For those who don't want to read about the Kayaba Speech to the players the "Skip" word find will skip it to the end of it. Recognizable of the beginning when the starting is Beginning Skip in the brackets.

November 6, 2022 2:52 A.M. – Jethicur

'An hour of learning huh... I got the gist of the basics through the tutorial but... nothing beats learning from the word of the mouth, than actual combat.' I thought as I then bowed to the NPC and headed towards the eastern gate. The atmosphere of everyone talking, and walking next to each other felt like I was in a real marketplace in the olden days. I even saw couples being formed, but I best not get my sexual appeal mistaken, as some of these 'girls' may be guys or girls who are younger or even older than me. Nevertheless I shouldn't be biases by how the world can mistake a guy for a girl and a girl for a guy. Even if those people change genders to reflect that. Pacing through the ever so increasing crowds and moving of the people I finally got to the eastern gate after a few surge of appearances of players. Staring intently outside of the gates I took a deep breath and started to walk outside of the gate to start my first hunt.

The song instantly changed to match my surrounding as the area was much of an open, grassy plain with a few floating islands here and there on the sides of the plain. Walking further out I see a potential fighting target, a wild boar grazing on the grassy plain. I then drew my sword out of its scabbard, quite sloppily, I have to admit for a first attempt. Pacing slowly and steadily as I then targeted the wild boar and jump towards it. Slashing it for the first strike I dealt a fairly good damage taking about a third of the wild boar's health. But now no longer passive I stare at the wild boar as it aggro on me for attacking it, as it then quickly charges at me. Taking a few seconds to process what is happening I then slowly jump out of the way nicking me as it rushes pass me and skids to a stop before turns around to face me. Landing I also turn around to face it only to see the wild boar getting ready to charge again. I quickly prepped up and aimed towards it just as it charged again. But this time instead of jumping out of the way I tried to block the charge. Bad choice on my part as I get blown away by the impact of the charge and looking at the top left of my vision I see my Health drop about 35 points or so.

Getting up, I quickly take a look at the wild boar as it was reacting to the damage that it felt when it hit my sword. Quickly taking the situation to my advantage I then take the opportunity to try out the Sword Skill System, setting my right hand slightly above my head setting off the Pre-Motion movement for 'Reaver'. My sword then glows blue as I then move slightly and the rest of the system pushes me forward at high speed. I move forward and strike the wild boar hitting it with the sword skill and reducing the wild boar's hp down to about one-fifth. I then stood there as I then waited for the Post-Motion period to end. Before the boar tackles me from behind and knocks me down just as the period ends losing about half of my original hp. I then stand up and turn around to see the wild boar preparing to rush at me again. I then set my sword in front of me as it then stares at me as it gets ready to charge by lowering its head and then seemingly burying its hooves into the ground. At the same time we then charge at each other getting ready to see who will survive. Taking a slight turn at the last moment I then drive my sword into the wild boar's side as it misses me entirely as I avoided a major hit. I turn around to see the body of the boar but instead of seeing it's corpse I see blue tiny blocks scatter as a screen pops up in front of me with my rewards.

"Exp., Cols and items eh?" I said as I then look at the items I receive. Scrolling through the menu I then press my inventory and find a leather fur and boar meat with ones next to them. 'Leather fur and boar meat, not bad for a noobie.' I then close the menu and look around and see several other players out fighting boars with or without difficulty fighting them. 'Well then I guess I should head back into town for now and recover my lost Hp, I won't be making those mistakes again.' I thought as I then head back through the gate. I look at the architecture, while walking back, not really into the building idea but it is quite impressive to see it from the outside.

Entering through the gate the song changed again as I then walk further and think about logging out and go out shopping for some food. But as I stop and open my menu and went about in the menu for several seconds I did not see a Log Out button. 'What? What's going on here?' I thought, as I then look really hard at the menu trying to find the Log Out button. 'This can't be happening... what IS going on here?' I thought as I then exit the menu and look at the other people around me as I take a step forward and then started to walk more around town to see what people are now doing since the Log Out button isn't there now.

November 6, 2022 2:59 P.M. – Luna

I was loitering around the house spacing out before noticing that all that I thought about was Shoku, 'Shoku... I won't be seeing you much anymore...' sighing heavily after that thought.

