Warning: This story will have yaoi (BoyxBoy love). If that isn't your fancy or you just hate this couple Kindly either:

A. Hit the back Button

B. Be brave, read the story and try your best to ignore the yaoi-ness

C. Understand it's my story and that no matter what you say, I won't change my story to match your views

D. Have an awesome day and NOT flame/troll

E. Do all of the Above but A

A/N – So, I decided to re-write this story. I originally wrote it when I was half asleep and ready to go to bed. I guess I should have waited until after I woke up from my nap to re-read it and see all the mistakes I made. I had some help from Twisted List. She beta read my story and helped me out a lot. Please check her out. She's an amazing writer. By the way, this is Twisted List's warning. Please ask her if you want to use it. Enjoy!

Visiting Hours

It had been almost a year since Red made his first trip up to Mt. Silver – and Green wasn't too sure he agreed with the silent champion's decision to travel up there. Green was worried about him. Red had stopped coming down to visit about two months ago. Green scoffed at his worried self. Why would he worry about his rival? It was stupid that he was thinking that way – yet somehow he couldn't stop thinking about Red.

"Mister Green, can we please battle now?" A young voice snapped Green out of his thoughts. He turned to see a little boy with an irritated look on his face.

"Yeah. Sure, kid," Green sighed and took out his Pokeballs. During the entire battle, Green couldn't stop thinking about Red. The silent boy drifted through his mind – and Green couldn't get him out.

As the kid's Gyarados was trying to use the move hydro pump on Green's Arcanine, the Gyarados missed and ended up drenching Green. The young gym leader was so distracted by his thoughts that he screamed when the water hit him, forcing him to the ground. He slid across the floor and crashed into a wall. Water got into his nose and mouth and he tried to cough it all up.

"Hey, kid! You need to be careful! I could have drowned and died!" Green shouted out in anger as he continued to cough. The young boy cringed and bowed his head quickly.

"Sorry Mister Green!" the boy shouted back, running up to Green and helping him up.

During the rest of the battle, Green tried to stay focused, but he failed - being dowsed with freezing cold water and having something on your mind can really take its toll. He ended up losing the battle - but he didn't care.

The boy cheered as his Gyarados defeated Green's last Pokemon. Green sighed and handed the little boy a badge.

"Here you go, kid. The Earth Badge. Congratulations," Green mumbled. The boy took his badge and ran out of the gym. Green turned to his pokemon and returned them back into their pokeballs.

That was the last person Green had to battle for the day. He walked to his office and sat down in his chair, putting his head in his hands. All day, he had been worrying about Red. He couldn't get the damn man out of his mind. Green knew that he had an attraction to Red before, but he never thought it would be this severe. And then he thought of seeing Red up at Mt. Silver; running up to the raven-haired boy and pulling him into a very much needed warm embrace. Then, he would push Red's hair behind his ear and kiss his forehead gently.

Wait, what? Why am I thinking about that?! Green thought to himself, his face burning up intensely. Red and I are both men. We can't just... NO! That's just wrong! Maybe it's because you haven't gotten laid in such a long time. That's probably why. Green organized some files at his desk to calm his nerves before turning to a machine and placing his Pokeballs into it. The machine flashed for a couple of seconds and stopped. Green grabbed his Pokeballs and placed them back into his belt. He was glad that he had a healing machine in his office. It was better than having to walk to the poke-center after each match. Green left the small room and locked the door. He made his way to the gym doors and left the building after locking it.

On Green's walk home, he had some time to think to himself to see why he was thinking of Red in such an intimate way. Could he have been gay? It was a possibility. It wasn't the first time he had thought of Red in that kind of way before. When he would see Red alone, just wondering Kanto, he'd push him up against a wall and make a smug remark about his PokeDex and how far he had gotten. He would have to immediately pull away from Red due to a certain blood rush to his lower "friend." Touching is what really made Green feel close to someone. Even though he hated Red's guts, Green would always try to get physically close with Red.

Green sighed, trying to shake the memories from his head. Maybe he did have a thing for Red. Maybe he actually did care… but why? Why would he care for someone who he's supposed to hate? Maybe it was a hate/love connection? Maybe Green hated Red so much that he loved him. Green sighed and ran his hand over his face. It was too much – Red wasn't here but he was physically wearing Green out. Green's mind wandered back to Red – and he started to wonder about Red and how he could stay up on that mountain for so long.

"He must always be well-prepared for anything, I guess," Green mumbled out, not entirely sure he felt satisfied with his own conclusion. Green stopped for a second and leaned against a nearby tree. Red sure wasn't the same ever since he started going to Mt. Silver though – but what exactly was so different about Red now? Green huffed and stared up at the sky – the dark abyss was exploding with bright light.

