Disclaimer: I don'w own anything

Loki took a deep breath and looked around at the bodies of mutants and HYDRA agents scattered around the battlefield. It had been a long fight, a long day, a long everything. It was done.

"Of course, sir" Hill finished her conversation with the Director and then sat down on the ground exhausted. Loki followed her lead.

"I'm going to run SHIELD from now on" she said looking around at the dead bodies and at the mutants who were trying to find their friends between enemies' corpses.

"What's left of it anyway" the agent supplied. She was really glad it all turned out alright. It could have gone way worse. Being Director of shield didn't sound as terrifying as it did before. She could probably do it. Things would go smoothly. Only that she needed a Deputy Director to keep in touch with the ramining SHIELD agents and someone else to make sure of everyone's loyalties. That was the hard part.

Loki stretched his back before saying "What about Fury?"

"He's going low-profile for now. Has things to take care of."

That was true. She suspected it had something to do with Pierce's betrayal. If Alexander Pierce, a man who had been one of the only people the Director of SHIELD had to listen to had betrayed the agency, who's to say the Council weren't associated with HYDRA.

She never like those people and she was glad Fury was onto them. They might only be dicks, but there also might be something else there, hidden among countless secrets.

Storm and Wolverine approached them and dropped down on the grass too. All four sat in silence and watched the mighty Avengers get hugged by mutants for saving them

"Shiny costumes and cat-suits. Gettin' all the credit" Wolverine mutter but didn't really sound mad, just tired. They all were that way and honestly Loki was glad it wasn't him there in the middle of the mutants having to deal with them. All he wanted was to pass out for a few centuries at least. He had never before fully appreciated Odin's power to hibernate. He had found it pointless, but now he wished he was in his Lokisleep.

"We wouldn't have succeeded without them" Ororo looked at some children waving at her before being pushed through the door of the institute.

Natasha Romanoff approached them.

"Congratulations" she nodded towards Hill before gently lowering herself on the ground, flinching at each movement.


"Brother" all five looked up to see the god of thunder smile at his little brother. Loki's lips barely moved, but it was definitely a smile.

One by one, each Avenger came and sat down in the middle of the Institute's garden.

"What happened to Pierce?" Steve asked Loki, but Maria answered instead

"Ran off"

They all sat there for ten minutes straight, before the Professor made then either leave or get inside for a cup of tea. All they wanted was to go home to the Tower. Even Loki wanted that.

"Sorry, Clint, but no. Morse is probably going to get the position. Plus, you're never doing your own paper work and as a Commander you have to take care of other agents'. No hard feelings"

"Wait, wait" Clint waved his hands almost smacking Loki in the face. "Morse as in Bobbi Morse?"

Maria frowned. "How many people do you know with that name?"

Clint wasn't convinced. "Barbara Morse? Also known as 'Mockingbird'?"

"Is there a problem? Do you know something?" Maria questioned, Agent Morse had always been loyal to SHIELD, but with the HYDRA crisis, you couldn't be too sure.

Natasha held a hand up in front of Clint to stop him from talking. "Clint how many times have I told you that even though you two are divorced, you can't keep being an asshole every time she comes up in conversations."

"I don't have any problem with that and I am not an asshole ex-husband"

"You're an asshole in general" Natasha smirked


Hill smirked. "Oh, so that's your issue with her. No problems, as long as you're still an agent, you only have to see her as much as you had to see me."

Clint nodded and he and Natasha proceeded to enter the Avengers Tower. Maria didn't move from her spot, waiting.

Clint suddenly stopped and turned around. "But I saw you almost every day"

"Yep" the new Director of SHIELD popped the 'p' and then entered the building leaving the resident archer to pout in the street alone.

"So I was thinking about getting Coulson off May's back. He doesn't really need babysitting." Director Hill told Natasha while the elevator took the two of them and the archer up to the Avengers floor.

"We both know she likes her job there. Plus you won't manage to get her back on field missions."

Maria sighed. "It's a shame. There aren't many agents left that we are sure aren't HYDRA. Most of them went underground."

"I hear Sharon Carter's around. I would help you, Maria, but with the Avengers stuff going on I haven't had much free time." Natasha smiled apologetically at Agent Hill.

"Yeah, the team's a handful."

