Hi! This is my first multi-capter story! I hope you like it!
So i got some reviews about how it was hard to read because of no paragraph breaks and i'm so sorry! I typed it all on my phone and uploaded in a rush, i had no idea how it looked. I hope this is better!
I checked my wrist-watch for the 20th time and like it said 30 seconds ago it was 10.15am. I paced outside the clinical center. 15 minutes, 15 more minutes and I will have to go into that overly white room. Pain shot through my mouth again. I brought a hand up to my cheek, which was starting to swell a little. I couldn't believe it! A cavity! Me! I take care of my teeth and I'm a healthy eater! How could this happen to me?! One of the reasons I avoid sweets is so I don't end up in situations like these! And yet, here I am, awaiting my doom in front of the dentist.
I didn't want to go in, the fresh air was keeping me calm. I took another look at my watch 10.20. Just 10 more minutes. I started biting my nails. I took a deep breath. It was just the dentist, nothing to be afraid of, go in, get the treatment and leave. That's all. It was simple. That's what my mind was telling me. My rational side emphasized that there was no danger here, nothing to be afraid of, but every other instinct in my body was telling me to run. Run away as fast as I could. I argued with myself for the hundredth time. I should just leave, my tooth doesn't hurt that much. I felt a sharp sting in my mouth causing me to raise my hand to my cheek once again. Ok, it hurt. It hurt a lot. It was a constant battle of whether I should leave or get my tooth treated. Rationality against instinct.
I glanced at my watch once again. 10.25. 5 more minutes. I imagined myself walking into the waiting room, informing the secretary of my arrival then walking down that long corridor, into the room with the doctor with a drill in one hand and several tools in the other. I stopped my pacing and froze. The image seared into my brain. The doctor was smiling sadistically and in that second, in great rarity, I chose instinct over rationality and ran. There was no way I would walk willingly into a room with some insane doctor and give them free reign over my mouth, the thing that allowed me to be sarcastic, witty and as annoying as I desired.
In all my panic I didn't see where I was going and bumped into someone. The person growled. "Oh sorr-" I started as I raised my head only to see none other than Shizu-chan. "Shizu-chan." I backed away, again, following instinct, he didn't look happy. "Izaaaayaaaa-kuuuuun!" He sang as he pulled off his shades and pocketed them. "Ahh gomen neh Shizu-chan, I guess I didn't see you." I mentally punched myself. When would I ever apologise to that brute! He raised an eyebrow in suspicion. Staring at me intently, I tried to hide the fact that he was making me feel uncomfortable. He glanced at the clinical center, then back at me. Oh no. There's no way right? A brute like Shizu-chan couldn't grasp the situation with so little information... Could he?
Well if he did, he didn't say anything. Instead he posed the same question he always does. "Izaaayaaa why are you in Ikebukuro? Didn't I tell you-" I was so sick of hearing the same thing over and over I couldn't stop myself from interrupting. "I'm here for a dentist appointment." What?! Why would I tell him that?! He stopped trying to pull out the stop sign from the ground. "What?" He asked blinking a few times. I sighed and repeated myself. "I'm here for a dentist appointment."
Shizuo walked towards me, he never seemed to have any sense of personal space. The amount of times we had stared each other down, only inches apart, could rival the amount of times we actually fight. He examined me. I stayed still, again hiding the fact that he was making me extremely uncomfortable. "Your cheek does look swollen." I pouted. It really was getting worse.
"Well?" He asked staring into my eyes. I hated when he did this. It was some sort of trick of his that prevented me from lying. "Well what?" I avoided his gaze. "Why aren't you going inside?" I clenched my fists. No way I was going to let Heiwajima Shizou find out about my fear. "It's not time for my appointment yet." I managed to mumble out. I was still avoiding his gaze, my head turned to the right. I could feel his eyes on me. He moved his head so he was facing me. He looked into my eyes and brought them back so I was looking at him straight on.
