
Do You Accept?

"Alright... Just drop in, take it, and get out." The short silhouette of a figure began to himself. He peaked out toward the marketplace of which held many stands. He'd had his eye on one next to the weapon dealer. It was a pretty fancy place filled with items, expensive items, from all around Termina, even from places the young man himself had never been to- Which was a surprise to him. Though, one item on the stand was the one that caught his glowing orb's gaze. It looked like a small ruby in the shape of a closed Deku Flower. He stared for a moment before he released a heavy sigh, seeming nervous. He'd gotten a good look at the small board that displayed the price... Three hundred and thirty-rupees... He winced, knowing he had no where near that kind of money on him. "I swear, the prices these days... I hate doing this, but it's for a good reason." He'd placed his hand on his face, as if regretting what he was about to do. "Gods forgive me, ugh."

He eased out of his hiding place to walk toward the stand, acting casual. The one tending to the stand paid no mind to the blond deku scrub who'd begun approaching the stand. The blond deku scrub was a bit over three feet tall, and had thick leaves that hung over his face slightly- You could still see his eyes, but vaguely from a high human view. Two of his foreleaves were larger out of the four that covered his face, these larger ones slanting from the top of his head over half his eyes to down past his cheeks. Out of habit, he kept the right large leaf hanging slightly more over his right eye. Though, as his leaves got longer, they began to get more strand-like, looking more like hair or grass. The smaller strands were long and held together in an orange ponytail. He wore an animal pelt vest that looked quite old, it looked as if it had been sewn back in some places. He also wore a green-pelted loincloth that was sewn together at both sides over his burned-red colored animal fur pants. He had a small knick in his left foreleaf that hung over his face, looking like a leaf was ripped a few years ago. He was the age of nineteen.

As the man at the stand was bending down to dig some merchandise out of a box, the blond deku looked over the stand as his eyes scanned for the item before, when he soon spotted it. '... Iris'll be surprised I'm going to do this... She may call me a hypocrite given what I tell her all the time...' He looked around himself... It was quite empty in the marketplace right now, it being so early in the morning. He sighed, feeling a little guilty, as he reached up onto the counter to grab this beautiful ruby Deku Flower. He'd ducked down enough to where he wouldn't be seen behind the counter, with the object in his hand. When he'd reached the point of sitting down, he looked to the ruby flower in awe. 'I'd never actually seen one of these so close... I guess I understand the price.' He'd looked at it as he searched it for something, when he found a small piece of gold shine from inside the flower in the sun's morning light. He'd pulled the small gold strand, when he jumped slightly, as the small flower opened up to reveal not one, but two necklace strings made of gold. They connected to one tiny Deku-Seed, that looked like it broke into two. He'd smirked, realizing he'd found exactly what he searched for. '... Beautiful.'

The deku scrub jumped, when he'd caught sight of the man glaring at him over the stand. "Oops."
"I know you! You back to your old ways, Jacon!?" The man reached down to take the item from him, but Jace moved away quickly.
"HEY! Cut a broke guy some slack! I have plans for this, you should be flattered I'd wanted this one above all else you sell~!" Jace added, sounding cocky.
The man slammed his hand down "You have to pay like everyone else, you and you're foreign girlfriend should know that!"
Jace smiled, as he backed away slowly while putting the two necklaces back into the Deku Flower and closing it. "Don't bring her into this, she's not even with me."
"For once." The man began to walk out, as he began approaching Jace.
"I promise I'll pay ya' back soon! I don't break promises. I've ALWAYS paid people back, you know that." Jace raised an eyebrow and chuckled. Man, guilt was really kicking him in the gut right now, he hasn't had to do this in a good three years... When the man took off after Jace, The deku scrub dodged the man, and picked up a rock, throwing it at a fruit stand across from them. The large fruit came rolling out toward the merchant, and made him lose footing. Jace laughed, and ran off. "I PROMISE, I'll pay you back!"
Jace chuckled under his breath as he ran through crowds in South Clock Town. Everyone knew him from his travels, and moved out of his way. Though, not even knowing of his last actions. But most everyone knew he usually did pay people back when he got the chance...

"I think I'll stop and give an old friend a visit before going home." He sighed. He soon began walking, sure he'd lost the merchant. He'd passed through East Clock Town to make his way toward North Clock Town. He smiled when he saw the empty playground. He looked around, before sitting down on the grass, as he tried catching his breath from his running before. It was moments after when he'd heard something. He wasn't surprised to see a large nine-tailed silver fox appear a ways off from a patch of wild grass. The large fox was silver and had night blue and purple tipped paws, tails, and ears. And a small night blue patch on his chest. Mostly notable, were his red nearly shut eyes and his wide and sharp grin, followed by a friendly chuckle. This creature was known as a keaton in the land of Termina, and was quite rare to find one as old as this one- Who was at least over a hundred years old. But his attitude would be fit more for a young keaton, aside from his outstanding knowledge he'd gained over the years.

"Been a while young one!" The Keaton smiled, as he sat down before the deku, swishing his tails calmly. "What brings you to my home?"
Jace was about to speak, but was cut off. "I see you've finally made up your mind, quite a decision." The Keaton chuckled.
"Reading minds again I see?" Jace laughed. "I also came to see how you were doing."

