herself at him, sending them both to the ground. The pair delivered curse words and punches as they rolled around, trying to take down their arch-rival.

They were too caught up to notice they were close to making contact with the biggest junk pile. When they did, they didn't stop to hear a faint click coming from within. The next thing they knew, they were flying in the air with objects, screaming their heads off. They returned to the ground and crashed near the moat. They groaned in pain.

Sierra blinked and rubbed away the dirt in her eyes. She glanced at Scott's lying beside her.

Scott grunted, squirming and clawing at the ground, trying to free himself from the heavy tyre landed on his back. He sighed, deciding not to waste any more energy.

Hearing a sniffle, he turned his head and his eyes widening. He was expecting Sierra to still be angry and wanted to resume their fight after catching her breath. It was why he was caught off guard when he saw her lips quivering and tears forming in her eyes.

"What's wrong with us?" Sierra asked, staring up at the charcoal sky. "We're supposed to be a team and unite against Noirwor. We shouldn't be fighting each other like kids!" She covered her face with her hands.

"Well, we are kids," Scott said, "We didn't sign up to save the world-"

"Universe," Sierra corrected him.

"Whatever!" he said, giving her an annoyance glance. "We're only here for the million dollars. Well, five million now, but the point is, we're not cut out for this shit. We can't magically cast aside our feelings and deliver world peace. We're too damn stubborn for it."

Sierra let out a depressed chuckle. "Yeah," she said, tears trickling down her face. "Even with all the forces in the world, we'd still find ways to screw things up for ourselves."

Scott couldn't stop himself from snickering. "True that," he said before a blank look appeared on his face. "How the fuck did we win last time?"

"Maybe Noirwor was too busy pleasuring itself to notice?" Sierra said, no emotion in her voice.

Scott howled in laughter. A few seconds later, Sierra joined in with more tears coming out of her eyes, but for a much different reason.

"This is fucking appalling."

The pair instantly stopped laughing, hearing someone's speaking to them in disgust. They turned and shrunk under Noirwor's glare. They watched it shook its head. Its shark hat growled at them.

"I leave you guys alone for ten minutes, and that's how long it takes for you two to b-b-bond?" Noirwor's cheeks swollen for a moment before swallowing its vomit down. "Ugh! Fuck, that word was gross. Unless it's another word for rape. I'd be cool with that."

Sierra and Scott remained silent, didn't know how to respond to that.

"What's with the laughing?" Noirwor asked, glowering. "It sure didn't sound like you were mocking each other."

"Sierra spilled the beans about every phone calls Chris had made with his Mom," Scott said, expertly utilised his lying skill, "My favourite so far is the one with Chris' crying about his precious blanket went missing. The hilarious part, that call took place two months ago!"

He forced himself to laugh with Sierra's quickly doing the same. Noirwor raised a brow at them and chuckled.

"That was pathetically funny," it said, smirking, "I can already hear the sound of his sobbing in my head. Too bad, you're lying, though."

Scott stopped laughing and opened his mouth in objection, only for Noirwor to kneel in front of him.

"I'm more intrigued with how you're trapped under the tyre, Scott. Care to elaborate?"

"I knocked him down with it," Sierra said, "Because he always pissed me off."

"Then why did I hear an explosion earlier?" Noirwor asked, cocking its head.

"Set off a booby trap," Sierra said, glancing away from Noirwor's staring.

The creature straightened its legs, humming and nodding. "Now that I believe. I should've gotten here sooner to witness all that, but I had to deal with your annoying friends in the woods."

Sierra and Scott's eyes widening as big as a dinner plate. More chills ran down their spines when Noirwor gave them a sadistic grin.

"I caught them trying to activate the Unity Circle," The monster said before tutting, "I had to punish them for cheating."

Sierra gasped in horror.

"Are you kidding me?" Scott shouted, glaring up at Noirwor. "You've been cheating from the start!"

"That's tough tits, bitch," Noirwor said, giving him a smug smile, "Life is always unfair. Just the way I like it."

The thought of her friends, especially Cody, in a terrible danger had caused Sierra to deliver a hateful glare to Noirwor. She got to her feet and picked up the tyre off of Scott with ease and threw it at Noirwor, who stepped aside and avoided it completely. It snickered, oblivious to the tyre's hitting the largest junk pile behind it.

"You mis-" A damaged speedboat slammed into Noirwor, knocking it to the ground. The tentacles on its back torn it into a hundred pieces within seconds. It lifted its head, baring its jagged teeth at the finalists with its face flashed green for a second.

Neither Scott nor Sierra had noticed as they lied on the ground with their hands over their heads. When the largest junk pile was detonated, objects flew to the other piles and set off all the remaining booby traps hidden within.

Apart from a few objects falling into the moat, everything became silent. Sierra saw this as their cue and got back to her feet again.

"Let's go!" She shouted to Scott, running and collecting an Army helmet nearby.

Scott followed her order and picked up a pair of leather gloves by his feet.

Regaining its composure, Noirwor also returned to its feet, tossing what left of the speedboat behind it. It retracted its tentacles and watched both finalists grabbing as many items as they could carry in their arms. The thought of the final part of the challenge looming had made it grinned. It let out a cheer and hopped over the moat.

"Alright! Moats of Doom, here I fucking come!" Noirwor said, leaving the area.

Having the monster disappeared from their sight had filled the finalists with relief. They ditched their animal hats and continued constructing their armours with whatever item they could grab.

Sierra peeled away the duct tape.

Scott held up a jagged piece of wood, giving it a nasty grin.

Sierra twisted a steel pipe to an unseen object.

Scott hammered something with a brick.

Sierra strapped on her Army helmet.

Scott put on his leather glove, but it had nails poking out of its fingers.

Rock music was played as the finalists hopped over the moat and began to walk away from Chrisiseum in slow motion, now wearing their handmade armours.

Wearing her Army helmet, Sierra gripped the steel pipe she connected to the bazooka's handle, allowing her to wield it like a giant hammer. A strap of baseballs wrapped around her upper body.

Scott had a more dramatic transformation, embracing his villainous role. Along with his deadly gloves, he wore a dirty black fedora. Strapped in a harness, a metal sheet covered his back with sharp debris sticking out.

The record scratched when Sierra smiled at Scott. "Wow, you looked like a combination of Bowser and Freddie Kruger!" she said.

"Who?" Scott asked, raising a brow.

Sierra shook away her bewildered reaction and faced forward. She narrowed her eyes in the direction where Noirwor was heading. The final battle was almost upon them.

"Game on," she said.

Moats of Doom

Ezekiel stretched and winced. He rubbed his back, still reeling from having Duncan's landing on him. He looked back at said delinquent, who sat on the ground nearby, still cringing in pain with his bent arm. Eva remained unconscious beside him. She lied on Ezekiel's hoodie to make her comfortable. Her chest's tiny raising and falling were the only indications she still alive.

Zoey and Cameron were talking by the toxic moat. The former had calm down albeit still rattled from her near death-experience with Makuta. The latter, on the other hand, was trembling. Most likely from the anticipation of Noirwor's arrival. He wasn't alone with his feeling.

Ezekiel turned to Fang. Not once had he taken his eyes off of the forest where Makuta had left. He looked more depressed than he was when he showed up.


Ezekiel: I don't know what's going on with Fang, eh. I thought he would've been happy to see us humans being tortured by Noirwor. Maybe I could ask him? My dad always tells me to ask other people if they need any help. (He widened his eyes in fear) That doesn't sound sexist, isn't it?

He didn't understand how he was able to walk towards the mutant shark. His hand flew to his neck, remembering being strangled in the Fun Zone. He stopped and forced himself to lower his hand when he was about five feet away from reaching Fang, who showed no reaction. Did he not noticed him there?

"Why do you looked sad, eh?" Ezekiel asked.

Fang glanced at home-school student, not a glimpse of change appear on his face. He stared back at the forest, already removing the human from his mind.

Ezekiel remained silent, not quite sure how he should continue talking to him. Social skills had never been his strongest. "Did something bad happened to you?" He asked.

He could see Fang's left eye twitched. With hesitation, he opened his mouth to speak more, only to hear somebody's calling his name behind him. He turned, seeing Zoey, Cameron, and Duncan stepped closer, all looking concern.

"What are you doing?" Cameron asked, lowering his voice to prevent provoking Fang.

"I was trying to talk to Fang, eh," Ezekiel said.

"Dude, he's siding with the enemy!" Duncan said, narrowing his eyes at Fang, "That makes him our enemy too!"

"We don't know that," Ezekiel said, glancing at Fang behind him, "There's could be more to his side of his story than any of us think."

"I'm sorry, but I have to agree with Duncan on this," Zoey said, rubbing her arm, "Noirwor or not, Fang never liked us. He tried to kill us several times." She refrained mentioning Scott's name, not wanting to set the mutant shark off.

"It still doesn't hurt to-" Ezekiel said, only for Fang to interrupt him.

"Noirwor impregnated my people," Fang spoke quietly, but he still made the others flinched.

"Impregnated?" Ezekiel repeated. "You mean like you were, eh?"

"Yes," Fang forced himself to speak louder to accentuate the fact. "Kids too."

Seeing Fang's clenching his fists, the humans took a step back.

"Wait, what?" Cameron said, his eyes widened in shock. "Why would Noirwor do that?"

"It doesn't matter," Fang said, bitterness appeared in his voice. "It because it wanted to."

"And you're still sticking with Noirwor after all that?" Ezekiel asked.

He fell to the ground when Fang snapped his head at him, his face reddening from pure rage.

"IT DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER WHICH SIDE I'M ON!" Fang's booming voice had made the other humans taking a few more steps back. "We were fucked the moment it showed up in our lives! I thought if we follow all of its orders, it would leave us alone!"

He crouched over and seethed, taking his time to catch his breaths. "I was fucking delusional for believing it," he muttered.

The humans exchanged glances.

"You hate Noirwor's gut that much, huh?" Duncan asked despite already knowing the answer.

Fang straightened his back and glared at the delinquent. "Yes," he growled.

"Then help us," Duncan said, "We'll have a better chance of kicking its ass."

"No," Fang said, curtly.

"No?" Duncan repeated, looking offended. "Are you kidding me?"

"I don't side with humans," Fang said, disgusted.

"Even if it would benefit you and your people?" Cameron asked.

"After Noirwor, no," Fang said, turning away from them.

The humans looked at each other.

"Now what, eh?" Ezekiel asked.

"If he isn't helping us, then we're wasting our time," Duncan said, narrowing his eyes at the back of Fang's head. "Come on," he said, turning around and walked away.

Cameron and Ezekiel were going to join him when they've noticed Zoey stood beside him.

"I think we've said the wrong words," Zoey said, looking up at Fang, "You don't trust us in the slightest. We get it. It's not fair to ask you to help us. You should only help those who matter to you." She continued when she noticed him glancing at her. "Unfortunately, that's not going to happen if you're standing around doing nothing."

She started walking away from him, but not before she looked back at him. "I'm really sorry about what happened to them. Nobody deserves that," she said, giving him a sympathetic look.

Fang resumed staring at the forest up ahead, processing everything the humans said to him. Despite their offers, he couldn't bring himself to accept it. Like Noirwor, siding with humans felt wrong. It always had been ever since his parents were murdered. It would be an act of betrayal to them.

Then why did the sounds of the mutant children's laughter slowly became silent made him feel sick?

"Wait!" The humans stopped and looked back, seeing Fang's staring at them. "That golden dome earlier, was that your plan?" Fang asked.

Cameron nodded. "Yes, is it. It'd remove Noirwor's immortality as long as the dome is up. That's when we can take it out."

Fang looked back at the forest, now understanding why Makuta had left earlier. "Can they bring it back up?"

"Not if Noirwor and Makuta get in the way," Duncan muttered.

"We don't even know if the others are okay, eh," Ezekiel said, looking concerned.

Got all the information he needed, Fang turned around and walked towards the forest.

"Fang, where are you going?" Zoey asked.

"I'm going to help everyone who matters to me," Fang said, never taking his eyes off the forest.

The humans watched the mutant shark disappeared amongst the trees. They then exchanged glances.

"Did Fang just joined our side?" Ezekiel asked, hope appearing in his eyes.

"I'd doubt it," Zoey said, "I mean, I did tell him to go help his family."

"I'd still call it a win," Duncan said, smirking at Zoey, "Noirwor lost its last ally. Nice job, Red."

Zoey felt her face reddening and chuckled. "Thanks." She stopped smiling, seeing Cameron froze on the spot. She placed a hand on his shoulders, but it didn't stop his trembling. "Cameron, what's wrong?" She asked.

"D-do you remember what Fang said earlier?" Cameron said, almost sounding like a mouse, "About Noirwor impregnated the other mutants?"

Zoey blinked. "Yeah?"

Cameron gulped and slowly looked at the others. "What's stopping it from doing the same to us?"

Soon, the others remained still as a terrible, terrible thought crawled into their minds.

Would they too befall the same fate as the mutants'?


Never easing up for a second, Noirwor ran across the black jagged forest with its arms hanging at the back like Naruto. It panted happily, knowing the grand finale was only minutes away from its sight.

It stopped grinning when it saw a glimpse of Fang in the distance to its left, running in the opposite direction.

They've exchanged eye contact and then Fang disappeared in a flash.

Noirwor stared ahead once more, but now his face resembled no emotion.


Noirwor: (It stared suspiciously at the camera) Why the fuck is he ditching its superior? Did he leave to be with his so-called family? Most of them would perish from giving birth to my offsprings by tomorrow. Or perhaps did he followed the dome's source to watch the humans suffer? He would only become pissed off once he realised Scott and Sierra aren't there. Would that set him off and kill off a few of the contestants? (It shook its head) That's never going to fucking happen. (Its narrowed its rainbow eyes) I made sure of it.

Believing he had made distances between himself and Noirwor, Fang stopped himself and let out a shuddering sigh.

"God damn it!" He shouted, gripping his chest. "That's better be the last time I have to deal with its creepy-ass bullshits!"

He took a deep breath and was about to start running again when he noticed two more figures jogging down the same path Noirwor was on. His eyes widened, instantly recognising the pair. He pushed through the black trees, ignoring the sharp pains flooding through his body whenever he'd make contact with leaves.

He reached the middle of the path and stared down at the incoming pair.

Scott and Sierra screamed and skidded to a halt, weapons already aiming at the mutant shark, who looked more intimidating with small blood trickling down his body.

"Fang!" Scott shouted, looking scared.

"We can take him down together!" Sierra said, glaring at Fang.

It was Scott's turn to glare at Fang. "Right!" He said, reaffirming himself.

"Hold it!" Fang shouted, raising a hand at them. "I've got one thing I need to say."

"Can it with the monologue!" Scott shouted. "We're not gonna let you stall us!"

Sierra glanced at dirt farmer. "Let's hear him out first." She continued after Scott gave her an affronted stare. "If it lasts longer than ten seconds, we'll go straight to the action." She turned to Fang. "What is it?"