"When's your appointment?" Damn it, damn it, damn it. I couldn't lie when he looked at me like that! Why did he even care anyway?! "10.30." I answered. He grabbed my arm and checked the time using my watch. "You're late!" He yelled. He grabbed my arm and dragged me back towards the dentist. Great, just when I managed to escape. What a sight. Heiwajima shizou dragging me to the one place I feared in this world. I would have laughed if I weren't so afraid.
"Ahh Shizu-chan let go, it doesn't hurt that much, I think I'm just going to wait for a natural recovery. I'm not going to waste my money." Shizuo miraculously stopped. He turned to me, a smirk on his face. "I knew it." Damn it. He figured it out. Was I too obvious? "You're scared of the dentist." I thought he was going to erupt into laughter, but he remained serious. "What? No of course not. There's nothing to be scared about." What a horrible lie. Even I didn't believe it. He frowned. Once again he started dragging me towards the dentist. "Come on." He said. I pulled back. He already knew I was scared so what was the point in hiding it. "No! I don't want to!" I tried to pull my arm away. Once again he turned to me. "Izaya, it's just going to get worse, get it over and done with now, and you can go back to enjoying whatever it is you do."
Why was he trying to help me? Why was he being so kind? Why did one tooth cause so many problems for me? "Why are you trying to help me Shizu-chan?" I muttered. I wanted to know, but I was afraid of the answer. It wouldn't be something like "to get you out of Ikebukuro faster" or something like that... Would it? "Because, I know how it feels. I know how it feels to go through something alone - to face your fear alone - it's the scariest thing ever. Every instinct will tell you to run away, even if in your mind you know you shouldn't. So as a once in a lifetime favor, I'm willing to help you get through this."
I froze, how did he know? He explained everything that I had felt, everything I went through. Was he talking about his strength? About his fear of losing control? For the first time in my life I was speechless. I had no idea how to react, what to say. He, once again, pulled me towards the dentist. I followed behind him. He never let go of my arm.
Before I knew it, I was standing behind Shizuo at the front desk. He still held my arm. "We have an appointment for Orihara Izaya at 10.30." Shizuo said to the receptionist. "Yes sure, just take a seat and the doctor will be with you in a minute."
"Thanks." Shizou replied. He led me to one of the seats, finally letting go of my arm once I was seated. This wasn't as bad as I thought. It was warm in here. The receptionist was nice enough, there was a small TV playing a cooking show. This was good. Then a noise filled the room, one I instantly recognised as the drill that the dentist sticks in your mouth. I could feel my heart beating hard. My hands were starting to sweat. I wiped my palms on my pants. I started to shake. I felt like crying, throwing up and screaming all at the same time. The sound echoed through my head. My shaking grew and I mentally cursed myself for being so weak.
I turned to Shizuo. He was watching the TV, but must have felt my eyes on him because he turned to look at me. He must have seen the fear in my eyes because in an instant he was kneeling in front of me, and looking into my eyes. Both his hands were on top of mine. "Izaya breath. Come on, in through the nose out through the mouth." I did as he told me. He rubbed soothing circles into my hands with his thumbs. "It's ok, there's nothing here that can hurt you. Just breathe."
The noise stopped and I could calm down. I could feel my heart beat slowing to a normal pace, and my shaking stabled. Shizuo didn't move though and I'm glad he didn't, as the whirl of the drill started up again. I clenched my fists and tensed. That's where I was heading, into that room. I felt like I couldn't breath. I was gasping for air. I started to feel dizzy. My head swayed a little. I didn't want to go in there. I just wanted to leave. I wanted to get out of this place, back to my apartment, back to my wonderful computer and swivel chair.
"Izaya!" Shizuo's voice snapped me out of my trance. "Listen to me, I want you to match your breathing to mine. Come on. Copy me." His voice was calm and confident. He started breathing in through his nose and out through his mouth. I followed his lead, and eventually I was able to match his pace. I concentrated on him and nothing else. He was still rubbing circles into my hands. "There, feel better?" I nodded wearily.