"Fine. I was beginning to worry about y'all down at the Swamp, I never hear from you both." He seemed jokingly saddened at this, then perked back up. "I never see you two apart. I hoped things were alright when I first saw you walk this way." Silver Keaton seemed extremely relieved.
Jace only chuckled. "We're more than fine-"
"Obviously. Where is Iris now?"
"Can't you just read my mind?" Jace laid back.
Silver Keaton glanced up. "What's the fun in meeting with old friends, when we have no conversations?"
"True. I'd guess somewhere back in the village. I came here before she woke up. I told Skits to tell her I left to run an errand. I know she'd probably be eager to follow me if I told her myself that I needed to go alone..." Jace responded.
"Ah, she's still a curious one."
"Obviously." Jace added- Referring to what the Keaton said earlier. "She's cute that way, though." He sat, staring at the playground, before sighing. "Oh Keaton, she's changed and grown up so much. I can hardly believe how much she's changed since we met..."
Keaton having already read Jace's mind to catch up, nodded. "She's very bold now, and so much more open. She takes on challenges she wouldn't have dared to in the past. Though I'm sure dating you could be a reason. A girl would have to be crazy to stay with you this long, she is brave."
Jace simply rolled his eyes, giving a light, "Har-dee-har-har."
The silver fox laughed heartily, before looking to Jace with a grin. "Really though, your guidance has done her well in settling in here in Termina. And she's taught you much, as well. I..." he looked to Jace, his thought of anxiousness clouding through Keaton's mind. The fox's face went blank, before he gave a soft smile. "Ah, maybe it's time you head home."

Jace stood, eager to get back home. Though, he didn't mean to cut things short with Keaton... "Oh, no, I... Ah, sorry, but I'm just-"
"Excited? Nervous? Worried...? It's normal." Keaton chuckled. "Goodbye then. Drop me a visit later next time you two are here, I want to hear how things go."
"I'd waited this long, 'bout time I actually did something. I've talked to her about it, but she has no idea why. For all I know, she thinks I was just blabbering about Deku Society in Termina..."
"Well, be on your way then." Keaton rushed. He had a grin, per norm, and pushed Jace softly in the direction of the exit gate, much to the deku's surprise.
"Okay, bye." Jace left finally, and headed for the town Exit in North Clock Town.

Jace wasn't hesitant at first, and was walking quite fast. Over his long walk, he'd approached the start of the Southern Swamp, he then took in a deep breath. A knot started in his throat. He soon continued, as he went deeper into the Swamp.


"Why so quiet, is something troubling you?" Spoke a gentle voice towards a girl in front of her.
"Huh?" The girl looked up. This girl had long autumn colored leaves, each tipped with honey-blond. She wore a purple shirt and a skirt of light tan grass. She was accompanied by a black bird, who gazed up at her with his head cocked slightly. The girl's eyes looked like a wild dancing flame, unlike Termina's common deku scrub- Who's eyes gave a calm still glow. One could look at her and compare her to another girl of Termina, and would be able to tell she was different. She was nineteen years old.

"Hm?" The voice asked once more. This other deku woman was known as the Queen actually. She sat in the Palace Gardens with the girl, and gazed kindly as if waiting for her to answer.
The girl shook her head, before answering with a stuttering voice. "Uh, Y-yes your highness. I'm fine."
"I was beginning to worry for you my dear. I didn't know if you were hearing what I was saying." The Queen gave a light chuckle. "I'd asked where Jace was, miss Iris."
Iris found a sort of dislike to being called miss, making her feel older... But she was a young woman, so she was a little older than she felt. Iris stared intently at the flower bed a ways off, before finally answering. "I don't quite know... Skits told me he'd left early this morning to run an errand. What on earth he'd be doing is beyond me. What kind of errand would he be running?"
"Jace is a strange one, you never truly know what he'll do next, but don't fret. I'm sure he's just repaying some poor merchant again..." The Queen simply looked in the direction of where Iris was gazing, before looking back at her.
"But we usually go to Clock Town together... He's probably mad at me."
The Queen seemed to look a little concerned after that. "What could he possibly be mad at you for?"
"...Well, a few days ago, I said some things to him. I guess I didn't exactly choose my words right, and he took it the wrong way. I told him that he needs to stop trying to be so much like his father, I kinda forgot how I worded it, but I apparently worded it very harshly. Due to that, he took it the complete wrong way, and I guess he thought I was implying that he'd never be as good as him, or something. But he's always so reckless, that I don't want him to hurt himself... He's always going on about how his father did things for others regardless of danger, and that worries me..." Iris looked down, and messed with a pebble with the tip of her worn tan shoe.
Truth be told, the Queen knew where Jace was and what he was doing... Most of the royal family knew. But she didn't know of what Iris said to him... Jace never mentioned it, and usually, if something bothered Jace, the Queen would be the first to know, since she's a sort of an adoptive motherly figure to him, and always has been. If he never mentioned it, it couldn't have bothered him that bad.
"..." Iris stared again, growing quiet. "... Okay." She began, "I've been... Wondering about something else too, to tell you the truth."
"Oh?" The Queen simply replied.
Iris sighed. "He's been acting... Odd. I mean, he's always acted odd, but more than usual... He's been quiet, jumpy, and he's always thinking hard on something, I mean, half the time I'm talking to him, I don't think he hears me. I can't tell if it is because of what I said to him or if it's something else."
"I see." The Queen answered.
The autumn-leaved girl continued "Then, a few days ago, before what I said, he brought up the strangest thing. He'd asked me if I knew about Terminian Deku Marriage, which, of course I wouldn't know much about it, so I told him 'No'. And he explained it to me, oddly enough." She stared at the ground. "Could it be possible he's going to-... Nah, I doubt it, he's not the kind to say 'OH IRIS, I love you, let's go get married~!'. He's too... I don't know the word for it. He loves me, he does, but I can't see him binding himself to a marriage, not yet anyway. If it ever happens, I can see that being years from now."
The Queen laughed upon hearing her impersonation of Jace... She simply smiled after. "It seems you've got a lot on your mind..."
"You could say that..."
She rubbed Iris' head and replied. "Jace tends to yammer on about our society to you, doesn't he? I wouldn't think too hard on what he says."