"Just this;" Fang said, narrowing his eyes. "Show Noirwor the true meaning of Hell."

The air became still as the finalists stared. The mutant shark didn't stick around for them to overcome their shock. He returned to his original path, ignoring new blood streaming down his body. He disappeared from their sight.


Scott: (He stared at the camera in shock) Did Fang switched sides?

Moats of Doom

Duncan, Zoey, and Ezekiel stood near the Moats of Doom, still thinking about the terrifying possibility of becoming impregnated with Noirwor's offsprings.

These thoughts had made them gasped in horror when they saw Noirwor sprinted out of the forest.

Noirwor gaped at the Moat of Doom and chortled. "Not bad! Not bad at all!" It looked down and saw the other humans. It split its head into three, morphing them into said humans and then ran towards them.

"'Sup, ugly fuckers!" Zoey, Ezekiel, and Duncan's heads spoke in unison.

The helpers cried out in fear and jumped out of the way as Noirwor ran past them and stopped at the bottom moat. Its heads reverted to normal and gazed at the toxic waste bubbling within.

"My precious..." Noirwor said, hands hovering the toxic waste, green drools dripping down its face.

Cameron hovered by the wall, aiming his trembling arm at Noirwor.

Nearby, Scott and Sierra had exited the forest as well. Their jaws dropped at the final challenge they would have to conquer.

"Whoa..." Sierra gaped.

"Holy shit..." Scott muttered.

What was lying before the pair was a massive, rounded, three-tiered stone structure with ladders at various points along the side of each level. A moat of toxic waste surrounded the base of it, the air above the first level was glowing a faint red, and at the very top was a smaller structure like a crenelated castle archway.

"We have to get all the way up there?" Scott asked his opponent, never taking his eyes off the Moats of Doom.

Noirwor turned and its eyes brightened at the incoming finalists. "Hey, it's about fucking time you both got here!" It said, walking over to them.

Scott turned away from Noirwor's stare and that's when he spotted Eva's lying on the ground. He ran over to her.

"Eva?" He called out to her, but receive no response. He snapped his head at the other helpers. "What's the hell happened to her?"

"She tried to stop Makuta from leaving," Ezekiel explained, walking over to the pair. "But it knocked her out like she was nothing."

He flinched when Noirwor walked past him and kneeled beside Eva. Her skin looked pale and her jaws disjointed. It rolled its eyes and shook its head.

"That fucking idiot," it muttered. "Makuta could've killed her. Kinda glad it's dead now."

"Makuta's dead?" Ezekiel said, staring at Noirwor in shock.

Noirwor stood and stared at everyone. "Yeah. That was its dying scream you heard earlier. It tried to stop your peeps from activating the Unity Circle. But I've got the situation handled right away."

The humans were filled with dread, now thinking for worse about everyone else.

"What did you do to them?" Duncan demanded, glaring at Noirwor, who waved its hands dismissively.

"Oh, it was nothing," Noirwor said as if it was explaining the weather. "All I did was bring their worst nightmares to life. It'll distract them long enough until this challenge is over."

"You did what?!" Zoey shouted in horror.

Noirwor ignored her and transformed into the mutant fly. "I should get a better look at this!" Noirwor said, leaving the others behind to fly around the Moats of Doom.

"What the hell do we do now?" Scott asked the others, looking panicked.

"We have to go help them!" Ezekiel said, turning around to leave, only for Zoey's hand gripping his shoulders and stopped him.

"But won't Noirwor attack us if we try to leave?" Zoey asked, still rattled from her previous encounter with Makuta.

"That's not gonna matter if we can't get rid of its stupid immor-" Duncan was cut off when Noirwor changed itself back in the air and landed beside him.

"I know exactly how this challenge is gonna go!" Noirwor said, smiling. He immediately transformed into Chris. "And who's the better person to explain it than the host himself?" It said, sounding exactly like the host.

The humans recoiled in horror, voicing their displeasure opinions.

"Aw, c'mon!" Duncan stared at Noirwor, disgusted. "One Chris is bad enough."

'Chris' snickered and grinned at them. "I'm taking that as a compliment." 'He' cleared his throat and began explaining the challenge. "Each level has a sliver of safe-ish ground where you'll find tools to help you survive the insane dangers that await you in each moat."

The camera showed the obvious green substance. "The first moat at ground level is filled with toxic waste." 'He' said as a regular fly flew into the chemical waste. "You might wanna avoid falling in unless you wanna go to the prom with Ezekiel or Izzy." The fly emerged as a gigantic mutant.

The camera then showed the next moat, filled with orange and smouldering substance. "Moat number two is boiling hot lava!" 'He' explained as the mutant fly dipped into the hot liquid, only to catch on fire and fly off with a shriek.

The camera moved to the third moat, showing the murky, plant-filled water. "The third moat is just plain-old swamp water." 'He' explained as the mutant fly quickly soaked itself into the water, extinguishing the fires. It let out a sigh of relief.

Larry burst its head out of the water and devoured the fly whole. "But, what lies beneath will definitely kill you."

Sierra and Scott gasped in unison.


Scott: You know how the others were trapped in these gas-filled balloons? (He folded his arms and then his face became deadpan) I'd rather suffocate in them.

"Scott, Sierra," 'Chris' began, "To make this harder, we have our former winners guarding each moat." He gestured to the mentioned contestants' sitting high on the thrones against the wall between both ladders. They have their ladders embedded above them, explaining how they managed to get to their seats. "They'll do whatever they can to stop you from progressing any further," It said.

"We've got the Iron Cam," Cameron shifted uncomfortably in his ferocious bright green throne with red pulse lines all over the place.

"The Hawaiian Diva," Heather sat on her raven-black volcano-shaped throne, glaring down at Noirwor, refusing to show any fear. She tightened her grip on the spear.

"And the Tribal Giant." Owen leaned back against his large pink donut-shaped throne, whimpering as Larry rested idly in the water beneath him.

"If you somehow survive all three moats, you must say goodbye to your helpers and go it alone as you storm the castle." 'He' gestured to the crenelated four-arched castle with Beth's standing at the top. "Take your life in your hands as you fight your way past the Mad Queen."

"I am the Mad Queen," Beth said, making weak jazz hands. She let out a sheepish chuckle before gripping her cape for little comfort she could find.

"If you get past the Mad Queen and find the strength to pull the Sword of Victory from the stone," The camera moved downward, showing a golden-hilted longsword sticking out of the stone below the castle arches, "you are the true Total Drama All-Star! And the winner of Five! Million! Dollars!"

"Subject to all applicable taxes and other offsets required by law," Noirwor added quickly under its breath. It then reverted to its human self and turned to the stunned crowd. "Damn, you guys are fucked," It said, grinning.

Everyone turned towards Sierra, who was smiling and clapping.

"Why are you clapping?!" The exasperated humans shouted in unison.

Sierra gave them a sheepish grin. "Noirwor's impression of Chris is… pretty perfect."

Noirwor looked touched. "I hate seeing people exchange compliments," It said before its giggled. "Unless it's for me."

Confessional: SHITTY CHRIS!

Cameron: (He looked a bit embarrassed) Sierra is my friend, but she can be a teeny bit socially oblivious sometimes.

Ezekiel gulped. "Being out of the game doesn't sound so bad anymore, eh," he said, staring up at the Moats of Doom.

"That would explain the armours," Zoey said, glancing at Sierra and Scott.

"And here's mine," Noirwor said, standing at the edge of the toxic moat.

It fell backward into the chemical waste, smiling at the humans shouting and their futile attempt to stop it.

The humans stared at where Noirwor had disappeared, already dreading the consequences they may receive soon.

Something emerged from the moat, splashing toxic waste in all directions. The humans barely dodged them, watching it blackened the ground. They looked back at the mysterious figure and recoiled in horror.

Cameron aimed his trembling arms at the monster, ready to fire it if so much make a twitch.

Heather too aimed her weapon, now standing on her throne's arms.

Owen continued whimpering, but now hugging Larry, who was equally terrified.

Beth wheezed, still unable to scream.

Dangerous green substance still dripping off of it, but it was no doubt it was Noirwor. Now standing at the edge of the moat at ten feet tall, it looked almost identical with its offspring. However, several things clearly showed Noirwor off as a superior being.

Its red spiky head shaped more like a devilish crown. Laying a finger on it would instantly make you bleed. A monstrous jaw that could crunch a boulder into pieces with ease.

But what made the humans' blood became cold was Noirwor's black lines.

Screaming souls were flying in its body, begging anyone to put them out of their misery. They didn't resemble humans.

The clouds above everyone had darkened even more, creating an illusion it was near night time. This made Noirwor's shimmering rainbow eyes became brighter, illuminating its nasty grin at the Total Drama contestants.

Confessional: NOIRWOR!

Sierra: (She curled up in her seat, sucking her thumb. She stared at the camera in pure fear)

Noirwor leaned back and cackled. "Now this is the grand entrance!" It said, sounding like hundreds of people talking in unison. It stared down at itself, admiring its true form. "Fuck, it's been so long since I have this body! It's a fucking shame Fang isn't here. He's never gotten to see this when I've gained my immortality last night!" It then shrugged. "Eh, he'll see me again soon enough!"

It looked at everyone with pure smugness. "You all should be honoured to be the first living beings to witness this glorious moment! For that, you'll be the first to hear my plans for what comes after."

The creature's legs transformed into frog's legs and launched itself onto the second level. After changing its legs back, it sat on the edge comfortably with one leg folded over another. It stared at everyone in front of it, making sure its fears weren't propelling them to run away.

"I haven't forgotten what Scott was trying to say before Courtney interrupted him," It said, looking at Scott. It smirked when it saw him shivering. "What's the point of this challenge? I would triumph regardless of the outcomes. It's like I've said earlier, competing in the finale would be the perfect way to complete my Total Drama experience. If any of you fools think that was all, oh no, no, no."

Noirwor gestured to the winners. "It's a well-known fact that not all winners had claimed their prizes," it said.

Heather's scowl became deeper, while Owen looked downtrodden.

"Isn't that right, you two?" Noirwor said, smirking at Sierra and Scott.

The finalists exchanged glances, now showing regrets. They did talk about it when they, Brick, and Courtney spend the night together.

"And so, I decided to pick up where Mal had left off," Noirwor said before showing the footage on its body.


"You want to burn the prize money in front of everyone so you can watch us in despair, knowing all our hard works this season goes to waste," Sierra said to Mal in the Mess Hall.

Mal narrowed his eyes, "That's right."

Zoey winced, while Noirwor giggled like a child. "It filled me with malicious joy when he said it. I was fucking annoyed when his bland opponent took him down," it said, glaring at everyone. It shook its head. "I'm getting off track. The point is, no money, meaning more precious times you'd wasted. That would put you all in the state of despair to some degrees."

Noirwor snapped its head in 180 at Heather with an audible crack.

"Take Heather for example," Noirwor said.

Its grin became larger when it saw her flinched and was a moment away from throwing her spear at it.

"Shut it!" Heather shouted through her teeth.

Noirwor snapped its head back at everyone else. "And what's next, you may ask? We'll meet up with your producers and announce my position as the new CEO of Total Drama." It beamed with pride, already loving the title it given itself. "During that point, my army should exit from the mutants' stomachs and kill at least half of their population. We'll return to Boney Island to collect them. The mutants' and your despairs will accelerate their evolutions. I will need my offsprings to stop anyone from interfering with recruitment."

"Recruitment?" Scott repeated, unable to stop himself talking.

"New contestants!" Noirwor said, grinning ever so widely. "It'd be boring to have the same cast competing in upcoming seasons."

"You want to continue Total Drama?" Sierra asked in surprise.

"Of course I do!" Noirwor shouted. "I would never let my favourite TV show end. However, I'd be implementing a new twist."

"And that is?" Ezekiel asked, already dreading the answer.

The agonising souls in Noirwor's body screamed louder as the monster grinned, showing rows of sharp teeth.

"Death," It growled.

The humans' heads began to spin, starting to feel overwhelmed by how hopeless the situation they were now in. This made Noirwor roared with laughter.

"It's simple, really. If they're out of the game, I'll force them to carry my offsprings. They'd all suffer a terrible demise. The winner would get to live, but never unscathed. I'll start another season the next day. Different themes. Same punishments."

Noirwor rose to its feet. "Of course, you and the rest of the cast would be spared. I am who I am thanks to you. You'll get to mentor the new victims all while witnessing your home planet transform before your very eyes."

It raised a hand, eliciting a gasp from everyone when it pressed its middle finger and thumb together. "And if anyone of you defies against me, all I have to do is snap my fingers and your loved one will compete in a family-themed season."

Scott growled in frustration.

"No..." Sierra whimpered, thinking about her Mom.

"We'll spread this show to the world bit by bit, collecting more contestants and test every fibre of their being to see how much their survival instinct would kick in! Having blood spills would make great TV..."

It looked up at the dark sky, hearing thunders rumbling inside. Noirwor spread its arms wide. "And eventually, I shall bring Total Drama to the universe!" It shouted as its rainbow eyes shined brighter than ever. "Heartbreak! Betrayal! Greed! Despair! I want to see it in every civilisation! I WANT TO MAKE TOTAL DRAMA LASTS FOR ALL ETERNITY!"

As the lightning flashes, it may have struck the humans' hearts and took away their remaining energy and hope.

Cameron finally lowered his arms, dangling them over the armrests.

Heather leaned against the wall. The throne saved her spear when she loosened her grips.

Beth disappeared from everyone's sight and get into a fetal position, tears running down her face.

Owen buried his face into Larry's neck, already staining it with his tears. The mutant plant rubbed his back in comfort with his tentacle while his lips quivered. His mind focused on his children...

Duncan stumbled backward and fell to the ground after tripping himself.

Eva remained unconscious, but her eyes scrunched. Her nightmares had only just started.

Zoey placed a hand over her heart and stared aimlessly around the area, wondering if Mike had ditched her.

Ezekiel acted like a loveable dog spending its first night alone and abandoned, whimpering.

At once, Sierra and Scott fell to their knees, their hollow eyes staring at the ground. They seemed to have lost their ability to breathe.

Noirwor gave them a smug grin. There were no more words needing to be said.

Despair had triumphed.


"Hi-YA!" LeShawna yelled out, slamming a gravestone at the tallest skeleton's head upward, sending it flying. She watched it and its body scattered into ashes.

The other skeletons saw this and its eyes glowed red. They opened their bags and gnomes shaped like candies jumped out and growled at the ghetto girl.

LeShawna cried out in alarm and stepped back, now standing behind Harold, who knocked the smaller skeleton to the ground with his nun-chucks.

"What's so bad with trick or treaters?" She asked him, swatting away the candy monsters. "Didn't you say your worst fear were ninjas?"

"I thought it sounded cooler," Harold said, sheepishly.

LeShawna would've rolled her eyes if she wasn't screaming at a candy gnome jumped towards her face, flashing its teeth at her. It received a nun-chuck to its face and crashed to the ground. It didn't get a chance to get back up when Harold slammed his foot on it, turning it into ashes.

