
I know I said the sequel to "The Way Back" would be called Rage of the Ifrit. It will, I just thought this was a good idea and the events in this story will lead into the true sequel. Think of this as more of a semi-sequel.

Po sighed happily, he was currently laid in bed with his arms wrapped around Tigress. It had been two days since he had returned and he was starting to get back into the swing of things.

It had taken three hours to convince Shifu to let him and Tigress sleep in the same room with each other. Although Po and Tigress had yet to advance to the level in their relationship that Shifu had in mind, it was to nice for them to spend more quality time with each other.

Po frowned when he heard the gong sound, "Oh come on! Just five more minutes". Tigress woke up and smiled warmly at Po. "Good morning panda" she purred.

Po kissed her on the forehead, "Morning Tigress".

The door was suddenly pushed open, Po gasped and leapt out of the bed in fright, Tigress started to giggle but stopped when she saw Master Shifu's irritated expression.

"Just because I gave you permission to sleep in the same room, it did not mean in the same bed" he spat. Tigress got up sheepishly, it didn't relieve her embarrassment with the other masters watching from behind Shifu's back.

Po got up hastily and walked over to join Tigress, it was a small show of support to stand beside her during Shifu's berating.

Shifu's glared lessened "But...I do understand that you missed each other so I will let it slide this one time". Po and Tigress breathed easier, although they would have to be careful from now on.

"Now the reason I came to talk to you all is because last night we received a note that stated that a gang of bandits have taken refuge in an abandoned building just outside of the village, for some reason the note requests that only The Dragon Warrior goes to investigate. This is obviously a trap so we are going to go in there and flush them out".

His students nodded but before they left, "Can we get breakfast first? I'm kinda hungry" Po asked bashfully. Tigress smirked and shook her head, Shifu face palmed and walked off.

Mantis chuckled "Wow Po you really choose your moments don't you? Someone is trying to kill you so soon after coming back here and the first thing you think of is food".

Monkey nodded in agreement "C'mon Po the sooner we deal with this the sooner we can come back here and get something to eat". Po sighed "Ok fine".

"You guys go on without me, I need to check on something first" said Tigress, the others looked at her in surprise. Usually she was the one who was first out of the door when given a mission. Crane looked at Po "What have you done to her?".

Po grinned and gestured towards Tigress "I don't mean to brag bu-", Tigress kicked his legs out from under him and pinned him to the ground. "I'm sorry Po what was that?" she said mischievously. "Ummmm...Do you guy need a moment alone?" asked Viper.

Both the tiger and the panda blushed and got up. "Actually maybe it can wait, like Monkey said the sooner the better" said Tigress. She eagerly walked out of the room.

The five looked at Po, he just shrugged and ran to catch up with his tiger with the others in pursuit.

During their journey to the building Po caught up with Tigress, "Look Tigress don't worry about Shifu he'll come around" he said supportively. Tigress glanced at him and nodded appreciatively, "I'm sure he will Po but that wasn't what was thinking about" she replied cryptically.

Po raised an eyebrow and inquired further, "What is it? Do you want to talk about it?". Tigress shook her head "No not yet".

Po pouted "Awww please, I won't tell anybody". She ignored him and carried on.

Unfortunately when Po wants something he gains an annoying level of patience, he badgered Tigress all the way to the building. Until finally..."OK FINE!" Tigress yelled exasperatedly.

Po jumped for joy like a child, "But I'll tell you after we've finished this mission OK Po?" she asked.

He nodded enthusiastically. Upon reaching the building they all gasped at it's sheer size. It had moss growing all over it from abandonment and it looked like it would collapse at any second. It was colored a dull grey and had a creepy atmosphere to it.

"Wow this place is huge" observed Crane, "It'll take us hours to search this place room by room".

Tigress started to think of a plan but was surprisingly beaten to the punch by Po, "Well we could split into pairs and search, it'll take us less time that way" he walked over to Tigress "I call going with Tigress".

Said master rolled her eyes "Figures" she muttered.

Monkey went with Mantis so that left Crane to go with Viper. "Ok Monkey and Mantis you take the left side, Viper and Crane the right, me and Po will go straight through the middle. We search for an hour then we meet back here to compare notes got it?" ordered Tigress, they all nodded and walked into the building.

Upon entering dust immediately flew into their faces, Po coughed and attempted to wave the dust away to no avail. Crane removed his wing from his face after it had subsided "Well that wa-".

Mantis cut him off "Crane...don't you dare make a pun".

He held his wings up "I wasn't gonna".

"Concentrate everyone we're on a mission" said Tigress, "Remember we don't know what's waiting for us so let's stick to the plan".

Everyone split up and made their way into their respective sections.


Viper and Crane walked through the hallways, "I can't believe I got dust all over my feathers for a wild goose chase" grumbled Crane as he ran his wing along the wall and rubbed the dust between his feathers.

Viper giggled "Stop being such an old woman Crane, don't you feel glad that we're all back together again? The mission doesn't bother me knowing that".

Crane smiled "Yeah it does".

They walked into a room and stopped dead in their tracks when they saw a pile of primed explosives in the center. Crane glanced at Viper fearfully but before he could do anything there was a bright flash of light.


Monkey and Mantis confidently strolled through the corridors of the building, " this was a waste of time" said Mantis.

Monkey nodded "Why would someone want us to search this place there's nothing but dust?".

His question was somewhat answered as they turned a corner. There was another load of lit gunpowder just sitting in the middle of the hallway.

Quickly sensing what was going to happen "Look out!" Monkey quickly pushed Mantis out of the way as it went off.


Tigress checked her corners professionally and leapt around them in case of waiting attackers, any intimidation she could of created was destroyed when Po casually strolled around the corner behind her.

She sighed "Po can you take this a little bit more seriously? There could be enemies in here". Po raised an eyebrow "I don't think that anyone would dare take on the Dragon Warrior and the Furious Five do you?".

She looked at him for a second "Yes Po, quite a few people would as you should well know".

They reached a large door. Tigress nodded towards Po and they both pushed the door open slowly. Inside was a massive hall, Po grabbed Tigress's paw.

"Hey Tigress since we have some privacy and a large open space, do you want to dance?" he asked confidantly.

She smiled but removed her hand from his, "Po I promise when this is over we can be informal" she became serious "But for now we need to be vigilant you never know what ca-".

An explosion came from somewhere in the building, Tigress and Po felt the building crumble around them, Po glanced at Tigress and tackled her to the ground.

Tigress felt a huge pain in her arm and then the world went black.

When the dust settled not a sound could be heard.

This first chapter is a bit short I know