The Queen soon looked back toward the entrance of the garden, before giving a delighted expression.
Iris turned, noticing her actions. "Speak of the devil."
Walking in, with a skip in his step, was Jace. He approached Iris from behind while she still sat, then hung over her to look at her from above. He began, sounding more than happy to see Iris as he toyed with a leaf on her head. She wasn't really expecting it, seeing as he's been abnormally quiet and dreary since a few days ago. "Good morning~!"
"Thank you for leaving me worried this morning." Iris joked, glancing up at him.
"You worry too much." He winked.
Iris rolled her eyes.
"What're doing here?" Jace asked.
Iris leaned back against him. "I got bored."
"Ah." Jace looked down at Skits, who only gave a short glance back.
"So what was that errand? You never told me about any errands before." Iris asked with a raised eyebrow.
Jace answered. "Nothing really." The way he ended his sentence, she could tell he wasn't going to tell her anymore than that little bit on the errand subject.
Iris sighed. "Whatever you say."
"We should probably let her highness get back to her day, though..." Jace added "The royal life is a busy one."
The Queen gave a short chuckle. "It's no trouble having you two, though."
Iris began. "Nah, he's right. I probably shouldn't have come here like that."
"Okay then. You two drop by if you need to, though." The Queen winked at Jace, before standing from her stump seat. "Good luck to you both."
Iris was little confused as to why she'd wish them good luck, but nodded in response.

The guards still had a habit of giving the two commoners ugly looks, but due to the Queen's orders, they were told to let Iris and Jace in when they so chose to come by.
"Go on now." A guard spoke rudely.
Jace merely ignored him. "So, got any plans today?" He asked Iris.
Iris stood "No. I've got nothing."
"Well, if you're up to it, wanna check out this place I found?" Jace seemed excited.
"What place?" Iris cocked her head, as did Skits.
Jace continued "It's up near Wood Fall Temple. I found this hidden path between the trees. It takes a Deku Flower to get there, but it leads to someplace absolutely amazing, you'd love it. I'm surprised I'd never found it before... " By now, Jace, Iris, and Skits were on their way outside the Palace and toward the swamp.
"..." Iris began to think. "...What were doing up by the Wood Fall Temple?"
"You know me. I love traveling the forests." Jace responded.
"And where was I?"
Iris wasn't surprised. "Oh wait, you mean that day we came back from Great Bay about a week ago?"
"Yep. You were out like a light when we got back to the Swamp, I figured I wouldn't wake ya'." Jace held his hands behind his head. "So? How 'bout it?"
"Well, I'd love to, sounds interesting enough." Iris glanced up at Skits with a smile, as Skits hovered overhead.

Jace seemed quite thrilled, but he soon added. "Cool! We'll go first thing tonight."
"... Tonight? Why not now?" Iris rose an eyebrow as she leaned slightly on the Palace door-way.
"That's the whole surprise. Let's just say it isn't nearly as cool during the day. It's beautiful, but believe me, you'll like it much better when we get there tonight."
Iris sighed. "Whatever you say."
"Trust me, you wont regret it." Jace winked.
Iris soon spoke. "Only thing I'm worried about are forest monsters. You said it was on an old forest trail..."
"Yeah, Some Kease and a few Chus, but I wouldn't say Wolfos bad."
Iris shivered at the mention of Wolfos. "Oh, okay..."
Jace simply shrugged. "I'll bring our swords if it makes you feel any better."

Iris skipped out over the water, before landing on a lily pad a ways off. She repeated till she reached the deku shrine at the side of the palace, which lead through to a secret trail toward the village. Jace was soon to follow, when Skits flew ahead through the high-sky.

Iris remained quiet. She usually was quiet when she was in thought. She felt guilt. Even though Jace hasn't mentioned anything about what she said, she was still worried it had something to do with him being quiet toward her. Looking back, she was harsh that day. She sighed lightly, and Jace was walking ahead by now, when he noticed Iris falling behind.
"..." Iris jumped and looked toward him.
Jace began "You sure are acting funny. Is something wrong?"
"No, nothing's wrong. Just... Tired." She lied.
Jace looked ahead, he didn't believe her.