LeShawna smiled at Harold in appreciation before glaring at the skeletons and candy monsters surrounding them. The pair raised their weapons.

Bridgette sat by the tree, shaking like a leaf on a stormy day. She blinked rapidly, still trying to convince herself she was out of the dark forest. Not even her boyfriend's hug was enough to put her at ease.

When Noirwor left, LeShawna and Justin brought everyone who wasn't affected by its power to try to save the others from their crippling nightmares. Geoff and LeShawna went into the forest and founded Bridgette alone ten minutes later, running away from them. Her fear of being alone in the forest had given her hallucinations about Noirwor and Makuta chasing after her in the shadows. It was because she tripped over a tree root that Geoff was able to catch up to her.

DJ and the giant viper were nowhere to be found.

"It's okay, babe," Geoff said, rubbing Bridgette's back, "You're safe with me now."

He watched the others with worries. Mike ran away screaming, still being chased by Malcolm. It followed by Jo's screaming as she too sprinted from her fear. A black horse with fiery manes let out a neigh and galloped after her, glaring at her with yellow eyes.

Chris and Anne Maria were curling up on the ground, tears streaming down their faces. The host now looked like an elderly man in his 90s. Anne Maria's fake tans stained her clothes and the ground beneath her, now exposing her pale skin. Beauty was an important aspect of themselves. Removing it, and their self-worth decreased to their lowest point. It was impossible when a group of green humanoid resembling the Total Drama cast was laughing mockingly at them.

"Is that the real you?" Fake Zoey said, smirking, "Even Ezekiel is more attractive than you two!" The group roared with laughter, making the pair felt worse.

"Go away!" Anne Maria said, sobbing, "Don't look at me!"

Chris coughed violently, but tears still fell to the ground beneath him. "Oh, I'm so hideous..." he weakly said.

Hiding behind a gravestone nearby, Justin poked his head out and shuddered. "Man, am I glad I'm not them," he muttered.

"Yah, I totally agree!" Staci said, suddenly appearing behind him.

Justin let out a yell and jumped back. "Where did you come from?" He asked her.

"I was getting away from that." Staci pointed at something behind her.

Justin's eyes widened he saw the giant chicken stamping after Tyler, Katie, and Sadie. The mutant let out a roar, causing the running trio to scream.

Running behind the giant chicken, Lindsay panted, trying to catch up to her boyfriend without tripping over her heels.

"Tyler!" Lindsay shouted, looking concerned.

"We were trying to help Tyler, but that chicken is too strong for us," Staci explained, looking a little guilty for abandoning her friends.

Justin opened his mouth to give her some comfort words when Izzy skidded to a halt in front of him.

"Guys!" Izzy shouted at the pair, looking horrified. "We've gotta get moving! The Great Evil is almost upon us!"

Staci and Justin's bodies became stiffened once more.

"Noirwor is almost back?!" Staci cried out in horror.

"No, worse!" Izzy said before moving behind the pair and pointed at the nearby tree. "It's coming!"

The model immediately grabbed Staci and pulled her in front of him, making her his shield. Staci would've blush by his contact and offended by his cowardly act if she wasn't terrified by the 'Great Evil' Izzy spoke off. What could be worse than Noirwor?

She and Justin became bewildered when three floating beings moved around the trees, presenting themselves as Izzy's worst fear.

They were fairies. Each worn a colourful dress. The kind anyone would've seen in children's books or movies.

The pair was silent, while Izzy kept gripping their shoulders, shaking in fear. The girls were taken aback when Justin started laughing.

"Fairies?" He said to Izzy, chortling. "You're afraid of fairies?"

"You haven't look into their eyes!" Izzy shouted at him. "They have no souls!" She looked haunted.

"And these guys spooks you more than Noirwor?" Justin said, walking over to the fairies. "Oh, come on."

He stared at the fairies with amusement. The mystical beings looked at the model with innocent sparkly eyes.

Entranced like how he allured others, he stepped closer and peered into one of the fairies' eyes. He flashed his charming smile at his reflection.

The fairy blinked and Justin witnessed his horrified mirror self enveloped by a black substance. When it drained away, it left behind a skeleton. There were pieces of flesh remained on it.

The model unleashed the most girlish scream he'd ever made. The fairies cringed at his sheer volume, allowing him to escape.

"FAIRIES ARE EVIL!" He cried out, running past Izzy and Staci. "FAIRIES ARE EVIL!"

The girls followed him. "That's what I've been trying to tell you!" Izzy shouted.

The fairies flew after them, giggling like schoolchildren. They ignored a different albeit beastly scream was heard elsewhere.

"GET! ME! OUT! OF! HERE!" Dakotazoid shouted, tugging her body with every word exiting her mouth. But alas, not even her super strength was enough to free herself from the dentist's chair. The straps covered her entire body except for her head, leaving her vulnerable to the torture awaiting her.

Her pupils were shrunken when she made eye contact with the man standing above her. The mask concealed half of his face, but the wrinkles and bloodshot eyes were all she needed to know he was hideous.

"Now, now, don't move." The man said, giving her a lecherous grin behind his mask. "Or else, I'll end up ruining your teeth." He held up a drill as big as a hand. A single touch would ruin anyone's teeth.

She remained in her mutant form, but Dakota felt like she changed into a little girl. She glanced helplessly to the side. Sam was lying on his own chair, his shouting muffled by a duct tape over his mouth. His intervention had saved her from living out her worst nightmare sooner.

She heard the machine whirled on and looked up. She shivered when the drill was approaching towards her mouth.

"Sha-BAM!" A familiar voice shouted followed by a woman's screaming.

Hearing their shouting, the dentist turned to his right in frustration, only for a cage to connect to his face. He and his drill turned into ashes before they could hit the earth. The dentist chairs had vanished as well, sending Dakotazoid and Sam to the ground below. Lightning ran up to the pair.

"And that's how it's done!" Lighting shouted, beaming with pride.

"SAM!" Dakotazoid cried out, scrambling to her feet and picked up her boyfriend. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

Sam chuckled, feeling his girlfriend's lips smacking all over his face.

"Hey!" Lightning said, scowling at the pair in annoyance. "Where's Lightning's respect?"

"Here's a better question, where's mine?!" The athlete turned to see Blaineley's crawling out through the damaged cage's bars. There were bruises all over her body. She winced in pain before giving him her deepest glare. "You couldn't have gotten me out of the cage before throwing it at the maniac?!" She shouted at him.

"Lightning couldn't waste any second!" He said before running in a different direction. "Now c'mon! We've got other monsters to-"

A powerful green beam hit the ground and created a car-sized crater, causing Lightning to let out a yelp and skidded to a halt. He and the others turned to the source and paled at the sight before them.

"Stop this! Please!" Dawn said, tears welled up in her eyes.

Everyone else wasn't in the game when the Blue Harvest Moon event had occurred, but fear still struck them to their cores. No one could forget how opposite Dawn's hair matched the ferocious wildfires she caused nor hovering in the air and giving everyone else her malicious grin.

The only difference this time was her body was glowing red. She scoffed in disgust at Dawn's futile begging.

"Fool," Opposite Dawn said, floating after her. "Why should I restrain my powers when I should be using them to the best of my ability?"

Sam screamed. "It's Nwad!" He shouted.

Lightning stared at Sam in confusion. "N-what?" He asked.

"It's Dawn's name but backward," Sam explained. "I gave her that name back on-"

"RUN!" Dawn shouted, running past him.

Nwad held out her hands to summon a small bright greenish orb. She let out a burst of maniacal laughter and threw her weapons like they were grenades.

Blaineley and Lightning screamed and dodged the dangerous orbs. They watched them made contact with the ground and detonated, creating more craters.

"Creepy girl is right! Run for your loving life!" Lightning cried out, running after Dawn.

Dakotazoid hoisted Sam and Blaineley onto her shoulders and joined the pair in the panic.

Trent was on his knees, screaming and punching at the invisible box he was imprisoned in. The outside world couldn't hear him since it was soundproof. He winced when the mine pretended to choke himself with a noose. The latter flashed him a malicious grin.

The mime quirk an eyebrow when he heard a whistle. He turned around, placing his hands to his face and let out a silent scream. The last thing he could see was a fireball aiming at him. It exploded in contact, shattering the mime's ashes into the air.

Trent moved his hands away from his face and gasped happily when B ran up to the invisible box. The silent genius ran his hands on the smooth wall. He mimed twisting a doorknob and pulled it open.

Hearing noises flooding into his ears, Trent quickly crawled out of his invisible prison and inhaled big pockets of air into his lungs. He gave B a grateful glance.

"Thanks, B," he said, gasping, "I can barely breathe in there." He paused. "No wonder Gwen is claustrophobic."

Alejandro suddenly stood in front of him and B. He noticed him pitching his nose and gritting his teeth. Trent looked ahead and involuntary sniff the unknown smell wafting nearby. He had to press his hand against his mouth to stop him from vomiting.

With lava dripping down his rock covered body, it was difficult to describe him as a human. If his stylish hairs and charming grin were any indications, he would've been a handsome man. However, it was hard to be swooned by him when he smelt like a rotting corpse deep-frying in the desert.

He tutted as he shook his head. "Another one? Dear, Al, you're as predictable as always," he said.

"Not if it means it would benefit me," Alejandro's voice sounded nasal from pitching his nose.

"Uh, Alejandro?" Trent said, pausing to swallow his vomit back down. "Who is that?"

"My brother," Alejandro said, disgusted. "Jose."

Jose let out arrogant laughter. "Even as a lava monster, I'm still superior to you in every aspect of your life."

Unable to hold it in any longer, Trent spewed vomits to the ground. This caused Alejandro and B to do the same. Trent shakily rose to his feet, one hand to his stomach while the other pressing his nose shut. He glared at Alejandro's other brother.

"Not all aspect," He remarked.

Jose's smirk had never diminished and aimed his hand at the others. The lava on his arm had brightened, no doubt charging up for an attack. "You sure about that?" He asked him.

Hearing thundering footsteps followed by monstrous stomping, the boys took a glance behind Jose. It was all they needed to return a collective smirk.

"Yeah, we're sure," Trent said.

By now, Jose could hear the rising noises behind him. He turned around and his eyes widened when Tyler, Lindsay, Katie, and Sadie ran past him. He screamed, seeing the giant chicken getting closer, oblivious to his presence.

Using his athletic ability, he dodged between the chicken with grace. He watched the group leaving him. He chuckled. "Trying to get me run over? Is that all?"

"Incorrecto!" Jose heard his brother's shouting. He never had the chance to look at him when he received a gravestone to his head.

Alejandro watched his brother transformed into ashes on his third strike, but he didn't let up. He kept roaring. Pure hatred and frustration were poured into his gravestone as memories flooded his mind. All the times Jose called him Al, hogging the bathroom mirror, and once replacing soap with urinal cake. Suffered humiliating eliminations in this show. And worse of all, being trapped in that robot suit for over a year.

He finally relented on his bashing and panted, letting the gravestone slipped from his hands. He looked up, noticing Trent and B stood at a reasonable distance from him. Both showed a freaked-out expression on their faces.

"Dude, you have a serious issue with your brother," Trent said.

B nodded in agreement.

Alejandro exhaled a tired groan and slouched. "Tell me something I don't know."

Elsewhere, Courtney dug her fingernails into the dirt, creating a deeper hole each time. She glared at the ground with determination, vowing to herself to never stop until she'd free Gwen from her underground prison.

She kept her words when she felt her body tightened. She heard footsteps approaching her. She spun and connected a roundhouse kick to someone's face. Her satisfied smile had vanished in an instant, now seeing Harold fell to the ground. He groaned, feeling a bruise swelling upon his left cheek. LeShawna kneeled beside him, showing concern.

"Harold!" LeShawna said before scowling up at Courtney. "What's the hell was that for?"

"Sorry," Courtney said, already resuming her task to unburied Gwen. "I thought you were one of those monsters running on the loose."

Pulling Harold to his sitting position, LeShawna sighed. "I can't blame ya. We've just taken out a group of undead trick or treaters and candies gnomes."

Courtney raised a brow at the odd fear before refocusing on digging. "Come on, Gwen still needs our help."

"You got it," LeShawna said, crawling over to the hole, she kneeled across Courtney and joined her digging up her gal pal. "Yo, Gwen! Can you hear us?" She shouted into the hole.

"I'd highly doubt-" Courtney was interrupted by a scream. She and the others turned and watched Mike tripped over the rock and slid across the ground, stopping in front of them.

Mike lifted his head, showing pure fear on his face. "We've gotta move!" He shouted.

One look behind Mike was all the others needed to scream. Malcolm ran towards them. With how fast he was decreasing the distance, they have no time to escape nor defend themselves.

"More buddies!" Malcolm shouted, drools appearing from his unhinged grin. He launched himself in the air, more than ready to tackle them to the ground and engage in rough play.

The humans huddled together and closed their eyes, bracing themselves for the unbearable pains inflicting on them.

They heard a shrill scream. They recognised it from the boxing challenge. They looked up and gasped.

Fang was flying through the air, clamping his teeth into Malcolm's side. He landed on his feet and used the wolf's screeching and flailing to motivate himself. He delivered more power into his teeth, causing Malcolm to explode into ashes. The mutant shark was in a fit of coughing and spitting. Most landed in his mouth.

When he was finished, he turned around and faced the humans he saved. They were staring at him in astonishment. He glared at them.

"Well?" The humans flinched from Fang's shouting. "Quit gawking like idiots and help your friend!"

The group obeyed the mutant shark's order and carried on digging. They couldn't help but glance at Fang, who was running elsewhere.

"What's just happened?" Mike asked the others in bewilderment.

"I believe it's best not to ask," Courtney said, her eyes brightened. In the face of despair, she could feel hope growing in her heart.

Fang surveyed the area, already planning his next steps. His eyes widened when he saw the mutant chicken chasing a different group of humans. He shook his head. "He's not one of us," he muttered to himself. "Noirwor created him."

Hyping himself for the next fight, he snorted and narrowed his eyes. "I'm doing this for you, Douglas," he said, memories of his time together with Douglas resurfaced in his mind.

Running as fast as he could on his short legs, Fang snarled, ready to unleash his raw power on the oblivious chicken.

In the minutes, he would find out if his scream would be louder than the wolf's.

Moats of Doom

Owen's sweats trickled down his trembling stiff body, soaking the throne he's sitting on. He couldn't stop himself from glancing at Noirwor, who was sitting on top of Larry's head.

"Before I'd take over Total Drama, there are answers I need from the producers. For one, why did they never released yours and Gwen's audition tapes?" Noirwor asked, looking annoyed. "They should've posted them online after the finale was over. What did you do to make the producers chose you for the show?"

Noirwor paused, hearing a series of stomping and crashing. It turned and gaped. How did it not noticed it sooner was beyond it. It didn't deter it from making a massive grin appearing on its face.

It exited from the forest, leaving behind the mass destruction of broken trees in its trail. Its red eyes glaring at the evil being. It blasted an ear-piercing albeit familiar roar.

