I decided that instead of completely starting over that I would just redo the chapters. Some content or chapters will stay the same and others will be completely changed.

Warning: This story is unsuited for younger readers. Contains gore, death, blood, adult language and possible themes. Read at your own discretion.

Hellsing belongs to those how own it, not me.

Silence of the Shadows

"There is no such thing as immortality. My inability to die is simply your inability to kill me."

Flames rose higher and higher, almost seeming to kiss the night sky as they danced under the brilliant crescent glow. Yells of men could be heard briefly over the roar of the fire before dying out again. The pungent odor of death and fresh corpse was in the air amplified by the searing heat.

Shadows danced with the fire, moving like the living across the burning terrain. Screams of murder and pain echoed out followed by quick scurrying of boots through dirt. Despite the gnawing fear in their heads they kept at the beast, the dragon; though not a dragon in definition, still it was a creature cold as ice without fear or remorse.

Hailing bullets and organized chaos harassed the monster at every step, but no amount of mutilation could fail its regeneration. Death would just not embrace it as shadows oozed continuously, eternally bringing the monster back to one shape. Eventually the clicking of empty guns replaced the gunfire.

"We've run dry!" A man announced over the roaring flames.

Silver was the cross as it jingled and flew from its place at his neck. The others screamed attempting to scatter as shadows ran them through like ready spears. Their commander shouted at them, ordering the men to keep their ranks and keep at the monster to no avail. They served as little more than fodder to the beast. She grit her teeth. Even now after 43 years of strife and battle the demon still would not die.

"Gif me ah svhord!"

Steel coated with silver in hand she charged into the darkness cast by the shadows. The silver edge made quick work of the shadows as the straw blonde cut through them like a scythe through briers. Out matched the darkness receded condensing in to a small form. At first she thought the monster was finally returning to its original state but the mass of darkness thought otherwise.

Expanding outward they reached high into the burning starless sky black with smoke. Paws touched down tearing at the soil, fur formed wild and blackish brown stained ever so lightly in red. Jaws snapped and the beast growled; the sound as hollow as its scarlet splattered skull bare of flesh and muscle. Its eyes simple garnet orbs floating in empty sockets black as the void.

She watched, frowning deeply as the beast stood a ways before her. Its aura was greatly suffocating as the flames around them wavered for the slightest moment. Skull face shifting his weight allowing a growl to rumble deep within his throat. Doggish ears flopped over as he turned his head glaring down at her. A crude grin forever set in his stained bone jaws.

If she wasn't positive she was in fact in London then she might have thought she was burning at the gates of hell, and her foe the devil himself. Skull face advanced slowly mockingly wagging his fluffy tail. The commander backed away with every step of the beast. This form was definitely new to her as her adversary had never demonstrated this kind of power. Though she wouldn't put it past the demon to have acquired such a beast just for her.

"This is beginning to turn into a real dogfight isn't it?" A feminine spectral voice echoed among the fire. "I acquired this pup just for you Heinkle, how do you like him?"

"Hez ah monser jus like hez ovnsher!" The Iscariot roared.

There was a laugh, almost like they were two old friends playing together after such a long time before giving way to a more crazed version revealing the monster for its truest self. Skull face jerked forward, massive paws digging deep into scorched earth. The rush of power threatening to douse the inferno.

Heinkle retreated for now in need of a better tactic for such a massive opponent. She weaved through the singed plants and once vine covered and crumbling sculptures of marble. The beast slowed not even a little. Paws crashed down on the marble tipping it and smashing the structures to pieces. The burnt decorative firs proved to be of more use as the largest of the firs had strong roots and held firm, but weakened by the inferno they too were toppled as the hellhound smashed into them.

Its weight and mass sending the trees down to earth with a groaning scream. The firs allowed Heinkle to put some distance between them as the hound was forced to make way while she merely ran through. She turned her sights on the mansion.

Once glorious and a strong testament to the strength of the people of London it now burned brightly, illuminated like a beacon. It would be no more than a pile of ash before dawn; lush green foliage and hard wood structures left to become dirt under their boots. The mansion was leaning. Flames hissed and the wood groaned and crackled in response. It was as if the building was crying out one last time for this was the final battle it was to see, but not one it was to win.

Within bookshelves holding vast knowledge of the dark creatures burned, documents were consumed and even the portraits of the legendary family, keeper of the king of the damned himself, all disappeared in flame never to be viewed again. The fate of the estate mattered to no one as the last master of the house had perished 43 long years ago.

