Nico hated events like these, he didn't belong or enjoy being within big crowds, especially crowds of drunken classmates. The sight of slobbering teens grinding against each other in corners and in dance areas made his stomach churn. The sight of teens smoking from bongs and having a good time playing drunken games; or of teens hollering at each other and teasing the meek part takers that came to the party looking to fit in angered him. Taking watch of the whole community from his spot against the wall made him feel ill, he didn't know why he bothered to come if only to spur his nausea. But the most nauseating part of all was watching the boy across the room.
There on the couch sat Percy, smiling his brilliant smile, surrounded by people who adored him. He had his arm wrapped around Annabeth's waist, and even in a drunken stupor he played the gentleman, not that Annabeth would let him grope her publicly without a good smacking, probably. They were both giggling stupidly to themselves, obviously and obliviously drunk and lost in each their own little world, pecking on the lips constantly. It wasn't slobbery and dirty like the other youths in their little corners having a horny good time, it was sweet and sickening and it made Nico feel most ill. How wonderful it must have been to be Annabeth Chase.
Nico cast his eyes down, not knowing why he was here, why come to a place he didn't fit in. Why torture himself by being here. He knew he should have just stayed at home, but he just couldn't help but want to see Percy. Parties were an excuse to see him, they only had a few classes together but the teacher was the only visible face he could see from his corner in the back. At lunch time he refused to eat in the cafeteria amidst tables of clicks, and at sport events where Percy was breathtaking, Nico always situated far away from the crowds and bleachers. He was embarrassed to be there cheering his crush on with all those people; so he would watch Percy from afar who looked like a mere unreachable speck from his spot by the trees.
But at parties, it gave his heart some flutter being able to see Percy more clearly. Here Percy wasn't just the back of a head in a class room or a spot in the horizon on the football field. Here he could see Percy smile, and that was all he really wanted, to capture moments like these of his crush and his hero. He didn't know why he bothered.
Staring down at his feet, he thought it would be good to leave soon. He was good at blending into backgrounds and walls, away from any sort of attention so he felt safe against his wall. Yet at the same time, amidst the nausea in his stomach he felt something uncomfortable scratching at his mind, it was like an acute awareness to danger. It made his hair stand slightly on end, maybe he was being paranoid at being with such a large crowd but it felt like someone was peering at him. With his head still down, his eyes looked up to scan the room quickly.
Without meaning to he caught Percy's eye and flinched lightly. The boy at the end of the room smiled in surprise and waved at him. His breath hitched and he was shocked that Percy noticed him at all and returned a small wave while trying to keep his cool. When he saw Percy beckon him with a hand motion to come over as Annabeth nuzzled further into his side, he politely raised his own hand in a motion that said he was fine where he was. Percy went back to chatting and snuggling and Nico stared at the ground a few moments longer feeling like a creep before pushing himself off the wall and moving to leave the party.
Not paying attention to his surroundings he came to a sudden halt when a pair of feet entered his vision, he looked up to work his way around said person only to see a smiling Jason. Co-captain of the football team to Frank Zhang who was his best buddy. "Hey Nico" said the blond who seemed to be in a good mood, though he wasn't drunk like the others. Jason was a nice, cool guy, he was the center of attention as well but didn't really care for that light and he wasn't an open book, Nico admired that about him.
"Hey.." he said back, "where you going, man?". "This isn't really my scene, I think I'll just head out". Jason's smile dropped a bit making Nico shift his feet, he really just wanted to leave right now. "Aw come on dude, the party just started. You can't come to a party and not have at least one drink". Nico wanted to protest that he didn't party or drink and never wanted to, ever. But he didn't want to come off too rude or lame, so a bit of silence passed between them. He was very unaccustomed to social interaction and was thinking of something to say to politely turn down the offer from the model student.
Jason's arm went up to rub his neck as he looked away to say "y'know I thought your poem today in class was pretty ill. Did you make it yourself?" he said sort of lamely. Nico's eyebrows went up a bit, "oh yea I did, uh, thanks" he said a bit shyly, his cheeks reddening a little as he averted his eyes, trying to look natural like he was admiring the painting on the wall of little red riding hood. Jason looked back at him with a renewed smile, making Nico feel even more embarrassed at the praise to his cheesy poem which was obviously about Percy, but Jason didn't know that. No one knew that. "What does hath mean?" "huh?" "you used the word hath in your poem, hath such violent rage…something". Nico couldn't help but smirk lightly at that "it just means to have, it is kind of a dead word though. Don't know why I used it", he couldn't help but chuckle a little, it seemed like such a trivial think that Jason should have known, maybe the guy just wanted to make conversation. He didn't notice Jason's warm gaze.