"Don't I know it"

The god of mischief and lies was leaning against a wall in the common room of the Avengers floor. Thor was talking to his team in another room about something. If it had something to do with Asgard and what happened to them back there, Loki would like to know, but he waited for Thor to come and tell him personally this time.

Plus, Maria Hill apparently wasn't allowed in their little team conversation either, so it wasn't like he felt too excluded.

"Are you going back on Asgard?" the woman asked him, finally raising her eyes from that tablet she'd been taping something on.

"Unless Thor has any means of getting there that I am not aware of, no I don't think so."

She nodded and returned to her work.

"Would it be a problem if I stayed here on Midgard?" he spoke after a few moments of silence

"With me or SHIELD?" she asked, not taking her eyes off the device.


She put the tablet down and crossed her hands over her chest, raising an eyebrow. "I think you proved that you've changed. Still, you killed a lot of people" he winced and she went on like she didn't notice. "But you helped us save the Institute. There are a lot of people who won't stand the fact that you'll stay here, but as far as I'm concerned you are free to stay."

"Thank you" he looked towards the door. "What do you think is the important conversation about?"

She shrugged. "I'd say they're talking about the same thing we are. You staying here."

He nodded and went to sit on the armchair in front of the couch Hill was sitting on. "They'll agree to it."

He didn't say anything, but was glad that she did. Maybe she was right. Sure, he missed Asgard, but he doubted Asgard missed him.

"There is no way for us to return home, my friends. We are to remain here for an unknown period of time." Thor told them, though they already knew that. Or at least guessed. "If you would have us, that is."

If anybody would have told them that they would agree to the idea of Loki remaining on Earth possibly forever a while back, they would all have laughed.

"Of course, Big Guy. What else could we do? Send you on the Moon?" Clint smiled at the god.

"Would you guys survive that, by the way? With your godly strength and all.." Tony trailed off.

"That's actually a pretty solid question." Bruce said while cleaning his glasses on his shirt. "We could go and run some tests back in the lab."

"Yeah, I mean theoretically Thor's unstoppable. The question is could he die from asphyxiation?"

"I'm sorry to burst your science-bubble, guys, but I'm pretty sure he'd die out there." Steve said looking at Thor who nodded.

"It is true, my friends. As powerful and capable as Asgardians are, we do need to breathe."

Natasha rolled her eyes. "Weren't we talking about something else, slightly more important than your scientifically theories?"

Tony waved a hand. "Yeah, about that. We're cool. If shield's cool, then everybody's cool."

"If you do remain here, then what are you going to do? Where are you going to stay?" Maria asked the god, who merely shrugged as if that wasn't an important issue.

"I'll manage." He said not taking his eyes off the floor, running his hands through his hair.

"You know, I do need some help rebuilding SHIELD." Loki's eyes shot up when Maria Hill stood up and walked towards him. She stopped in front of him and held a hand out to him. "I could use a man of your talents, Mr. Loki"

He smirked, stood up and shook her hand. "Delighted to help, Director Hill"

Back in Asgard, Frigga walked alone through the corridors of the palace. She opened the door to the throne room and smiled. She walked to the beautiful throne and sat down, tapping her fingers on it. At last she could rule Asgard how she wanted. They were all at her will. The impostor almostruined everything for good. The Asgardians faith in the Allfather became thin over the years and fake Odin's cruelty almost caused an uprising.

Asgard would once again rise and the other worlds will look once again towards it with fear and jealousy. Odin had ruled it well at first. It was the last few hundred of years that he became foolish. None of that anymore. She had mourned her husband ever since she laid her eyes upon the impostor. She knew the Allfather was dead. There was nothing she could do about him anymore. They held a beautiful ceremony after she made the announcement at the balcony so that the whole Asgard knew what had happened in the last months; so that they wouldn't remember their King as that despicable creature, but as the kind and proud man the Allfather had once been.

The King is dead.

Long live the Queen!

So that's it, guys! After more than I year I managed to finish it.

I've been thinking of writing something about how Thanos gets the other Infinity Stones. Something with Guardians of the Galaxy, but also some Asgard here and there.

Maybe one day...

I'd like to thank Akayuki Novak and fan girl 666 for being really supportive.

Thanks for reading!