Time seemingly flew by, pretty lazy hours of pretty much doing nothing. Jace played around with his knives by throwing them at chosen targets. Iris just did what she usually did when things were peaceful: Lay on the hammock that hung between two trees in the shadows of the forest, just in front of the clearing where Jace's home sat. From time-to-time, she glanced over at him, and watched him toss a knife as if it was a dart. She found it cool how he could do that still with such accuracy. Actually, since three years ago when she first met him, he could do that, but he plays around with knives so much, he's gotten scarily great at it... She sighed, and closed her eyes. It was so thick in the Deku Forest beyond the swamp, it was like another world from how shadowy it all was- with the exception of the blots of light painting the ground and scenery through the tree's leaves. Iris loved the shadows, and felt safer being in it, and always has since her days in Hyrule. Everything seemed unnaturally large and healthy compared to most of Termina's plant life the further the forest got. It's no wonder Jace decided to live so far back in it. It's always nice to return to after a long day. Iris eventually drifted off while running over her over-lapping thoughts.

"Hey!" An excited voice called.
Iris squeaked and jumped, nearly falling off the hammock "What!?"
"It's getting dark, time to head out!" Jace answered, standing next to her.
She groaned. "It wouldn't have killed you to wake me up slowly..."
"You'll wake up on the way." Jace smirked.
Iris grumbled to herself. She didn't know where Skits was. Probably flying around the swamp or sleeping... She yawned, before getting up. "Lead the way..." She added tiredly.
Jace smiled, more than happy to.

It was such a commonly-known path to and through the Deku Village and passed the Deku Palace. They never did go up to Woodfall much, however. Iris still remembered the way, though. But it was when they got there that Jace showed one solitary flower that sat on a lifted earthy-platform behind Woodfall's shrine. Iris had seen it before, but never paid much mind to it. Jace went first to show her the way. He burrowed into the flower, before he was shot out into the sky holding onto two large flowers, of which made him hover to a pretty hard to see spot high above the walls that surrounded the Wood Fall area. Iris soon followed, and when she reached the top, she was amazed to find that there was in fact a forest trail a ways off down the side of Woodfall. Here, it was positioned where one wouldn't see it when walking into the Swamp. No, this was on the other side which was unseeable from eyes down on the surface. So she followed Jace closely. During their walk, the sun had finally disappeared from the indigo-blue night sky, as the moon slowly, with the hours, had begun replacing the bright light of day. Under the trees on the old and grown-over path, it was dark, thanks to the wild greenery covering view from the sky. Jace was right, there were a few monsters. Mostly Kease. None had interest in attacking the two deku scrubs, thankfully. She never saw any Chus, though.

"Hey, Jace?" Iris began. He simply looked over at her kindly, with a face that asked "What is it?"
"... Did I make you mad a while back?" Iris asked.
Jace's eyes widened slightly "Huh... What do you mean?"
"A few days ago, when I got onto you for being so reckless, did I hurt your feelings or something, or make you mad?"
Jace thought back, and remembered "... No, why would it?"
"You've been so quiet since then... You haven't really been talking to me much, I figured you were upset with me."
"Of course not... That'd be a stupid reason to get mad, or even stay mad..."
Iris felt a little relieved.
"You mean to tell me that something that happened a few days ago, something so small, was bothering you like that even now?" Jace asked, as she nodded. Jace only shook his head, before continuing. "Iris, you've really gotta stop dwelling on stuff like that. It's not something worth losing sleep over."
Iris looked down. "Well, just not like you to be so quiet and cold with me."
The boy suddenly felt a bit sheepish... He didn't realize he had been. "I was never mad at you, I've just had a lot on my mind to be honest..." Jace felt a little bad that him being the way he's been has made her feel it was her fault. People know her to give a tough act, but he- and Royal family- have seen her true side, which can be sensitive sometimes. She shows care for people's feelings more than others know. Even if she wont show it, if she happens to say something she regrets, it tends to haunt her. There's still things she apologizes for that she'd said three years ago...

"What happened to you?" Jace chuckled "You used to be so tough..."
"I am!" Iris paused. "I guess seeing you all crabby was just bugging me." she puffed up her cheeks and glared at him.
Jace looked ahead "I'm used to the rude, sarcastic, "I don't give a crap" Iris that doesn't mind hitting or smacking people, Usually me..., when they need it. As a matter of fact, you should've just hit me before and told me I was being a donkey's behind."
"Oh brother, I don't hit you..."
"Yes, you do... Well, usually smacking me upside the head."
Iris added "I don't recall doing that in a while."
"You smacked me in your sleep last night!"
Iris busted out laughing right there. She tried picturing that.
"I was afraid to go back to sleep." Jace laughed. "You even mumbled something after..."
Iris giggled as she looked at her feet "Heheh, sorry. You just make for a cute punching-bag I guess."
"Unfortunately." Jace threw in.
Jace walked ahead, and moved some vines out of the way to reveal more of the old path way. Him and Iris walked through quietly until Jace's face lit with a small smirk. They soon began to grow closer to what looked like a cave in the side of a rock wall... Iris gulped "Are we going through there?"
"Yep. Only way through." Jace answered. "There's nothing in there worth fearing."
Iris hesitantly followed him in. Their eye's glowing lit the area right in front of them. For a while, it was just a straight corridor, but it slowly began to twist and curve. There weren't other tunnels connected, though. It was all one-way. Iris looked down to see that they started walking up rocky and earthy steps. She started to see the same kind of mushrooms that grow in Jace's home, on the walls and floor, as well- which glowed a faint neon green.
"So where are you taking me?" Iris' voice echoed in question.
"Some place special, that's all I can tell you." Jace replied, only slightly turning his head back.
Iris sighed. She was more-so impatient to see what it was, and why it was so important that he had to bring her all the way up here. They'd been walking for a while.