The contestants on the ground stared at it with a dead look in their eyes as they felt the sound wave vibrating the ground. Noirwor, on the other hand, released a cheer.

"The TDA's monster!" Noirwor said, standing up.

It became confused when it saw the giant robotic monster stopped glaring and glanced sideways, perking its ear.

Hidden amongst the piles of broken trees, Cody and Noah took several feet backward, hands to their ears. They scowled at Brick, who dressed in a motion suit, which had wires on his back leading to Cody's laptop.

"Dude, do you really have to roar?" Noah shouted at Brick in annoyance.

Brick gave the pair a sheepish grin. "I was getting into character."


Brick: Back at the cemetery, we were worried Noirwor and Makuta would be drawn towards us after summoning the golden dome. And then, to everyone's surprise, Chris gave us a good idea by telling us about the robotic monster at Mount Chrismore. Apparently, it was supposed to be used for the finale, but it wasn't ready in time. Luckily, Cody's expertise in technology and Noah's high intelligence had put it in good shape with me volunteering to play the role.

(Guilty appeared on his face with his index fingers tapping together) Unfortunately, we were taking too long to be ready, so we skipped the cemetery and headed straight for the Moats of Doom. Noah predicted Noirwor would've been there by now, so we have to do whatever we can to protect the others. I'm hoping everyone else at the cemetery would remain strong and get the dome up and running again. (He narrowed his eyes in determination) I can stall Noirwor and give them time. (He sniffed and saluted to the camera) If this is my last duty, I'll fight to my dying breath!

Brick turned back towards Noirwor, matching the grim determination on the monster's face. Noirwor crackled its knuckles and smirked.

"I'll win," it said, "But if it a fight he wants, it's a fight he's gonna get!"

Scott, Sierra, and the others watched Noirwor launched itself off of Larry's head and flew over them. Their dead-like expressions hadn't changed when Noirwor's body distorted, transforming itself to match the humans' ferocious monster to show off its deadly skills.

But instead, Noirwor fell face-first into the ground.

The boys stared at it in shock.

"What's the hell?" Cody said, blinking.

Noirwor lifted its head and coughed out dead grass. Disbelief appeared on its face.

"The fuck?" It said, raising to its hands and knees.

Its body morphed into the mutant gopher. It growled. "No!" it said.

The boys watched Noirwor changing into several mutants like two-heads rabbit, Larry, turtle, Fang, and crab.

"Can someone please tell me what's going on here?" Brick asked, glancing at the other boys.

"Noirwor can only transform into living beings," Noah said, his eyes widening in realisation.

"Yeah, you're right!" Cody said, grinning. "Our monster is a machine!"

"Meaning we have an advantage!" Brick said, slamming a fist into his palm, forcing the monster to do the same.

"Not really," Noah said, flatly. "Noirwor's still immortal, remember?"

Brick's confident grin disappeared. He slouched his shoulders. "Do you have to bring down our morale?" He asked, giving Noah an annoyed glance.

Noah shrugged. "Just stating the fact."

Cody screamed and pointed. "Incoming!"

Noah and Brick looked up and felt tiny. They watched Noirwor increased its height, reaching to the robot's neck. It finished its transformation and emerged as the mutant squid.

"Can you believe it?" Noirwor said in annoyance. "I've just remembered I can't change into-"

The robot's fist slammed its head downward, interrupting the latter. It swung its other fist towards Noirwor's face, only for two tentacles wrapped its arms, stopping it in mid-air.

Brick yanked his right arm back, trying to free his robot from Noirwor's grips. He froze, seeing Noirwor's rainbow eyes gleamed with bloodthirsty desire.

"Oh, crap," Brick whispered, while Cody and Noah walked backward.

Noirwor snickered, tightened its tentacle on the robot's arm, denting it.

"Now then," Noirwor said, "Let's see how long it'll take to shred your baby into pieces."


Fang slammed his teeth shut on the fairy, ignoring her screaming as he shook violently. She disappeared in ashes, staining his mouth. He spat it out and growled.

"This is fucking pathetic," he muttered. "Who's afraid of fairies?"

He spotted Izzy finished off the last fairy with Harold's nun-chuck. She glared at Fang. "And I keep telling you they're evil!" She shouted.

Fang opened his mouth to argue when he saw something flying at him in the corner of his eyes. He jumped forward, dodging the illuminated sphere creating a hole where he previously stood. He looked up and snarled. Nwad hovered above him, already summoning another sphere in her hands.

"Greetings, traitor," Nwad said, sneering at him.

She yelped, feeling the nun-chuck slammed against her ankle. This caused her aim to be off and destroyed the tree nearby. Reeling from the stinging pain, she glared downward at Izzy, who got into her fighting stance, twirling her weapon.

"Ready for round two?" Izzy asked, narrowing her eyes.

Nwad's red eyes flared up before hearing Jo's shouting.

"Need a little help here, damn it!"

They turned and saw the giant snake racing across the cemetery. Jo's clinging onto its side. DJ kept screaming, still trapped within the creature's tail.

"HELP ME!" DJ cried out.

Nwad would've smirk at the sight if she didn't hear running and grunting beneath her. She barely lifted her legs away from Fang's snapping teeth.

"Hey!" She shouted, moving higher and balling her fists.

Hearing a whistle, she snapped her head. She saw Izzy sprinted towards Dakotazoid, who stopped chasing the giant viper to look at her.

"Dakotazoid!" Izzy shouted, catching up to her friend. She pointed at the snake. "Throw me to him!"

The mutated fame-monger wasted no time picking up Izzy by her waist and held her like a javelin.

Figuring out what the foolish girl's plan, Nwad's eyes widened.

"Shit!" She said, vanishing in the air. She reappeared in front of Dakotazoid, who screamed and jumped back in shock. She noticed Izzy wasn't with her. "Where is she?" She said to the latter's face.

Dakotazoid pointed behind her. Nwad turned around and found Izzy's flying towards the snake.

As she whooshed across the cemetery like an arrow, Izzy cackled and pulled out her taser. "Look out, snakey! Here comes Izzy!" she said.

Nwad teleported and reappeared in front of the snake, fully attempt to block Izzy in her path.

"You're not going anywhere!" She shouted at her.

Not deterred by her threat, Izzy lined her arms to her sides and turned sideway. She gave her shocked enemy a wink and flew past her.

She returned to her original position and reached closer to the snake. She aimed her taser at it, ready to deliver 50,000 volts to the head. She barely had time to react when the snake snapped its head at her and opened its mouth. She disappeared and then the creature swallowed her and continued moving.

DJ shrieked in terror.

Jo cringed. "Aw, dude!"

Witnessing it, Fang slammed a hand to his forehead, growling. "Idiot," he muttered.

Dakotazoid blinked and scratched the back of her head. "Oopsie," she said.

"No!" Nwad cried out in horror. She teleported beside the giant snake, glaring at it. "Stop and spit her out right now!"

The snake made a sudden stop, causing Jo to lose her grips and flew off, crashing into the ground. She groaned.

"Damn it, that's hurts," she muttered.

Still hearing DJ's scream behind her, Jo slowly rose to her knees, gritting her teeth in pain. "Give me a sec. Need to catch my breaths."

She glanced up, seeing the giant reptile hacking, trying to bring back the insane chick.

Its face became numb and its body trembled. Nwad growled in frustration.

"What are you doing, you fucking idiot?" She asked. "GET HER-" She snapped her head at DJ, who never stopped screaming. "STOP SCREAMING!"


A loud explosion had occurred and ashes covered his visions. He fell to the ground. He coughed and wiped his eyes. He blinked a couple of times and turned to see Izzy's lying where the snake used to be. She sat up and grinned behind a thick layer of ashes. She laughed in triumph.

"Death hasn't taken me yet!" she said, raising her taser and crackled on its electricity.

DJ slumped to the ground, passed out from pure exhaustion and fear. Nwad floated still, rubbing away the ashes from her face. She glared at the unconscious guy.

"Finally, he shuts up," she muttered.

"Not me!" Izzy said, jumping to her feet. She whirled her nun-chuck and aimed her taser at the enemy.

Jo grunted, forcing herself to stand, ready to fight for more. "Nor me," she said.

Nwad smirked and hovered above them from their reach. "Is that so?" she said, raising her arms.

The mutants stood by, watching Jo and Izzy dodged Nwad's grenade-sized spheres at them.

Dakotazoid would've joined in to help her allies when Fang gripped her wrist.

"Hold it," Fang said.

"What are you doing?" Dakotazoid asked, glaring at him as she yanked her arm away. "We've gotta help them!"

"I think I've figured out how we can take her down."

Dakotazoid's eyes widened. "Huh? Really?"

Fang nodded. "Yes," he said before whispering into Dakotazoid's ear.

As the mutant shark continued talking, Dakotazoid's face expressed confusion, astonishment, and realisation. When he finished talking, she stared at him with uncertainty.

"Do you really think it'll works?" She asked.

"You've got any better idea?" Fang said, flatly.

The first thought in Dakotazoid's mind was to use her brute strength to eliminate Nwad. She believed she could leave a mark on her. However, if she'd make contact with any of the witch's attacks, she could receive serious injuries. Or worse, get herself killed and leave her boyfriend defenceless. She wouldn't forgive herself for it.

With no other option, she narrowed her eyes in determination and nodded at Fang. She sprinted away without a word. Fang, on the other hand, ran towards the battle, now have a clear goal in his mind.

Nwad spotted the mutant shark getting closer and smirked. She aimed her hands, only to receive a nun-chuck to her face. She cried out in pain and felt a massive bump to her forehead. She snapped her head down at Izzy, who caught the nun-chuck and gave her a smirk.

"QUIT IT!" She shouted at her, her fiery hairs matched her ferocious anger.

Gasping for air, Jo noticed Fang's lifting DJ onto his back. "What... are you doing?" She asked him, giving him a suspicious glare.

"If you want to survive today, get back with the others!" Fang said, running past her.

Too tired from constant fighting, Jo followed the mutant shark. They stopped several seconds later when Nwad teleported in front of Fang. It caught the jock-ette off guard when he turned around and have DJ's back facing the witch.

"You want to kill me, you'll have to kill this guy too!" Fang shrugged his shoulders to gesture to DJ.

Jo's eyes grew as big as a dinner plate. "Dude! Don't let one of our-" She couldn't finish her sentence as she witnessed Nwad's reappearing in front of Fang once more. But like last time, he turned a 180 and put DJ in the firing range.

Nwad pouted as if her parents couldn't get her favourite toy. She faced Fang again, only to see DJ's back. Again.

Izzy joined up with Jo, both watching Nwad's teleporting and Fang's turning. It was as if they were trapped in a never-ending loop.

"This is fucking weird," Jo said to Izzy, her voice restored to normal. "If she wants them dead, one green beam through their chests is all it'd take."

Izzy rubbed her chins. "Hmm… Izzy smells something fishy here, and it isn't Fang," she said.

Running out of patience, Nwad rose to the air and unleashed an ear-piercing shriek. Jo and Izzy covered their ears, while Fang didn't have that luxury as he lowered his head and cried out in pain.

"No more fucking games!" Nwad shouted, glaring down at everyone. "I'm going to go ahead with what I should've done in the first place! Destroying your stupid circle!"

"No!" Jo and Izzy shouted in unison and ran forward. By then, they were too late. Nwad had vanished.

Fang groaned, stumbling around like a drunken man after his non-stop spinning. "S-she's better get back to the o-others on time," he said, his eyes rolling.

He fell backward, crushing DJ under his weight.

Nwad reappeared by the Unity Circle, only to recoil in shock.

"What the fuck?" She muttered.

All the former contestants, Chris, and Chef stood on the Unity Circle, spreading their arms wide. Nwad narrowed her eyes at them.

"Get off the circle," she said before her eyes set on fires, "NOW!"

Some of the more frightened people took a step back, but everyone else stood strong.

"Is there a problem, la bruja?" Alejandro asked, challenging her.

"Yes, there is," Nwad said, pointing at the group. "You're all going to interfere with the challenge! Noirwor wouldn't want anyone stepping in its way!"

"Why not pick us off?" LeShawna asked, returning a glare. "That's an easy solution if there is one."

Nwad moved around, looking at everyone and the Unity Circle beneath them. Most had bruises to some degrees. Gwen, Bridgette, and Chef were trembling, still recovering from their traumatic experiences. Tears stained Anne Maria and Chris' faces as words from cruel humanoids floated in their minds.

Still, she hadn't use any of her powers on them. As though times seemed to move slow, the group began to realise the truth.

"You can't, can you?" Dawn said, staring up at her opposite self, "You and the other monsters aren't allowed to kill us."

"That's not true!" Nwad shouted.

"Yes, it is!" Dawn shouted back. "The giant snake alone would've been enough to eliminate all of us. But Noirwor doesn't want that does it? It loves the- no, obsessed with the show too much to depart with the cast. So it created you and the other monsters to deliver pains and fears. Not death."

"You can give it your best shot at wiping out the Unity Circle, but do you really wanna risk it?" Harold asked. "I bet your master wouldn't be too thrilled to know if its collection gets destroyed, huh?"

Nwad growled. "Why must you all be so irritating?!"

"We're stubborn, evil dudette," Geoff said, shrugging and showing his chilled smile.

"Yah, what's else do you need?" Staci asked.

As the opposite self was stunned to silence, Dawn turned to the others. "Anyone who isn't standing on the symbols, stay in the centre."

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Tyler asked. "What if the Unity Circle blow us up?"

"Then we would've been dead the first time the dome showed up," Gwen muttered, limping to her symbol with LeShawna's help.

"She's right," Dawn said to Tyler, walking over to her own symbol. "We'll be fine."

The cast gets to their positions when Mike noticed a problem between Harold and Chef.

"Guys, we're missing Izzy!" He said, looking concerned.

Nwad cackled and rubbed her hands together. "Oh, I can work with-" She couldn't finish her sentence, seeing Izzy flipping over her and landed on the lightning bolt symbol.

"Izzy's right here!" The crazy girl said, grinning.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Nwad said, speaking through her teeth.

In her rage, she aimed her hand and fired a green beam at a nearby tree, setting it on fires. She was too busy watching the others' reactions to notice Jo entering the Unity Circle. She stared at the jock-ette in shock.

"What? If you're here then that's mean-?" Nwad looked down, watching Fang joined the others in the Unity Circle, still carrying DJ.

Fang gasped for air as Tyler and LeShawna lifted DJ off of him. Geoff walked over to him, smiling down at him.

"Dude, Dakota said you were the one who spilled the beans on Nwad's weakness," he said before he wrapped his arms around Fang. "Thanks, man!"

Fang shoved Geoff off, causing the latter to crash into Anne Maria, Justin, Blaineley, and Chef, sending them all to the ground.

"Don't (gasp) touch me!" Fang said, growling.

"Is everybody ready?" Dawn asked everyone. Her short height and the crowd standing in the Unity Circle's centre had made it impossible for her to see the others on their symbols. However, she received a series of confirmations.

