The first chapter will be short but I'll make the next ones longer.


I walked into the throne room of Olympus. After Annabeth dumped me for Nico, I had become depressed and started moping around my cabin. I guess the gods had noticed because they called me to Olympus a week later. I bowed to my father and then to Zeus. Zeus growled "You dare not bow to the king of the gods first? I should throw you off Olympus for that!" Then surprisingly, before Poseidon could retort, Hera exclaimed angrily "Shut up Zeus. This hero pays respect to his father first and is the first hero I've seen who doesn't cheat on their love. You on the other hand, cheat on me daily and get angry when I help a male hero. I have never cheated you and it means nothing to you and I can't stand you anymore. I'm getting divorced." She started chanting in ancient Greek and a golden thread appeared between Zeus and Hera. she then waved her hand and the thread snapped. "and as an afterthought, I'm making Percy a minor sea god and god of loyalty." she said and once more chanted in ancient Greek. Percy felt like his body was falling apart and he blacked out.

So was that good? Please give ideas for the next chapters!