If this is how I was in the waiting room, how would I cope with the actual treatment. I tried not to think about it too much. Shizuo remained kneeling in front of me for a while; searching my eyes for something, probably fear. When he convinced himself I was fine, he took his seat, however he kept an eye on me, continually glancing at me. Normally it would've pissed me off. But in this instance it sort of felt like having a bodyguard, it made me feel safe.
Finally the dentist walked out. "Orihara Izaya?" This was it. Time to bite the bullet. I stood up, Shizuo stood too. This surprised me. "You're coming too?" He smiled. "I told you I would help you face this, of course I'm coming." He paused. "Unless you don't want me to." I shook my head. Don't want him to? He's got to be kidding! Of course I wanted him to! I actually don't think I've been more relieved in my life. Knowing that he was coming with me gave me hope. "No, you can come if you want." I tried to sound casual. He shouldn't know how much I need him right now. He merely nodded and followed behind me.
The walk down the hallway felt long and narrow. I felt like some pirate walking towards my death off a plank and couldn't turn back because a bunch of other pirates would kill me, or in this case Shizu-chan. I knew Shizu-chan wasn't the bad guy in this case, but he was preventing me from my escape, no matter what his motives really were.
Finally I arrived at the treatment room. I stopped at the door. There she was, the sadistic doctor with a drill. "Come on in darling." Her voice weirdly soothed me. Some part of me was happy that she seemed like a kind lady, but another part of me told me that the nicest adults were the ones with the most to hide. I felt a hand on my shoulder, it was Shizuo. He gently pushed me forward, giving the push I needed. Needed, not wanted. "Just lie down on the chair for me Orihara-San." I did (reluctantly) as she asked and sat on the pale blue coloured chair, leaning my head on the headrest. "My name is Namie." Namie. The same name as my secretary, who hates my guts... And wants me dead. Great. That doesn't scare the shit out of me. That's got to be a sign right? To get out of this place. It couldn't be a coincidence. Yea it definitely was a sign. I sat up. "You know what Sensei, it really doesn't hurt that much, I don't want to waste your time. So ill just leave now."
I headed towards the door, but halfway there Shizuo once again grabbed my arm. "Iza-" I cut him off. "Let go of me." He didn't move. "Please let go Shizu-chan." I guess using manners on him for the first time didn't shock him into letting go as I had intended, instead he grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the room, closing the door behind him. "You're so close. Why are you giving up so easily?!" Was he angry? Yea, he was. He must be pissed off that he had to help me through the mess in the waiting room just so I could run away.
He looked into my eyes. Damn it, not this again. I inched backwards. "It's impossible Shizu-chan, I can't do it." His hands came down on my shoulders. He gently massaged them. "Izaya, look into my eyes." Once I did he continued. "You were fine, I was watching. Something triggered your reaction, just tell me what it was and we can work through it." No. I didn't want to tell him. What was I supposed to say? I left because the doctor has the same name as my secretary who hates me, but there is no relation between the two of them. Those eyes where begging for an answer. I bit my bottom lip to keep from talking. "Izaya, please." Damn it. Why does his 'please' have so much more of an affect than mine did. "Namie is the name of my secretary who hates me, and tries to poison me on a daily basis." Shizuo looked shocked for a second, he was probably not expecting such a stupid childish answer. "The one with the long brown hair?" I nodded. "Why don't you just fire her?" The atmosphere changed. Instead of the tense depressing situation I was in, it felt light and humorous. I smiled. "Well, Shizu-chan, she's a very amusing human, also she is extremely fun to tease." Shizuo gave me a look, disgust? No... It was closer to… jealousy?
