Standing in the fields near a castle, were two figures. One, was a boy that looked like he may be fifteen years old, while the other looked like he may have been in his late twenties. The little boy had long silver hair, pale porcelain skin, two magenta stripes on his cheeks and the back of his wrists. On his forehead was a blue crescent moon that was slightly hidden by his silvery bangs. His hair of course shined like the silvery moonlight, reaching down to his waist. He stared at the older man before him; his golden eyes with slitted pupils were slightly narrowed, revealing the magenta that resided above his eyes.

His pointed ears poked through his silver hair as the wind shuffled his hair and robes around. He didn't wear anything fancy but a simple white kimono that was decorated with flowers around his chest and a yellow obi. To finish off his outfit was a pair of black ankle high boots.

"Sesshoumaru…" said the man as he turned his gaze at the full moon.

Looking up, the preteen looking boy stared at the man that had called to him. Today had been the day that he never wanted to see. His father, the greatest demon to be alive was going to try to make sure that humans could coexist with demons… "Yes Father?" said Sesshoumaru as he blandly stared at his father, even as a little boy, he had manners that were far beyond his years.

His father was a tall man wore a white kimono and hakama, armored boots, and a long flowing sash, with the latter two suggestive of Chinese influence. He also wore breastplates, with a spiked rim, with the addition of Chinese vambraces and armored gauntlets, as well as layered spiked pauldron on each shoulder. He wears a parted pelt that extends from both shoulders and trails behind him as he walks; representing the two streaks of fur running down the back of his demon form. A form that he's only seen his father in a few times. His white hair is only seen in a very high ponytail. Remaining at his sides was two swords that he knew were called the Tessaiga and Tenseiga are worn at his waist.

"I want to know something my son… I know that you are young… but do you feel the need, the desire to protect someone…" asked his father

Sesshoumaru thought about it for a moment… He may be a teenager, but he was smart for his age and just gave his father the same look that he always did. Even though his father wasn't facing him, he could tell that his father knew the look he was giving him. Turning his gaze at the sky, the little boy inhaled deeply before exhaling. "I do not father. I have no desire to protect anyone… Protection is something that no one needs when they should protect themselves, if not, then it is their own fault and they are dead, and will no longer be a burden." Calmly said the little boy, it was cruel but he had felt like this for a long time, since his father left his mother and started to see that woman. If there was one thing he hated, it was betrayal. That was one thing that he would never forgive… and his father had done just that.

"I see my son… you have no desire to protect hm? Not even a mate?" asked his father turning his head and stared at his son. His golden eyes so much like his son's. His dark blue stripes seemed to glow with the pale moonlight

"My mate will be able to protect herself." He replied to his father's question. Sesshoumaru found it rather odd that his father was asking him such questions when he isn't even old enough to take over the lands in his father's place. Though he felt something was off… like something bad was going to happen though he just wasn't sure what that was… maybe he would never figure out what this feeling was or what was causing it as of yet… someday maybe, just not today.

A chuckle escaped his father's lips as he turned away from his son and gazed at the moon. Sesshoumaru never understood why his father looked at the moon so much, what was so great about the mood in the first place? It was just something that appeared in the night when the sun would disappear and have its own rest from shining warmth onto the lands for those disgusting humans.


"Yes Father?"

"I want you to return to the castle, I shall return by the morrow. Though, stay away from Naraku understand?" calmly said his father. Sesshoumaru nodded when his father turned and stared at him. If there was one thing that he always did, it was to stay away from the man that his father dared to call himself 'brother' when they are step brothers. If he remembered correctly, Naraku's mother, and his grandfather married when their mates had passed on and to help them bring peace between their clans. Now though, Naraku tends to get a little carried away with the power he has over the lands.

"Of course Father." Sesshoumaru calmly said, he just looked up and watched as his father's body started to change. His father's true form was that of a gigantic dog with a single blue jagged-like stripe on each cheek and twin streaks of fur running down his back. No matter how many times he saw this form of his father's, he would always find it to be majestic, and believed that his form would be much more powerful than his father's true form. Something that he believed shall come true before he takes over the lands, something his father shall make him be proud of him.

