I thought I'd better put this note in so I could answer the question I'm seeing in the reviews. No, I am not going to write sequels. Every time I have, they've been forced. I've been requested to write sequels before and have, but I never like them as much as the first one and they are much harder to write. It becomes a chore for me and is not as good to read. My sequels never turn out very well, and I don't update them very frequently at all. If you've ever read my story "One of Us", the sequel to "The Trouble With Rain," you'd see my point. The whole story seemed rushed, and the farther I got, the longer it took me to write each chapter. By the end of the story, I think I was posting once a month. It wasn't fun to write and I annoyed my readers with my lack of chapters. It just wasn't as good as the first story. I am not going to ruin this one with a sequel. I believe this story is the best written work I've ever done. I don't want to undermine this story with an awful sequel.

I am sorry if this disappoints you, but I've made my decision. I will carry on writing "The Yellowfang and Nightcloud Show," so you'll just have to be content with that. I am not sure I'm going to begin another big project right away or not.