Two reviews, four favourites and ten follows.


Thank you so much, guys! :D

Annabeth gasped softly when she saw the warrior's eyes. They were the brightest, most piercing green she'd ever seen, framed with soft black lashes.

What happened next, Annabeth couldn't fully process.

The second the warrior's eyes opened, he jumped to his feet in a practised move and stood on the bed, staring at the shocked demigods. Drawing his sword, he pointed it at them, swinging it, shouting in such fast Ancient Greek that Annabeth could barely understand it, but it sounded like he was asking who they were.

When he got no answers other than shocked stares, he leapt over them like a gazelle, bounced once with two feet on the opposite bed and vaulted through the window.

Annabeth went pelting from the infirmary, followed by the curious demigods. "Secure the ship!" she bellowed at them. "Make sure he doesn't jump off or kill anything."

The demigods rushed off until only Annabeth, Piper, Jason, Leo, Hazel, Frank, Thalia, Clarisse and Katie were left. They hurried to the front deck to find the warrior with his sword pressed against Coach Hedge's throat, who was bleating nervously.

"Get away from him!" Clarisse yelled, drawing her spear.

The warrior jumped away from the satyr and onto the railing. Annabeth sucked in a breath. He was balancing, seemingly precariously, on a thin pole, just a gust of wind away from an eighty-storey drop. But his posture was confident. He'd probably balanced on something like that before.

He pointed his sword at them, yelling furiously in Ancient Greek.

"Calm down, man!" Jason said loudly. "We can't understand what you're saying!"

The warrior's brows furrowed. "You do not speak Greek?" he questioned in accented English. Annabeth almost fell over.

"You speak English?" she asked.

"Yes," the warrior said, seemingly offended. He did not put his sword away. "Of course I do."

"But you are a Grecian warrior, correct?" Annabeth asked, moving a little closer.

"Yes, and more," the warrior said, lowering his sword a little. "My name is Perseus, son of Poseidon."

Annabeth stumbled back the way she came. Hazel and Piper caught her and asked her in hushed voices what was wrong.

"Perseus," she mumbled. "He's...Perseus. But Perseus died!"

"Perseus, son of Jupiter?" Jason questioned.

"Zeus," Annabeth corrected automatically. "And no. Perseus son of Poseidon was an Ancient Greek warrior, the greatest of them all. Unsung hero of the Trojan War. If any of you bothered to do the reading, you would know that while he was not famous, he was quite possibly the best swordfighter of Greece and Rome combined. He is said to have died while on a global exploration." It dawned on her. "That's why he was frozen in ice! His ship must have been passing Antarctica and he fell off!"

"Best swordfighter," Jason repeated, a little jealousy flashing in his eyes.

"Where am I?" Perseus' voice came suddenly, making them all jump.

"It's kind of complicated," Annabeth began.

"Tell me, daughter of Athena," he said, his voice dangerously quiet.

"Perseus, this is the year 2013," Annabeth said gently. "You've been asleep for hundreds and hundreds of years."

Perseus' face twisted. He raised a fist, and all the demigods stepped back. Leo uttered a small shriek.

A fist made entirely of seawater, mimicking Perseus' hand exactly, rose up behind the Ancient Greek warrior.

"I don't believe you!" he roared. "Do not lie to me!"

"Perseus, please - !" Annabeth began, but Perseus pointed his fist at her and the watery fist obeyed.

"Perseus, sleep!" Piper suddenly bellowed, her voice so thick with charmspeak that Leo's eyes started drooping.

The Ancient Greek warrior wobbled slightly, and fell off the railing, thankfully onto the deck and not plummeting into the swirling waters below.

"Cursed daughter of Aphrodite..." he mumbled, before suddenly going limp.

Annabeth approached with caution. He was completely out.

"I'm sorry, Perseus," she whispered, before commanding Jason and Clarisse to take him to the infirmary again.

As far as I know, there wasn't a Perseus son of Poseidon Ancient Greek warrior best swordfighter *takes deep breath after frenzy*. So don't quote me on it. xD