"Wait! Shizu-chan! That's not the problem here!" My voice strained and I sounded desperate. How could the brute make me forget all that fear in a matter of seconds? "Haha sorry." His expression changed and now I could tell he was serious. "Izaya, Namie is a very common name, it was this year's most popular female name for babies." I sniffed. I sniffed? Damn it, I really was acting like a child, but Shizuo's words were once again calming me. He smiled, once he realised I had relaxed. "We good?" I nodded. "Ok let's go."
He opened the door and apologised to Namie for me. I slowly made my way back to the execution chair. Once I had lied down I heard a thud next to me. Shizuo had brought his chair and placed it next to me. "Okay, Orihara-San, just put these on for me." Namie handed me a pair of sunglasses, I put them on as she turned around to gather her equipment. I felt Shizuo's hand in mine. He leaned down until his mouth was near my ear. He whispered into my ear. His breath tingled, but at the same time felt warm, and almost made me shiver in pleasure. "Just squeeze my hand if you feel scared or uncomfortable." I was glad he whispered. I didn't want Namie to know about my fear, she had enough power over me. Before I could reply though, Namie turned around and said, "Open up darling." I opened my mouth and shut my eyes. I'd rather not see what kind of things she was shoving into my mouth.
I squeezed Shizuo's hand, harder and harder. I was following everything that Namie was doing, I knew exactly what tool she was using and where and I had never been more scared in my life. I squeezed Shizuo's hand even harder. He must have noticed that I was panicking because a second later his breath was on my ear again. "Concentrate on my voice Izaya, forget everything else, block it all out."
I stopped picturing everything Namie was doing and instead concentrated on Shizuo's voice, I couldn't really hear anything over the suction of the tube, but I could feel his breath. I concentrated on the feeling of his hand in mine, he had, I just realised, been rubbing soothing circles into my hand the whole time. I focused on those circles, the way they massaged the back of my hand, eventually I loosened my grip, but he didn't stop whispering to me and didn't remove his hand.
"Okay sweetie, you can sit up, just rinse your mouth with the water there and you can go." I sat up in a daze. I rinsed with the water and spat it into the sink. It was over?
I followed Shizuo out of the building. Once we were out he turned to me. "How do you feel?" A wide grin was plastered on his face. "I- I... I did it?" Shizuo's grin grew wider. "You did it!" Then it hit me. I did it. I faced my fear. I got through it! It didn't hurt at all and my tooth felt so much better! Joy overcame me as I leaped into Shizuo's arms, I had my arms around his neck. "I did it!" I laughed victoriously. He brought his hands around my back. "Ah yea." The full impact of what I had just done hit me. Shit shit shit shit! Did I just hug Shizuo?! I let go and backed away. "Sorry." I mumbled, directing my gaze to the floor. I glanced up, daring to take a peek at him. He looked a little angry, but mostly he seemed indifferent. "Well, see ya izaya." He turned around and raised a hand as a good bye. "Wait!" I yelled following him.
Shizuo's p.o.v
Izaya, let go of me, backed away and mumbled "sorry." I was upset at the loss of warmth. It was the first time we had hugged. Why couldn't that flea get lost in the moment? I decided I should leave before I did something stupid. "Well see ya, izaya." I walked away. "Wait!" Izaya followed closely behind me. "How much do you want?" He asked. I stopped walking and turned around. "What are you talking about?" He put his hands in his fur jacket's pockets. "$1000, $2000?" Oh that's what he meant.
"Just forget it, I told you, it was a favour. Besides you know how I feel about your money." Izaya frowned. I had told him that his money was not earned honestly and I would never use it. "You know it's not like your job is that much better." I let out a growl. "I'm a debt collector!" How could he imply that my job was a bad as his! Izaya laughed. "I'm sorry to break it to you Shizu-chan, but lifting people into the air and shaking them out for money is not something a normal debt collector would do." I clenched my fists. Damn it this guy pissed me off! "I'm a professional debt collector." I tried to say calmly.