I went to my room constantly muttering his name, as I then look out of the window. Since the house is the restaurant and the room I was in was on the second floor, I just stare out and look where Shoku was a day ago.

Then I hear the knock on the door as well as my father's voice, "Lu?"

I turn around and see that the door was open and my dad standing right beside the door post. I then sat down on my bed and look straight at him and asked, "Dad... Shoku... won't be visiting us anymore right?"

"I'm afraid so... it sounds like you have a crush on Shoku don't you?" said my dad.

I was embarrass of the thought but yes I did had a crush on him and I could only say, "Yeah..."

"Well you should forget about him if you can save yourself from heartbreak when he finds a lover." said my dad as he leans against the door frame.

I look at my father feeling a little hurt especially since that was force on me, "That's... difficult to do dad, I can't forget him just like that..."

"Well I can't just have you loitering around the house and spacing out too much, you need to do something about that." said my dad as he stares me down for it is the truth.

"I know that, it's just... it's hard to face the fact I won't be able to see Shoku again alright?"

"Do you really want to meet him that badly? Why didn't you show yourself to him when he was still here? You had two entire weeks to do so."

"I know that dad! Why are you being so harsh? I know that I was able to meet him all that time but..."

"What is it? Were you scare to meet him?"

"I don't want him to see this dark crimsoned red-haired girl... I'm just abnormal, kids at my school call me a witch because of this dark crimson red hair... why can't they understand that I am not?!"

"So is that it? You're basing on the fact that others call you a witch? Is that your excuse for avoiding Shoku all this time?"

"No... if I had a chance... just another chance to see him again and talk with him I could have ask him if I could be his girlfriend."

"Then we shouldn't delay then Lu." said Dad as his voice changed from the stern voice some seconds ago into a sincere voice.

"Wha?" I said confused as the conversation takes a turn.

"Come on Lu follow me." said my dad as he gestures me to follow.

I get off the bed and quickly run to him and started to follow him across the house towards his room.

"Wait where are we doing?" I asked him.

"We're going to meet Shoku." he said.

"What?" that was all I could mutter as I was now confused what he meant.

Knowing that I was confused he quickly eliminated that confusion, "Not physically in person, what I mean is by internet, the game world of SAO."

But still had me wonder another making me ask, "Wait wasn't the sale yesterday? How did you manage to get a copy of the game?"

"Let's just say in short I was extremely luck in getting my hands on it from the Store, I was surprise how the crowd would miss a game box in the far back of where it was, and buying was no fluke it's all real from when I bought it." said my dad as he then pulls out a white receipt paper.

I looked at the receipt and looked at him and asked bluntly, "You didn't steal right?"

"No of course not," said my dad as he opens the door to his room. "This is the only part of the house that has a phone cable available for the internet connection, you'll be in my room for the game so I'll be leaving this room open for you, for after school and on weekends."

Looking in the room it was quite clean for his room, normally in his room with my mom it is messy on his side of the room with mom cleaning up at least once a week.

I look at him as he enters and shows me a fully constructed Nervegear for me to use and gestures me to put it on. "Are you sure?" I wander closer to him and eventually standing in front of him.

"Positive." said my dad as he then places the Nervegear on my head and says to me, "You'll need to do the calibration process before you begin so make sure you do it correctly and accurately."

"Okay..." I said as the calibration process then initiated and I start from the feet touching my body parts up to where my neck was. "Done." I said as I finished.

"Now you should sit down on that bed right there you won't be moving once you are in the game and I'll be here to support you if you need it." said my dad as I then sit down on the bed before laying fully down on it.

"Thanks Dad... I... I appreciate it." I said to him.

"You're welcome, I'll be there to support you from this side so... don't give up so easily on Shoku in the game."

"By the way... how will I know it is Shoku?"

We stare at each other in silence before he says, "You'll figure it out eventually,"

Slightly pissed off from that remark I shook my head and mutter, "That's going to be troublesome you know. I mean I only know what he sound like and what looks like by your description, but I don't know him enough to judge if he is the real Shoku."

"Well then go on Lu, you'll have to create your account soon so don't waste your time with talking and start playing the game." said my dad as he plugs in an Ethernet cord into the phone cable slot and then into the Nervegear helmet.

