"I don't see what anyone can see in anyone else but you."
Anyone else but you – The Moldy Peaches.
"Love you!" Syaoran almost yelled, but his voice was not heard by his dear Sakura as someone had scream in the Seijou Highschool. Sakura ran to watch what happened and when she discovered that Yukito-san had fainted, she went looking for him in the nurse room, while Syaoran was left frozen in the Tomoeda schoolyard.
"Touya," said Yuki sleepily. "I fall sleep again, didn't I?"
"In the middle of gym class." Touya answered nonchalantly, but with a worried look on his handsome face.
"That's really strange. I'm just so tired."
"You have to realize." Please Yuki. Touya thought.
"Yuki, about you I…"
"Excuse me! Is Tsukishiro-san alright?" Akizuki yelled from the window.
Not again. Touya thought irritable.
"The teacher said to come quick, were having our baseball test right now, our team is up and without you and him we've only got seven people."
"I'm going to wait here." Touya replied.
"But if you don't take the test you'll get a cero! Everybody's waiting!"
Touya looked at his friend and told him he'll be back, the girl drop from the window with a satisfied smile on her face.
"Okay," Yuki said but his hand took Touya's shirt without his permission. It was as if it had acted alone. Huh?
"What is it…?" Touya looked at him kinda weirdly and Yuki let go of his shirt.
"Huh?" He said looking at his hand.
Akizuki interrupted them again but Touya told her to tell the teacher he wasn't coming. He was staying with his Yuki. He shot the window close and went back to the sleepy boy, took his face in his hand and sweetly told him,
"I know you're not human," looking deeply in the amber eyes, he spoke to the someone inside the silver-haired boy. "so you don't have to hide." The boy was surrounded by white wings and out came the moon guardian.
"We finally meet. You're name?"
"Yue. You're the only one who knows Yukito isn't human. He doesn't know about me, so he couldn't transform until you told him. Yukito himself hasn't realized his feelings. Just before he, umm, unconsciously stopped you from living, in that moment his feelings were shown. Something I would have not let happened if I wasn't so weak. Showing my, his feelings. That's so unlike me, so Yukito,the angle thought with bitterness. "You are special to him."
Just him? Touya thought looking at the stricken other form of his best friend.
"You told him 'I won't let you disappear'" To whom were you talking? "Now my master cannot support my existence, I don't know what to do." He finished in a whisper.
"If my power can stop Yuki from disappearing, take it all."
Mmmph. His only concern is my false form.
"You won't be able to see your mother anymore."
"It's unfair for only me to see her and if I have no power Sakura might get in trouble, if I don't keep an eye on her. So I want you to protect her.
Oh! He is so…
"There is no need to primise. When my body changes I have to protect my master." He replied in an obnoxious matter.
"You don't like changing." Touya replied. "But if you disappear, Yuki will too. Protect Sakura and protect yourself." It would be a shame if someone so beautiful disappeared.
"And under those conditions you give me your magic?
"Yup." Touya smiled his rare smile and Yue look at him ironically.
"I will do my best," he said in a sarcastic tone.
As stubborn as Yuki. Touya thought playfully. "You really resemble each other. Yuki and you."
Mmph, right.
Yue thought while leading into Touya's arms. He put his hand in the young man's arm and felt his heart beating increased.
Right? His magic is so like…
"It is like the fluctions of Clow's power. It must be because you are a blood relative of the new Clow mistress?" Yue touch tenderly his savior's face. He is really handsome. "And I should have said thank you." Yue lead in to place a soft kiss in Touyas's cheek when he felt his mistress agony.
"You heard." Yue said to a very sad Sakura.