"I wonder if Red is looking up at this very same sky too," Green mumbled out as he continued to let his mind wander about Red. Green started to focus on his looks – Average, pale, slim body, with glossy jet-black hair – and his eyes were so dark and red, as if they were hiding secrets. Green shook his head in confusion. That description didn't seem to fit him though for reason – but that was how Red was supposed to look. He tried to think of other characteristics Red had, but none came to mind.

Then, Green realized something. Whenever Red came back to Pallet Town, he would always shove his face with food like he hadn't eaten in years. He would always come back with slightly blue skin. Is Red not even taking care of himself?! Maybe the reason he hasn't come back down is because he was too stupid to take care of himself and he died? Or maybe a wild Pokemon attacked him in his sleep and ate him!

Green had to check up on Red. He had to make sure that he was okay. Green needed to bring Red back to Pallet Town and never let him leave or put himself in that kind of danger again. Red's mother would probably agree with Green to make him stay. She's always worried about him, but she was more vocal about it than Green.

Green walked into his house and ignored Daisy's greeting. He walked straight upstairs and into his bedroom, where he pulled out a backpack and started to pack things in it. Then, he heard a voice coming from his bedroom door.

"Green, what are you doing?" Daisy asked quickly, standing at the doorway. Green looked back at his sister and noticed her concerned look.

"I'm going to leave for a couple of days. I'm going to get Red and bring him back here. He hasn't come back in a long time and his mother is worried sick about him," Green lied straight through his teeth – well, partially. Green was pretty sure Red's mom was worried about her only son. Daisy eyed up her brother in confusion, probably thinking something like, 'But aren't you rivals?' Green rolled his eyes as Daisy shook her head 'no'.

"Green, you can't go! It's too dangerous. Don't worry about Red, he's probably just caught up with training his pokemon. You know Red's a strong person," Daisy pleaded, watching Green pack a pair of clothes into his backpack.

Green turned to Daisy. "Daisy, I'm leaving whether you like it or not. And I'll come back as soon as I can." Hopefully, I'll come back with Red.

Green finished packing his stuff and zipped up his backpack. He walked out of the house and turned to Daisy.

"Daisy, don't worry. If you feel uncomfortable, you know you can always reach me from my Pokegear," Green smiled at his sister before summoning his Pidgeot. He got on the Pokemon's back. "Pidgeot, please fly to Mt. Silver," he commanded. Pidgeot flew off of the ground and headed for Mt. Silver.

As soon as they got to the bottom of the mountain, Green put Pidgeot back into its ball. "I don't need you guys freezing to death," Green whispered.

Green looked up at the mountain and sighed. This was going to be a long trip, wasn't it?

Green walked up the mountain as fast as he could, trying to find Red. He called his name numerous times, but he still couldn't find the silent teen. Damn, where is he? Green looked around some more until he decided to give up for the night. It was cold and he was tired. Green went into a small part of a cave and laid his backpack down. He rested his head on the backpack and curled up.

As he was laying down, Green couldn't believe how freezing it was in the cave. He could feel his fingers and toes getting numb from the harsh cold. He glanced at the walls in the cave and thought about Red. He had to be somewhere in this large mountain. Green knew that he was going to find Red and that they were going to go back to Pallet Town and live a normal life again. Hell, maybe Green could even gather up enough courage to confess his feelings to Red, but then again, when did he ever confess his feelings to anyone?

Green sighed in irritation as he started to loathe himself. If only he hadn't been so egotistical maybe he could have told Red sooner and maybe, just maybe, he and Red could be together right now, enjoying each other's company, watching the night sky. Green rolled his eyes at his own sappiness. Even if he hadn't been so egotistical, could he and Red could be together right now? He has never seen Red flirt with anyone, so he couldn't really tell what his sexual orientation was, but he knew that Red was most likely not gay. The silent man would probably be disgusted by Green's attraction towards him.

Green shook the negative thoughts from his head. He had a goal that needed to be focused on. The sooner he found Red, the sooner he could confess his feelings and the sooner he could drag Red's ass down to Pallet Town.

Green continued to think about what life would be like with Red living back in Pallet Town. Soon enough, he grew extremely tired and fell asleep in the middle of his thoughts.

Green woke up to a voice calling him.

"Green, Green! Wake up!"

Green instantly sat up and saw Red beside him. "Red! You're alive! And you're talking!" Green said, surprised. Red laughed and nodded. Green smiled and grabbed Red by his shirt collar.

"Oh, god, Red. You don't know how worried I- your mother was. She was worried that you died up here. You need to come back to Pallet Town with me," Green commanded, gripping onto Red's shirt collar tighter.

