A/N: ugh, so okay I just have so many feels for Haru and Makoto and I just... I came up with this idea of a fanfic and cannot leave it alone -_- The feels I just can't-

But yeah, this is just a preface for what's to come :) Let me know what you think! Updates won't take too long, especially since I have the middle of this fic done. I just need to write the beginning and end... (I feel like I did that wrong XD)


At the young age of eight, Haru was given a look into true darkness, and the vision he saw was terrifying.

For everyone else, death was considered the loss of the living. People would mourn and cry, but they would soon pick themselves back up and continue with their daily lives. Would they forget? No. Would they say they weren't affected by the loss? No. But they had two legs to stand on and fight. Stronger still, they had friends and family to keep them tall through the difficult time. They were not alone.

But for Haru, death was the vivid symbol of being completely alone. It was this, rather than the loss, that was so traumatizing to him. What Haru feared most was nothing more than being surrounded by blackness.

There was only a single light that kept him from drowning. His best friend.

He lost his grandmother to time, and his uncle to fate.

He lost his friend Rin to destiny, and his parents to opportunity.

But always there, holding out a hand with a smile, was Makoto.

No matter how dark the water seemed to get, and how much his heart seemed to hurt, he always had a light to battle the darkness.

But Haru should have known that even the strongest of lights can be diminished.

And where was the darkness? Lying in wait, patiently waiting for its return.