Chapter 8: Another Year Ends

Sirius Black desperately entered Professor Lupin's office and was dismayed at seeing his friend packing. "Moony, what do you think you're doing?" He asked.

"I'm packing, Sirius." Professor Lupin calmly answered.

"What for?"

"I'm leaving." Professor Lupin explained. "I'm no longer a Hogwarts Professor."

"Moony, you're such a good teacher." Sirius pleaded while trying to hold his laugh. "You can't let Snivellus win."

"Sirius, this is not about Severus." Remus replied. "I've always been afraid something would happen."

"Moony, I understand you being reluctant to rely on a potion prepared by Snivellus but we could get another potioneer." Sirius argued.

"I told you it's not about Severus, Sirius." Remus was exasperated. "Most parents are afraid of letting a werewolf near their children and I don't blame them."

"You're right." Sirius agreed. "It's Snivellus' fault." He then left the office without allowing Remus a chance to reply. Sirius Black angrily went to the dungeons and started banging on Snape's office door. "Open up, Snivellus!" Sirius shouted in anger. "Get out and face me like a man instead of the slimy snake you are!"

"Professor Snape went to Headmaster Dumbledore's office, Lord Black." A Slytherin Prefect told him.

"If I find out you're lying, I'll dock points from Slytherin for that." Sirius threatened (within his rights since having served as a substitute teacher gives him the authority to grant and dock points) and then went to Dumbledore's office. There, Sirius was upset for not having a reason to dock points from Slytherin and glad he found who he was looking for. "It's your fault, Snivellus!"

"Sirius, what're you blaming Severus for?" Dumbledore asked with his grandfatherly tone.

"He's the reason Moony is no longer teaching here." Sirius accused.

"Sirius, the last time I've checked, Severus had no role on Remus becoming a werewolf." Dumbledore argued still with his grandfatherly tone.

"It's his fault people learned he's a werewolf and demanded him to leave." Sirius accused Snape.

"Sirius, considering what happened to you when we jumped to conclusions, I thought you'd know better than doing it yourself." Dumbledore scolded Sirius.

"I have no regrets over anything I've done to ensure the students' safety." Snape firmly stated.

Enraged, Sirius drew his wand and was ready to hex Snape until Dumbledore disarmed him. "I won't let you hex my staff, Sirius." Dumbledore's voice was rigid that time. "It's already bad enough that I will once again have to hire a new Defense Professor. Don't make me need to look for a new Potions Master."

"I won't rest until you're rotting inside my old cell in Azkaban, Snivellus!" Sirius said.

"Sirius, you should let go of your grudges." Dumbledore advised his former student.

"And you should have no Death Eaters inside Hogwarts, Headmaster." Sirius advised back.

"Severus is no more of a Death Eater than I am, Sirius." Dumbledore defended his Potions Master.

"Then we should check your arm for the Dark Mark, Headmaster." Sirius replied.

"I'm glad you didn't completely lose your sense of humor, Sirius." Dumbledore said, refusing to believe somebody would honestly suggest he's a Death Eater.

A few days later, parents and guardians of Hogwarts students were at King's Cross Station to pick up their magical children for summer vacation. "Mum! Dad!" Harry exclaimed upon seeing Vernon and Petunia.

"Welcome back, son." Vernon replied with a smile. "Did you manage to learn the Defense course despite the lousy teacher you had this year?"

"Hey!" Sirius protested. "Werewolf or not, Moony was a great teacher."

"I was talking about his stand-in." Vernon replied.

"That's better." Sirius replied. He was smiling until he realized the insult. "Hey! I used to be an auror. I know my Defense."

"You sure do." Vernon conceded. "However, you were probably more concerned about pranks."

"This is not true, Dursley." Sirius argued. "I was also concerned about my Prongslet. He seemed to be under the impression he should be more focused on his studies than Quidditch."

"And he should." Petunia intervened.

"Petunia, you're too much like Lily for my taste." Sirius said in disapproval.

"What did you expect?" She replied. "I'm her sister."

"Sure, but you're more like her than I ever remembered from back in the old days."

"Excuse me, but I think this is no place for this sort of discussion." Vernon said and then talked to Harry. "Harry, did you already say your goodbyes to all your friends?"

"Yes, Dad." Harry answered with a smile.

"Then let's get into the car." Vernon said. "Sirius, do you want a ride?"

"Thanks but no thanks, Dursley." Sirius replied. "I'm apparating back home. I'll pick you all for the Quidditch World Cup later. Hopefully England will win."