I sighed as I then adjusted my position for a more secure comfort, "Alright then." I said to my dad as I then stop looking at him and look straight up at the ceiling.

"When you are ready and comfortable yell out Link Start." said my dad.

"Well then... here goes..." I muttered as I then take one last breath and said to my dad, "I will do the best I can Dad," my dad then nods and I yell out after the confirmation, "LINK START!"

November 6, 2022 5:57 P.M. – Jethicur

The situation is turning quite bad, people are now entering in a massive panic about the Log Out thing, much after for about a few hours or so. It's almost the evening in the real world. Heck I even wonder what the heck is happening outside in the real world. I could tell somewhat, by watching others, it's in a panic as well, since several people have left the game forcibly by outside influence. Just sitting here is about the only thing I could do right now, I've already did some fighting outside of the city and got some items but just waiting for an explanation for this, is my best bet and what most people plan to do anyways.

[Beginning Skip For those who don't want to read the Kayaba Speech]

Then a Bluish light then envelops me as I was pondering that and the area rapidly changed from where I was sitting to the center of the town where the fountain was that everyone first arrived. Looking around and see others appearing in flash of blue lights I knew this isn't some quest this is a mass teleportation for something important. The sky then turn red as I then look up to see the sky filled with Warning and System Announcement hex boxes. Soon everyone's attention was towards the red sky and then reddish liquid started to pour out of the Warning grid sky as it slowly forms a body with a cloak covering the entire face mostly intentional I would assume, and then once the figure fully appeared it then began the speech that is one of the most frightful and influential part of the entire SAO experience.

『Players, I welcome you all to my world.』

The voice of the figure shocked everyone if not most and the most notable thing about the figure was that it was not an NPC.

『My name is Kayaba Akihiko. Right now, I am the only person who can control this world.』

I hear whispers of people beside me as I thought to myself, 'Control? A Game Master!?'

『I think that most of you have discovered the fact that the Log Out button has disappeared from the main menu. This is not a bug; it is all part of «Sword Art Online»'s system.』

Again more whispers, 'That's kind of obvious now for a long time.'

『Until you get to the top of this castle, you cannot log out of your own free will.』


『...also, the disruption or dismantling of the Nerve Gear from the outside is strictly forbidden. If these things are attempted...』

Then a moment of silence before the man Kayaba Akihiko spoke the sentence that literally blew all the remaining players' faiths of those who didn't believe this event was real.

『the signal sensors in your Nerve Gear will emit a strong electromagnetic pulse, destroying your brain and stopping all of your basic functions.』

Then I hear someone some meters away from me speaking to his pal right beside him, "Haha... what's he saying? That man, has he gone nuts? He's not making any sense. The Nerve Gear... It's just a game. Destroy our brain... How is he going to do that? Right, -?" I didn't hear the last as the person's voice started to thin out.

Then his pal responded, "...theoretically it's possible, but... he must be bluffing. Because if we pull the plug on the Nerve Gear, there's no way it can emit a strong pulse of that type. Unless there's some form of battery with a huge storage capability... inside..."

It then the thought just hit me as he spoke those words and at the same time the person uttered "There... is," his words almost a scream. "Thirty percent of the gear's weight is in the battery. But... that's totally crazy! What if there was a sudden power outage or something!?"

Then apparently seemingly hearing the person Kayaba Akihiko respond,

『To be a little more specific, disconnection from an outside source of electricity for ten minutes, being cut off from the system for more than two hours, or any attempt to: unlock, dismantle, or destroy the Nerve Gear. If any of these conditions are met, the brain destruction sequence will start. These conditions have been made known to the government and the public through mass-media in the outside world. On that note, there have been several cases where the relatives or friends have ignored the warnings and tried to forcefully remove the Nerve Gear. The result...』

A short pause before continuing his sentence

『...regretfully 213 players have already exited this game, and the real world, forever.』

A short, high pitch scream was heard. As most of the players couldn't or refused to believe what they had been told, and just stood there slack-jawed or with a wry smile on their faces.

'No way… over 200 people dead? Already?'