"..Thanks again, but I should really get going now". He made a motion to get around Jason but the boy put a surprising grip on his shoulder that he wasn't expecting and he looked straight at Jason. "Wait! Uh.. can you tell me more about it?". Nico wasn't sure what to say, Jason seemed strangely desperate even though they barely knew each other. "Do.. you need help in class?". Jason stared at him. "Uh..well sure, I mean yeah! That'd be cool. I was also really curious about what the poem was about, it was pretty awesome" he said a bit awkwardly. Nico smiled a bit to be polite, but felt a strange nagging feeling in his mind that told him to just leave right now. "How about you tell me a little more at the punch table? C'mon don't leave here without having a little interaction" Jason smiled sweetly. "Uh, where's Piper? She didn't come with you?" Nico asked, assuming that Jason just wanted to kill time because his girlfriend wasn't around.
Jason blinked, "oh her? We're not really together anymore, I guess it wasn't really there for me.. she's a sweet girl and a good friend and all but.. yea, guess she didn't take it too well.. she'll come around eventually though", Jason looked down sadly. Though for some reason his eyes didn't feel genuine, Nico shrugged it off as overanalyzing "I'm sorry I brought it up". "Sorry enough to have a drink with me?" Jason said in good humour as he put a hand on Nico's shoulder that Nico wasn't comfortable with. Jason had a habit of grabbing at him in a friendly manner without warning that Nico didn't like. Nico was hesitant, looking at the punch table warily, and really not wanting a drink. "You're sister is supposed to be here soon actually" Jason remarked. "Really? How do you know?". "Frank took her to a movie tonight, said they'd be stopping by in a couple hours" Jason smiled.
Nico was thoughtful for a moment, he'd actually love to see Hazel right now. After Hazel's mom had adopted him when he was much younger, they all used to live together happily, but there uncle had taken them in for a few years after she had died during freshman year. It was a relief to leave because the man had abusive mood swings and was constantly angry. Nico always tried to protect Hazel, he had instigated and took most of their uncle's rage, making Hazel seem more invisible, thankfully. Nico had felt so weak during those years, he wished he could have been more strong like Percy.
Nico had been so happy when he turned 18 and they started living on their own together, but now they lived separately. She had been incredibly adamant about him living with her at Frank's place which was a much better accomodation, but he didn't want to feel like a charity case or third wheel. Frank was more than happy to take him in and Hazel was very good at helping take care of his grandma, but Nico would just feel awkward living there. Hazel fit in easily with her boyfriend, he didn't. Nico told her he preferred living on his own and have his own apartment because it helped him get school work done and transition into college. But in truth he was always lonely and missed living with her, though he was happy that she was living in a good house. Frank could provide more for her than he ever could with his small convenience store job.
They also didn't have any classes together and he rarely got to see her because she was such an active participant at school so it would be great to finally see her face after such a busy week. She texted and called him every day but it wasn't the same, he missed his sister, she was the only person he was really comfortable around. "Yea, okay. I guess I can stay a bit" he said. "Cool" Jason said in a way like he won a bet and without another word took Nico by the arm to the punch bowl, Nico let himself get taken there, not wanting to be rude. Nico didn't like being touched but didn't want to tell Jason that after he had complimented him so nicely. If Nico was anyone else, he'd probably have seen the warning signs.
He wasn't sure how much time had passed, but Hazel never arrived. He chatted randomly with Jason, wishing that he could be more responsive and politely took the drink that was offered as they stood near the couches. His heart hammered slightly, Percy was closer from this position. He put attention to his drink, nervously downing it to keep his mind off and away from Percy as Jason continued to talk to him.
Leo had come by to greet Jason, pretty drunk off his ass as Calypso tried to balance the crazy guy. Nico drank some more, wanting to occupy his mouth so he wouldn't have to stand their awkwardly. Leo giggled like a mad man before being dragged off into the crowd, he started to dance like a drunk gypsy and singing to the music, forcing an exasperated Calypso to dance with him. They got the crowd's attention immediately. "What a crazy dude" Jason laughed.