Jace's leaves gave a small twitch, when he saw a growing light ahead.
When they finally did reach the top of the stairway to meet the tunnel exit, Iris and Jace found themselves completely surrounded in thick tangled vines, and what seemed to be ancient looking trees that grew much wider than the trees seen back at the common part of the forest and swamp. Jace looked up, as the small blots of the sky's dim light seeped through the crevices and open spaces between the thick and tangled greenery of the forest canopy. Iris inhaled, and then sighed as a soothing and clean breeze eased by, carrying the scents of many flowers with it. Jace moved ahead, and moved the vines away. "Look..."
Iris froze in her step forward, her eyes so heavily fixated on the scene before her...

Ahead was a huge clearing, much larger than any she'd seen. At the far edge of the clearing near a large set of boulders was a crystal clean spring, that was so clear, you could see the very bottom even at it's deepest. The entire clearing was filled with wild flowers, one's she'd never seen before. What was most noticeable were the many glowing lights hovering and playing over the large clearing- Mostly around the spring. These lights were fairies, of yellows, whites, golds, and light grays. Some were forest green or very very light blue. Some were even dark colors. When looking up at the sky, it seemed the stars were more visible with all the forest out of the way. But what trees could be seen in the distance, were huge! This almost seemed like a part of the forest never discovered before. But she knew that couldn't have been true, seeing as there's a trail leading up to it. But one would think by how different the plant life is here, it wasn't even part of the swamp.

"We're elevated up at another area around Woodfall, at the side of the mountain, actually. This is closer to Termina's South wildlands as far as plant life goes, than what we're used too. C'mere for a sec." Jace walked over the clearing until he reached one of it's ginormous boulders. Iris walked up, as Jace gave an outreached hand. She took it and climbed the huge boulder, and stood on top with Jace.
"Look out there. See anything?"
"..." Iris looked around, when she gasped "I see the Palace! And look, we can see part of Termina field!"
Jace added "This side of the swamp slants upward and curves toward the mountain and grows into it. Which is why we're so high up right now. If we keep walking on down, we'll probably end up in the wildland's borders."

Jace snickered "This is the place I wanted to show you. I figured you'd like it." He climbed down to step down on the grass, Iris soon followed.
Iris looked closely at the wild flowers. "These are odd... I've never seen these before. What are these?"
"That, I'm afraid, is something I can't answer." Jace responded. "Half the plant life here, I've never seen anything like before. I can guess these trees have been here much longer than even the Deku Kingdom's Palace... Or maybe even Clock Town..." He found himself facing one of the massive trees in awe, as he gazed up to it's beautiful leafy top, which was much higher than his usual trees at home.

Iris let a young fairy land on her hand... It looked like a little speck compared to most of the larger fairies. Iris gave a low "Awww." She smiled. "I guess this is where all of Termina's fairies live?" The little fairy hovered off elsewhere after examining the two Deku Scrubs.
"Beats me." Jace added on "But they seem to like it here, and especially like that spring. So it's definitely a living place for some."

Iris and Jace spent a lot of time looking around, talking about the things they were seeing or why no one even comes up here. Eventually, Iris just laid down on the grass and stared up at the sky, watching the fairies flutter by back and forth. Jace took out his sword and leaned on it. Iris only glanced for a moment before asking "Why'd you get that out?"
"I wanted to ask you something."
"Does it involve training?" Iris groaned.
Jace smirked "It involves swordplay."
"Same difference."
"We haven't practiced in forever, y'know?" Jace responded.
Iris soon added "You practice almost everyday."
"But not you."
"I don't really deem it as important."
"You may need to practice a little." he said, laying his head down on the handle of his sword. He plastered a begging expression on his face, and added, "Pleeaassseee?"
"Why, exactly? I thought we came up here to relax?" Iris added on.
Jace blinked "Wait, you want exactly...? Well, this is relaxing to me... And, y'know, I think you're kinda hot during a fight. I just want you to show me your moves, been a long time..." he gave a small smirk, which could only be seen in his eyes. His tone trying to be annoyingly saucy.
She cut her eyes at him, though rolled her eyes flippantly after. "What if I don't want to? I for one just want to sit back and relax."
"Aw, you can do that tomorrow."
Iris chuckled "You're annoying, you know that?" She glanced up at him.
Jace laughed "And you're stubbornly lovable. The more you turn me down, the more I tease, you know."
"Touche`." Iris giggled.
"C'mon." Jace added.
Iris chuckled "Alright, fine..." Iris stood up and unsheathed her sword.
Jace snickered, before standing up straight again. "Now we're talking babe."
"Really? Babe?" Iris cut her eyes. She knew Jace only did it to mess with her, though. She honestly didn't mind.
Jace let Iris make the first move. She swung her sword toward his side, when they collided blades in a locked-block. Jace never got tired of sword fighting with her, as he not only enjoyed the time he spent with her, but this also took him back to when he was being trained by his father. He enjoyed having a sparring partner every now and then. But with Iris, it felt a bit more personal and close, almost intimate. What with how well they read each other, they were always interesting matches. Just like how they danced, one was familiar with the way the other moved. Their hearts beat as one- no matter how rough or simple the fight, and they knew how to move with each other; it was like an unspeakable poetry for Jace. Though it was thanks to Jace that Iris was so good with a sword now- though, she's learned over the years that she prefers her innate senses and natural defense over bladed weapons, and only feels compelled to use weapons if needed. Still, she enjoyed crossing blades every now and then.