Falling in to disrepair the building became more of an eyesore and den of rumors than anything else. Even as the city of London changed around it the mansion remained to ever rot. Everyone spoke in hushed tones about the house left abandoned on many acres of land long returned to the wilds. They wished for the mansion razed to the ground and the land put to use.

Nothing was ever done however and the property was deemed dangerous and unsuitable for human habitation. Signs of caution, danger, private property, no trespassing, and even violators will be fined, were posted on every inch of wrought iron fence in effort to keep everyone out. Even still people crossed the boundary, some to confirm rumors and others to inspect the land and mansion.

Either way all disappearances were overlooked and the mansion still stood home to its long term resident and abandoned dog. The protectors of England feared they would earn the wrath of the beast upon the city and allowed it to remain unhindered. So long as everyone kept their distance the monster was quiet and barley existed save for the fear dwelling deep in their minds; carved into it, unable to be forgotten.

Heinkle cursed as she ran out of tree line and was force out onto open plain and fire. The house was near but off limits as it could collapse at any time. With nowhere to run she turned on her heels facing the hound as it raced forward. The distance was covered in moments as the beast was upon her.

Paws and dagger length claws came first followed by snapping jaws. She avoided each lunge skillfully though rather ungracefully and the tail of her coat was torn in two. Heinkle slashed at skull face with the silver coated blade.

As fine as the edge was ground the thick hide and dense muscle made a compete slash impossible and the sword practically worthless as the scratch quickly healed. Heinkle cursed dodging another swipe. She flipped the blade in her hands pointing the tip down before slamming it down into the beast's soft paw.

Wasting no time to see the hound's reaction she removed her guns and charged under unloading her clips into its belly. If it could feel pain there was no sign nor care. Heinkle continued on reloading as she ran eyeing her surroundings hoping something would give her an advantage over the beast.

Skull face did not pursue her, rather he remained to pull the sword from his paw and spiting it from his mouth as if it were no more than a fine toothpick. It turned watching its prey run along the burning mansion. Sound caught the hound's ears prompting the beast to turn and investigate.

Some of Iscariot had regrouped as Heinkle distracted the monster and now a small squad charged forward. Holy water bombs the size of buckets were cast upon blackish fur with little effect. The water burned demon flesh with its purity but left no more than a rash which would heal once the water dried. Spears of silver were cast piercing deep into the dog but again too little avail. Even bullets were wasted.

"Shtop you foolsh!" Heinkle cried out.

More fodder for the dragon. Claws slashed through the line scattering them as the hound trampled over stragglers crushing them under foot. Others were scooped into the jaws and flung about as if raggedy toys easily coming undone at the seams.

Heinkle rounded the side of the Hellsing mansion quickly entering the front of the estate. Cars were strewn about the yard, some toppled over and others smashed. The Iscariot commander sought out a specific vehicle finding it rolled over with its doors ripped off. Behind her she could hear the mansion screech before the central hall roof collapsed.

She dove into the wreckage and hauled out an untouched black case. It was not her weapon of choice but would have to do as all other options have failed. Heinkle unlatched the case, the daunting click of each latch was deafening. The case creaked open revealing the treasure held safely inside for centuries passed.

Her hands grasped the worn yew bow and aged horse hair string. The bow, nameless and forgotten, was said to enchant any who weld it to never miss. Inside the case alongside the bow was a leather quiver worn and dried from age. Within it lay a single arrow carved of the branch of a mighty rose, the tip cast in pure silver, and the tail feathered from a mythic hawk. Once a set of twelve only one remains of the arrows blessed to seal away any and all evil they pierce.

Slinging the bow and quiver onto her back she stood awaiting her foe. The hound advanced, its form appearing behind the fire as a dark shade. Flames parted giving way hissing and crackling. Skull face held in its jaws a fallen comrade crushed and impaled on jagged fangs. As if tossing out trash the beast flung the corpse aloft. Once again she was met with its crude grin as it tread forward swinging its tail.

Unfortunately she was at a dilemma as the arrow could not pierce the hound as the familiar was but another mask the true monster hid behind. For its power to take hold she it must strike the demons true heart.

"You cohvad!" Heinkle cried out.

The hound cocked its head at taunting her; had it lips it would have smirked.

"You hid behin the creashure und dot face meh yourss self!"