Everyone flinched, hearing an explosion followed by someone's shrieking. They snapped their heads, seeing Nwab's screaming and firing green beams at the cemetery, breaking them into pieces. It was becoming unrecognisable every second.

Dawn whimpered, receiving a cruel reminder of how deadly her powers can be.

"Chosen 12!" Alejandro shouted over the chaos. "We need to start now!"

Everyone else watched the Chosen 12 joined hands and shut their eyes. They stared at the ground. The golden light hadn't appeared. They looked back at the Chosen 12, now noticing their faces straining.

They heard someone's sobbing and turned, seeing Chris broke down.

"I can't do it," he said, letting out a weak cough, his hands covering his wrinkled face. "I'm too ugly to think right."

The Chosen 12 opened their eyes and groaned. Everyone glared at the pathetic host.

"You think your fear is bad?" Gwen said to Chris, "Tried being buried alive against your will. Multiple times!" She screamed into the host's ear.

"Or having comrades' blood on your hands!" Chef shouted.

Everyone broke out into an argument. They were interrupted by a whistle. They turned to Jo, who put her whistle back into her pocket.

"Quit arguing like bitches and try again!" she said, shooting glares to the Chosen 12.

"How?" Gwen said, scowling at her. "It's bad enough that Nwad is wreaking the place." Behind her, illuminate spheres hit several trees, engulfing them in flames.

"STOP CALLING ME NWAD!" Nwad shrieked before resuming her attack.

"Most of us are still getting to grip from facing our worst fears!" Gwen said.

"S-she's right," Bridgette said, still trembling and blinking rapidly. She glanced at B. "W-we're not in the forest, right?"

B shook his head.

Fang let out a snarl, causing anyone to stand beside him to scoot back a bit. "So we've been wasting our times?"

"No, we're not, Fang!" Courtney said, interrupting him, "There has to be a way to activate the dome."

The group became silent, trying to form ideas in their heads while ignoring the destruction Nwad was leaving in her trail.

"What if the rest of us join hands?" Katie said, "We're already standing on the Unity Circle. Maybe we'd increase the dome's power?"

"Yeah, that's what I've been thinking!" Sadie said, nodding in agreement.

"It wouldn't work," Harold said, shaking his head, "The article specifically said-"

"Article, smarticle," Izzy said, rolling her eyes, "If I'd write it, I wouldn't spill all my secrets for the world to see. There are enemies everywhere..." She furrowed her eyebrows.

The others stared at her in bewilderment until Mike coughed.

"As crazy as it sounds, Izzy has a good point," he said, "What if this is the answer we've been looking for?"

Everyone else exchanged uneasy glances.

"What else can we do, guys?" Sadie asked. "We're, like, running out of options."

"Yeah..." Katie said, gripping her BFFFL's hand.

Everyone else became silent, contemplating what Katie and Sadie said.

"Okay, let's do it," Courtney said, placing a hand on Gwen's shoulder. She looked at everyone. "I want someone to link up with the Chosen 12. Might be the only way to make this works."

One by one, everyone started to join hands. Blaineley placed her hand on Chris' shoulder and tightened her grip. She smirked when she saw him wince.

LeShawna and Tyler held DJ's hands while using their shoulders to keep him upright.

Geoff put his hand on Bridgette and smiled at her. After seeing his girlfriend returned a weak smile, he noticed Fang had hadn't linked up with anyone. He held up with his other hand to him.

"Get your hand away from me," Fang said, looking away in disgust.

"Dude, c'mon," Geoff said, giving him a pleading stare, "Don't you have people on Boney Island you wanna help out?"

Fang remained silent, his thoughts filled with the other mutants. He sighed and grabbed Geoff and Staci's hands.

"Ye-ow!" Geoff cried out.

"Ow, that's hurts!" Staci said, her knees wobbled under Fang's harsh grip.

"Shut up," Fang muttered.

"Has everyone joined hands?" Dawn asked, only to received a series of confirmation immediately. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. "Then close your eyes and focus on bringing back the dome."

Everyone copied Dawn's action and started thinking about the golden dome. Apart from Nwad's continuous destruction, everything became silent.

Feel like nothing was happening, Blaineley slowly opened one eye and looked down at the ground. She couldn't stop herself from gasping.

Alerted by her sound, those standing beside her had opened their eyes and gasped as well.

The golden glow had lit up Alejandro and Mike's symbols, and half-way through Harold's.

"It's working!" Geoff shouted, grinning.

"Stay focused!" Courtney shouted, her eyes remained shut.

Half of the group kept their eyes closed, while the other half stared at the golden glow spreading the Unity Circle's ring, urging it to keep going. It had reached Bridgette's symbol. Halfway left to go.

The fires she created illuminated Nwad's pale face. Satisfied, she snapped her head at her surroundings, looking for more areas to wreak havoc. She paused, seeing a golden light moving underneath the group. It covered eleven symbols.

Before she could teleport to stop them, the light reached Dawn's symbol, connecting the circle. She didn't have time to scream as the golden transparent dome had reappeared and reached her, turning her into ashes.

The dome continued to expand in all directions, including the Moats of Doom.

Moats of Doom

The robotic monster hit the ground on its back. Noirwor's tentacle wrapped its neck as it climbed onto its body. Noirwor had its face changed into Chris'.

"Boom!" Noirwor said, sounding like the host once more. "The robot is down! And look! Noirwor is hitting the robot with its own arm! Can it get more brutal? Spoiler alert; yes it can!"

Cody and Noah winced, watching Noirwor's slamming the decapitated arm where the groin would be.

"Man, it feels so wrong to see Chris' face on the squid's body," Cody said, shuddering.

"And yet," Noah said, "This is how I always imagined his true form."

He looked down at Brick and his eyes widened.

"Dude, you're not actually suffocating!" Noah shouted at the cadet, who was lying on the floor with one hand to his neck and the other hitting his groin. His face was becoming blue.

"It… feels like it!" Brick's voice cracking from lack of air escaping his mouth.

"Noirwor must have given him hallucination!" Cody said to Noah.

"No shit, Sherlock!" Noah shouted, giving him an exasperated stare. "What do you expecting me to-"

"What the fuck?!"

The boys looked back up at Noirwor, seeing the pure shock on its face. Before any of them could raise a question, a golden wall rushed past them. They now shared the monster's reaction.

"Oh, my God..." Cody said, whispering.

Noirwor continued to stare at the dome in astonishment, watching it covering the sky, casting the area in luxurious gold. It spread to the remaining contestants and the Moats of Doom.

Cameron lifted his head and his robotic eyes lit up.

Heather regained her spear and stood tall on her throne.

Beth rose to her feet and gasped in awe. Her majestic cape flew back and her crown glowered in the illuminated dome, shimmering like a symbol of hope.

Owen tried to stand on his donut throne, but because of his sweats, he slipped and fell off. Larry caught him with his tentacles and lifted him into the air. Owen let out the biggest cheer he could muster.

Duncan heard his friend and brought himself back to his feet, now sporting a smirk. He raised his non-broken arm and made a punk rock gesture.

Eva slowly opened her eyes and groaned, finally waking up. She paused and became stunned at the golden aura covering the area.

Zoey also returned to her feet, a hand over her heart. She gripped her chest and smiled.

Ezekiel sat up and stared up at the overwhelming beauty. A tear trickled down his face.

As once, Scott and Sierra made a loud gasp as if they were restored from their sleepless slumber. In awe, they too stared up at the golden dome hovering above them.

"Damn..." Sierra said, faintly.

"Yeah..." Scott said in the same tone.

Brick inhaled a sudden amount of oxygen, now free from his hallucinated prison. He looked up at Noirwor, who was still preoccupied at the dome.

He noticed Noirwor's grip on the robot's neck had lessened.

Without thinking, Brick swiped his right arm, forcing his robotic monster to do the same, delivering claw marks across Noirwor's face.

Noirwor screamed, bringing everyone's attention towards it. It received a second claw mark on its tentacle on the robot's neck. It then transformed into the mutant Canadian goose and flew into the air albeit poorly.

The humans gaped at a trail of jade blood raining onto the ground. Their faces began to lit up. They didn't see it as a sign of violence.

They saw it as a sign of hope.

"Noirwor is hurt," Scott said in shock.

"Then that means..." Sierra said.

"We can take it down!" Zoey finished the sentence with a grin.

Noirwor panted, already feeling its energy draining from its face and ankles. It flew towards the Moats of Doom, particularly the toxic waste. The humans noticed it.

"It's heading for the toxic waste!" Scott shouted.

"Leave it to me!" Cameron said before firing his arm cannons at Noirwor.

The humans cheered, watching the monster cried out in pain each time Cameron had hit his target. They've noticed steams escaping from Noirwor's body as it started falling.

Duncan spotted Noirwor's left-wing transformed into a tentacle. He snapped his head at Cameron.

"Cameron, watch out for-" The delinquent was too late to warn the bubble boy, who screamed and stopping firing, feeling Noirwor's tentacle constricting his ankle. It pulled him towards the toxic waste.

"Cameron!" Scott and Sierra shouted in unison.

Sierra picked up a baseball from her chest and threw it. It missed and landed into the toxic waste, but Noirwor removed its grip on Cameron before disappearing into said substance.

"Cameron, are you-" Sierra couldn't finish her question before her friend screamed and flew back.

"They're everywhere!" Cameron said, aiming his arm cannons at the humans.

However, when Noirwor made contact with him, it gave him hallucinations, causing him to see his friends transformed into Makuta.

The humans screamed in terror, trying to prevent being hit by Cameron's weaponry. It wouldn't kill them, but it can deliver serious injuries.

From afar, the boys were aghast at the sight before them.

"We've gotta help them!" Cody shouted.

Brick pushed himself into his sitting position, trying to make the robot to repeat his action. Unfortunately, the damages Noirwor gave it as a mutant squid had made it tricky for the robot to fulfil its task, especially now it had only one arm.

The boys could hear the monster grinding and Brick could feel his motion suit overheating from pushing the walking machine to its limit.

"Come on, come on!" The cadet urged.

By the moats, the humans were running around in a panic. Sierra picked up her bazooka slash hammer and poured all of her baseballs inside.

"Sorry!" She shouted before firing her bazooka, launching baseballs at Cameron, knocking him to the ground. His suit short-circuited before falling unconscious.

"Hey, don't kill him!" Scott shouted at Sierra.

"What else's am I-" Sierra couldn't finish her sentence, hearing the toxic waste bubbling.

Noirwor emerged from the surface, returning to its true form. There was no trace of its wounds nor its mischievous behaviour. The poor souls within its black lines screamed louder. When it stepped out of the moat, it glanced up at the dome before glaring at everyone.

"How? How could this be possible?" it said, clenching its fists, "Everyone at the cemetery should've been squirming in fear!"

The humans held their breaths, trying their best to not provoke the dangerous monster. Its immortality may be down, but it can easily overpower them. They stared with interests when steams reappeared from its body, causing Noirwor to hiss in pain.

"Just fucking great," Noirwor muttered, "Frying up like an egg again."

"If Noirwor is burning up," Ezekiel whispered to the finalists. "Maybe we don't have to do anything, eh?"

"WRONG!" Noirwor shouted, giving him a devilish grin. "If anything, you losers are all going to help me make this finale more... satisfying."

Noirwor quickly transformed into the mutant three-eye frog and teleported. It reappeared on Duncan's shoulder.

"HEY-" Duncan couldn't grab Noirwor in time before its rainbow eyes brightened. A hint of green flashed in his eyes and became motionless. The frog then disappeared.

"Duncan-" Zoey was cut off mid-sentence, discovering Noirwor on her foot and stared into its rainbow eyes. Her arms slumped as the monster vanished once more.

As Eva watched Noirwor delivering the same treatment to Cameron and Ezekiel, she snapped her head at the finalists. "Heisttheford-!" Her speech slurred from her broken jaws, only for Noirwor to reappear on her shoulder and sent her to the same fate.

"Guys!" Sierra cried out, looking concerned.

"What the fuck did you do to them?" Scott demanded as Noirwor teleported nearby and returned to its original form. It placed its hands on its knees and panted. Nobody could see the blackness spread the back of its neck.

"Why don't you ask them yourself?" Noirwor said, smirking.

Scott and Sierra turned to the others and felt a sense of dread. The group, including Cameron, was standing afar, staring at them with pure fear.

"Are-" Sierra could barely get the word out before the others charged towards her and Scott.

"Makuta's back!" Ezekiel shouted, looking hysterical. "We have to stop them!"

The finalists screamed and held up their weapons at them, stopping them in their tracks.

"We're not Makuta, you idiot!" Scott shouted, aiming his sharp claws at the others. "Noirwor is playing mind-fuck on you!"

"Scott's right!" Sierra said, pleading with her eyes, "Noirwor is trying to turn you all against us. Please snap out of it!"

"Are they trying to say something?" Zoey asked, her face scrunched in confusion. "It's hard to understand their gurgling sounds."

Eva stepped forward and cracked her knuckles, letting her actions do the talking.

Noirwor stood straight and cackled at the finalists. "While you two undergo your emotional turmoil, I've got other pawns to mess with."

Noirwor transformed into the mutant gopher and burrowed underground, leaving Scott and Sierra surrounded by their former allies.

Cameron flew towards the finalists, only to receive a hit from Sierra's makeshift hammer, launching him backwards. Duncan jumped to a side, missing the bubble boy and watched him crashed to the ground, falling unconscious again. He snapped his head back at the finalists and growled.

"Oh, no, Cameron!" Zoey said, looking concerned for her friend.

"What do we do, Scott?" Sierra whispered to him.

Scott spotted Eva crept closer to him, but she paused when he raised his claws at her. He gulped. Hallucination or not, receiving an ass-kicking from the angry brute would send him into the world of shit.

"We ain't got much choices," He whispered to Sierra, "As long as they're Noirwor's slaves, we're never gonna take the bastard down. We've gotta take them out."

Sierra took one glance at the others and then nodded at Scott. To defeat Noirwor, both finalists must take whatever to succeed.

Scott yelped in surprise when Sierra grabbed his vest and held him up like a shield with his spiky back facing the others.

"Hey!" Scott shouted, staring at Sierra in shock. "What the hell are you-?"

Sierra let out a battle cry and charged towards Duncan and Zoey. Having Scott's spiky back aiming at them had caused the pair to jump back and lose their fighting position. This allowed Sierra to slam her makeshift hammer at Zoey's head.

She ignored the red-head falling unconscious and hitting the ground as she wasted no time dropping her weapon and delivering an uppercut to Duncan's jaws with her fist.

Sierra winced hearing an audible crack while Duncan flew a few feet in the air before crashing into the ground, joining Zoey and Cameron in the 'Unconscious Team'.

"Sierra, look-" Scott tried to warn his ally, but Eva tackled the pair to the ground.

Lucky for Eva and Sierra, Scott's arms were spread out on the ground, sparing the pair from connecting with his deadly gloves.

Eva kneeled on Scott's stomach and Sierra's back and started pummelling the finalists' heads. She went harder when she heard their screams.

