Just a quick lil story to accompany Approvesport's wonderful picture. Enjoy!
The Towel
My heavy wooden door was a wonderful sight as I took the last few steps up to my apartment. It had been a long day, spent helping Levy move from the dorms to her new house just outside of town. We'd started early, making dozens of trips back and forth and when we'd finally finished, it had been nightfall and I'd headed straight for home, wanting nothing more than to crawl into a steaming hot bath and soak away the day.
Exhausted, I turned the knob and stepped inside my apartment, dropping my bag at my feet the moment I was inside. "Finally home," I sighed, and shuffled across the room, heading straight for my bathroom to start the water.
With my hand on the knob, I paused, quirking my head to the side when I thought I heard something on the other side. Leaning towards the door, I listened closely …Nothing.
Shrugging, I turned the knob and pushed the door open, immediately assaulted by a whoosh of hot moist air slamming into my face. 'What the…?!'
I froze in place, my eyes wide. Slender, slightly tanned muscular legs stretched up in front of me, curving into beautifully rounded butt cheeks. My hands itched as I stood there, staring at the taut perfection till my gaze traveled north, inching my way up a deliciously sculpted back and then worked my way up to increasingly broad shoulders. A small white towel covered the back of his head and neck but poking out the front was a messy tuft of pink hair with several strands hanging over his dark eyes as he turned slightly in my direction and stared at me.
I felt the muscles in my gut clench in desire and I swallowed thickly as I continued to just stand there. My God he was gorgeous. I wanted badly to step forward, place my hands on his incredibly narrow hips and slide them slowly forward till my arms were wrapped around his waist. I'd press my lips to the center of his back, lick a trail along his spine and then…
"Tch, Lucy," Natsu said, dropping his hands to the side and leaving the towel hanging around his neck as he straightened.
"I-I'm sorry!" I blurted quickly and jumped back, slamming the door closed and then covering my now flaming face with my hands.
'Oh crap! What did I just do?!' I screamed inside my head. I'd just stood there, ogling Natsu like a complete moron. I can just imagine what he was thinking… or at least I know what I'd be thinking if the roles were been reversed. I'd have called him a pervert, and that's exactly what I was… a huge pervert.
I shook my head and suddenly the door swung open behind me, another burst of warm air hitting the back of my neck.
"Lucy?" Natsu said, coming up behind me.
I turned slowly, nervously biting on my lower lip. What was he going to do? Was he mad?
My entire body tensed when I turned and saw the white towel knotted at his hip, the small piece of fabric the only thing covering his damp body. I couldn't help the reaction I had staring at him, heat flooding my insides and crawling up my neck to my face.
Stuttering, I finally managed to say, "I didn't… I'm sorry. I thought…"
He stepped closer, moving his body within inches of mine. I could see tiny droplets of water clinging to his skin and my tongue slipped out, moistening my suddenly dry lips while he bent forward and whispered near my ear, "You're out of soap."
Weeeeee isn't he so hot?!