Heinkle slid her hands along the cars side leaving a clop of charged C4 over the gas tank as she retreated. Her foe charged once more as she made for cover skull face arrived at the car. The trigger was squeezed tightly in her hand sending the signal to the charge and detonating the C4. Normally such a small explosive would be useless considering the vampire's regeneration, however unless the car itself was loaded with explosives as well.

A smirk crossed her face at the vampire's arrogance, though she doubted it would kill her the explosion would definitely hinder her for a bit and the silver ammunition and stakes still contained inside was an added bonus. The hound toppled from the force falling to its side kicking and flailing as fire burned its fur and silver struck its flesh.

It groaned and hissed as the shadows making up its form receded slowly leaving the sight empty. Heinkle strode over weary of its still lingering presence. Her hands held tightly to her guns ready for the vampire's attack. It was quiet now, the eve before the storm.

"Hiding now. Your beast vuz broken so now tis masster hides! Come face me cohvard!"

"Do not think me cowardly like your kin." A voice filled the silence coming from everywhere yet having no source. "I hide because I can and not due to fear or weakness. Think of it more of that you just can't see me rather than I am hiding."

Heinkle huffed, observing her surrounding carefully.

"I am a monster after all and where do I belong but the shadows." She chuckled. "They are my domain and I will use them as I please."

The air grew ever still as the last of her voice died out leaving in its wake a frigid cold and heavy silence. It was not long after that the air shifted. Heinkle spun on her heels raising her guns to meet the vampire's claws. The blonde haired devil grinned and increased her strength with ease causing the others hands to shake under the force. Faces mere inches apart she could feel the vampire's icy breath and see into her scarlet eyes, empty and crazed.

Pushing away from Seras Heinkle whipped around firing rounds at her foe. Seras avoided the silver with ease keeping hot on Heinkle's coat tail. Shadows like spears lunged at her from the ground slashing at her legs and arms but she ignored such minor injuries.

Sliding to a halt Heinkle pulled from her pocket a soft velvet bag and tossed it to the vampire, a smirk barely visible behind her bandages. Seras's claws slashed through the bag with ease but she soon regretted not avoiding it. Fine silver dust coated her face casing her to flinch and immediately reach to rub her eyes to ease the burning. It did little more than increase her suffering as her hands too were coated in the dust.

"Heer why don't you vassh it off!"

A bottle slammed into her face shattering and pouring holy water all over her face. Seras snarled clearly agitated like someone who got soap in their eyes. After moments her vision cleared, though the burning persisted.

From what she could see Heinkle had now put more distance between them and was standing with her back to the fire. Oddly enough she had placed dark shades over her eyes and was now clutching the bow that was formally thrown over her shoulder.

In her other hand was a small object which shined bright in the moon's glow. She raised the object that upon closed clearer inspection was a grenade. Reeling back Heinkle threw it high into the air towards Seras.

The vampire could only watch as it descended gleaming bright. She really couldn't believe that this was all her foe could come up with. 'Really a grenade' She thought 'Couldn't she come up with something better.'

Her eyes widened as realization hit her. 'Curse my vampire impulses' Her mind screamed 'It's a damn flash bang!'

True to its name it went off loud and ear piercing with a light that left her blind and disorientated. Heinkle could only hope that it would keep Seras at bay just long enough. Quickly she notched the single arrow drawing back the string and taking aim.

Seras snarled as her vision once again cleared. Claws ready she was about to charge when a force hit her chest. Dumbstruck the vampire eyed the spot were a thin shaft protruded from her chest. From its location it had struck her heart, yet there was no pain. In fact she could say that all her pain was gone and even thinking was becoming difficult.

The Iscariot advanced on her; she attempted to charge her but found no strength. Seras slumped to her knees confused. Heinkle's mouth was moving but she couldn't hear her.

"Serass Vitoria."

Lettering glowed on the arrow drawing Seras's attention. The letters turned ink black as they moved from the arrow to her chest forming words in writing she could not read. Her weak hand reached for the object gripping it, but Seras had not the power to pull it loose.

The world became ever quiet as Seras sat on her knees staring blankly at the shades before her. Fire danced in her eyes and once and for all the Hellsing mansion fell crashing to the ground being devoured by the flames. Slowly she brought her eyes up to stare at the figure before her; now no more than a shade to her failing vision.

"Shleep tight monshter…."

Those final words swirled within her mind as her sight gave out to blackness. She may have fallen back into the ashen ground but wasn't sure. Everything was lost to darkness; a peaceful nothingness.

This chapter has been edited. Next one will be updated soon.