Iris noticed that during the whole thing, he was being very mindful of his rucksack that he'd brought with him, till he eventually sat it down far off. She was tempted to ask what he was hiding.
They'd been fighting playfully for quite a time. "Gosh, you've gotten good." Jace commented, blocking a hard and steady swing from Iris. "I didn't think you'd be this good."

Iris only smirked, sending a strong downward slash at him, which he hastily blocked. The quiet air around the clearing was filled with clangs and crashes when ever the metals collided. Iris wasn't even aware that their fight had moved closer to the spring. But when her foot stepped into the water, her attention was brought straight from the fight to the cold water filling her shoe as she jumped. When she stopped, she'd kept her blade raised over her face due to her preparing to block an attack when she stepped in. Jace didn't notice she wasn't even paying attention, when he swung his sword towards her sword. The force of the collision caused Iris to squeak, and fall. She tossed her sword away so she wouldn't fall with it.
"Oh-I gotcha!" Jace dropped his sword at his side when he quickly tried reaching to stop Iris' fall. At that same time, she'd reached up and threw her arms around him, pulling him down with her.

The clear water splashed up and onto the grass, as all the calm fairies suddenly bursted away from the area. When the water crashed back to the earth and spring and everything grew quiet again, the fairies came rushing back to see what has just happened.
Jace popped out of the water and gasped. "Whoo!... That water's cold..."
Iris gasped, her leafy-bangs hanging over her face, only one eye showing. She shook her head, hitting Jace with more water.
"I guess we should've been more careful." Jace snickered.
"What a find Captain Obvious." Iris added sarcastically.
Jace found her sarcasm cute. "Well, look at the bright side: We don't have to worry about taking a bath when we get home."
Iris rolled her eyes and pushed him back in the water with a smirk. "How'd I know something like this was going to happen?"
"Cause things like this always do happen. We're disasters waiting to happen, didn't you know that?" Jace joked when he sat back up.

Jace stood up and shook his ponytail. He turned to the sopping wet deku girl sitting in the water, as she moved her wet bangs out of her face. He helped her up shortly after.
They walked out of the water, as the fairies departed and went about their business once more.
"I'm glad it's actually warm up here..." Iris shook herself of the water again.
Jace chuckled "I wonder how many of those fairies were laughing at us?"
"Don't know." Iris laid down on the grass again.
Jace was soon to follow, when he laid down next to her. He was still drenched...

After a while, everything just so suddenly became too quiet... Jace had brought Iris here for a specific reason- And that reason, has yet to show. But his impatience was killing him. He eventually sat up, got to his feet, and walked toward his rucksack, of which Iris merely glanced, before fixating her eyes back to the stars. Her attention was brought to Jace again, when he sat back down next to her. "Could you sit up for a moment?"
She sat up right away, and looked at him curiously.
"I've been thinking-" He paused. At the very thought of what he was about to do made his stomach uneasy. A very rare case of butterflies. Rare for him anyway. He continued "We've been together for three years. In all that time, we've spent it all traveling Termina..."
"I love traveling, you know that. But... What if we, I don't know... Stayed in the Swamp for a bit... Settled down and chill out?"
Iris was taken aback... That was the last thing she expected.
"I mean, what I'm trying to say is- Do you want that?"
"... Well, seeing Termina's nice, but a break would be great." Iris smiled.
Jace smirked "I mean... A long break."
"A... Long break?" Iris was a little confused.
He mentally slapped himself in the head, and thought a bit. Jace reached into his rucksack. He was unbearably nervous. Why? He didn't exactly know. He pulled out a thick balled up cloth. Iris figured it was something he got for her, he'd done that three years ago at the carnival when he gave her the Moon's Tear. He unwrapped it, and when she saw the sparkling red, it immediately dazzled her. The shape was that of a Deku Flower closed, and he gave it to her.
"This is... Gorgeous..." She looked at it, from top to bottom. She soon figured out the bottom of the flower spun. She twisted it, and the petals popped open, making her jump slightly. Her flared orbs stared at the small necklace intensely- No, two necklaces- in the center of the opened flower. She picked them up and looked over the connected necklaces that shone in a brilliant gleaming blue. They were in the shape of a Deku Seed. She pulled the necklace apart and laid the Ruby Flower down gently by her leg.