As he watched his father run away into the forest, he let out a soft sigh as he started to walk back into the palace. "Me… protecting someone? That would only be a waste of time and energy that could easily be used for other tasks." Declared Sesshoumaru as he made his way into the palace, praying for his father's return. Though, his father never returned… alive that is. No one could believe it, but they had been told that the Great Dog General had been killed by a village across the and through a forest had killed him.

Sesshoumaru of course, had been upset about the news of his father's death but of course, he never showed it. Instead, he would prove to everyone that he was the better ruler… sadly; it seemed that my father had changed his will… and had left the lands in his step brother's hands. The only thing he left Sesshoumaru was the Tenseiga. A sword that can't even cut, but save lives and slay the dead, as for the Tessaiga, he don't know where it is, it may have gone missing but he never saw it ever again, just like his father.

He doesn't know what his life was going to be like now that Naraku was in charge… but he had a feeling that he was going to living a special kind of hell…

Years later, when Sesshoumaru was the human appearance of nineteen, he had heard that some of the demons that had raided a human village had brought back a monk for some questions. Sesshoumaru found it rather odd that they would bring back a monk though he wasn't going to question it further than he already needs to… Making his way through the dungeons, the young man noticed how everyone had stared at him, as if asking him why he didn't kill Naraku down… well, he knew the reason.

If he killed Naraku, there would be an unnecessary war, and everyone hadn't been loyal to his father had joined Naraku's cause… whatever it was, he didn't know nor did he care. But it didn't stop him from trying to find a way to kill the bastard…

Over the years, Sesshoumaru had changed drastically. Sesshoumaru's armor includes a spiked pauldron that covers his left shoulder attached to the upper section of his cuirass and "lotus petal" faulds. When damaged, armor that automatically regenerates itself by using his demonic energy. Both his armor and his long flowing sash have a decided Chinese influence, as opposed to the customary Japanese armor and obi. His kimono is mostly white with a red and white cherry blossom flower crest at the collar and sleeves, showing that he is of royal birth. He wears sashinuki hakama which are gathered at the ankles, producing a "ballooning" effect. His footwear consists of black ankle-high boots, also reminiscent of Mainland influence, which almost looked like the ones he wore as a teen, only difference of course is the shoe size. On his right shoulder is his mokomoko-sama: the fur and tail of his true form which he retains in his humanoid form… a form that he hasn't used in a while… not since that one attack he had joined in on.

Taking a deep breath, the young prince wondered through the dungeon, curious as to what kind of monk would have allowed himself to be taken by a horde of demons. It was puzzling, though it had him a bit intrigued; wondering if this human was weak like the rest of his kind… or just foolish.

"Sesshoumaru." Said an eerie voice, a voice that made him want to growl and rip someone's head off. Though, he demised that feeling and turned to the source of the voice. Inhaling deeply the young man turned his head and stared at a tall man with long brown wavy hair, blood red eyes and sickly pale skin. He wore purple robes, fashioned to that of a royal. Robes that he didn't deserve to wear… "I hope I am not interrupting you Sesshoumaru." Said the man with a sickening smile.

"No, you are not Naraku. What do I owe the pleasure of you seeking me out?" asked Sesshoumaru, not bothering to bow to him or call him 'Lord' for he still believed that he didn't deserve that title. That the title should have been his by right of birth, and yet it had been taken away because of his father's will.

"Good, good… I want you to talk to the human. After all, you can be intimidating. If he doesn't talk… I want you to kill him. Though, do not kill him just yet, I'll give him seven days… After that, kill him." After that, Naraku took his leave, leaving Sesshoumaru alone to his thoughts. So, the bastard wanted him to speak to the human that they have captured about something? Hm… it had him curious as to what was going on since he didn't know what it was that Naraku was after though he wouldn't question it for now… though, if there was anything he would keep the information to himself. Whatever it was that he was after, it had to be powerful, for the mad man was more power hungry than himself.

Shaking his head, the young man walked down the hall and down the stairs right into the dungeon. Looking around, he saw the other people that they have captured over the years. Or, he should say centuries. Though he just smirked at that, humans were always scared of demons because not just because of their power, but because of their life span. Demons, after all were near immortal. It made him feel joy at knowing that he had caused their fear… at least that was some joy he could get while being trapped in here. Naraku was using him for something besides 'fear inducer'…

Making his way to the last cell, Sesshoumaru frowned when he saw a man with black hair, tanned skin wearing a light blue kimono. The kimono of a priest rather than monk… Odd, very odd indeed. The monk turned his head, his gaze staring at Sesshoumaru with some strange emotion behind his dark blue eyes. It was rather amazing that this human had such blue eyes; he had always thought that human's had brown or eyes dark enough to be black. Frowning, he asked "why would Naraku kidnap a human such as yourself instead of killing you?"

