South Park © Matt & Trey.

Big thanks to everyone who reviewed this :) enjoy the final chapter!

I stay home the following day, dismissing school for the time being. I have more important things on my mind than academics. Though, Kyle would flay me for even thinking it. I spend most of the day thinking about things and around five, I finally decide to text Craig.

YOU: are you homo?

Snickering at my most frequent typo, I wait for his reply –

CRAIG: What.

YOU: duh i meant home!

CRAIG: Yes, I'm home… I'm also a homo.

YOU: HAHA ok im gonna come over

CRAIG: Fine.

I pocket my phone, laughing at the fact that he humoured my accidental joke. I grab my parka and put on my boots before stepping outside. I run to Craig's house and by the time I reach his doorstep, I'm panting. I collect myself before ringing the bell. A moment later, the door swings open and Ruby is standing there. "What do you want?" she asks, crossing her arms. She's mean muggin'.

"I'm here to see Craig," I tell her. The answer is obvious by now, but I think she just wants a reason to give me cheek. Nonetheless, she lets me in, shutting the door after I slip inside. "Thanks," I murmur, making my way upstairs. I kind of wish Ruby didn't hate me so damn much. I'm not a bad person.

"Your sister seriously hates me," I mumble after stepping into Craig's room. He's sitting on his bed with his laptop placed in front of them. When he spots me, he closes it and sets it on the floor.

"She hates a lot of people," he says. "You're not special."

I don't reply. Somehow, knowing that doesn't exactly make me feel better. "Uh," I pause awkwardly, letting my gaze wander around the room. I notice the picture I drew of Craig hanging up on the wall near his dresser. If I wasn't feeling so anxious, I might smile at that.

"Well, what is it?" he asks impatiently.

"You're into me," I bring up.

"Yeah," is all he says.

"I didn't really know what to say," I admit. I'm not really used to confession. I'm used to flings.

"I gathered that much," Craig murmurs.

"I was surprised you told me," I continue. I half expected him to remain silent and keep it to himself.

He shrugs. "If you don't ask, you'll never know for sure. You'll just end up making up the other part of the conversation and believing it."

"I guess so," I agree. Hell, Craig is a lot braver than I would've thought.

"It'll make you fucking miserable," he finishes the thought.

"Yeah," I say quietly. He's probably right about that.

"So, what did you want?" he asks.

"I have a hypothetical question," I start slowly.

He crosses his arms. "Shoot, then."

"If you have feelings for someone, and it's mutual, but you know being together will cause problems… What do you do?"

"You make it work," he states without hesitation.

"But if you really care about someone… if you love them or whatever, it doesn't mean you should be with them. You should know when to end things. Sometimes it's better that way – it's better both people."

"No. If you love someone, you make it work," he reiterates.

"There are times when you need to hurt someone to help them in the long run."

He corners of his mouth quirk upward and he lets out a soft, quiet laugh. Yes, that's right. Craig Tucker just laughed. "Stop feeding me this all-knowing bullshit," he says, amused. "Just say what you want to say."

"We don't always get along…" I start slowly. "Sometimes you're a fucking asshole to me, and I'm the same way to you… But if you want… let's try this. I'm not saying I love you. I don't, at least, not yet… but someday I think I could."

"I thought you were straight," he questions.

I just shrug. "So did I, but I gave it some thought."

"Our relationship was based on sex…" he starts. "That's all it was. It was sex. That's the only reason you want to be with me… Shit, if I didn't let you fuck me, you wouldn't want me."

"That's not true," I insist. I guess that, somehow, through it all, I fell for him. It's weird how things work out. "Let's try this," I say again.

"You really want to?" he asks.

I nod, "I do."

"All right," he sighs, shrugging his shoulders lightly.

"Cool," I grin. Things are starting to look up.

And that's that. The following day, me and the guys walk to school and I decide now would be the right time to tell them who I'm currently seeing. Well, I'm sure it won't be a surprise to Kyle or Eric, but Stan has never been all that keen at knowing what's going on in the lives of others. He is pleasantly oblivious and blissfully ignorant when it comes to most things, God love 'im.

"Guys," I start. "I want to tell you all something."

"What is it?" Stan asks. Kyle turns my way expectantly while Eric just stares ahead with an unreadable expression.

"Is it that you're gay?" he cuts in. I'm not sure if he's being serious or if he's just being a dick.

"No," I give him a pointed stare, "but I am dating Craig Tucker."

"What…?" Stan raises an eyebrow and his tone is blatantly distasteful. "Why…? He's a huge knob."

"He's a sociopath!" Eric adds.

"Coming from you, that means nothing, Eric… Besides, no, he's not," I say. "You don't know him."

"And you do?" he asks, not quite believing it.

I smile fondly. "Yeah, I do."

"I didn't think Craig let people get to know him. He's socially retarded."

"Well, he does," I say. "It takes quite a lot, but it's worth it."

Eric wrinkles his nose at me. "I doubt that."

"Maybe we all need to calm down…" Stan suggests.

"God," I laugh, exasperated. "You guys are the ones sharpening fucking pitchforks and lighting fucking torches to chase him with! You don't know him… You can't judge him based on shit he did to us when we were kids, especially considering that we were ten times worse."

"I'm not saying anything," Kyle cuts in. "Personally, I don't mind Craig."

Stan lets out an audible sigh. "You're right," he says. "Sorry… if you're happy, then I'm happy."

"Jesus Christ, you're all fucking gay," Eric crosses his arms.

I just shake my head. "I'm not gay," I say for what feels like the millionth time. "I'm, uh… Kyle, what's the word?"

