Ding-Dong...Ding-Dong...Ding-Dong Ding-Dong Ding-Dong Ding-Dong Di-

"Ring that one more time and you're not making t out of here alive!" A female's voice rung through the house. Currently Danny's English class was in front of a building. FentonWorks, to be precise. There was a huge snow storm and school was canceled. Now, you're probably thinking: 'And how is that a bad thing?'. Well I'll tell you. The students were in school when it was cancelled. So the teachers were responsible for bringing the students home. Mr. Lancer went with the closest house to the school, and worked his way to the furthest. The streets were blocked due to all the snow. Meaning, much to the students disliking, they had to walk...in a blizzard.

Danny smirked and started ringing the door bell again. The door swung open, mush to the class' surprise. There stood a girl about thirteen to fourteen tops, with dark, raven locks and icy blue eyes-which were narrowed at the teen. Her eyes softened before widening

"Oh my gosh! Danny! What are you doing home?! And who are these people?" She asked, extremely fast that most kids didn't understand her.

"Hey, Dani. School got cancelled and this is my English class." He gestured to the people behind him-who were glaring at him.

"Shut up Fenton! We want to go home!" Dah yelled. Danny rolled his eyes and waved him off.

"Then just go." Mr. Lancer got off the phone and shook his head.

"We can't. I just got a call saying that we all need to be inside a stable home, and now." He turned to the Fenton girl and Danny. "Mind if we stay here while the streets open? Or at least until we can go out." Danny nodded while Dani shook her head.

"Yes/No." They looked at each other. "No/Yes. Make up your mind!" Dani then clamped a hand over Danny's mouth.

"We don't mind. Get in, before ya' freeze to death." She felt a wetness on her hand and pulled it away in realization. Danny licked her!

The class hurried in. "Want some hot chocolate?" The class mumbled their 'yes's and sat down wherever.

"I'll be in my room." Danny said before he ran up the stairs. Dash was bout to follow him when Dani shook her head.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you..." He sat back down. Mr. Lancer cleared his throat.

"What is your name, Ms. Fenton?" Dani gave a bright smile, showing off her pearly white and straight teeth. With incisors.

"Danielle! But you can call me Dani! With an 'I'." She said sweetly. "Or, in Danny's case, Ellie!" There was a whistle and she ran into the kitchen. A few minutes later she came back with two trays full of plastic cups filled with creamy hot chocolate. The students and teacher gave their thanks and sipped on the warm/hot drink.

"Danny! Get down here so you can get some hot chocolate!" She yelled.

"Don't want any!" He yelled back. She grabbed a cup and went uo the stairs. There were muffled noises that sounded like arguments. Suddenly there was a crash and Dani came running down the stairs and into a door that they guessed led to some sort of basement. Danny then came down and ran after her.

One thought came to everyone's mind.

The Fentons really are a bunch of weirdoes.

~fin of this chapter!~

So how'd you like it? It's my first, real, story for this and I want to make sure it's okay. The gist of this story is just something to humor you, but mainly me, with an somewhat entertaining story about how the class gets stuck in Danny's house because of a blizzard and are trying to figure out the riddle that is Danny Fenton, and his mysterious 'little sister' Danielle. And that's kind of the summary too XD.