The man stared at Sesshoumaru with a calm gaze, his eyes just staring at him as if staring right into his soul. This unnerved him though he didn't show it, there was no way that he was going to show any kind of weakness to a human such as a monk or any human for that matter. "Let me answer your question with a question of my own." The human began with a soft smile on his face. "Why kill someone, who has information for an item that the one who kidnapped you wants?" Hm… this human was smart… at least smart compared to other humans he's encountered over the years.

"Interesting human, though will you give me the information that I seek?"

"Why do you want that information in the first place? So you can use that against your master? Because you're afraid of his power and position?" said the monk as he smirked at Sesshoumaru and turned his head away, gazing down at something in his hand.

"This Sesshoumaru fears nothing." Said Sesshoumaru with a glare. This human made Sesshoumaru want to kill him. Though he couldn't do that, he had to keep him alive until he got the information that he seeked, if not he would have to kill him… then again, he'd have to kill him either way no matter the cost. It was a win-win for him either way and for that it made him smile a bit. Turning his gaze on the monk's hand, he asked "what do you gaze at with such sadness?"

The monk stared at Sesshoumaru, his gaze going from sad and longing to kind and gentle. It was weird how human emotions would just suddenly change like that though he just figured that it was a human thing. The only thing he despised about them more than their strength was their change of emotions, they sometimes made him dizzy and it annoyed him to no end. "Something that I hold dear to my heart. Perhaps, something you could understand if you took the time to understand humans." Sesshoumaru glared at the human and growled at him before he started to walk away. It didn't seem like he would get any information out of him today.

Though, it didn't stop him from trying to get any information out of the human, day after day he has gone to that human but no matter what he just couldn't get any kind of information out of him. All he would ever do was speak in riddles and look at the weird object that he had never figure out what it was, though it didn't matter if he knew what it was or not… but damn it, he was curious as to what it could be and it wouldn't leave him alone.

Inhaling softly, Sesshoumaru made his way to the man's cell once again and just stared at him. The human gave out a soft sigh as he leaned back, his back pressing against the stone wall as he gazed at the mysterious object in his hand, his eyes held longing and sadness… with a hint of loneliness… The amount of emotions that were flowing off of him were coming out in waves, causing Sesshoumaru to shake his head as he tried to get his composure back and get himself to relax. In a way, this human had puzzled him, it had him curious as to why he never showed any fear, a fear that would have made Sesshoumaru enjoy himself but right now it was just confusing.

"Human… why do you not fear me? Do you not fear for your life?" asked Sesshoumaru, his expression voice of emotion though his eyes held a hint of curiosity.

"Of course I do, but I would rather have my life taken, than my family's… When you have something you want to protect, you would do everything in your power to keep them safe." Said the man, which only angered Sesshoumaru. This man, he sounded so much like his father that it was sickening. Why? What was with it and 'protecting' that made people do stupid things? In fact, it was that 'protecting' that caused his father's death, and now it would be the cost of this human's life. Pathetic… so very pathetic.

The human let out a sigh before pushing himself to stand on his feet, his eyes still not showing a hint of fear. Though what did fill the man's eyes was courage, something rare among humans… at least, to what Sesshoumaru has seen out of most humans. "Before you kill me…" so, the human knew that he was going to die today… He's either very, very smart, or someone told him… Either way, he wasn't stupid… not by much anyway. "I want you to do me something… please." He wasn't one to take requests, but he had earned some respect from not showing any fear and he was, going down as a warrior with some honor…

"Hn." He said, his eyes showing that he would indeed do what he asked… so long as it was within his power. Though for some reason, he felt like it would be a large request… a very large one indeed. Though it would still be a request that he would do until Naraku found out of course.