"Hetero-flexible?" he offers.

"Yeah, that," I nod.

Eric jut rolls his eyes. "Whatever," he says. "It's all the same gay shit to me."

I just shrug him off. I'm not going to let him ruin the way I feel – because I'm feeling pretty damn good.

"Since we're confessing things," Kyle cuts in, "I have something to confess as well." He smiles somewhat deviously.

"What's that?" Stan wonders.

"Don't –" Eric starts, only to be interrupted.

"Me and Eric are going together as well," Kyle says, laughing as if he just told the most hilarious joke.

I choke on my own spit and yell, "What?" Suddenly his incessant homophobia makes sense. I knew he was trying to compensate for something.

Stan looks mortified and sickly. "Please tell me you're kidding…"

"KAHL!" Eric shrieks, covering Kyle's mouth with one of his meaty hands.

"You know what?" I sigh. "I'm not even shocked. Eric's greatest talent is overcompensation."

Kyle elbows Eric in his chubby gut and he finally lets go. "Are you trying to kill me?"

"That was supposed to be a secret, Jew!" he growls.

"So, what?" Kyle sighs. "Secrets are overrated. Between friends, they shouldn't exist. Besides, now I won't have to force myself to remember to keep calling you by your last name anymore."

Eric's eyebrow twitches.

"What a plot twist," Stan says, shaking his head.

"Who bottoms?" I ask perversely. "Or do you guys like to switch things up?"

"Kahl!" Eric turns up his nose, insisting, "That much is obvious."

I just roll my eyes at his complex.

Aaand life goes on.

The school day goes by smoothly. I doubt anyone is going to pick a fight with me about who I choose to date. They know I won't hesitate to punch them in the face. I'm Krazy Kenny McCormick.

After class, Craig and I go to his place and fool around a bit. I'm beginning to learn that, though he acts tired, he's got quite a lot of stamina in the sack. I guess he's more comfortable now, and it shows.

"The other day you asked me if I was happy," I mention as I kneel between his open legs.


"Are you happy?" I ask.

"I guess so," he says. "I'm content. Unlike you, I don't try to figure out what that might mean. I just let things sit."

"That's good…" I whisper, staring down at his bare stomach.

"Don't," he mumbles uncomfortably. "You'll make me upset."

I lightly brush my hand over the flat plane of his pale abdomen – over the old scars and the new ones, over the ones that are fading and the ones that are still healing. "Please, stop," I say, though I know it isn't fair of me to ask a thing like that.

"Sometimes I try…" he admits in a murmur, "but then I get so angry… It's anger, not sadness. I'm not sad. I've never really been sad."

"Oh," I say softly, glad to know at least that much.

"I don't know what else to do when I feel that way," he adds.

I nod sympathetically. "That's why you shouldn't bottle things up the way you do. When you do that, you just get out of control when it all comes out, you know? Come to me instead. I mean, it's good to have an outlet if you don't want to just let loose the way Kyle does." Kyle can be fucking crazy.

Craig rolls his eyes at me and I just smile. I lean down and kiss his stomach before settling next to him.

"I thought you said you hated romance," he murmurs.

"I do," I shrug. "It's all a bunch of clichés and Valentine's Day crap."

He smiles faintly. "For someone who hates romance… you do some pretty romantic shit."

I chuckle, putting my arm around him. "I guess when you really like someone you can't help it," I say, pecking him on the cheek.

"Hm," he muses.

"Why do you cut your stomach?" I ask. "I mean… don't most people do it on their arms or legs?"

"I wanted to hide it," he sighs, probably irritated by all my questions. "I mean… I can't wear t-shirts if I've got that shit on my arms. I can't wear the required shorts in fucking gym class with them all down my legs. Besides, it hurts more this way."

"Oh," I say softly and sadly. I've been beat, cut and bruised enough times to know that the stomach is a pretty sensitive spot.

"Anyway," he says, wanting to change the subject. It's okay. I'm glad he willingly told me that much.

"Yes, anyway," I repeat him. "Where do you think you'll be next year?"

"More school."

"Will you be in Denver?"


"Good," I say. "That's close."

"What about you?" he asks.

I wrinkle my nose. "Fuck school. I'll just work and I'll come see you on your free time."

"You're gay," he says lightly.

"Only for you, babe," I wink.

He rolls his eyes at me, but there's a small smile on his lips. It's funny, I once thought Craig never laughed, cried, or apologized. I've learned that that's not true. He does all those things and he's done them in front of me, so maybe that means something. I like to think it does. Maybe it means something that I've been able to push past his exterior and come face to face with the real Craig Tucker.

I just smile in return, pulling him closer. "Mine."

"Yours," he groggily agrees.

Sure, we've still got things to sort through... but we'll be okay.

On my way out of the Tucker house, I give Craig's parents a sheepish smile. They return the glance with ones of mild humour. They know exactly what I've been up to with their son. I guess it's better that way. Kyle was right when he said there are times when secrets shouldn't exist. They are a bitch to keep, especially when it comes to family.

Craig and I exit the house and he walks with me to the end of the driveway. "Your parents don't seem to mind," I say. It's a relief.

"Yeah, they're getting used to it," he murmurs. "Soon enough they'll want to have you over for dinner."

"Scary," I snicker.

"Right?" he smiles slightly.

I lean forward and kiss him. We tongue for a few minutes, no longer caring if people see. Fuck 'em. I pull him close, soaking him up and he does the same.

"So, I'll see you tomorrow?" I ask expectantly.

"Tomorrow," he agrees with a nod.

I kiss him once more, smiling before we part ways.

Life is good. Life is damn good.
