Rewritten: 28/9/2014

Chapter 1:

The sun was high above a bustling known to many as Odaiba but not a bit of the sun's precious rays ever grace any of the city's citizens as grey clouds poured water by the buckets onto the earth.

Among the people caught in the drenching rain was a boy, whose mahogany hair that was once spiked now was clinging onto his skin while tears that were flowing down his dark brown eyes as he ran down the near abandon streets.

He did not bring an umbrella causing his clothes, which were a red jersey with a yellow line across the chest paired with a thick white line under it and a pair of light brown khakis with two green lines running down at the sides, to stick uncomfortably onto his skin.

In his right hand was a pair of white aviator goggles with blue tinted lenses being hold tightly in his grip.

For those who knew this boy personally, they would wonder why those goggles are in his hand instead of sitting on his head because of the meanings behind the plastic sportswear but it were also those exact meanings that he could not wear them on his head.

Soon the boy arrives at an apartment building and he quickly runs up the staircase before reaching the front door with the word 'Motomiya' written at the mailbox.

He digs into his pants pocket and pulls out a door key before sliding it into the lock and turns the brass key until a click came.

Slamming the door open hard against the wall without caring if the people inside heard the uncivilized act, the boy kicked off his shoes and walked to the living room that was void of life.

He drags his feet from the living room towards the kitchen only to see the same result with the difference of there being a note stuck onto the refrigerator along with some money.

At the note was a message that was meant for the boy and it reads:

'Davis, your father and I are away on business and won't be home for a few weeks also Jun going staying at a friend's place for the entire time.


Seeing those words had caused something to snap inside the boy as he rips the note to pieces and throws them onto the floor out of pure anger.

"You're both always never home because of work! None of you care about me!" the boy, Davis, exclaimed in anger as stomps his way into his bedroom.

But after slamming the door shut behind him, Davis' anger did not dissipate when he saw the pictures hanging on his wall and sitting on his computer desk.

Suddenly, he started destroying all the pictures in his room; tearing them from the walls and smashing them onto the floor, throwing them to the walls and even punching and stomping them, causing his hands and feet to bleed from the broken glass but he ignored the pain, too filled with grift and anger that had built up from growing up with neglectful workaholic parents and ignorant sister and it finally snapping from what had happened not long ago.

By the time all the pictures were reduce to nothing, Davis stood in the middle of his room, hands and feet bleeding while surrounded by destroyed picture frames and broken glass.

At the corner of his eye, the glint of something caught his attention and he turns to pick it up.

It was the only picture frame that had miraculously survive the destruction and inside was the picture of Davis with a blue dragon with a yellow 'V' on his head, yellow markings under his crimson eyes and white abdomen and jaw.

Davis gave a sad smile as he reaches out to caress the side of the dragon face, smudging the glass with his blood.

"I'm sorry Veemon, if only I was stronger, you'd still be here with me" Davis mumbled sadly.

Out of nowhere, a loud screeching noise came and when the brunet turned to the source, he saw that it was his computer that had turned itself on before a digital windows opened.

Soon numbers and strange digital code flash inside the digital windows and after a few minutes it seemed to have set itself somewhere.

Davis, who had stood at same place for the entire incident, finally snapped out of stupor and walks to the computer desk.

"A Digi-Port? But I never asked Izzy to install one into my computer and where are these coordinates?" Davis thought out loud and his answer was given to him in the form of an email through the Digi-Port.

'Daisuke 'Davis' Motomiya, the Dark Ocean is calling for you' was what written in the email and Davis was blown back a little.

"The D-Dark Ocean? The world of darkness that TK, Kari, Ken and Yolei went to? Why would it be calling me?" he asked but no email came to explained to him further about the situation.

Curious as to why he was being called, Davis quickly grabbed a pen and paper and started writing.

'To everyone, I have finally enough with everything. No one has ever cared about me; nobody had the time for me and constantly ignores me. Now I'm leaving this disgusting place I once call home and I will never come back. Fuck all of you to hell and back'.

With that, Davis leaves the blood stained paper next to his computer for his parents to find and he fishes out his digivice from his pants pockets.

He points his D-3 towards the computer monitor and calls out at the top of his lungs, "Digi-Port open!" and he was engulf by dark light instead of the usual white light that usually comes every time he does this.

Soon he was sucked into the computer and away from the chaos that he had caused inside his room.

When the dark light had faded, Davis, who was now wearing a blue jacket with yellow and red flames at the bottom over a white T-shirt and a light brown khakis was standing on a beach made of grey sand, in front of him was a dark ocean and behind him a forest filled black trees that was void of any leaves.

The brunet surveyed his surrounding any danger in case what his friends, TK, Kari, Ken and Yolei, said about this world he was in was true.

After noticing that nothing was going to attack him, Davis began to walk down the beach while trying to figure out why this world of darkness would be calling him.

Minutes had passed and the brunet was starting to doubt his friends' words about this world being a cruel and evil place as he continues to take in the sights but he then found a cave near the beach.

Curious to know what was hiding inside the cave, Davis absentmindedly walks inside the cave.

It was completely dark and walking was next to impossible at first but as time passed, his eyes adjust to the darkness and he finds himself walking into a small cavern that quite deep inside the cave.