The thought flowed through my head as it drained the very energy from my legs. Then Kayaba continued on,

『Players, there is no need to worry about the bodies you left on the other side. As of this moment, all TV, radio, and Internet media are repeatedly reporting this situation; including the fact that there have been numerous deaths. The danger of having your Nerve Gear taken off has already all but disappeared. In a moment, using the two hours I have provided, all of you will be transported to hospitals or similar institutes and be given the best treatment. So you can relax... and concentrate on beating the game.』

Then a voice rang out, "What are you saying!? Beat the game!? You want us to play around in a situation like this!?" it was coming from the person with the same person before; "This isn't a game anymore!"

『But I ask of you all to understand that «Sword Art Online» is no longer a simple game. It is a second reality... From now on, any forms of revival in the game will no longer work. The moment your HP reaches 0, your avatar will be gone forever. And at the same time...』

The situation was all too clear, the intention of the attempt he was doing was unbelievable.

『...your brain will be destroyed by the Nerve Gear.』

My HP which located over the top-left corner was maxed currently at 342/342

'This... This can't be... We're dead once our Hp hits Zero...?'

Then Kayaba spoke in response to anyone who was thinking of death.

『Players, there is only one way to be freed from this game. As I have said before, you must get to the top of Aincrad, the one hundredth floor, and defeat the final boss that resides there. All players still alive at that time will be immediately logged out of the game. I give you all my word.』

Ten thousand players stood in silence.

Then as almost breaking the silence the same person before yelled out, "Clear... all 100 floors!?" I turned my head toward him as he spoke more, "And how do you want us to do that? I heard that getting up was crazy hard even during the beta testing!"

I read the reviews and it did indicate that the beta testers only cleared six floors within two months.

People started to whisper saying that this is a fake a hoax to trick all of us into playing serious. Then Kayaba then spoke again.

『Then I will show you evidence that this is the only reality. In your inventories, there will be a gift from me. Please confirm this.』

From the moment I heard this I open my menu just as the other 10,000 players did the same and found an Item that wasn't there before.

"A... Hand Mirror?" 'I don't remember having this in my inventory before nor having bought one...' I thought.

I then press "Make Into Object" button and it popped out just like any other item. I took the Hand Mirror and look at the avatar that I worked on just a some hours ago. Then a white light enveloped me as well as other players around me. For several seconds all I saw was white then as the light faded I looked around looking at other players' reactions and the result was catastrophe. Screams could be heard and yelp of surprise from everyone saying "Who are you?" even I was shocked from the voices, but as I look at the mirror I saw me, the real me in the real world.

'There is no way but how…?' Though the thought was easily answered as it came to me in ti-bits and pieces it all eventually pointed to one thing only. 'The body is the only thing that is not registered when the mind is scanned therefore a basic body touch process to use the sense of touch to form the body from the data that was gathered was the only way it could do that... The face on the other hand is already covered by the helm itself so it is not necessary touching there.' but still it is indeed questionable of how the hair length and color is brought into game is my newest question but that isn't really the point of the situation.

『You will all most probably be wondering, "Why." Why am I —the creator of both the Nerve Gear and SAO, Kayaba Akihiko— doing something like this? Is this a sort of terrorist attack? Is he doing this to ransom us? 』

I then realized, the thought never came to mind when he said ransom or terrorist attack though.

『None of these is the reason I am doing this. Not only that, but now for me, there is no longer a reason or a purpose in doing this. The reason is because... this situation itself was my purpose in doing this. To create and watch this world is the only reason I have created the Nerve Gear and SAO. And now, everything has been realized.』

He stop to take a breath or just did that to make it more suspenseful and,

『...Now, I have finished the official tutorial for «Sword Art Online». Players—I wish you luck.』


The huge robe rose soundlessly and started sinking, hood first, into the system message that covered the sky, as if melting.

Its shoulders, then its chest, then its two arms and legs merged into the red surface, and then a final red stain spread briefly before disappearing. Just like how the system message that had covered the sky disappeared as suddenly as it appeared.

The sound of the wind blowing above the plaza and the BGM that the NPC orchestra was playing came softly to our ears.

It wouldn't be long before the people acknowledge and process everything that just transpired, but for now for what was utter silence... now became… 'utter chaos'.