It all happened very quickly, a sudden wave of adrenaline and renewed nausea out of nowhere. Something was wrong, Jason was still talking, but his vision was rotating and skewing and everything sounded ambient. Was he drunk already? That was fast. He felt really hot too.
He could hear Leo somewhere in the background, it was the loudest voice in the room, but it didn't sound like English words, or any sort of language. But he knew it was Leo. A hand brushed his shoulder and he shuddered. Why did that feel so good? Did he just moan a little? Must have been someone else, he'd never make that noise.
Why were the lights so colourful and bright, were they that colourful before? ..Percy, that's Percy's voice Nico thought. It sounds so nice and gentle. But it began to fade and he felt himself being directed on where to fly, to the space where the neon colours became gold and the air became cold.
Percy was being nosy but Jason waved him off saying that Nico would be fine, he'd take him home. "You know where he lives?" Percy asked with worry, " I've never seen him drunk before". Jason masked his irritation with a smile, Percy was a good kid but he always saw him as a natural rival unlike Frank or the other jocks, something about them was too similar yet Percy always seemed to have more favour. "Yea we chill together now and then, he's helping me with some litt assignments. I can't write for shit" Jason faked a good guy laugh as he effortlessly stabilized Nico's lighter body, motioning to make a move to the door. "Okay cool, take care of him. Text me when you get him home" Percy smiled, still a little buzzed as he walked back to Annabeth. Jason let his smile drop as he took Nico outside to his car, the air was freezing.
Jason took Nico to his place. When they got there he dragged the boy to his room and tore Nico's shirt open, kissing and sucking against the boy's neck as his hands caressed all around. Nico was so sensitive and lost in the feeling, arching his head back and breathing sweet sighs that took such power over Jason. His hands groped everywhere as Nico's own lightly clutched his shirt for support. He lowered his hands to the boy's ass for a strong squeeze as he sunk his teeth into that enticing neck. The boy's ass felt great, it was small but toned and Jason liked the feeling of treading it with his large hands.
His hands went lower and Jason lifted the boy up from under his knees which were apparently really sensitive as well because the boy made a gasping sound at the contact. He carried and placed Nico down lightly on his bed, caressing the underneath of his knees a little more before sliding his hands up and around the pale body. His own body was much larger and muscled in contrast to the boy's very lean body which was also toned in all the right areas. He wondered how because he never saw Nico play any sports. He began undoing Nico's pants impatiently as his mouth wandered down to kiss and nip at every inch of skin. He wouldn't mind just doing this all night just to hear the boy's beautiful moans if it weren't for his incredibly aching erection. He paid attention to the navel and hollow of the boy's hips that made the body arch and squirm gracefully.
Reaching over to his nightstand, Jason grabbed a small bottle of lube and began to open it, but stopped himself. He looked at Nico's parted lips and slid two fingers in, the dazed boy began sucking and nipping lightly as if it were a tasty treat. Jason shuddered at the feeling and image of the slack mouth, when he pulled his fingers out, a thin string of saliva came out and broke off from Nico's mouth and he let the bottle roll away. He lifted one of the boy's legs over his shoulder with his dry hand and slid his wet fingers into the entrance. It was much tighter than he expected but he worked one finger in and the walls tightened more. He began kissing Nico as he slid his finger around inside, swallowing the boy's whimpers.
A little later he forced the second one in causing Nico to jump a bit, with his other hand he worked it down to jack the boy off a little roughly. Soon he was thrusting both fingers in and out. But it was taking too long to stretch enough, he got off to grab the bottle again and poured some lube onto his hand impatiently, this time shoving three in and working it around. Jason knew he was exceptionally large, it wouldn't slide into Nico's small entrance easily.
Once it felt a bit more loose to his liking, he sat up and pulled Nico forward into his lap, forcing his cock into the boy's mouth and moaning loudly. The boy was in such a daze but his mouth was slack as Jason thrust the first half of his dick into his mouth. It was only half but the boy still choked lightly on it. Jason wanted to ram the whole thing inside Nico's stretched mouth but forced himself out, threw the boy back down and lifted both legs from under his knees and pushed them down to where Nico's shoulders were. The boy was entirely exposed and vulnerable and beautiful.