Scott's visions were already becoming blurring from Eva's powerful punches. He swiped his claw at her, causing her to stop and lean back to avoid it. He paled when she grabbed his arm.

Right before Eva could snap Scott's arm, Sierra pushed against the ground, making the bodybuilder lose her balance and fell to her side.

The fan-girl scrambled to her feet and grabbed her makeshift hammer nearby. She saw a hand grabbed the handle and the next thing she knew, she had started playing tug-of-war with Eva.

"Let's go!" Sierra shouted.

Eva grunted and tugged.

Scott grunted, trying to unclip his harness since his spiky back was embedded in the ground. He stopped and gasped for air when Ezekiel jumped and sat on his chest.

"You won't win, eh!" Ezekiel said, glaring at him. He looked around the area, looking worried. "Oh, where did Scott and Sierra went? We need them here!"

He didn't notice Scott's removing one of his gloves.

"They're right HERE!" Scott said, slamming a fist across Ezekiel's face.

The home-school student fell off of Scott and landed beside Eva's feet.

Eva felt his presence and glanced behind her, thinking it was another Makuta.

A split-second distraction was all Sierra needed to yank her weapon away and slammed her Army helmet against Eva's head. While Eva stumbled backward and gripped her head, along with Ezekiel's rising to his knees, Sierra unleashed another battle cry and swung her makeshift hammer. It connected with Eva's hips, sending her flying and crashed into Ezekiel. They hit the ground, falling unconscious like the others.

Sierra took a moment to catch her breath.

"Hello!" Scott shouted in annoyance, catching Sierra's attention. He was still fiddling with his harness. "A little help here?"

Sierra put down her weapon and walked over to Scott. She ripped the harness off with a snap, grabbed his normal hand and dragged him to his feet.

Scott turned around, gripped his metal sheet and pulled. While he gritted his teeth and removing it from the ground by inches, Sierra turned to the boys in the distance.

Brick removed his hand on the ground and slowly rose to his feet all while trying to prevent the robot from overworking. Sweats trickled down his face as his motion suit overheated to the point where he felt like being inside a sauna.

"Brick, you've gotta hurry up!" Cody shouted, glancing around the area, worried. "Noirwor could be anywhere!"

"Almost there," Brick muttered to himself, staring at the robot as he straightened his back. He cheered when the machine had finally returned to its standing position. "Alright, men," he said, "We're back in action!"

The ground exploded, sending dirt flying. The boys screamed when they saw the mutant gopher climbed out of the hole and transformed back into Noirwor.

Sierra gasped in horror, seeing the monster stood so close to her boyfriend.

"CODY!" She shrieked. Only a hand gripping her arm stopped her from running towards them. She snapped her head at Scott, snarling like a wolf.

Scott shook away his temporary terror and returned a glare. "You wanna help your boy toy?" he said before pointing at the top of Moats of Doom. "We've gotta get the sword!"

Sierra turned back at the group. Although it was far, she could see Noirwor's snapping its fingers. At this moment, she wanted nothing more than to protect Cody. She then gave a quick glance at the Moats of Doom.

She made up her mind and let out a frustrated groan. She yanked her arm from Scott and then pried off her ally's spiky back off the dirt with ease albeit losing a few of his spikes. She shoved it to his chest and picked up her weapon.

"Let's get moving!" She shouted, heading for the toxic moat.

Confessional: THE EVIL WITHIN!

Sierra: (She gave the camera a hateful glare) Anyone who hurts my boyfriend is going to be destroyed!

Noirwor cackled as it changed from the mutant fly and landed on the robotic monster's head. Gripping onto the robot's fin, it looked down at the boys.

"Hurry!" It shouted. "Both Makutas are going to start climbing the Moats of Doom!"

"Got it, Sierra!" Brick said, hallucinated into believing it was Sierra speaking to him. He started marching on his spot, forcing the monster to walk forward.

Sierra and Scott looked around in a frantic search, trying to ignore the incoming robot behind them.

"There's gotta be something we can use to get across!" Scott said, staring warily at the toxic waste.

"What about these?" Sierra said, pointing at a pair of bamboos on the ground.

Scott picked one and bent it on his knee. It remained sturdy. He hummed in satisfaction.

"Not bad," he said, "We can pole-vault with this."

"Good enough for me!" Sierra said before throwing her 'hammer' to the other side of the moat.

Feeling the ground vibrating harder from the monster's stomping, the finalists held up their bamboos.

"Let's do this!" Scott shouted.

The finalists dashed straight towards the moat and planted their bamboos on the ground. They screamed as they flew over the toxic waste.

Scott crashed onto the wall and groaned. However, he reached the other side safe and sound.

Sierra landed on her feet, only to be teetering on the edge. She screamed and waved her arms, trying to regain her balance. She failed to do so and fell backward. She felt a hand gripping hers and pulled forward, saving her from certain doom. She stared at Scott in surprise, but then showed a grateful smile.

"You saved-" She was interrupted when Scott pushed past her and started climbing the ladder.

"Less yapping," Scott shouted. "More climbing!"

Sierra rolled her eyes and smirked. She picked up her 'hammer' and followed up the ladder one-handed.

Even before reaching the second level, the finalists could feel the imminent heat from the pool of lava.

"It's about time you both got here!" Heather shouted, glaring at the pair. "Did either of you not notice the giant monster?" She gestured to said monster, who was reaching closer to the Moats of Doom every second.

"No, we were too busy smelling flowers-" Scott said in his sarcasm tone before snapping at the queen bee. "Yes, we've noticed the fucking robot! How do we get across?" He asked, staring at the bubbling lava in front of him.

Sierra spotted a pogo-stick laying nearby and ran to it. When she picked it up, a large shadow enveloped her. She screamed, seeing the giant robot towering over her, growling. Noirwor snickered and patted the robot's head.

"Have fun with your new playmate!" Noirwor said before jumping off and transformed into the mutant fly. It fluttered its wings to soften its landing into the toxic waste below. It emerged as its true self once more, scrubbing itself like it was taking a bath. "Ah… better," it said, showing a relaxed smile on its face.

The robotic monster mimicked Brick's action by swiping its singular arm at the finalists. Scott cried out and crouched. Sierra did the same, but the arm hit her 'hammer', knocking it out of her hand and into the toxic waste, deteriorated in an instant.

Sierra ran back to Scott and tilted her upper body.

"Get on my back!" she said, pointing to her back.

Seeing the monster's delivering a backhand towards him, Scott didn't hesitate to wrap his arms and legs around his ally.

Sierra quickly stepped onto the pogo-stick and bounced. She and Scott held their breaths, watching the lizard's arm moved beneath them, hearing it grinding against the ground. The pair launched themselves into the air and avoided the robot's arm again albeit higher this time.

"Fuck this," Heather said, climbing the ladder behind her with one hand still gripping her spear, feeling the chaos was getting too close for her comfort.

"Here we..." Sierra shouted. "Go!"

Hopping for the fifth time, Sierra sent the pogo-stick flying once more and jumped off. She and Scott screamed, feeling the extreme heat as they soared across the lava. Scott's fedora fell off and landed below, incinerating it into ashes at a slight contact. Their combined weights had made them drop quicker.

They grunted when they hit the wall, but Sierra still gripped the ladder on the east side, saving herself and Scott from falling into the moat below.

"Get climbing!" Scott shouted into Sierra's ear, glancing at the robotic monster with fear.

The robot swung its arm at the pair, but they were now out of its reach. Brick noticed it and narrowed his eyes.

"I have to get closer," he muttered to himself before marching.

Noirwor paused washing itself with toxic waste when it spotted the giant robot stepping into the moat and created a mini-wave.

"What the fuck?!" It cried out in alarm, losing its balance and fell back into the moat.

Sierra and Scott reached the third tier when they looked down.

Unless you were a mutant or Noirwor, nothing can withstand the toxic waste, not even robots. Within seconds, the toxic waste was corroding the giant robot. Its lower body weakened and fell forward, crashing into the second tier. Its upper body had caught fires, making direct contact with the lava.

Noirwor resurfaced and its eyes almost popped out of its sockets.

"No! Get the fuck up, you fucking idiot!" Noirwor shouted with a hint of panic in its voice.

The finalists joined up with Heather, Owen, and Larry to watch the fires melting the giant robot's face and the toxic waste spreading its corrosion across its lower body. It was becoming more monstrous than any of them thought it could be.

And then everyone heard a series of cracks.

Just as Noirwor transformed into the mutant frog and teleported, the second tier crumbled underneath the giant robot's weight and the lava spilled into the toxic moat.

The chemical reaction was immediate. The bubbling surface had changed from fiery orange and deadly green into sickly brown. The second tier was emptying its fill and flooding the first tier, overflowing it and reached the ground. The liquid was snaking towards the unconscious humans.

"Oh, no!" Sierra shouted, looking horrified. "The others!"

"We've gotta do something!" Owen said, gripping his hair.

He and Heather cried out when they felt Larry's tentacles wrapped around them and placed them on his fern. The mutant plant let out a roar before propelling himself out of the water with his powerful vines. Owen and Heather screamed as they cringed on to dear life while Larry flew across the horrifying mess occurring below.

He landed with a massive thud beside the unconscious humans. Heather glared up at Larry.

"Give us a warning-OOF!" Heather couldn't continue talking when Larry dumped the unconscious humans onto her and Owen.

With only a few seconds spare, Larry ran to a safe distance away from the deadly chemical.

Knowing her friends would be okay, Sierra exhaled a sigh of relief

"Hey, what about us?" Scott shouted at the group below in annoyance.

"We still need to get the sword, remember?" Sierra said.

Scott opened his mouth to argue when he heard cannon blasting and Noirwor's shouting from the top tier. He and Sierra looked up and then exchanged glances.

"Beth," Scott said, looking worried.

The sudden quake had made the finalists lose their balance and falling into the swamp water. They quickly resurfaced and coughed.

"Now what?" Scott said, bewildered.

Sierra swam over to the edge and looked down. Her pupils had shrunken.

The brown chemical had spread around the Moats of Doom's perimeter, creating its own moat. It splashed against the stone wall. Each moat was designed to carry dangerous substances like lava and toxic waste. Combining them together, on the other hand, was a predicament the producers didn't imagine.

The first tier had vanished and the chemical was halfway through consuming the second. She snapped her head back at Scott.


Scott screamed and swan as fast as he could to reach the ladder on the west side. Sierra followed him, grabbing the spear Heather dropped in the water along the way.

Brick, Noah, and Cody reunited with Larry and the others, finally free from Noirwor's hallucinations. They stared at the sinking Moats of Doom in horror.

Noirwor stood near the crenelated four-arched castle, swatting away the meatballs fired by Beth at the top.

"I won't let you grab the sword!" Beth shouted at the monster.

"You? Stopping me?" Noirwor said, scoffing, "You'll fail."

"What about us?" Sierra said, stepping forward with Scott. They glared at the monster.

Noirwor turned around and the finalists stared at it with horror. It looked even more demonic than either of them thought it could be. Steams still escaping Noirwor, but charcoal colouring spread over most of its green body. Dry cracks were showing, making its body stiff and slumping its shoulders. It became too much for it to shapeshift anymore. The souls within its black lines were becoming quiet.

The monster growled in pain.

"This fucking dome is causing me so much pains," Noirwor said, heaving as if having difficulty breathing. It still didn't prevent it from showing its reptilian grin at the pair. "But sometimes, pain is the ultimate sign of being alive."

Not wanting to waste any more time, Sierra held up her spear, ready to throw it at Noirwor.

She paused when she noticed the illuminated golden surroundings flickered like a dying light bulb.

"Huh?" She said, blinking.

"What?" Scott said, staring up at the dome, which restored to normal, only to flicker again a few seconds later.

Noirwor's rainbow eyes brightened while Beth gasped.

"Oh no!" she said, now fearing for the worst.


Back at the cemetery, the humans and Fang remained in the Unity Circle. Most of them had their eyes opened, becoming impatient from the lack of current actions, and suffering fatigue from previous actions.

"The dome is powering down!" Sam said.

"We can't let it happen!" Gwen shouted. "I really don't want to spend my last moment as a free citizen holding Chris' hand!"

"Hey, I've spent thousands of dollars getting my pedicure!" Chris said, glaring sideways at the goth. His horrific wrinkly self had vanished when the golden dome had arrived. "People would've lined up to kiss it!"

"EW!" Dakotazoid cried out in disgust.

"SHUT UP AND FOCUS!" Fang roared at the others, making those standing nearby whimpered.

"But how do we know if the others had taken down Noirwor?" LeShawna asked.

"We'll know it!" Dawn said, her eyes remained shut. "Keep trying, please!"

Everyone else had followed Dawn and Fang's order and put all their thoughts on keeping the dome up. However, now that the dome had flickered, doubts would creep into their minds, giving them a test of willpower. Hope remained strong, but deep down, each of them uncovered the harsh truth.

Time was running out.

Moats of Doom

Scott and Sierra watched the dome stopped flickering, restoring itself to normal. Hearing hysterical laughter, they snapped their heads at Noirwor, seeing it clutching its stomach. It suddenly paused and gave the pair its unhinged grin.

"I knew it!" It shouted. "Nobody could possibly stay as a sissy unit for long!"

The finalists struggled to maintain their balance as the ground rumbled. The Moats of Doom continue to sink. The deadly chemical had consumed the second tier.

Beth yelped when she crashed into the wall. She felt her grip on her bazooka loosened. The weight of her weapon had made it futile for her to hold it anymore.

"No!" She cried out, helplessly watching her bazooka slammed onto the ground beside Noirwor, making a loud clanging sound.

Seeing Sierra's throwing her spear at it, Noirwor picked up the bazooka with little struggle and held it in front of it. Its smirk widened when it felt its new shield deflecting the girl's weapon and watched it flew off the moat and then disappeared into the deadly chemical below.

Sierra groaned, not thrilled of losing her last weapon.

"Sorry, guys!" Beth called out to them, looking ashamed.

Noirwor snickered as it tossed the bazooka overboard, letting the chemical to destroy it in contact. "Won't be needing that," it said, looking back at the finalists.

Scott and Sierra walked backward, feeling fear and despair grew in their footsteps. Noirwor sneered and shook its head.

"You're leaving?" Noirwor said before gesturing to its surroundings. "Where the fuck are you gonna go?! And besides, does either of you think it's wise to run from the finale?"

The finalists reached near the edge. They could hear bubbling sounds becoming louder as the Moats of Doom continue to sink.

Sierra gave a quick glance to Scott.

"Split up!" She whispered to her ally.

Before Scott could say anything, Sierra sprinted around the top tier's left side. He immediately caught onto her plan and charged around the right side.

Noirwor's binge-watching routines had allowed it to discover every contestant's strengths and weaknesses. Knowing she could easily remove the sword than her opponent, it moved towards Sierra at a shockingly fast pace.

Sierra couldn't stop herself from running into Noirwor's right arm. The next thing she knew, she was lying on the floor, her head throbbing and her arms gripping over her stomach.