This was referred as the Log Out Crisis, the beginning of the SAO Incident.

From there one of my ears were being brutally inflicted by the screams from multiple players yelling out. Several more from crying people on the ground bawling from the psychological and emotional impact. Yells. Clamors. Shouts. Cursing. Begging. Screaming. Anything that the human could vocalize in distress, yet I realize that panicking won't change anything. This game has now changed into this life, our life, and we are the main characters in it. From the crowd two people pushed outward and exited almost immediately after the speech.

'Good at least we are making progress with two, now only 9,000+ or so, more people to come to terms with this… game.' After thinking of that, I thought out a single solution that most gamers would have thought when first beginning a game. Leave the starting areas and head for a different area to train. This solution was a necessity because of the large amount of people here right now. Those whom will start killing monsters here in the starting area which would take nearly forever for monsters to respawn for a player to level up evenly for even most of the best players. My current gear and items are not enough for a trip through the forest alone. I just need to avoid the tough monsters until I get to another village on this floor.

'If I can get to another village that is.' I thought as I then look around and searched for the person who looked the most out of place someone who I could at least travel with to another village. Anyone, just anybody to grab and go so I took a hand of a person with crimson hair and tugged them with me out of the plaza.

November 6, 2022, 6:09 P.M. - Luna

Just as I thought I could get along with somebody without my red hair being a factor. I surely stood out among the many people here just as the game creator left us to gawk at the situation he created. Then as the situation turn into chaos someone took my hand and pull me out of the plaza.

My mind was entirely blank I couldn't think, I couldn't see things right, for a moment I thought I was looking at Shoku as he was pulling me. Although I have only heard about his face from dad, let alone even heard his voice a few times. Last thought on my mind before I get killed? I don't know, but thinking about Shoku however strange as it is, was strengthens my resolve as I pulled myself together.

'I WILL SURVIVE! NO MATTER WHAT! I WILL SEE Shoku!' I thought fiercely as I pull away from the boy's hand and started to run for myself.

November 6, 2022, 6:10 P.M. - Jethicur

Pulling the person I took along I turn my head to look back to see what the crimson haired person looked like.

'Red hair... young girl, probably in her mid teens I guess? She also looks confused as well... Well I need her to get a hold of herself before...' I thought as I ran before she was running beside me. 'Or not I guess? Did she make up her mind as we ran?' I thought of that kind of solution but I had not the time to ponder if it was fact or not for the matter.

Running through the marketplace and out of the eastern gate I slowed down and looked at her.

'Shoot I didn't expect her to be so beautiful...' I thought to myself as I shook my head and placed my hands on her shoulder and said to her.

"You and I are going to through the woods as fast as we can and get to another village and grind non-stop once we are there. I do not know who you are, nor do I know anything specific about you, but I need you to trust me as I am about to trust you. Do you understand?" I said controlling my voice trying to keep myself from screaming it out.

"Yes... I understand." she muttered as I looked at her in surprise with the quick response.

Surprised by the response though I then nod to her finding her confirmation acceptable and yet also reassuring. "Alright let's party up then," I said to her as I quickly access my menu and sent a party message to her.

The message immediately appears in front of her as she looks at it and press the accept. Soon her name is then registered right underneath my name as 'Luna', "... Alright done," she said as she then looks at me. "What now?"

"Good... you have fought some monsters in this game, right?" I immediately asked her to clear up any kind of training she might need.

"A few..." she said to me.

Hearing that she had fight meant she had to at least gone through the tutorial section of the game. "Good then we can practice right now," I muttered as I look around for an enemy.

"Practice?" she muttered as she looks at me in wonder as I looked and found a wild boar in the distance.

"We'll do some basic team work practice, once we get that down and understand each other in battle, we'll go back into the city get healing potions, rest and head out immediately to another village." I explained the plan, then I draw my sword and yelled, "Come let's start!"

"W-wait you're not a beta tester?!" she yelled out as she also pulls out her sword.

"Huh?" the question caught me off guard, "Well no, of course not but even though I'm not a beta tester nor a veteran gamer I know that I can at least train hard, besides if I was a beta tester I would've pulled you along with me to the another village already," I said to her as I then strike the boar and hit it. "We will need all the practice we can get in this game." I said as I strike again before evading a charge. "If we want to survive and live to fulfill our desires."