"Iris." He gently took her hands, with the necklaces still in them, and asked sincerely "I ask would it be okay, if we shared our lives together?"
"..." Iris was speechless.
"Will you marry me, Iris?"
Her expression froze, only her eyes actually doing anything- Which grew wide. Her leaves twitched. She blinked, when her eyes slowly looked down at her hand in Jace's own, before moving them out slightly to look at half the necklace. She felt a little stupid for not knowing he was going to ask, but she never imagined herself getting married till now...
He waited patiently, his leaves tensed back as he looked her in the face.
She sat the necklace in his hand. He was afraid that was a 'No'. His leaves dropped, feeling like all that courage he'd mustered up was for nothing.
She sighed, before suddenly taking both his hands and holding them tightly. He looked up, confused.
"Jace... I..."
"Yes?" he asked.
She smiled, and looked down. In all honesty, she was trying to keep from shouting in complete excitement. She finally looked up to him, before letting go of his hands to wrap her arms around him tightly, knocking him backward when she threw herself at him.
"WHOA!" He exclaimed, and he laid on his back against the grass. Iris hugged him, before moving away to sit over him. "Of course I will! Why or even how would I say no!?" Her thrilled voice answered happily in response. She stared intently at his eyes, and his own were wide as dinner plates toward her unexpectedly excited response.
"R-really!?" Jace looked up to her.
"Of course!" Iris squeaked.
Jace took a deep breath before sighing.
Iris leaned down from over him to push her snout to his for a few moments to kiss him, before pulling away. As she pulled away, he moved his head up with hers, before finally allowing their snouts to part. She gazed softly, before laying herself back against the grass next to him...

"I can't believe it..." He smiled, that's all he could really say.
"I know! I can't believe it, we're getting married, wait till Skits hears, and the Queen!" Iris held him close.
Iris held the necklace still in her grip. After a moment of letting it sink in, Jace sat up with her and took one necklace gently, and undid the clip to put it on Iris, before putting his on. The whole point of the necklaces were like engagement rings. The couple wears them till the day they are married. He looked her over in her new necklace. "You always look good in blue."
Iris giggled. She threw both her arms over his shoulders and around him, when she nuzzled him. He had to admit, he liked her sarcastic attitude, but he adored this side too. He nuzzled back, and sighed.
"So looking forward to it?" He asked, feeling nervous about the whole thing to come now.
She answered sweetly. "More than you know. I could never say no. I could see it all over your face, thinking I would."
"I didn't doubt you." He chuckled.
"Liar." she teased.

They laid back against the grass again, Jace having his arm partially around her shoulder. His legs were sitting up bent and crossed, Iris' were the same, though her legs were stretched out a bit more. Iris felt so happy and energetic- They both did! It was a special moment, nothing could make the situation better. As they remained in silence, Jace finally broke the silence with a chuckling response- "Okay, I was kinda scared you'd think I was asking too soon."
Iris turned over toward him, and playfully nudged his shoulder, much to his surprise. "I knew it! You big pansy, lying to me." she faked sounding irritated, before pushing his foreleaves over his face. He just laughed, it having tickled a bit. Well, and at her behavior. In response, he reached over and held her to himself and gave her a noogie on the head, which she quickly pulled away from, followed by a faux-threat to shoot Jace in the face with a deku nut. She had a serious look on her face for moment, before they just lost it laughing together on the grass. Fairies were entertained by the roughhousing deku, as they giggled while floating by. It had been years since the fairies had seen other races, so it was a bit different. Though given Jace had been here recently when he found the place, so some were familiar with him, at least.

Iris finally calmed down and rested silently on the grass beside her lover. A deku's smile formed at the sides of her eyes and she sighed. She couldn't see Jace wanting to take the time to stop and settle down. Not meaning that they couldn't continue their travels even after being married of course, it'd just make it better in her opinion.
"It'll take some time to take all this in." Jace chuckled nervously.
"Why? We're always together, we might as well have been married before." Iris answered with a lifted eyebrow.
Jace soon added "Yeah, but marriage is different. It's taking that next step in our lives. It's just-"
"How's it so different?" Iris cut in.
"Marriage is a lifelong bond. Once you've been bonded by the Rose of Woodfall, the mark is there eternally. It's just... I don't know... And loads of other things." Jace honestly didn't feel like running down every bit of marriage-based detail... Not that he was bothered, he was very excited! He'd figured they'd just cross these bridges when they come as they usually do. He knew somewhere along the road before they did get married, they needed to plan.
"... You forgot kids." Iris joked, clearly having no true interest at the moment. If Jace asked her honestly, she'd say no before his question even finished.
Though, he took her seriously by accident. He grew wide eyed "Isn't it a little soon to be thinking about that!?"
"I was kidding, spaz." Iris answered "... Not like I want any any time soon, yeesh."
For some reason, he wasn't really all that keen on the whole 'KIDS' subject. "I'm not really, y'know, up to that anyway."
"That's the biggest load of bull you've told me in a long time." Iris laughed "Why would you not be a kid person? You're an overgrown kid yourself... And you love kids! You're good with them. Since when would you be bothered about having some of your own?"
"I just, well, y'know..."
"You couldn't imagine yourself with a little girl or boy?" Iris smiled. "Now I'll be the first to say "Heck no! right now, but you?"
Jace shook his head "..."
Iris paused "... This is about your curse, isn't it?"
"No, it isn't-"
"Yes it is." Iris sat up, and glanced back at him.
Jace paused, before answering "Okay, it is."
"Jace, that curse is gone, and has been gone. You're still paranoid over it?" Iris tilted her head.
"Pretty hard not too. I know it's gone, but having it for so long is hard to forget. I can't help picturing myself grieving over a stillborn daughter. Sadly, those things can still happen, curse or no." Jace looked away at a passing fairy.
Iris leaned away slightly and blinked as all grew silent. This is the first she's heard him speak about the curse in a long time, and wouldn't have guessed it still bothered him.