Listening to Sierra's groaning was music to Noirwor's ear as it snapped its head behind it, seeing Scott's reaching for the sword.

He lay his fingers on the handle before Noirwor slammed its side at him, sending him sliding into the wall. He cried out in pain, feeling pain rushing up his back.

Noirwor cackled, watching Sierra and Scott lying on the floor, both struggling to get back up.

"I won't kill either of you, but that doesn't mean I won't hurt-HEY!" Noirwor felt a sudden weight landed on its back, almost sending it to its knees.

Beth wrapped her arms around Noirwor's thick neck, trying to strangle it. She then felt a hand gripping her ponytail and yanked her off, her crown falling off her head. She flailed in the air, whimpering as her hairs were threatened to be removed from her scalp. The coloured drained from her face, staring directly at Noirwor.

"You're not a finalist this time," Noirwor said, its rainbow eyes peering into the girl's soul. "STAY OUT OF IT!" He roared at her.

It threw her off the Moats of Doom. Beth closed her eyes and hugged herself, bracing for an agonising death awaited her inside the deadly chemical. She felt something grabbed her waist and pulled forward. Slowly, she opened her eyes, now lying on the ground with Larry removing his vines from her. When she sat up, Cody ran over to her.

"Beth, are you okay?" He asked, placing his hand on his friend's shoulder.

"Being on this show, y-you'd think you'd be used to near-death experiences by now," Beth said, trembling. "But you don't."

"We've gotta help Scott and Sierra now!" Brick said before turning to the mutant plant. "Larry, throw me to them!"

"And me!" Cody said, standing up, determined to help out his possible girlfriend.

"And risk both of you falling into the toxic waste from hell?" Noah said, "That's a terrible idea!"

"Even if you'd help them out, how are you all going to get off the sinking ship?" Heather asked.

"More like a sinking moat," Owen said, watching the Moats of Doom's second-tier disappeared beneath the deadly chemical. He glanced at the others, his eyes filled with concern and hesitation. "Guys, I really don't wanna be a downer, but… I don't think we can help them this time. They're on their own."

Hearing this from one of the happiest and cheerful contestants in the show, they knew this was serious. They were an audience now, and all they could do was to watch the dramatic finale and hope for the best.

Sierra rose to her hands and knees, gritting her teeth in pain. She couldn't stop herself from groaning.

"This is almost as bad as being hit with a Swedish meatball," she muttered, placing a hand to her stomach.

She cried out, feeling a hand grabbing her ankle and yanked her into the air. She now found herself dangling upside-down, staring at Noirwor.

"'Almost'?" Noirwor said, insulted. "How rude." It waved its fingers at her. "How about now?" it said, giving her a lecherous grin.

Noirwor's limited powers poured into Sierra's mind and she started screaming and gripping her stomach. It dropped her to the ground, letting her bawling her eyes out, feeling like her stomach was being set on fires.

Still sporting its devilish grin, Noirwor turned around to face Scott. It barely had time to react when Scott slammed his back to its chest. The pair fell to the ground and Scott's weight had impaled his spiky back into the monster's chest deeper, making it screamed louder.

Noirwor quickly pushed Scott off of it, stood and slammed its foot into his left arm. If one listened carefully, they could hear bones cracking into pieces.

The dirt farmer let out an agonising scream as Noirwor grabbed his non-injured arm and lifted his feet from the ground. It ripped off his harness, removed his spiky back and then, roaring with rage, it threw it overboard. Like the other weapons, it disappeared into the deadly chemical, which enveloped the third moat.

Noirwor slammed Scott against the castle wall, causing the human to cry out in great pain. Never decaying its glare nor loosen its grip on Scott, it yanked out the steel pipe still stuck into its bleeding chest. It growled in pain and then embedded said pipe into the castle wall inches from Scott's head. Its jade blood leaked from its new holes and started pooling the floor beneath it.

"That was fucking uncalled for," Noirwor said, snarling.

Still trembling from adrenaline and great fear, Scott returned a hateful glare.

"H-hurt, isn't it?" he said, "N-not so fun when it's h-happened to you, huh?"

Noirwor responded by slamming Scott against the wall once more, making him scream again.

"You know, it's rather surprising you two had worked together to get this far," Noirwor said, glancing at Sierra on the ground before looking back at Scott. Disgust appeared on its face. "It's pathetic. It's a free for all in this finale! Why did you help her? Haven't you forgotten she's the reason Fang showed up in your life?" At this point, It would've transformed its face into Fang's, but it needed to conserve its energy for much as it can until the dome disappeared.

Scott whimpered. Each time Noirwor questioned him, its arm pressed against his chest further. He could feel his ribs were moments away from receiving the same fate as his arm. He breathed through his teeth and maintained his glare.

"Yes, she fucking sucks," Scott said, scowling, "But you've reached the top of my shit list."

With his non-injured slightly free, he jammed his hand into one of Noirwor's leaking hole and spread his fingers, widening said hole.

Noirwor screamed and threw Scott. It scrambled backward, placing its claws to the holes on its chest, trying to stop the bleeding.

The dirt farmer crashed to the floor and rolled until he landed beside Sierra. He groaned and stared at his ally.

"TURN IT OFF!" The finalists feel the vibration on the floor. They glanced at Noirwor, who was giving the golden dome its psychotic glare.

"TURN THE FUCKING DOME OFF!" Noirwor screamed as its eyes twitched. Bloods still leaking through its claws. "YOU WON'T KEEP IT UP FOREVER! I REFUSE TO LET THOUSANDS OF YEARS OF WAITING TO GO TO WASTE!"

The pair continued watching Noirwor's ranting.

"It's… losing it," Scott said, crawling over to the sword in the stone using his good arm.

Sierra moaned but she forced herself to grab the castle wall. "It'll die if it keeps bleeding," she said, tears still staining her face.

"But we can't…" Scott said, climbing the stone, using the sword's handle to pull himself up. "Wait that long."

Once Sierra brought herself to her feet. She pushed against the wall and propelled her. She tripped but manage to grab the sword's handle on time. "Agree," she said, speaking through her teeth.

When Scott and Sierra stood, they glanced at Noirwor. It was too occupied ranting to notice either of them. They looked at each other.

They narrowed their eyes and exchanged a nod. They started tugging the sword together. They refrained from making a sound to prevent Noirwor from hearing them.

The peanut gallery spotted the finalists and let out a silent gasp.

"Come on, guys," Brick whispered, urging the finalists on.

Scott and Sierra couldn't stop the noises through their teeth. Their legs began to buckle. They were fighting against the pain with what little energy they had left in their systems. Everything they've overcome this season; the never-ending pains, the dangerous challenges, the heartbreaking drama, the shattering eliminations. It all came down to this moment.

Just as they've loosened the sword, the pain became too much for one of them. They lost their grips on the sword and fell. The person left standing was able to stay on their feet and remove the weapon from the stone.

Noirwor panted, feeling weaker every second blood pouring out from its body. And yet, its usual unhinged grin spread across its face, watching the dome flickering again. It let out a weak chuckle.

"I win," Noirwor whispered to itself. "I WIN!" It screamed at the dome.

Noirwor let out a rough gasp and arched its back. It slowly looked down and for once, its eyes were filled with fear. A blade was sticking out of its chest, soaking with its blood. It withdrew before the monster could grab it.

"No, I win," The disembodied voice said, growling.

Noirwor snapped its head behind it, snarling at the person with pure hatred. It was the last thing it could do before the sword reached for its neck and disconnected it from its body.

Everything became silent and in slow motion. There was no screaming in outrage. No more blood spilling onto the floor. Everyone stared at Noirwor's decapitated head flying across the sky, looking stunned.

Noirwor's body lowered to its knees and fell forward. However, like the monsters in the cemetery, it scattered into ashes before it could hit the floor. Its head was a different story.

It began to glow in white light. By the time it reached the floor, it changed back into what it used to be before Total Drama existed. As a coconut.

The sword holder watched the coconut bounced on the floor until it rolled into a stop. They panted, lowering their weapon. They raised it when they saw the coconut glowed again.

This time, it flashed a ring. It reacted like the golden dome, expanding until it covered the entire island. The winner jolted in shock as if they were a battery fully recharged. Any stain or injury they had on themselves had vanished as if they've never appeared.

The peanut gallery stared at their surroundings in awe. The dull grey ground had returned to lively green. The trees restored to normal, resuming its role to inhale carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen. The ocean had returned to beautiful blue, allowing for sea creatures to swim in peace. By that point, the golden dome had gone down again, allowing everyone to see the clouds dispersing. The sun cast its blissful light onto the island, informing the inhabitants that the land was free of darkness. They stared back at the person standing on the Moats of Doom.

The sword – no longer covered in Noirwor's blood – glinted in the afternoon's light. The person's holding it had stood stiff and their eyes almost popped out of their sockets. They had never felt more alive than they did in their life.


Sierra let the sword slipped from her hands and it clattered on the floor. She looked at her surroundings like she was in a dream.

The peanut gallery stared at her until Owen raised his fists in the air and unleashed his famous cheer.

"WOO-HOO!" Owen shouted, sporting a massive grin. "SHE DID IT!"

Everyone else joined Owen in celebration. The humans were hugging and cheering while Larry stomped around in joy.

Sierra remained in disbelief as Scott walked over to her, rubbing his arm.

"Holy shit," he muttered in surprise. "My arm is all healed up!" He noticed Sierra hadn't moved an inch. Raising a brow, he shook her shoulders. "Sierra? Still alive in there?"

Jolted by Scott's contact, Sierra shook her head and blinked. She looked at him. "What just happened?"

Scott stared at her, jaws dropped. "Have you seriously forgotten already? You took down Noirwor! You won!"

And that when reality kicked in for Sierra. Her body trembled and a massive grin spread across her face.

She had won Total Drama All-Stars.

Her ecstatic scream almost blew out Scott's hearing and her bear-gripped hug almost crushed his ribs.

"I WON!" She shouted, spinning around. "I WON! I WON! I-"

A sudden rumble interrupted everyone's celebration. They turned and gasped. The island may be restored to normal, but there was nothing preventing the Moats of Doom from sinking. The third tier had vanished. The pair had minutes at best before the chemical would flood the top tier.

"Oh, yeah," Scott said, "WE'RE STILL FUCKING TRAPPED!" He shouted directly into Sierra's ear.

Sierra cried out and dropped Scott. She rubbed her ears as she looked around for something to use to escape. "We need to get out of here!"

Scott groaned and slouched his shoulders. "Just my luck. We won against the Devil itself and life still wants to fuck with us." He snapped his head upward. "God, If you're listening to this, fuck you!" He flipped the birds at the sky.

His eyes widened when he spotted a mysterious black blob in the sky, approaching the Moats of Doom. It appeared to be in the shape of a hand. Believing he may have angered the Lord, Scott screamed and hid behind Sierra,

"I'm sorry!" He shouted. "I'll take it back!"

Sierra hovered her hand over her eyes and squinted. "Hold on..."

As the giant hand moved closer, Sierra let out a gasp and squealed. "It's my Twitter army!" she said.

The mysterious force had revealed itself as a herd of pigeons and doves. The same group Sierra had recruited to deliver messages to the fans moreover than a week ago. Nobody had seen them since the interns had launched them away in a catapult. Through the power of teamwork, the Twitter army had freed themselves and now had returned to fulfil their duty. It became a rescue mission from the moment they've spotted Sierra and someone else stranded on top of the sinking stone structure.

Before either finalist would know it, they were lifted into the air by hundreds of tiny talons digging into their clothes. And just in time too as the deadly chemical had now devoured the last of the Moats of Doom.

The Twitter army had brought the pair to the ground, allowing for the cheerful peanut gallery to surround them and hoisted them into the air.

"You guys were amazing!" Beth said, clapping for both finalists.

"Your teamwork was incredible!" Cameron said, grinning.

"Eh, there are worse winners we could've had," Heather said, arms folded, but showed a small smirk.

Cody cheered until a dove dropped a crown into his hands. He grinned and held it up to Sierra. "I believe this crown belongs to you," he said.

Smiling, Sierra picked up the crown and placed it on her head, establishing her reputation as the newest Total Drama's winner. She let out a cheer, which made the crowd cheer louder.

"You know, for an Uber Bitch, nice kill," Scott said, letting a smirk crept upon his face.

Sierra gave him a smirk of her owns. "Is that a compliment I hear?" she said, teasingly.

"No, you're still under Noirwor's hallucination," Scott said in a deadpan tone.

The crowd laughed as they embraced the well-deserved victory they've fought so hard for throughout today.

Nearby, a pigeon dropped a coconut concealing the malevolent spirit to the ground like a piece of trash.

Confessional: Ah, finally! I'm back to normal!

Sierra: (Sitting in the now restored confessional with starry eyes, she squeed) OMG! I can't believe it! I've won! I've won a Total Drama's season! (She gasped and clasped her hands, grinning) I can put a winner status on my wikia page. BEST DAY EVER! (She unleashed an ecstatic scream, causing for cracks to appear on the camera lens)

Scott: (He gave the camera an annoyed glare) We'd better be given a reward for saving the universe. (He holds out his hand, flashing the camera his greedy smirk) I'll take five million dollars.


The entire cast was reunited at the campground, all back in their regular attires and sporting zero injuries during the final challenge. There were only a few things left to do before they can wrap the season up.

"Sierra, after reviewing the footages," Chris said, giving Sierra his grand grin. "I'm thrilled to announce that you are our All-Stars' winner!"

The former contestants cheered and clapped while Cody whistled and Scott looked indifference.

"Here you go, Sierra," Chris said, gesturing to the five metal briefcases in Chef's hands. "Five million dollars is now yours!"

Sierra grinned and clapped. She picked up two briefcases and walked over to Heather and Owen. She held out the briefcases to them. "Here's your money!" she said, smiling.

"Huh?!" Owen and Heather said in unison, staring at her in disbelief.

"Sierra, what are you doing?" Cameron asked.

"Giving them the money they've deserved," Sierra said to Cameron before looking back at Owen and Heather. "Both of you won, but you've never gets to take them home, so I'm fixing that problem right now."

Heather snatched a briefcase from Sierra and grinned at it. "YES!" She pulled Sierra into a hug. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

"This is awesome!" Owen said, wrapping his arms around the girls with his humongous grin. "We can finally have our yacht party!"

The cast cheered.

"Owen, we've already had one at the start of last season, remember?" Noah pointed out, smirking.

Owen paused, thinking back to the red yacht he and the original cast rode on to host their party. "Oh, yeah," he said before smiling again. "Yacht party part two!"

The contestants cheered once more.

"Oh, wow!" Zoey said, looking giddy. "I've never been to a yacht party!"

Mike chuckled. "Me neither," he said, smiling at Zoey.

Heather let out a grin, preparing to open her briefcase she noticed Alejandro's standing too close to her, sharing the same greediness in his eyes. She scowled and pushed him back.

"Hands off, poser!" She shouted. "I won season three. Not you."