"Awww, I heard that slip-up. Green missed me," Red teased Green and pulled his head back to face the brunette. Green's face heated up with embarrassment. He looked away.

Red pulled Green's head to face him. "Look at me, Green."

Green followed Red's orders and stared into his sharp crimson eyes.

"Green, I love you," Red said barely above a whisper. He gently placed his lips on Green's.

Green's eyes shot open as he sat up. He looked around, but Red wasn't there. Damn, it was a dream… Green sighed depressingly and grabbed his backpack. He looked outside through a hole in the mountain's wall. It was definitely early morning. Green put on his backpack and searched the cave for Red again. No matter how hard he looked, he couldn't find Red; just wild Pokemon. He started to really worry.

"Maybe Red went back to Pallet Town to visit and I just have bad timing? Yeah, that's it," Green chuckled to himself. How could he be so stupid? Red knows that his mother worries about him constantly. He knew that Red wasn't stupid enough to let his mother just worry like that. But then again, his mother also worried about him during his first Pokemon journey, but that didn't stop Red from going. He still visited his mother from time to time, though. Right?

That is when Green decided that he should probably go back to Pallet Town to see Red. He made his way out of the mountain and summoned his Pidgeot. He commanded it to fly back to Pallet Town.

The ride was long and Green almost fell asleep on Pidgeot's back, but managed to stay awake. When they arrived in front of Green's house, he walked in. Daisy was sitting at the table in the middle of the room when she heard Green walk in. She lifted her head to see her brother.

"Green! Did you find Red?" Daisy asked, rushing up to Green.

"Wait, you mean Red's not here?" Green asked in disbelief.

"No, Green. Red hasn't shown up here at all," Daisy sighed. Green balled up his hands into fists. How could he be so ignorant? Of course Red wouldn't have gotten here without Green noticing.

"I'm going back to Mt. Silver," Green said, turning around. Daisy stopped him by putting her hand on his arm.

"Green, your skin is freezing cold. At least take a warm shower first," Daisy frowned. Green was about to protest, but when he saw his sister's face, he surrendered. "Okay, I'll be right back," Green spat out irritated as he walked upstairs.

When Green stepped into the warm water, he shivered and hissed loudly. It felt good, but it was painful at the same time. Green didn't realize that his skin was that cold. I guess my body just got used to the cold temperature from being up there all night. I could have literally froze to death! Now that's a scary thought. Green thought as he showered and warmed himself up.

After a refreshing warm shower, Green dressed himself back up and grabbed his bag. It was time to go back to Mt. Silver. He rushed downstairs and opened the front door.

"Please be safe!" Daisy shouted after Green summoned his Pidgeot from its pokeball. Green turned to Daisy and smiled. "Don't worry, I'll be safe," with that, Green's Pidgeot flew him to Mt. Silver again.

Once they arrived, Green put Pidgeot back into its ball. He looked up at the mountain and sighed, gripping onto the straps of his backpack. "Well, here's round two," he mumbled to himself before walking inside the cave.

Just like before, the cave was cold and dark, giving Green instant chills. Anything could happen – and Green wasn't sure he was prepared. Something was off but he didn't know what. Green took a deep breath and marched into the cave, with his head held high and focused on finding Red. The sooner he found Red, the better. He could finally release himself from these pent up emotions – and maybe, just maybe, Red would return his feelings.

Green shook his head in embarrassment at his own thoughts – He still couldn't really fathom how he ended up falling in love with his own arch-nemesis. He laughed bitterly at himself as he started to compare himself to Romeo and Juliet, with him obviously being Romeo and Red being Juliet. Only they'd have a happy ending – or at least if Green got rejected he could play it off as a joke. But Green frowned.

How would he take it if Red really did reject him? Green stopped in horror. There was a very good chance Red would reject him – all these years of Green torturing and ridiculing Red didn't just 'disappear'. Red always acted friendly to Green but Green was sure it was one of those, 'keeping your enemies close' type of deals. Green shook his head and laughed bitterly again. Maybe Red actually despised Green – and he had all right to do so.

Green had always been a jerk to Red. Maybe the reason why Red went to Mt. Silver wasn't to train his Pokemon and become stronger. Maybe it wasn't to expand his Pokemon journey. Maybe he was sick of Green's constant bullying. Green felt a pain in his chest. He realized that he was probably the reason why Red came to this freezing mountain. He wanted to get away from Green so badly that he abandoned his loved ones – leaving them to worry their ass off at home, hoping that today was the day he'd come back.