The Hylian deku's leaves drooped. After painting that depressing picture in her head, she didn't blame him. She looked down, before glancing back at him. "Sorry I brought that up... It was a bit soon, even as a joke."
"I needed to say something anyway, I feel a little better getting that out of my system. Besides, you're right, the curse is gone, so it'll never happen. Chances of such things between a healthy couple and flower care are rare."
"Though, you would still make a great father. Not that I want to become a mother anytime soon." Iris chuckled nervously.
Jace raised an eyebrow "Uh, yeah. I hope that wont be anytime soon, Dear..."

"Skits would kill you." Iris giggled.
"Not to say he wouldn't want to kill us both..." Jace glanced around, in hopes Skits wasn't somewhere around eavesdropping, as he's been found to do sometimes...
Iris chuckled "Then there's Gewl."
"She'll want to kill you even after she hears we're engaged." Jace laughed out loud "She's hopeless... I mean, it seems no matter what, no guy can stand her. Then she walks around whining that you stole me from her."
"... She's pathetic." Iris looked off.
"Agreed." Jace stood up, and stretched. The night was progressing, but Jace didn't want to spend it doing nothing. "... What do you want to do now?"
Iris looked up to Jace, then stood "Well... What do you want to do?"
Jace looked around the wide field as the fairies around spread their light across it all. A small deku smirk grew on his delighted face, before turning to iris, and bowing slightly "Would like to dance, I mean, for old time's sake?"
Iris gave him an odd look, before approaching him "Been a while... Don't know how well I'd do."
The blond deku took her hand "Best be working on those steps again then, huh?"
"I guess so." Iris replied. "I'll accept this dance then."
"Wise choice m'lady." Jace winked.
Iris rolled her eyes, before she began to sway, grasping Jace's hands. If they did dance, they didn't often slow dance. It didn't take her long to catch up with his movements, though. The fairies seemed to enjoy Iris and Jace's company. They haven't seen any village dwellers in ages. Some watched, as others flew in and played around them both. Most of the fairies never spoke, and the few that did, seemed to speak in another language. Even playfully, some seemed to dance along beside them, which was humorous for the couple.

Iris and Jace danced for quite a time... Though they honestly didn't know how long they'd been here by the spring now.
"You know what?" Jace began, after pulling Iris to him "Why don't we make this our hangout? Just the two of us?" He'd gestured to the wide field. "Time to ourselves and nothing more."
Iris loved the sound of that. She wouldn't mind living here if it wasn't so far from the Village. But everything was peaceful here, and she even enjoyed the fairies. "Sounds like a plan."
"Yeah. Maybe come here just to dance our nights away... Just like this." Jace looked her in the eyes.
She chuckled, before letting his hands go. She threw her arms gently around Jace's shoulders, and moved close "Perhaps."
Jace smiled warmly, and laid his hands over and around her arms. He gave into finally leaning in, before softly pressing his snout to hers, as she did the same. As they simply swayed, they began to rub snouts softly, as the fairies all went about their business again, as if leaving the two alone now.

They continued to nuzzle and rub against each other, before finally moving away after a little time. Jace could see by the look on Iris' face that she was getting tired... "Do you wanna head back? You look tired."
"... I hate to say it, but yes. I wouldn't mind staying up here if I wasn't worried about Skits having a coronary wondering where I am."
Jace chuckled "Okay. But, before we go. Do you really accept that, after tonight, we'll be officially engaged? I mean, do you truly think we're ready for this?"
Iris smiled, before leaning into Jace "I do."
"I'm delighted to hear so." Jace sighed softly, before moving away. Iris yawned, excited about tomorrow's coming... And how she'd tell everyone about the news...
"What should we call this place?" Jace asked, picking up his rucksack and sword, and handing Iris the Deku Flower trinket.
Iris' orbs followed the fairies, before answering "The Fairy Meadow?"
"Fitting enough." Jace replied, smiling at a yellow fairy that flew in front of his face as it spoke an old language, which he was not familiar with. "...I'm going to take that as a goodbye." Jace chuckled, as he turned to Iris.

To Be Continued...