"I… I would like to know the name of the demon that will kill me… and…" He looked down, closing his eyes as if the next words were difficult for him to say, though he knew that he was going to have to say them anyway. "I would like for the demons, to stay away from the village I left my family in… The demons asked for my information, in exchange of my family's lives. But I don't trust that he would keep his word, so… I had them travel to a village that I knew that could protect them, a demon slaying village… Please, do not let that man get my family, they are my treasure."

He looked at the object that was in his hand, allowing Sesshoumaru to get a full view of what the man had been holding all this time. It was a locket… that was weird, why would he hold onto a locket all this time? Inhaling softly, Sesshoumaru opened the cell, sensing that the human had given up on life… the human, was honourable, he'll give that much… maybe, this was one human that had the honor of speaking his name. "My name, is Sesshoumaru, what, may I ask is your name human?"

The man smiled softly before he closed his eyes and let out a soft sigh. "My name is Isao…" Isao huh? That meant honor… interesting name for an interesting human. Taking a deep breath, the silver haired demon stared at the human, if there was one other thing he would do for this human, it would be to give him an honourable death. Quick and painless… that would be the least he could do for him… "Do I have your word… that you won't let them hurt my family?" asked Isao, his eyes pleading.

"You have my word… on my honor as the son of Inu no Taisho." Isao smiled, a real smile… the first real smile that Sesshoumaru had seen for those seven days that the human, that Isao had stayed been held prisoner here… "I'll make it quick and painless for you, for you have shown to have honor among humans." With that… Sesshoumaru made the finishing blow quickly and painless for him, he beheaded him.

Watching as the human fell over, his body just lying on the ground in a pool of his own blood. In his hand, was the locket… Sesshoumaru walked over to the human and knelt down as he carefully lifted the locket by the chain between his claws. Holding it up, he had a better look… It was a simple locket, gold, and shaped like an oval. Though he couldn't tell what was in it, in fact… it was sealed. He didn't know why that was though what he did know was that he would honor the poor man with his last wish… he would do what he could to protect his family…

Sesshoumaru looked up at the sky, it was a full moon… just like the night his father was killed, and the night he killed that human. Closing his eyes, Sesshoumaru reached into his robes and pulled out the locket. He couldn't believe that he was still doing that damn favour for that human but, it was getting to Naraku. The bastard was getting annoyed as to why they couldn't go to that village just because they were 'slayers' and had some monks, priests and of course priestesses. At the time it was a good reason to avoid that place, though Sesshoumaru knew that he couldn't keep up with that request anymore.

Inhaling deeply, he thought 'it was only a matter of time… that this would happen, that Naraku would drag us to the village to… search for whatever it is that he's looking for…' Besides, maybe his family had left the village when they thought it was safe for them to leave. Looking over at the palace, Sesshoumaru saw that the demons were gathering themselves, preparing to leave to the village. Well, he may as well join them before he left with them all.

Growing, Sesshoumaru looked at the moon once more, before he started to make his way to the others, transforming into his true form. His true form is that of a giant white dog with markings similar to the ones he has in his human form. His sclera becomes red with blue irises; the demon marks on his body widen and become more apparent the stripes on his cheeks which are usually smooth become jagged and change into a somewhat fiercer color while his fur pelt that went over his shoulder wraps around his body and extends into his tail.

Soon, Sesshoumaru flies up into the sky, making his way with the other demons to the human village. If there was one thing that he knew, it was that there would be bloodshed, and he would finally get a chance to enjoy this, that he would be able to enjoy the battle at long last. It had been so long since he's killed anyone, or anything, that he had wanted to battle for a long, long time.

Looking around, the young demon noticed that it was mostly the beast variety demons that were making their way to the village. 'I guess Naraku is keeping the most loyal to the castle…' he thought to himself before looking forward… Soon, his Intelligence had started to dim to that of a wild animal, nothing was going to stop him from enjoying the battle now. Though he also couldn't help but wonder what was to happen once they got to the village. Would there be any deaths? By his hands or by the slayers hands? He couldn't be sure but that was where the thrill would come from.

Giving a dog-like grin, Sesshoumaru let out a loud howl as he prepared himself for the battle and started to fly over the trees, over the lakes and made his way toward the village… Even from such a far distance, he could smell the demons that have been here and died before them. Then, of course there was the sacred energy that he could sense… it was powerful though there was one that was more powerful than the others… it had him curious as to what this power was, and who was creating such power… 'Find… out..' he thought before attacking the village.