Frowning, Alejandro rolled his eyes and took a step back, allowing Heather to open her briefcase. Pure shock appeared on her face as she discovered what lay inside.

"What the-?" she said before her face reddened. She turned her open briefcase to Chris. "This briefcase is full of bricks!"

The host snickered. "Okay, I'll bite," he said, "The producers had gotten sick of having the prize money keep going to waste. We'll just wire it into Sierra's bank account."

"Don't worry, I've already know your bank numbers," Sierra whispered to Heather and Owen, making the pair felt uncomfortable with her knowing their personal information.

Sierra walked over to Scott, who frowned at her.

"You're here to rub it in my face?" Scott said before scoffing and looked away. "Then zip it. I don't wanna hear it."

"If I was you, Scott," Sierra said, returning a frown. "I'd be nicer to someone who'd be willing to give you the cut of the money."

Scott snapped his head at her, eyes widened. "Say what now?" His voice was noticeably higher.

"I couldn't have taken down Noirwor if it wasn't for you. And asshole or not, you've been through a lot this season. So would a hundred grand be sufficed for you?"

Scott wrapped his arms around the winner, giving her a grateful grin. "Thank you! Thank-!" He shouted before he felt a pair of hands reached his chest.

"Hold it!" Sierra said before pushing Scott to the ground. "Before I'd do that, I need something from you." She narrowed her eyes at him. "You know what I'm talking about, right?"

Scott scrunched his face in confusion. Sierra had already claimed the title and three million. What else did she needed-oh. He instantly realised what she was referring to. It was something she desired for most of the season. One more obstacle to overcome before either of them could leave the island in a clean state.

The crowd held in their breaths as Scott glared up at Sierra.

Everyone watched in surprise when Scott clung onto Sierra's legs.

"I'm sorry, okay?" He shouted, showing feign guilt. "I'm sorry for punching you in the face! I'm sorry for blaming you for everything Fang-related! And I'm sorry for being an idiot for expecting you to apologise to me when you don't need to!" He looked up at her with a bored expression on his face. "How's that?" He asked.

Sierra smiled at him and patted his head like a good pet obeying its owner. "Was that's so hard?" She asked.

Confessional: Classic Scott!

Scott: (He showed his devious smirk to the camera) Mock me all you'd like. I've just made the easiest one hundred grand ever. Hah!

"So with how everything that had happened this season, does that mean Total Drama has to be cancelled?" DJ asked, his eyes filled with the hope of never having to compete again.

As usual, Chris shredded these hopes to pieces when he burst out laughing.

"As if!" The host said, grinning. "The producers called me earlier and told me they were so happy with the finale, they wanna go straight into a new season with an all-new cast!"

"I pity the new cast already," Gwen muttered.

"You're not hosting the new season here, right?"

Recognising the growling tone in his voice, the cast turned and gasped. Fang and Douglas stood in front of the entire mutant community. None of them were sporting bulging stomachs as the mutant shark had mentioned earlier.

"You're all okay!" Dawn said, running over to Douglas and hugged him.

"Only because of you all," Douglas said, returning the hug and showing a grateful smile.

"You didn't answer my question, Chris," Fang said, scowling at the host, who shook his head.

"It won't take place here," Chris said, "The producers were actually in a meeting with the government. They're going to ban the public from ever coming to Wawanakwa."

"Good," Fang said.

"So where's next season is gonna be?" Sam asked.

Chris chuckled. "It's a secret," he said, winking.

"Erm, guys, we've still got a problem," Owen said, pulling out Mr. Coconut, which had its face and hair again.

Everyone screamed and took a step back.

"Burn it with fires!" Emerald shouted, looking terrified.

Chris walked over to Owen and picked up Mr. Coconut. "That reminds me," he said before staring up at the sky. "They should here by- oh, here they are!" He grinned.

Everyone looked up, seeing a Chinook approaching the island until it hovered right above them. A door slid opened and a long rope thrown to the ground. A muscular man wearing the SWAT outfit slid down the rope, dropping beside the host.

"You've got the package?" The commander shouted over the whirling sound.

Chris passed Mr. Coconut to the man. "Right here!" he said.

The commander pulled out a tiny cage from his rucksack and then put Mr. Coconut inside. After shutting it with a lock, he pressed his fingers to his earpiece. "I've got the package! I repeat, I've got the package!" He shouted to his earpiece.

Putting the cage back into his rucksack, the commander grabbed the rope and then helicopter began to pull away, carrying the man. The instant the helicopter disappeared from their sight, everyone felt a much-desired relief. They would never see Noirwor again.

"It looks like everything's all worked out!" Sierra said. She stopped smiling when she noticed Scott's stepping behind her, looking afraid.

"Sierra?" Scott said, gulping.

Sierra turned and her body felt cold. It was difficult for her to look away from Fang's glare. The mutant shark had been the source of her conflict with Scott. Both still remembered how Fang wouldn't give up until he had eaten them.

Everyone stared at the mutant shark. Curiosity for the mutants while nervousness for the humans. Surely, after everything they've all been through, he still not obsessed with getting his revenge, right?

Fang began to speak.

"You two still pissed me off," he said, growling. "I would've love to have you in my stomach."

Sierra and Scott took a step back, getting ready to run in an instant. They eased up when they saw Fang exhaled a sigh.

"However, you've saved my people," he said, stern. "I won't forget it. So for once, I'll let you go."

Before Sierra and Scott could express their gratitude to Fang for giving them mercy, the mutant shark started shouting.

"As of now, you humans are forbidden from ever setting foot on this island!" he said, staring at every human in the eyes. "Break the rule, and we'll break every bone in your bodies!"

On cue, the mutants behind him unleashed a series of roar. The humans screamed and quickly headed for the large red yacht by the dock.

Fang snickered. Despite his recent trauma with Noirwor, his joy of terrorising humans had never dulled. He felt something gripping his hand and looked down. His heart jumped a little when he saw Douglas gave him a proud smile.

The mutant shark returned a small smile of his own and close his hand over Douglas'.

Confessional: (Sob) This is the last confessional… I'm going to miss this show...

Sierra: Here we are. The last confessional of the season. It's totally weird. It's like I've said this morning, it may be a shorter season, and yet, it feels like I've been here for years. And it feels much more personal as well. (She shrugged) Eh, must be because of Noirwor. Even as Total Drama's number one fan, I don't know how long this show can carry on, but knowing the producers, they'll probably want to stretch this to twenty seasons.

(She was silent for a moment) I don't think I want to come back. Watching this show is so much fun, but competing is a whole different story. I mean, I'm going to be funding therapies for every contestant. (She chuckled before showing a thousand-yards stare) We're really messed up. (She snapped out of it a moment later and smiled) Anyway, coming back after winning would totally taint the experiences. Everything feels right for a change.

This show had changed my life in more ways than one. I've got to win two million and nine hundred thousand dollars, meet amazing friends, and I'm going on a date with Cody! (She let out a quiet squeal) Whether you're watching this on TV or from reading someone's fanfiction, thanks for joining us. It means everything. (She wiped away a tear trickling down her face)

Wawanakwa, an island where it all began for the show was becoming smaller every second the yacht drove across the ocean. In this special moment, there was only one way to savour it.

"Yacht party part two!" Owen said, doing the running man with Mike, while Izzy was performing the rattlesnake dance nearby.

The contestants cheered as they get their parties on. Chris stood on the bow by the edge of the rail, watching Wawanakwa island. He exhaled a quiet sigh before facing the camera with his usual grin.

"Well, that's it for our very first All-Stars season," he said, "But, don't worry, we're coming back with a brand new cast! And a brand new island too." He whispered before chuckling. "Until next time, I'm-"

A metal briefcase flew at the host's head, knocking him over the rail. The sound of his scream and splash was heard.

Sierra ran over to his spot, grinning at the camera. "I'm Sierra! And this has been Total! Drama! All-Stars!" She ended the season with as much gusto and grandeur in her voice as Chris had done in the past.

The contestants cheered and laughed over witnessing one last humiliating karma towards their sadistic host before season five had come to an end.


Scott: N/A

Sierra: N/A


Scott: Automatic Elimination

Sierra: Claimed Victory

Winner – Sierra

Runner Up – Scott

Merge – Courtney (3rd Place), Brick (4th Place), Mike/Mal (5th Place), Trent (6th Place), Eva (7th Place), Gwen (8th Place), Zoey (9th Place), Duncan (10th Place).

Pre-Merge – Jo (11th Place), Ezekiel (12th Place), Dawn (13th Place), Alejandro (14th Place), Cameron (15th Place), Heather (16th Place), Lindsay (17th Place), Lightning (18th Place), Owen (19th Place).

(I collapsed in heaps in my bed and let out a massive sigh) Finally. It's over...

It really is. I've actually completed a 500,000+ words fanfiction. Oh, my God…

Anyway, now that I've snapped out of my shock, it's time to get on to my final author's note!


This story's true villain. Quite insane to be able to create someone like this guy. When I've started the remake, I didn't plan for it to appear. However, it changed way back in episode two when Lightning came across a monster on Boney Island. And then I thought to myself; what if there was a supernatural monster affecting the competition? The next thing I knew, I've incorporated it into the story.

I wanted my villain to be cruel, but also to be influenced by Total Drama enough to change it into an obsessed fan. I made Mr. Coconut as its former identity because I thought it'd be fun to have an inanimate food to conceal an evil being. And technically, nobody was allowed to compete on All-Stars unless they were a previous contestant. I couldn't make a final three finale for Courtney because I've already had one for Noirwor/Mr. Coconut.

I'm proud of how it's turned out, but at the same time, I could've make Noirwor better. It did allow me to write a mystery character for the first time, which was a fun and learning experience.


With Mal's the game's main villain, and Noirwor's the story's main villain, Scott would be given a secondary antagonist role.

When I've watched the canon All-Stars, I thought it was unrealistic that he would make full recovery so quick after his condition in season four's finale. Inspired by a picture I've found on deviantART, I had him back in the game with a weaker body. I've simmered down his dumb farmer role and kept most of his devious side.

I wasn't expecting it, but I've become rather fond of him. His no filter attitude and devious personality had made him fun to write. He also gave me a lot of materials to work with. His weaker body had made it difficult for him to dominate the physical aspect of the competition. And his previous performance in season four had put him low on the totem pole. These two situations had forced him to change his strategies such as: forming an alliance with Mal and cease sabotaging his own team.

And while it took a long time to finish the story, he benefited the most from the delayed process. In a very early draft, he was supposed to be eliminated with Cameron in episode five. I've quickly let him stayed until the final five. In the past, I wanted to have three medivacs. I was going to have Mal to eliminate Scott by getting into a fight with him and then it would end with Scott's falling off the cliff.

By now, I've realised it was completely ridiculous. Three medivacs? What was I thinking?

It wasn't until I've written episode twelve or thirteen when I've decided to make him a finalist. I believe he fitted the role than Brick could ever hope to be.

I couldn't let him win, especially not after how he treated Sierra throughout the competition. Having him lose to his biggest enemy would be karma. Better than being trapped in the Trauma Chair, right?

I'm truly glad to be able to keep him all the way to the end. He was a worthy villain.


Like Courtney, she had suffered one of the biggest derailments out of everyone. Any development she had in World Tour went out of the window. Sure, it was okay for her to miss Cody, but not to the point where her character revolved around Cody! The canon All-Stars had wasted an opportunity to develop her. It would've been the perfect time to show the viewers the side of her we haven't seen before. And the writers blew it.

Luckily, this story came to the rescue and transformed her into one of my favourites. With Cody out of the way, it allowed for her genre-savvy side to show up more. She played some major roles such as; exposing Mal to everyone and investigating the mystery regarding Noirwor.

Her conflict with Scott and Fang was inspired by a conversation I saw on DeviantART where they discussed Sierra's slamming the shark in World Tour's finale. One person once mentioned how that shark could've been Fang, who went to Wawanakwa to seek revenge on her. And that's when the storyline was created.

Now I had something to confess. Remember in chapter thirty where I've mentioned Courtney's elimination was difficult? It was because, for a long time, I had planned her to be the winner. Having her wins make sense at the time. She had storylines that could take her all the way to the end. She was one of the original contestants.

And she would match Survivor Heroes vs. Villains' tag lines. Return. Revenge. Redemption.

Courtney returned for the fourth time. She sought revenge on those who wronged her. And she received redemption.

It would've been perfect, right? It'd all changed when I've finished writing the penultimate challenge. Scott would've won the challenge and even after Sierra tried her hardest to convince him, he would bring Courtney to the finale. But it didn't feel right because I remembered the advice a friend of mine gave to me when he read my story. He said I've tended to force certain moments to happen rather than letting it flow. He was right. It wasn't flowing I've tried to write a scene with Courtney and Scott. However, when I've let Sierra wins instead, everything clicked.

And so, all my thoughts of having Courtney's winning while writing the story went down the toilet. (Literally!)

I had hesitated to bring Sierra to the finale because having her and Scott as a final two would've made her a predictable winner due to all the time Scott was being a shit. I've stopped caring because that's the direction the story was heading and I shouldn't intervene with the flow.

Whether you love my Sierra or not, writing her had been one of the most pleasurable parts of this story. She's a true All-Stars winner in my eyes.


I've made a lot of mistakes in this story, especially near the beginning. I'd cringed to read my earlier episodes thanks to my poor writing skills. Thank goodness I was able to improve during the journey. That's why I won't be editing them because I want to remind myself how far I had come since I've started over six years ago.

That still doesn't mean there are things I would've like to fix. For one, the Non-Stars twists. The main purpose was to bring Brick, Eva, Ezekiel, and Dawn into the game. That shouldn't be the only reason for it. I could've raise the stakes higher for these four. Every elimination they'd attend, they would automatically receive a vote. They knew by now that a single vote can be all they needed to be eliminated. If any of them somehow wins the game, they would earn double the prize money. (Of course, this means it could've been ten million, but I'd doubt the producers would give them that much money)

I hated how I've written Lightning in episode two. I can understand being bitter to his lost in season four's finale, but that wasn't an excuse for him to become a psychopath and try to harm Cameron. Writing Lightning in the final episode made me realised I've actually enjoyed writing him. So Lightning's fans, if you're reading this, I'm sorry.


I will forever be grateful for writing Total Drama All-Stars: Remake. It had upped my writing skills to the point I didn't believe I could have. It had improved my English skills which can help me a lot in real life. Every writer's block I've received, I've managed to overcome it. I didn't think I could finish this story, but I did it. I'm truly proud of myself for completing it despite my disabilities.

This is my last fanfiction. I won't be writing anymore on this site because I want to pursue better things in life. One of them is to write a novel.

I have nothing more to say but to say thank you. Thank you for reading Total Drama All-Stars: Remake. It's an experience I'll remember for the rest of my life.

Be safe and take care.

xebla aka Alex Brown.

Noirwor: (It remained dormant as Mr. Coconut)

Scott: (He showed a devilish smirk) Review if you know what's good for ya.

Sierra: (She smiled and waved) And thank you for reading this story!