Jason thrust his cock in, the fat head slowly squeezing it's way in, forcing Nico's entrance to stretch wider. Jason shuddered at how tight Nico was, the feeling sending electricity to every nerve. He set himself in deep, sheathing his entire cock in to the base and filling Nico up and stretching him out immensely. A deep "AH" sound echoed out of him from Nico's chest at the sheer depth in which Jason entered and filled him. Nico made a few choking sounds on his saliva as Jason slowly slide himself out and back in, he was forcing himself into a gentle pace while being inside Nico, staring deep into the boy's lost eyes. Nico was so out of it, his eyes lidded and staring at nothing, sexy sighs and moans escaping his parted lips. Jason was in deep physically, mentally, emotionally. His hand came up to cradle Nico's head and to keep the boy's face secured in front of his own. He watched Nico with such concentration as he kept thrusting himself in and out, in and out. Once in a while he'd lean down to kiss the boy deeply. With a harder and faster thrust, he devoured Nico's mouth and his tongue thrusted inside to dominate and explore ever corner in the same hard rhythm that his dick did to the boy's ass. But he kept breaking apart to look at Nico, just look at him in wonder like the boy was the eighth wonder.
Nico's moans grew louder and hoarser as Jason began to slam himself in harder, reaching even deeper and setting a faster pace. The boy was still too tight, but it felt amazing and he couldn't hold it in much longer and began to thrust in more brutally and deep. The creaking of the bed frame and the clattering of the table started to grow louder and more erratic as Jason began to let himself go.
Nico began screaming to Jason's delight, as the boy's ass began to swallow his rampant cock more easily. With such a large girth he was able to fully reach into each corner of Nico. When he found the perfect angle that had Nico screaming loudest he knew he was aimed right at the boy's prostate and began to plunder it ruthlessly without fail, driving Nico crazy. The pressure and force of it made Nico's voice sound deeper and Jason let himself get lost in the feeling. He felt the boy's walls tightening as his own balls began to tighten. They were both about to come, Nico had came lightly a few times during the session because of how sensitive he was to the ecstasy Jason had spiked in his drink. But he kept recovering and was about to come hard and long under Jason.
Jason gave everything he could, getting ready to climax, gripping Nico hard "Nico…so tight..fuck..yeah…yeah Nico.. Nico" he chanted, as his right hand held the boy's face, his thumb pressed against the boy's lower lip. And then the wonderful pressure in his heart turned into a horrible piercing feeling like an enflamed sword as Nico came.
Quicker than lighting, the sweet cry of a single word shattered Jason completely, Nico had cried out "Percy" with such love in his voice.
Jason stuttered to a stop and stared in a horrified stupor at Nico until the last bits of cum streamed out of Nico and onto his stomach. Grabbing the boy's face with both hands to look at him even though the eyes did not meet him, "what did you say?" he breathed out harshly. But Nico was spent, gasping heavily and lost and overwhelmed from the ravage. He looked to be on the verge of passing out, Jason shook him a bit but no response came. Then he sent a hard slap across the boy's face "what did you say!?", but still no response came as the boy's head just lolled at the impact as if a dead body.
Jason's face grew incredulously enraged, as he rammed back hard into Nico making the boy groan back to life. He began thrusting even more wildly, holding the boy's legs back up again, his abs sliding roughly against Nico's limp cock.
Soon after he flipped Nico's body around and slammed into him repeatedly like an animal. The bed framed smashed against the wall, the impact denting it as Nico's limp and spent body was held up by his hips. Jason's grip was bruisingly strong as he kept at it like a savage. Nico's voice was becoming scratchy.
Jason's cell phone had been buzzing on the table side for some while, when he finally took notice of it, he grabbed it while still thrusting ruthlessly into Nico. At a glance he saw Percy's name was on the display and he wondered why the fuck he had him as a contact. He briefly contemplated answering it and telling Percy how great Nico felt or even putting it against Nico's mouth. But instead he angrily threw it at the wall not wanting to hear Percy or have him hear Nico and it smashed into pieces. He continued with his angry thrusts, gripping Nico's hips harder and leaning down to bite the boy's shoulder.
Nico soon passed out as Jason continued to savage and hammer into his body with a wildness that was barely human.