In the cavern was a large statue of a large two headed monster with one head having two horns sticking out from the back of his head while the other had a horn at the front of his head.

The statue's arms were just like the heads, they were different from the other arm with one having a spike coming out from its elbow while other had larger claws.

Davis stares in awe at the onyx colored statue before him and touches it with his right hand.

Suddenly, the statue started to crack and then shatter, revealing the exact creature that looked like the statue was floating in front of the brunet.

"Whoa" Davis gasped in awe as he watches the creature bends its body down until its heads were at the same level as he was.

"What is your name?" a raspy and growling dual voice asked in unison.

"Davis Motomiya, were you the one that called me?".

"Davis… Motomiya… Yes, we were the ones that called you to our world" it said while its dual heads circle around the brunet almost like studying him.

"Who are you and why did you call me to the Dark Ocean?".

"We are an ancient digimon that had existed at very beginning of the creation of both the Digital Multiverse. Our name has been forgotten in Digital History but our title was still remembered by few. We are GranMillenniummon, the divine Sovereign of the Dark Dimension. As for why we called you to the Dark Ocean; many years ago, the Dark Dimension and the Digital Multiverse once went to war with each other, it was our attempt to unite all the worlds under darkness but that war ended with many deleted with the chance of never coming back. We, the Sovereign of this world had lost too much power from that war and were forced to hibernate or be deleted. We were waiting for someone like you to come along for a very long time".

"But why me and for what purpose?".

"The Dark Dimension houses the darkest and most evil beings in the Multiverse and with our absence chaos swept the land. We want you to bring back the order that was lost; we want you to take over".

"Take over? Wait, you can't be saying that you want me to rule in your place! I'm a Digidestind! More than half of the creatures here practically want me dead!".

"Wrong child, you WERE a Digidestind" GranMillenniummon corrected.

"Okay, I WAS a Digidestind but you said it yourself, this place has the baddest and most dark digimons to ever exist. How am I supposed to lead them when I'm a human! Even a rookie can take me down without a breaking a sweat!".

"That is why we're going to give all our power to you".

Before Davis could counter saying that he was human so how could he receive the dying Sovereign's power, GranMillenniummon breathed out a fog of the thickest of black smoke from both his heads and it encapsulates around the brunet's body forming a black cocoon.

Davis screamed in pain as he felt the darkness forcing itself into his body and merging into his very D.N.A turning him into something else.

The sound of twisting and snapping bones filled the air with the screams of pain as the brunet's body starts to change into that more similar to a digimon and after what felt like an eternity of pain and suffering, it finally stopped.

"Now you have all our power, go Davis Motomiya; bring order back to this world!" GranMillenniummon's voice echoed against the cave wall before he dissolved into particles of data.

Davis, who had collapsed after the energy transfer process had finished, got up to his feet just in time to see his predecessor's data disappear into thin air probably to never be seen again.

Looking down, he saw that the energy transfer had altered his body greatly.

His hands had turned into long sharp claws with a spike on each elbow, his arms were had turned into a strange onyx colored material that reminded him of Control Spires, his legs were by a strange thick black fog that flows around them and if one was to look closely they would notice there was something a kin to jet black scale-like armor covering his entire legs, he was wearing an onyx helmet over his upper face that looked like a merge of both of GranMillenniummon's heads with his two horns spiking out from behind his head and one large horn spike up at front and he had GranMillenniummon's merged lower jaw as his face mask.

His was also wearing an onyx colored scale-like armor all around his torso and with every movement he made, the armor moved along with the body making it look like muscles.

Floating all around him were ten black digicores which were normal for a Sovereign digimon like Azulongmon, but what he found strange was that there was another black digicore floating right in front of his chest.

"Strange, I have eleven digicores?" Davis wondered out loud and was amazed how much he sounded like a young adult.

Looking back up to where GranMillenniummon's had disappeared, a look of determination flash through Davis' eyes.

"Don't worry GranMillenniummon, I'll bring back order to the Dark Dimension" he promised before turning around and leaves the cave, determine to fulfill his predecessor's dying wish.

(3 years later)

In the darkest regions of the Dark Dimension was a tall castle that looked like it was made from onyx or jet black stone and was strangely built in the form of a large cathedral with several large stained glass windows.

At the front of the castle's large enchanted wooden doors was a large crowd of digimons that were the inhabitants of the Dark Dimension, all waiting and murmuring and talking to each other with excitement as they stare at the balcony above them with anticipation.

Then the person they have all been waiting for had arrive.

Walking out the doors and standing proudly at the balcony was none other than Davis in his Sovereign form and beside him was a man with a yellow angels wing at his right and a demons wing at his left wearing maroon robes and a yellow cloth wrapped around his head hiding all of his face except for the eyes, which were golden in color.

The man, known as Wisemon, steps forwards and gestures to Davis while calling out "The Sovereign of the Dark Dimension, GranMillenniummon X!".

The crowd cheers with excitement as they saw their Sovereign appear before them.

Meanwhile back at the balcony, Davis stares down at his cheering subjects and even though his expression could not be seen because of his mask, there was a glint of success in his eyes.

After three long years, his promise to bring back order to the Dark Dimension had finally been realized.

'And I won't let anything take this away from me' he promised himself as he raise his arms to greet his people.