Many thoughts plagued the kunoichis mind as she slipped a few personal belongings into her bag. None she particularly cared to daunt on… but there was one that pained her most over all.

She had killed Naruto.

Tears nearly sprang to her eyes upon the heart wrenching intrusion, but forced them back as the thought faded away, bringing new ones. Everything she cared about…. had faded away as well. And all that was left for her were painful memories that lied in her course, she still had Kakashi, and the other teams she had grown up with...but that wasn't the same to her.

Sakura sighed, glancing out her bedroom window, the moon being the only light. She slung her bag over her shoulder and crouched in her window before turning back to take in her room, seeing has how she may never enter her home again, and hopped out the window, landing soundlessly on her rooftop, and began to sash along the tiles.

As she ran, she started to remember things, happy things, like the many times she has celebrated a job-well-done at Ichiraku with Naruto and their sensei. This time, tears welled in the corners of her eyes, and sakura didn't bother to blink them back.

She was nearing the gate… but her heart wasnt ready. She hadn't imagined letting go to be this hard. She was leaving Tsunade...and Lee… and Ino...but despite all that, none of it was enough to make her stay… and she was to be questioned in the morning, concerning Naruto's death...they'd figure out it was her sooner than later, and sakura was sure they wouldn't understand, nor care to understand why.

Now, the pink haired kunoichi of the Hidden Leaf, the final member of Team 7, stood at the large wooden passage that marked the entrance and exit of her home. A soft 'tup' sounded behind her and sakura did her best to stifle her tears.

"Sakura...What are you doing?"

She recognized the voice right away and immediately kicked herself for not remembering that some shinobi were on patrol at night… releasing a heavy sigh, Sakura turned, a faint smile contradicting her watery eyes, but didn't say a word as her bright, blue-green eyes met with Nejis.

For a moment, it was silent, a light breeze dancing across their figures, playing with their hair and flitting away. And again he questioned her as he took a step forward, "Are you leaving?"

Sakura was sure he already knew the answer to that question.

"Yes," She whispered.

She watched Neji's eyes close briefly, and when he opened them, sadness pricked his features, "...Where are you going?"

Sakura could tell thats not what he had wanted to ask, the real question had been subtle… blanketed by other simple words that masked the question that was on his mind; 'why?'. But Sakura shook her head, forcing back yet another wave of tears.

"You're being irrational," He said, "You don't need to leave."

Sakura wanted to laugh… She was being irrational, acting on emotions, which a shinobi should never ever do. She began to sep towards him, not meeting his eyes as she wrapped her arms around his figure, embracing im with a light hug, most likely the last one she'd receive. The Hyuuga had never been big on human contact, so he didn't know what to do, though he didn't pull away. Instead, he gently placed his arms about her back, feeling her tremble. She was scared.

"Stay," he said quietly, his voice almost inaudible.

She stepped away, relinquishing the warmth she had felt, her hands still upon his shoulders, "I cant."

"Why not?"

Again, Sakura shook her head, "Goodbye, Neji."

She turned away, not waiting for him to say anything, not glancing back at the village, where she grew up, where she learned, where she thrived. And as she ran, she could still feel his white eyes on her back.

'Goodbye Konoha.'


Red eyes swirled violently, the battle between the rogue ninjas who had tried to ambush their sleeping grounds feeling the wrath of the sharingan. The three of them collapsed in moments, without having to lay a single finger on any of them. In all actuality, there really wasn't a big enough threat to use his bloodline limit... However he had smoke to blow, something he didn't feel often.


Those three syllables told him it was time to move again, and if he didn't comply... Well it was to his benefit that he did. Even though he was bigger than the eldest uchiha, he knew of his capabilities, and size did matter in the least. But aside from the occasional threat from Itachi, being his partner wasn't all bad. The sharkman was privileged with seeing sides of Itachi that people didn't even know he'd had... And ones many thought he'd left his past.

"Hai, Itachi-san."

Two days had passed since sakura left Konoha. From that point, she had encountered two teams whose goal was to retrieve her, with force if necessary. One of those teams had Ino in it, which was a good plan in theory.

Sakura figured Tsunade-sama thought that seeing someone she was close to may cause her to change her mind.

And it would have worked... If Ino wanted Sakura to return. But the blonde knew better. She knew something was wrong... That Sakura was loyal to her village, all she had done for it. So if she left and was this hard to stay gone, Ino realized it had to have been something important.

However, seeing her best friend was still painful. But she pressed on, heading opposite of the Leaf in hoped of finding a goal for her new life. Maybe not, it was too open, the Leaf shinobi would find her on no time.

'Damn it, Naruto...,' she grew frustrated, 'damn you to hell.'

Sakuras eyes burned as she had already cried out all the tears her eyes could manage. But she was angry, not only at herself, but with Naruto too. Why had he begged her that day? Why did he make her promise him? Why did he not think about the aftermath? But why was she being so selfish?

Sakura blindly gathered bright blue chakra into her fist, white rage and deep remorse fueling her power. The tree in front of her became her victim, launching her arm back and whipping it forward again, her knuckles punctured the bark. Debris flew in every which direction. The large oak crashed wildly to the ground and it wasn't until it had rested before she realized what she had done.

"Hm... If a tree falls, and no one is around to hear it... Did it fall?"

The sudden Voice made her jump and she turned around, pulling a kunai from her back pouch. A raspy chuckle came from the taller of the two figures. Fear had stricken solid in her heart when she saw who else was there, seeing bright red eyes staring intently at her. She avoided all eye contact.

"You're quite a long way from home, kunoichi, judging by your proctor..." The tall man spoke again.

Sakura recognized the man as Kisame Hoshigaki, remembering Kakashi mentioning the pair.

Sakura stepped back, analyzing her situation. Instantly the Uchiha was behind her, his tight grip around her wrist, his own kunai across her throat, " Drop your weapon."

Itachis voice was soft in her ear and she involuntarily shivered. Sakura squeezed her eyes shut, trying to think of a way out.

"Dont try anything, girl. You know damn well he can kill you before you take your next breath."

Mumbling words of hate, Sakura threw her kunai to the ground, hearing its point stake the earth. She felt a tug on the back of her skirt, and noticed Itachi removing her tan pouch. He tossed it aside with ease, reaching into her boots to pull out the senbon she had latched onto her legs, and the poison she kept hidden on the inner part of her black shorts on her inner thigh. Sakura wanted to protest, but knew better in this sort of situation.

But.. What was the point in her existence anymore? "Why havent you killed me yet?"

Kisame laughed again, "Heh, You ready to die already?"

So they were planning to kill her….good. In all honesty, she didn't want to live anymore. She could feel Itachis eyes boring into her back, and glanced up, purposefully meeting his eyes. They were blank, expressionless… empty. No emotion lied behind them, and in a way, it was almost intimidating.

"Why are you here?"

Sakuras frown deepened, "What do you mean..?"

"What is your mission?"

Sakura laughed bitterly, "I don't have one."

This seemed to interest Itachi, and for a moment, she saw questions brewing behind his dark orbs. Sakura opened her mouth to speak but was silenced as she watched his rapid movements. She could hardly follow his hand as he chopped the back of her neck, and then she could feel herself falling. A sharp tug was the last thing she felt, before her eyes snapped shut, and the sunlight left her.

A/N: So this is chapter one of my first ItaSaku fanfic... im usually off writing about kpop or something, ive actually got the link to my AFF on my profile if your into that. But i hope you all like this, and continue to read more from me as i go^^