The girl then dodges the charge by the boar as well before slashing at the boar feebly but still trying. Then I closed the distance between us and stood next to her as we then watch the boar get ready to charge at us again. I rush forward and strike the boar as it reeled up for an attack stunning it temporarily. Luna then follows behind as she strikes it as well extending the stunning period.

Turning around I see the boar's health dropped about half way as I then further observed the boar's movements. Turning around to face us, the boar then charges directly at Luna as I then ready the sword skill 'Reaver' to strike where it stops running.

Luna then takes a back step and steps away from the boar however the boar continues to follow her as the boar then gets out of my hitting range.

"Luna!" I yelled, "Have the boar get closer to me!" I said as I kept myself steady to keep the skill from releasing prematurely.

Luna nods as she then jumps around it and backs away as it changes direction and coming into range I then released the sword skill killing it on spot.

"Jeez it was following you the whole time... Better remember that when running through the woods," I said to her as she was panting in exhaustion. Not sure if it was mental exhaustion but is easily proven since there wasn't a stamina gauge to affect us so it had to be that kind of exhaustion at least.

Then upon hearing her stomach growl I then realized that in SAO there was the hunger system so that we had to eat something,

I begin to laugh out loud as I didn't think of that in the first place, "Wow thank goodness we didn't depart off without eating. Otherwise that would've been a mistake on our part."

"Yeah..." said Luna as she places her hand over her stomach as my stomach growls.

"We should eat something quickly and then do some more practice..." I said as I look at her.

"No," Luna said as she shakes her head, "we should definitely leave after the preparation..." she said that looking into my eyes quite seriously. "We stock up and leave after eating of course since being here any longer is a hassle now."

I close my eyes and thought about it, considering at least several other players have seen a few players leaving, there must be some beta tester that have already left to other villages on this floor. Believing her sound judgment I then reply, "I see, is one practice really enough?" I then said as I open my eyes to look at her.

She nods as she then grabs my hand "The quicker we can get this done, the faster we can get out of this game right? Then we should all be attentive and prepared for each other and protect each other," and there she pulls me towards town as I then quickly began to follow her.

Entering back into the city through the eastern gate but by inspecting the situation at hand was quite, tragic. Obviously explained by how the players were walking lethargically around the place in a daze pretty much sums up total doom. It was quite sad how it looked... but I could guaranteed that most of these people would snap out of it and start seriously hunting.

Purchasing our food which was basic bread costing at least 10 cols. This bread was nothing special and with the food tasting system being ridiculously random even the most delicious food will taste funny this was noted by several beta testers in a magazine about the beta period of the game.

Selecting a quiet spot I then spoke to Luna, "Then while we eat let's discuss our stat build... what are you going to be?"

"Huh?" she muttered.

"Stats... is this your first RPG game?" I asked.

"... Yes it is. In fact my father bought this game and gave it to me so I could do something after school and on the weekends."

I rubbed the back of my head as I then thought to myself, 'Man this is going be a pain to explain the premises of the game.' as if reading my mind however she then immediately asks me.

As if reading my mind she then spoke, "Just tell me what is stat build."

I then close my eyes as I tried to think of a way to make it sound right while providing the best information as much as possible. Then the thought build up only to a certain point before she says, "Come now, the more we waste the time we have, just makes the time we have used worthless."

"Alright alright," I then cough, forgetting that my voice should always be clear, "Stat build is a gamer's term where you put your level up points in a stat you want to increase. Such as a boost to your physical ability and those are Hp, Strength, Agility, and Defense." I look at her as she nods in confirming that she heard it right before continuing. "Now with them increasing our skills in battles or basic activities, these increase will as a result of it makes battles easier or activities a lot more faster and efficient. Or in everybody's case much more safer with more Hp and Defense."

"So if we enhance our stats and as a result of that our skills that we have in return for leveling up are stronger and more efficient?" she said completely summarizing it in her perspective.