He glared at me. Damn he was cute when he did that. Yes cute. I used to deny it but realised there was no point in lying to myself. I had a crush on Orihara Izaya. I'm still trying to pinpoint the exact moment hatred turned into love. I guess it happened gradually. Probably why I wasn't able to stop it before it was too late and now I'm stuck loving this asshole. He still irritated me; there were still times that I wanted to crash his skull into a wall. However, I found that I enjoyed his sarcasm, I liked to watch him jump around, full of life and energy and I enjoyed the time we spent together, which, unfortunately, wasn't very long.
"We're getting no where like this Shizu-chan." Only then did I realise I was staring. "How about a trade?" He questioned. I sighed. "I told you Izaya, I don't want anything, I know you probably hated the whole experience, so lets forget it ever happened and don't worry, I won't tell anyone." He looked at me skeptically. He didn't believe me? Well that hurt. "I loathe owing people, you can say I don't owe you anything, but I'll feel like I do and I hate that feeling." I groaned mentally, why did I have to fall in love with such a difficult person. "Fine. What do you suggest?" Izaya grinned. That wasn't a good sign. "I'll help you face your fear."
My fear? I thought about what my fear would be and froze when I realised. My fear would definitely be confessing to Izaya. No that wasn't quite right... My fear was his reaction to my confession. There was a 9.9/10 chance that he would stab me and a 0.1 chance that he would reject me brutally. So really there was no way it could end well.
I smiled. "Haha you really think I have a fear! Don't make me laugh Izaya. You and I both know I have nothing to fear." I lied quiet well considering the fact I hardly ever lie. Izaya frowned once again. "Oh come on, I want to know, it's no use lying to me, I do it as a profession and I know when someone is lying. So tell me, what is Heiwajima Shizu-chan afraid of?" Really? Even when using my full name he adds the "chan" at the end. He circled around me, that smirk plastered across his face. I followed him with my eyes. "What is it I wonder~ heights maybe?" I pulled out a cigarette and brought it to my lips. "Water?" He continued, he then paused and stepped closer to me, directed his chin upwards so his lips were just below my ear. "Manslaughter?" He whispered, humor filling his voice.
That's it. I snapped. I eyed a vending machine a few steps away and made my way towards it. "I liked you a lot better when you were fearing for your life, lets bring back that Izaya, shall we." Izaya backtracked my objective and appeared in front of the vending machine. He had a switchblade in his hand. "Shizu-chan just calm down, I'm trying to help you." The smirk on his face made what he said unbelievable. He raised his hands. Close his switchblade and dropped it to the floor. "There, see? Just trying to help." I pulled out another cigarette but kept in mind there was a trashcan I could throw at him behind me. "I don't need your help." I turned around and walked away. I had to get out of here or else I was going to beat the shit out of him. Yes I cared. Life was so much harder now that I cared. The flea followed. He wouldn't stop pestering me! "Come on, Shizu-chan! The sooner you tell me the faster we can get this over and done with." I ignored him and kept walking, maybe he'd give up after a while.
I had forgot who I was dealing with. The flea wouldn't leave me alone! "Neh Shizu-chan neh, neh, neh. Come on! Ill do anything!" I almost chuckled he was as frustrated as me, if not more so. I let out a breath. I turned around and grinned, trying to scare him off. "Anything?" I said hoping he would back down. Izaya hesitated for a moment. "Yes... As long as it doesn't involve my death, or any harm that would come to me." I sighed again. What the hell did he think I was going to do to him? This was my fear. "Okay then, close your eyes."
"What about that sentence did you not understand? Close your eyes." Izaya eyed me carefully, trying to find some ill intention. Finally he closed his eyes. I slowly (very slowly) walked towards him. This was it. I was going to kiss him. I was going to show him how I really feel. I had thought about confessing but I'm not so good with words so I thought I would show him how I felt through actions instead. I was standing in front of him, feeling slightly sick but I knew it was just the nervousness. This was it.
Sorry for the cliffhanger! I'll try to have the second chapter up tomorrow! Please review ^.^