Green felt himself starting to lose his motivation in finding Red and confessing his feelings. It was stupid. It was dumb – but a small part of him still kept urging him to find Red and let everything explode, pouring his true emotions out to Red. Green sighed as his heart and mind raged at war. Green sat down and decided to take a breather.

He knew it wasn't going to be easy to tell your number one enemy that you love them – but he needed to make sure he had a backup plan in case Red really did reject him – or worse, hate him. He leaned against the cold slimy cave wall and kept thinking of what he'd say to Red and what he would say in case he was rejected. The best option he could come up with was playing it off as if it was a joke. But then what?

Green sighed as he stood back up and stretched his back out. He didn't want to think about this anymore. He was stressing himself out more than he needed to. Green started walking around the cave again as his mind was in turmoil over this whole confliction dealing with Red. A part of him was telling to go back home and forget about Red but another part was telling him to find Red as soon as possible. Green sighed. He just wanted to get back to Pallet Town with Red – and maybe then he could confess. Green shook his head. Yeah, that's what he'll do.

As he traveled through the cave, he didn't run into Red, just random wild pokemon. Green was starting to get angry. Why couldn't he find Red? Where was he? Why did he abandon everyone in the first place? He let out his anger by punching a wall in the mountain. He heard snow fall off of the wall from outside the mountain. Green turned around and let out a frustrated groan. He took a deep breath and continued up the mountain.

As soon as he reached the top, he saw a figure laying down against a rock. A black tuff of hair gently swayed over top the rock. He looked up to the sky and saw that it was night time. Was that Red? Green rushed and stumbled over towards the sleeping body.

"Red!" Green shouted, running towards the sleeping body. Green thought it was weird that Red wasn't responding, but he shrugged it off. Maybe I didn't yell loud enough to wake him up.

As soon as Green reached the body, horror was written all over his face. Red's skin was blue and his chest wasn't moving. He rested his hand on Red's face and immediately pulled it back. Green felt like he just stuck his hand in ice water. Green put his head up to Red's chest and listened for a heartbeat.


"Red.. oh god, Red! Why?!" Green began to sob. He held the dead man closely in his arms.

"No, this isn't how it was supposed to happen! You were supposed to come back to Pallet Town with me and everything would've been fine!" Green screamed through his tears. He pulled back slightly and adjusted Red's head to face him. Green leaned in and tried so desperately to give the dead man CPR. He knew it was too late, but he wanted to try anyways. "I love you, too, Red," Green sobbed against Red's lips before pulling away. He looked at his lifeless body, studying Red's frozen skin. Green sadly pulled Red's eyelids over his eyes. Green pulled Red on his back. He figured that Red deserved a proper burial in his hometown.

As Green walked through the mountain, he fell down. He couldn't get up, even after Red's body fell beside Green and off of his back. Green was freezing. He tried to reach for his pokeballs, but he just couldn't make it. He didn't have the strength. Is this the end?

Green looked over at Red and looked at his corpse's blue face. Green studied his blue lips carefully, making sure to examine every little crack and shade of blue. He sobbed loudly at the sight of Red's corpse.

How could he have let this happen? He should have noticed something was wrong from the start. He wanted so desperately to bring Red back, but he couldn't. Green wanted this to be all just a dream; a horrible, horrible dream. He wanted to take Red back to Pallet Town. He wanted to see the tears of joy and relief in Red's mother's eyes as she hugged her son. He wanted to have Red visit his house and vice versa. He wanted to confess his feelings to Red, something that he was always afraid to do. Green stared at Red, hoping the silent man would wake up.

As Green laid there, waiting for Red to wake up, he soon grew very weak. He didn't know how long he had been waiting for Red to wake up. It could have been hours, or it could have been days. Green was so hungry that he felt a horrible pain in his stomach, like it was being torn from the inside. He was so dizzy that he started to see stars. Green couldn't give up yet. He had to try to get up. He had to get Red to the hospital. There has to be a way.

Green tried to get up, but his limbs were numb and frozen. He could barely even move his head. His breath was shaky and uneven. Each breath he took was getting more and more painful. Green looked up at Red one last time. Green knew that Red wasn't going to wake up, no matter how hard he tried. Red was gone and Green was soon about to follow him to Heaven, Hell, Nirvana, the Summerland, a next life, eternal darkness, whatever the afterlife held. All Green hoped for was that he would be able to see Red wherever he went.

Green tried to open his mouth to say something, but nothing came out, no matter how hard he tried to speak. How bad was he really… and how long had he been waiting for Red to wake up? All Green knew was that he was there long enough for his body to start shutting down and he was suffering from hypothermia.

Is this what Red went through before he died? Did he really have to go through all of this numb pain? Red, I'm going to join you soon and I just wanted to let you know that I…


I love…

The End