"Yes, so what stats you choose to focus on earlier on and so on afterward choosing it depends on what your fighting style in the game is. Example is that some people like to be the tanks who has high Hp and Defense with the occasional Attack stats, all the while sacrificing Speed to allocate their frontal prowess as primary. They are usually the people on the front-lines called the Vanguard. Then there are people who prefer to be damage dealers who can inflict lots of damage within a small time frame, making them either high attackers or supplies it with a balance of both attack and speed or even just plain speed with attack following in second." stopping to catch my breath surprising me before I continue on with the stat build, "These people are called DPS for Damage Per Second. And then is long range attackers, yet for this game magic is non-existent however the Bow is sparingly used in this game itself. Bow users would be in the back-lines called the Rearguard since they would prefer the space to attack their foes. There also exist the healers in the rearguard but again since magic is non-existent, the concept of using potions and crystals that can heal makes them healer types I suppose."

Luna then nods as she listens to me.

I pause to look at her as we both then finish eating and continue "Now since you know that, what are the stats you going to focus on?"

"I guess I want my Agility as primary and Strength as secondary," she said it quickly so that we probably could get going the faster we know each other.

"Then mine is Strength as primary however I'm more leaning towards an All-round stats as primary at least for the time being," then I asked, "Fighting priority?"

"Perhaps I should be supporting the main attacker as primarily and fall back when allies are healing or needing of support?" said Luna questioning her priority before shaking her head, "Yes those are what I am going to do from here on out."

"Alright then I will be a frontal DPS only to retreat when told so or when in danger of being damage tremendously for being close to the enemy. Otherwise dodge and weave around the attacks. You should also be able to fight on your own as well and we should do fine."

We then nod to each other confirming our stats and fighting priority allowing us to now be a better party groupie even if it is a short while, it's good to have a distinguished understanding beforehand to expect any kind of situations.

Standing up at the same time, we then together rush to the nearest General Item NPC and purchased several potions which cost most of the cols that I gain several hours ago.

I then turn to look at Luna as we then nod to each other before we then ran towards the eastern gate and out of the city, heading towards the distant forest area. This was a long run, tiring out a few times on the way and killing some boars along the way we then finally see the forest spreading across my entire front vision.

Walking up to the trees I was amaze by the exceptional details of the trees, but I shook my head as to get myself back into the action. I then look at Luna who then points at the road ahead of us that leads into the forest itself.

"There should be a village at the end of this path that we will follow on and that will be our base of operation." I said to Luna as she looks at me.

"But what if there is nothing but monsters on the other side?" she asked, a perfectly reasonable question.

"Then that is where we die, we must be at a village to start grinding, it is there that we will take quests and there that will allow us to level up quickly. If you have second thoughts about this then we really will need to part here, this is the point of no return."

Luna stayed quiet for a few seconds before speaking again perhaps thinking of whether she should follow me or not., "Alright I accept my fate and I will follow you until we part then,"

I was surprised by her willingness as I could only mutter, "Uh..."

"What's wrong?" asked Luna as she tilts her head in wonder.

"It's surprising but I should say this now in case we do die, thanks for being with me Luna-san."

Her eyes widened as she then mutters, "By the way... How do you know my name? I don't remember telling you."

The question puzzled me for a second before I then remember this is her first time playing a game really, "Oh it's found under your Hp bar on the top left side of your vision. Without moving your head, look towards the top left by moving your eyes only. You should see my name underneath your Hp gauge."

Following directly to my instruction her eyes then locks on to something in the space to the top left of her gaze as she then slowly mutters, "Je-thi-cur, that's your name?"

Noticing that my name will be hard to pronounce in this case in the VR world I then said, "You can call me Jet if it is too long, actually perhaps calling me Jet during battle is better."

Luna then smiles as she then smirks and says, "Alright Jet-san, should we start?"

I then nodded as I agreed with her question and answered, "Though I don't know anything about these woods, we should be quick to run through it and on that note survive to the very end."

I then look back into the woods staring deep into it before I then step forward to enter the woods, with Luna following closely behind me.

Was it fate that drove us to be together? My first meeting with Luna was an encounter worth remembering as we would have countless run in with each other later on with only a few being absolutely significant. I do not understand fate at all but if this was indeed Fate's way of mixing people together then it had made quite the combo.

End of Stage 2..

The battle of SAO has just begun.

Wow took my time for this story review if this story doesn't seem up to par with others and you just might see another chapter sooner.